MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 79 Lunar guest

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Most of the appearance of the base has changed. Most of the buildings are hidden under the wind and sand. The sky is covered with yellow sand. The rising sun is blocked by the rising sun, which makes the whole place appear a grayish-yellow color.

At the gate of the base, Dai Rong and his hundreds of mutants were waiting there to greet the arrival of the night broken sky.

When Ye Suikong and Wu Xingyun walked to the door, the hundreds of mutants saluted, and their actions were uniform and orderly. At this moment, Wu Xingyun seemed to have an illusion. What he came to was not a certain earth base in the last days, but a guard of the newly opened interstellar base.

Dai Rong's years of military career have been fully reflected in the area under his jurisdiction.

All of his men are mutants, uniform uniforms, neat movements, standing on both sides of the base road, with unusually straight postures, and holding standard weapons in their hands. The bullets and guns have been discarded. They used to wear The steel knives produced by the bones of mutant monsters uniformly produced by Rong's arsenal were added.

Ye Shoukong turned his head slightly, and said to Wu Xingyun, "Qinglong really is a soldier."

Wu Xingyun nodded, he found the former photographer Peng David among these people.

This also explains why the relationship between Yezhuangkong and Peng David is far away, because it is not the reason for Yezhangkong.

In the sky full of yellow sand and iron fort, a majestic middle-aged figure came over.

Ten years have passed, and Dai Rong's appearance has changed a lot. At that time, the general with a little literary temperament had become a true iron man, with a deep scar on his face, which made people Without careful identification, it would be difficult to distinguish his appearance.

Dai Rong quickly walked towards the two, and when they approached, he held Ye Yekong's hand tightly: "Ye Fan, Wu Yun, I haven't seen you in a long time."

The broken sky gave Dai Rong a hug: "Yes, general."

The three laughed together, and Dai Rong led the two towards the base, asking Ye Fan as he talked about what happened over the years.

Ye Fan said, "General Dai, why did you get that scar on your face?"

Dai Rong stunned, then pointed to his face and said, "This was left when I was fighting the mutant puma in the Americas. At that time, that guy cut my face apart. If it wasn't after I mutated, Healing ability is strong, and now they are definitely dead. It is lucky to leave a scar, oh, Ye Fan, you ... are not the same as the legend. Wu Yun is not the same. "

Ye broken air laughed: "What's different?"

"They said that you once subdued a killer whale in the deep sea, and that you rushed to the first one in each battle, and now you are not injured."

Ye Suikong smiled and said, "I was not seriously injured, and the rescue was timely."

Dai Rong thoughtfully, sighed after a while, and said, "Also, I heard that you still have many ordinary people. The population is hundreds of times larger than mine. Hey, unfortunately, ordinary people can't adapt to such harshness. Environment has long since died. "

Ye Shoukong can only express his regret. When he killed the Wang brothers and stood firm, the ordinary people on the side of Dai Rong had already died.

When thinking of this, Ye Shuikong could not help but slightly turned his head and glanced at Wu Xingyun, feeling very grateful in his heart.

The original adventure was worth it, at least, it can be exchanged for the life of a lover.

After a few more talks, they talked about the most important thing Ye Fan came about this time—about the people in the federation.

Dai Rong brought the people brought by the night broken sky to the base's liaison room.

The liaison room is based on the former spaceship hall of the base, which has some mutants working and some who are in charge of contacting the federation. There is a large electronic screen in the center, which is the previous product of the base.

After everyone moved their chairs and settled, Dai Rong began to talk about the reasons for this incident.

Since taking over this place, he has been establishing contact points not only with other mutants, but also with people in space.

Anyway, in Dai Rong's mind, although he was abandoned, his heart's feelings for the country and the army that he once had could not be separated.

Three days ago, Dai Rong suddenly received signals from outer space. After communication between the two parties, Dai Rong found that those signals actually came from the moon, and the content of the signals was also information for help.

Ye Zhuangkong and Wu Xingyun were both surprised. Wu Xingyun asked: "Did you not go to Mars? Why did you choose the moon?"

Dai Rong turned over the report in his hand, sighed, and said, "Since humans landed on the moon, they have been building secret bases on the moon. After more than fifty years, the moon base has basically been completed. Moreover, the fuel on the moon Minerals and metals, especially titanium metal suitable for space navigation, are hundreds of times more than the earth. At the time, Noah's Ark, after leaving the earth and successfully passing through the thick fog of Saar, found that the moon was in a safe state, so a referendum was temporarily held. The moon is ready to use the resources of the moon to build larger and better spacecraft for voyages. "

When Dai Rong said here, he couldn't help looking up at the sky.

The remaining people also looked up, and at the launching base's atrium patio, a bright moon was hanging in the blue sky.

At such a distance, no one can see that there are so many people living on it.

Wu Xingyun's heart is okay, but the night broken hollow can't help but cause a ridiculous feeling. He stared at the moon blankly, stopped for a moment, and then returned to God, and asked, "What happened then?"

Dai Rong continued: "Later, they have been conducting research on the moon and preparing to go on a voyage. Until the last two years, they observed that the thick fog of Saar on the earth has dispersed, and they can adapt to human survival. They want ... come back."

Ye Brokong frowned slightly: "Come back? What do you mean?"

Dai Rong said: "In the beginning, they only photographed the Earth from a long distance. Later, after they discovered that there is a human on the earth, they started to send out a contact signal. Three days ago, the signal was accepted by people here. They mean, Now that the earth is suitable for survival, and there are people alive on it, those who left in the Noah's Ark wanted to return to the earth again. "

Ye Shoukong's mouth slightly ticked, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner, but he didn't speak.

Wu Xingyun asked, "So, what do you think, General Dai?"

Dai Rong said: "It doesn't matter what I think. They don't seem to intend to solicit my opinion at all, it seems that it is just a notification."

The surrounding mutants laughed at Dai Rong's words.

Ye Shoukong said: "It's whimsical! Let's not say that those people abandoned us in the first place, just say that now, they will not be naive to think that their thermal weapons can really deal with the mutated creatures on the planet, right? Why? Come back, why stand here? "

Dai Rong was silent and did not speak. Just then, a correspondent in the hall came over and said, "Qinglong, the people in the Federation want to talk to you."

Dai Rong glanced at Ye Shoukong, and Ye Shoukong nodded: "Look at what they want to do?"

The correspondent immediately began to adjust the signal. Ten minutes later, a huge electronic screen in the center revealed the appearance of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked like he was in his forties, and introduced himself as a member of the Federal Foreign Affairs Team, called Nephis.

In the lower right corner of the screen, the other end of the dialog window is displayed, with Dai Rong, Ye Broken Sky, Wu Xingyun and others on it.

Nepheus saw the situation of Dai Rong through the video screen. He found that there were a few young people around Dai Rong, but he didn't care much. He just communicated with Dai Rong according to the federal decision.

"Hello Qinglong, I'm here to communicate with you on behalf of the Commonwealth, and I'm glad we can talk again." Nepheus said.

Dai Rong glanced at Ye broken sky, then nodded to the screen: "Hello, is there anything wrong?"

"We are preparing to land in the plains of central Asia, but we have found a lot of mutant monsters there, and even some monsters that landed on the ocean. After evaluation, it is not very suitable for us to land, so you can Help us, get rid of the monsters there? The Federation will thank you and remember your credit. "

Dai Rong didn't answer. What the other party said was the site of Yezhuangkong. He had no right to ask questions.

Ye Shoukong leaned on the back of his chair with his hands in his pants pockets. Now he pulled his hands out, hugged his chest, walked to the camera, and asked, "Help you, what are you going to pay for?"

"Remuneration?" The people in the federation froze. He said, "We are all human. Shouldn't we help each other? Our return will bring a lot of advanced technology to improve the environment of the planet and help you live better. Isn't this reward ... "

Before the other party's words were finished, they were interrupted coldly by Ye Suikong.

The voice of Ye Shoukong has no emotion, with a hint of impatience: "The people here are living well and do n’t need the help of the Commonwealth. Besides ... I do n’t believe you. Do n’t forget, the so-called elite, How to abandon those who are still on the earth and escape by themselves. Take the path you choose and go to the end. "

The people on the screen showed an unpleasant look, but still held back, and asked, "Excuse me, who are you? I'm talking to your leader, Qinglong, and you suddenly interrupt the conversation between the high-level, isn't it polite?"

Ye broken sky sneered and said, "Did you leave the earth too long and you wouldn't even be human? To be honest, the earth is indeed suitable for human survival, but it is only suitable for us mutants, not for those who have been abandoned. Her people. If you really want to come back, then at least show some sincerity, send someone with a lot of weight to the earth, and talk to us. The earth has long been different than it used to be. We, too, are the same! "

Nepheus stared at the screen for a moment, he instinctively felt the young man talking to himself, although not polite, but his words should not be taken lightly.

So he asked: "So, what's your name? What's the relationship with ... Qinglong?"

Ye Shoukong smiled slightly: "Qinglong is my friend. As for my name ... My name is Ye Shoukong."

This is the first time that the Federation has heard the name of Ye Suikong, and they have not paid much attention to it. But in the next two thousand years, this name will become a federal nightmare, making it tremble.