MTL - Demon Slayer: The Beginning of the Game Opens the Way of Reward for Diligence-Chapter 38

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The two sisters raised their heads blankly.

A crow was flying in the sky, it was Lin Yu's crow, which seemed to have been hiding in the dark just now.

"Really? That boy really did his duty well."

Beimingyu Xingming sighed.

"At the moment when the train was about to enter the cliff, he took the head of the train and fell into the abyss together with the evil ghost on the second string."

In the abyss... means...

Butterfly Chanel opened her eyes wide and noticed the cliff from a distance.

The altitude is too high, and the halfway up the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the train tracks are broken there.


Butterfly Ninja gently took Ganlu Temple Mili into his arms.

She couldn't bear to look, and couldn't say any words of comfort.

Because the friend who has always been optimistic and always smiling, now has empty eyes and tears on his face, holding the wreckage of the kimono blankly.

"Evil ghost, it was indeed beheaded."

Beimingyu Xingming said this sentence, but Butterfly Chanahui sat down as if he had lost his soul.

Just like in Tokyo, once again, he was left behind.

Obviously it's just a vacation, why, in her jurisdiction, there will be winding two?

"It's… impossible."

Chapter 71

"My lord, it's almost like this."

Ghost Squad Headquarters.

Yu Sui Tianyuan reported the battle situation nervously.

This time, it was an emergency again. A winding evil spirit suddenly appeared in an area they didn't know about, and then they encountered Lin Yu again. At the moment when he learned the information, Yu Sui Tianyuan was a little confused. This kid is It's not that the physique is different from the average ghost hunter, and it is specially attracted to the winding.

And the final price is very tragic and regrettable.

Yu Sui Tianyuan believed that most of the pillars in the Ghost Slayer team had the same thoughts as him, which was a pity.

The talent shown by this fourteen-year-old boy is far more powerful than those of them, and no one will refute him if he is the hope of ending this century-old pattern.

However, geniuses always die prematurely, as they do now.

I am afraid, the most sad thing is the lord. Although he has never met that guy, he is concerned about his growth and life all the time. It can be said that he is meticulous.

However, Yoshiya Zaiyashiki did not show a disappointed look in his eyes, and his tone was still as gentle as a breeze.

"Tianyuan, I'll leave the rest to you alone."


Yu Sui Tianyuan hesitated for a while, and seemed a little confused, but still obeyed the order.

In the infinite city.

The sound of the pipa sounded.

Ghost dance Tsuji no miserable raised his head from the dark room, his red eyes were a little hideous, Naruto beside him was startled, and hurriedly squatted on the ground.

"It's up to you to tell them the news of Tong Mo's death."

"Lord Wu Miserable, the current plan..."

Kiwu Tsuji turned her head away miserably, her tone icy cold.

"Do you think I'll give up what I'm doing because of this little thing?"


Naruto lowered her head, not daring to refute.

Hundreds of years ago, Tong Mo jumped from Shangxian Liuyi to Shangxian II through a **** transposition, and even challenged Shangxianyi's black death, Mou Budie. Regardless of his personality, he has gained all the strength in terms of strength. recognized by people.

The third-ranked person in the entire evil ghost group was killed by a ghost hunter who was precarious and not even a pillar.

This kind of exchange is not an equivalent exchange at all, but a pure waste of resources.

'In the end, it's just a human, and it can only go to this extent. ’

Oniwu Tsuji Wumian sneered inwardly.

He quickly recovered from the Lin Yu incident. Compared with the guy he met hundreds of years ago, the fear caused by this ghost hunter is nothing to worry about.

If the guy from the beginning really existed in the world, it would only be a matter of a knife to face Tong Mo.

No one has ever shown such power again.

"The information collected is said to have found the approximate location of the ghost hunter headquarters."

"Supposedly? Roughly?"

Naruto felt that her throat was being choked, the color of fear reflected in her pupils, and finally turned into a weak whimper.

"Master Wu Miserable..."

Blood flowed down Naruto's limbs, and her body instantly burst into flesh. The pain and trembling from her soul made her unable to resist.

Kiwu Tsuji looked at his assistant with indifferent eyes like garbage.

"It seems that you still don't quite understand. I don't need useless information, let alone useless people."

"Please... please give me another chance, Lord Wumis..."

Some unknown village.

A boy of about ten years old was walking on a country road with a bamboo basket on his back. Next to him was a very thin man with a sickly face.

"Tanjuro, took this child up the mountain to chop wood again."

When passing the country road, many farmers raised their heads to greet the father and son, and the man smiled and nodded.

"Uncle Moji, Uncle Yukimura, how are you!"

The enthusiastic young man raised his hands, and the tender hands that should belong to children were full of calluses.

"Tanjirou is a sensible kid. It would be great if the one from my family was as sensible."

"Yeah, when I could walk, I went up the mountain with my father to chop wood. At that time, I remember when he went to my house to sell charcoal, people weren't as big as carrying a basket... Haha, what a healthy and energetic child."

Hearing the word "health", the man looked at his son with a hint of relief.

His name is Kamado Tanjuro.

God gave him a happy family, but did not give him a good body. Since he got married, his body has always been very weak. He relies on his wife, Kuizhi, to manage the inside and outside.

After giving birth to the child, he hoped very earnestly that his child would not inherit the diseases left by the family like himself...

Fortunately, Tanjirou didn't have that scar on his forehead when he was born.


Tanjirou Kamado raised his head, his innocent face full of doubts.

Kamado Tanjuro smiled and patted his head.

"Let's go."

No matter what, the day will pass.

I have to pick up enough firewood today.

The father and son soon came to the jungle in the mountains. It was autumn, the season when everything was dry. Taking advantage of this time period, more charcoal fire was collected. If you sell it in winter, the family's livelihood will not be worrying about. .

Kuizhi has just given birth to her pregnancy, her sixth child, and she also needs to buy some nutritious things to make up for it.

Tanjuro let his child go to another place and pulled out the axe he was carrying.

dong dong!

The sound of the turbulent river resounded.

"Father! Father!"

Suddenly, Tanjirou's voice sounded in the distance.

Tanjiro, who has always been weak, dragged his burdened body, but he shuttled through the jungle at a very fast speed. He didn't realize this. Tanjiro just squatted beside the river, and there was a person lying on the rock. He was pulled up by him. , Unfortunately, his strength is too small, and the man's figure is also very burly, he can only pull half of it ashore, and the other half is still immersed in the river.

"This is…"

Kamado Tanjuro caught a glimpse of the black lines on the man's face, as if he saw something extremely unbelievable.

"Father, is he dead?"

Kamado Tanjiro looked at his father with a remorseful look on his face.

Kamado Tanjuro didn't immediately answer his son's question, but squatted down and tentatively put his hand on the man's nose.

The pale face was not breathing at all, and the upper body was completely naked.

He put his head on the man's heart again.


"Tanjirou, be a little quieter."

Kamado Tanjuro touched his son's head and used a smile to comfort his son's uneasiness. Tanjiro pursed his lips and nodded.



Tanjuro's eyes lit up.

Chapter 72 Visiting Guests

Time flies, two months later.

As autumn turns to winter, the sky falls like snowflakes like a goose down quilt being torn apart.

Tanjirou held a worn-out teacup, and a curl of heat rose from it, and opened the door of the thatched hut.

Relying on a figure wrapped in tattered clothes, with long messy hair spread on his shoulders, he looked at the snowflakes in the jungle with a blank expression.

Tanjirou handed him the teacup and asked excitedly.

"Hey, is Brother Lin a samurai?"

In fact, Tanjiro has asked him about similar words more than once.

When this person was rescued from the river in the jungle, he seemed to be unable to move his hands since he woke up, and he coughed up blood whenever he spoke. At that time, the best doctor in the village was called to see him, but he couldn't see any results. Instead, he was frightened by the black lines that appeared on his forehead, and reminded the Zaomen family that they might be evil spirits or something. , After all, his father Tanjuro had a similar scar on his forehead when he was born, 'It must be a birthmark. ’ Mother Aoi told the truth, but in fact these were all excuses. Later, father Tanjuro came to the conclusion that no matter what, he couldn’t die and told his children that they must become kind and upright people in the future.

Within two days, the man's symptoms seemed to have improved, he was able to speak as quietly as possible, and seemed to be able to move his right hand.

On the snowy day, he took the initiative to ask Tanjiro and his son to go to the depths of the jungle for logging. It is hard to imagine that he, who has not yet recovered from his condition, could cut down more than a dozen sturdy trees by himself, dragging hundreds of kilograms of wood. Walking without breathing.

Of course, the real trigger for the samurai question is not that.

"Samurai? Why does Tanjirou think that, because of this sword?"

The man raised his right hand, and under his tattered thick sleeve was a carved wooden knife, which took him a day to get out.

"Well, I heard from the elders in the village that the only people who go out with knives are samurai. Mr. samurai is amazing..."

Immediately afterwards, Tanjiro told Lin Yu the story about the samurai he heard from the villagers again. Originally, this charcoal-selling boy might never really be able to get in touch with that side in his life. family, just like his father.

Due to the appearance of Lin Yu, there is now a sense of separation between reality and the strange story that Lord Fox Immortal lives in my house.

"I said... Tanjirou, a samurai without a monarch is a ronin, that is, a homeless person and a rogue, not a powerful guy."

Lin Yu showed a smile of 'it's time for you to see the sinister society'.

It can be seen that the childlike innocence gradually disappeared from Tanjiro's face, and was replaced by a strong loss. He did not question Lin Yu's words, but reflected on it for the first time.