MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 81 Qinglong

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The delegation froze for a while, then nodded strongly: "I know ... I know."

Ye Yekong's eyes fell in the distance, looking at the vast sky, he did not leave for a long time.

No one dared to speak, including Ouyang Yi.

It took a long time for the night broken sky to say, "Go back, there are some unpleasant things, I hope to pass as soon as possible."

The federal delegation left in despair, and Ouyang Yi was silent on the spacecraft, terribly silent.

He put his fingers in his hands deeply into his hair and felt his head burned.

He fired at that time and was really frightened and totally uncontrollable.

However, everything that emerged from the night broken sky made him even more shocked and more incredible.

Before coming to Earth, Ouyang Yi also received a report on the strength of mutants on the earth, which was researched by Roche's laboratory. Those mutants will become stronger, but it is definitely not so powerful!

Strong enough to use mental power to control everything, so powerful that **** can easily crush the bullet.

This is just what they show, so ... how terrible is the real strength of mutants, which is not shown?

Can they survive the blow of the heat weapon? Can spiritual power control the distance beyond time and space?

How many mutants like Night Broken Sky, how strong are they? Back to Earth, what else is waiting for the Federation?

Ouyang Yi dare not think.

But he didn't dare to think about it, nor did the other members of the federation. It was one thing to go back and forth in everyone's heart-Ye Suikong was not friendly to the federation, and his strength was beyond imagination. Is he a friend or an enemy of the Federation?

After the delegation returned, they immediately reported the trip to the government, and the meeting was convened again. Even Luo Ying participated in the meeting as technical support.

"The requirements of mutants are too much. Their strength is too different from ours. We ... when we go back, it doesn't mean that we are artificial swordsmen. Am I a fish?"

"I don't agree, and put my destiny in the hands of the mutant."

"I suggest we still voyage the universe and find new places to survive."

"But ... if the new planet is scarier than this? And, how far will we go?"

"If we go back, what's the point of our departure?" Someone questioned.

"We don't have to worry, at least, nuclear weapons are in our hands!" Someone gave confidence.

"The mutants are more powerful, after all, are flesh and blood, can they withstand the attack of nuclear weapons? Impossible!" Another person concluded, "So, we have nothing to fear!"

Various opinions arose, and finally someone asked Luo Ying: "Professor Luo, if ... I mean, if we can study the genes of mutants to improve ourselves?"

Luo Ying hesitated for a moment, without thinking much, saying, "In theory, of course."

As soon as she said this, she was silent immediately. Everyone looked at Luo Ying with anticipation. This middle-aged woman seemed to be the existence of their savior.

Luo Ying frowned and thought: "But first, there must be specimens. Since mutants are so terrible, how can they get specimens? Secondly, I have also studied mutants when I was on the earth before. If only biological mutations are true, are they It may be as powerful as what you said. I think there must be other reasons for it, not what genetic mutation can determine. And ... safety is still to be discussed. This kind of thing requires live experiments. Now we call for volunteers. It's also difficult. "

The faces of everyone looked disappointed, but there was a glimmer of hope.

But Luo Ying thought about it and shook his head again: "This is not good for our current situation. The experimental research time will certainly not be short, maybe another ten or twenty years. If we are sure to return to Earth, we have Try a relatively stable environment. "

This study is almost empty.

The crowd was discouraged, and one of the officials suggested: "I heard that the mutant leader of the earth on the earth broke up in the night and was also a soldier of our army. Maybe you can send someone he knows to talk to him?"

This opinion was affirmed by some people, and some people opposed it, thinking that with the current strength of the night broken sky, no matter how hard iron feelings, it is impossible to block his ambition, if he really has ambition.

Everyone looked at the figure with long black hair appearing on the screen and thought of the terrible strength of the man described by the delegation.

When Luo Ying saw Ye Shoukong's figure, he froze at first, and then he rejoiced.

It can be said that for many years, the big stone hanging in my heart finally landed.

Ye Fan did not die. Instead of dying, he lived well on the earth. Luo Ying originally did not approve of returning to earth, but when he learned that Ye Fan was Ye Shuikong, he also changed his mind and wanted to return.

On the same day, Ye broken sky received Luo Ying's request for communication. Several people met again after a long distance, all with emotion.

Luo Ying on the screen does not look very old. The gravity of the moon is smaller than that of the earth. Even if it is maintained by an artificial gravity system, Luo Ying has a lot of time under weightlessness. Her muscles will not look like the earth Sagging like that.

Luo Ying was very happy: "It's great, it seems we will meet again soon. If it's not the research I have at the last minute, I can't get away, I will come back now."

Ye Zhuangkong still smiled at Luo Ying as he did ten years ago: "Sister, don't worry, your business matters, we want to see, when can't we see?"

Luo Ying nodded. She looked at Wu Xingyun next to Ye Sukong and was also relieved: "I thought he would die. How did you ... escape the thick fog of Sar?"

Ye Suikong said, "Just according to the method you taught, Yun and I came through. A lot of things happened in the middle. When you came back, we said in person that we wouldn't be able to talk for days and nights."

Luo Ying's expression was quite inspiring: "Good!"

After the call, Dai Rong smiled and asked Ye Suikong: "Why, you plan to accept them back?"

Ye Shuikong looked a little dazed. After a while, he nodded: "Yeah ... they also make some sense. Earth, like this, I look a little sad. If you can work together, why not? As for those conditions Maybe I'm too harsh. "

Wu Xingyun said: "I still remember a scientist who is engaged in quantum relativity and I don't know how he is doing now."

Ye broken sky turned and looked at Wu Xingyun with a smile: "Soon, you should be able to know his news. In fact, when I was at the base before, I also had some friends. Occasionally, I was a little bit empty in my heart."

The two left the office from Dai Rong and returned to Xi'an.

Dai Rong stayed to discuss the follow-up with the Commonwealth, and the Night Broken Sky went ahead. Together with Wu Xingyun, he took people to the coastal area to clean up the mutant sea monsters.

It took them half a month to clear up the sea beasts in this area, and they set up a protective net and circled a large area in preparation for the federal landing.

At the initial stage, humans could only live in these city-like cities, but with the development of human beings, most of the scientific and technological forces can be injected. Yezhuangkong and Wu Xingyun believed that they would develop soon.

On this day, just as Wu Xingyun dragged the body of a mutant praying mantis, while disassembling its sharp carapace, and preparing to make a stab at the outer edge of the protective net, he suddenly saw Liu Meng running from a distance.

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised. Liu Meng has been staying in Xi'an these days, responsible for contacting Dai Rong. Why did he suddenly come?

Ye Shoukong also saw Liu Meng far away. His brows frowned slightly, and he walked to Wu Xingyun, separated by the two, and asked, "What's the matter? It's enough to have a telegram to come, but also to run in person." ? "

Liu Meng did not compete with him because of the broken night sky. He looked rather anxious: "All the radio waves on the earth were tapped as early as ten days ago. Two days ago, the radio waves were so severely disturbed that they could not be beaten at all. Communication. At first I thought it was Thrall Fog, but ... "

"But what?" Ye Suikong asked.

"But yesterday I just got the news. Someone from Qinglong came over and told me. They said that Qinglong was taken away!"

"Who was taken away?"

"People on the moon, if ... if I guessed correctly, those people have only one purpose to hijack the blue dragon back to the moon!"

Ye Shoukong and Wu Xingyun glanced at each other. They couldn't figure out how, with the ability of Dai Rong, how could they be easily taken away.

"Why do you think they took Dai Rong?"

Liu Meng looked up slightly, looked at Wu Xingyun, Wu Xingyun's look was strange, his face had a flash of shame.

Liu Meng withdrew his gaze, his voice with a hint of surprise: "I think they took Qinglong back in order to do biochemical research and try to use genetic technology to genetically modify themselves."