MTL - Demon’s Diary-Chapter 3 Refinery

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"Boy, how dare you hurt my wife! You are dead this time." The man's face was in the light of the dagger in his hand, and it looked slightly distorted. The other hand threw away the giant python and flew away from his arms. Take out a blood red medicinal herb and throw it into the mouth.

Obviously, the attack that was far more than a common sense was not able to be displayed casually.

Liu Ming saw this situation and shouted "Looking at the hidden weapon". With one hand and one hand, a group of white things immediately rushed to the ground and still twitching the ugly woman, while stepping on the ground, the whole person The arrow rushed into the side of the jungle.

The man saw this first is a glimpse, and then furious, but can not help but not really on the ground, the ugly woman only chased the teenager, but the helpless figure swayed, first blocked in front, while the wrist moved, with the bone sword rushing Come to the empty space and sting.

"Boom", the group of white things were hit by an invisible thorn, but unexpectedly burst open.

A group of gray-white powder sprinkled on the head and covered everything in the vicinity.

The man in the blue robe saw this, and he dared to let the powder really fit. He suddenly put the bone sword in front of him, and the other hand went to the front of the void and pressed the word "Yuanbi".

In an instant, the bone sword was slightly bright, and a layer of invisible air wave came out from above, and all the nearby powders were opened.

Then the man flew down quickly, using his fingers to get a little powder from the nearby ground, sniffing a little under the nose, suddenly became violent.

"It's just plain gray. Stinky boy, I must smash you a corpse."

After the blue robe man screamed a few times, he looked at the situation of the ugly woman.

As a result, the woman's hands clenched her neck, and the breath had already come to an end.

"Mrs. Rest assured, I will go to the kid's dog life, I will not let you go on the road alone."

The man in the blue robe gnawed his teeth and said, he stood up again, clenched his bone sword, shouted "light body", and flew in the direction of the young boy.

The speed of the action is quite different from the previous one, as if it were a ghost.

Although he has a lot of strength in the body, with the help of the ‘blood and blood Dan’ that he just took, at least a few more martial arts means can be used in a meal, which is absolutely more than enough to chase a common man.


Liu Ming struggled to jump and ran in the forest, feeling that his legs were a little heavy, and his chest was hot and abnormal, and several blood troughs kept flowing because of strenuous exercise.

As for his old wound on his shoulder, it is a complete episode at this moment, so that the small half of the body is stagnant.

Liu Ming did not mean to stop and bandage, but only decided to rush in a certain direction.

The eyes suddenly opened up, and the young man rushed out of the jungle and appeared on an empty land.

At the end of the open space not far away, it is a huge river with dozens of feet wide. The river is fierce, and from time to time it brings a burst of white waves to the downstream.

Liu Ming saw this, and his heart was happy, but suddenly he felt his eyes slightly black, and his footsteps fell, and he almost fell to the ground.

He was shocked. He rushed his teeth and licked his tongue. A trace of **** taste filled his mouth, which kept his consciousness clear and regained his footsteps.

But at this moment, suddenly the voice of the blue robe man’s vengeance was heard from the back of the jungle:

"Kid, where are you going to escape!"

The voice just fell, and behind the wind, the blue robe man flashed out from behind a giant tree, and jumped straight to the young boy.

Liu Ming looked back, and one of his hearts was awkward. He suddenly slammed the silver blade in his hand and slammed his feet to the river.

The blue-robed man’s bone sword in his hand was just a wave, and he would shoot out the silver blade and fly out. The body did not stop at all and still chased the teenager.

One after the other, the two men chased a dozen feet away in a blink of an eye.

After Liu Ming’s several beatings, he finally ran to the river and immediately jumped into the air.

The man behind the blue robe is still a few feet to catch up with the teenager. Seeing this scene, he is naturally unwilling, and suddenly he will mobilize all the strengths of the body and sneak into the bone sword.

In an instant, the bone sword is white and glaring!

The man slammed into the distance with a low drink, and an almost invisible sword shadow spurred out from the sword. After a flash, he appeared strangely behind the boy and rushed in.


Liu Ming was passed through the abdominal cavity by the sword shadow hole, and the body fell into the river with heavy weight. Under the white wave, it disappeared without a trace.

The blue robe man only caught up and down the river with two ups and downs, watching the river rolling in front of his eyes, his brows wrinkled.

Although he believes that under the full force of the device, the other party fell into the rapids of the river is no luck, but did not see the body is always a bit worried.

But he is not good at water, and with the rapidity of the river, even if the body continues, the body has not known where it rushed.

The man whispered a whisper and looked down at the bone sword in his hand.

I saw that this symbol is completely radiant at the moment, completely regaining the original plain appearance.

The man in the blue robe stayed in the place for a while. He did not see the young man’s body floating from the nearby water surface, but he could only helplessly leave.


Three days later, on the edge of an inconspicuous river at the junction of Fengyun County, Zhangzhou, one tall, one short and two yellow-shirted men were staring at the body of a robes on the ground in front of them. With.

In addition to the body outside the body of the two, a little further away from the grass, there are seven or eight other bodies in gray suits, each of which is extremely miserable, or directly from the middle of the body. Either the huge head was directly bursting halfway.

"What to do, the younger master is so simple to die, how do I go back to the family?" The man who talked about a small, back-sworded man with a thin face and a pair of triangular eyes gave people At first glance, I felt very ferocious. At the moment, I asked my companion with a sad face.

"Guo Laosan, you ask me, I ask who is going. Who knows this idiot like 'Little Master', as a low-ranking refiner, he was easily close by a robbery thief, and he also went straight I cut off my throat. Even if I have the elixir given by my family, I can't save it." Another tall man, the four sides of the hole is also a very angry expression.

"Off the boss, he is an idiot, but also a familyist, and he still buys a quota from a large number of resources in the family, and specifies the person to be sent to the door. Now suddenly halfway down the road, how do you face my homeowner? I am afraid that a scorpio stick is inevitable." Gu Laosan sighed and said, his face was vaguely revealing a fear.

"Hey, if you really want to be a scorpio stick, you can mix it. You and I have to burn high incense." After closing the muscles on the face of the boss, he said something to let Gu Lao Sanyi swear.

"Off the boss, what does this mean? You and I are genuine mid-level refiners, even if the owner loves this son very much, can it really be because this thing is going to be bad for us?" Gu Laosan looked at the fat man, I widened my eyes.

"Do you really think that this kidhood is just a simple matter of familyism? Although the 'small master' has a spiritual vein, but the temperament is violent, it is not flattering, and the origin is far away from the family. How can it be? Will be out of thin air will be seen by the owner as a child, but also like this look! Tell you the truth, this 'little master' is actually the illegitimate child left behind by the owner, the son is just looking for a nominal opportunity to recover it. It’s just under the knee.” After the sneer of Guan’s boss, he said something that made Gu’s eyes look stunned.

"What, ‘little master’ is really the birth of the owner’s own flesh? Guan Boda, how do you know this important thing?” The thin man stuttered.

"Forget it, I don't need to marry you now. You also know that I have a good relationship with the lady's close-fitting Ling Ling. Once she screamed for her master, and she said it was lost. Is there still a fake?" "The old man sighed and said."

"It turns out that. I said that the savage sects are ranked lower in several homes in Daxuanguo, but how valuable is the number of ceremonial ceremonies, how can the white family take an outsider out of thin air. Success is the real door-to-door spirit, but it is a step-by-step. If it is a coincidence that it becomes a spiritual master, even if you see it now, I am afraid to treat it with respect and respect." .

"Whether the spirits are so good! Not only do they have a refining spirit, but they can't be over fifteen years old, so they are eligible to participate in the opening ceremony. How many younger brothers who participated in the opening ceremony in previous years can really pass? And how many of them died on the ceremony, even if they can be lucky, if they are unsuccessful, they must stay in the door for 20 years as ordinary refiners. This time the owner will send the illegitimate child, I am afraid it is also reported. The idea of ​​gambling is one. Although there are many children with spirituality in Baijia, most of them have been sent to other homes to participate in the opening ceremony. Most of them have failed. It is only a few people who can stay alive in hard service. Only Miss Yan really succeeded in becoming a spiritual genius, but after all, the lady is the daughter's body. There will always be a day of marriage. The family owner naturally wants the son to be a spiritual person, so the white house. The status of the refining family will not be able to worry about it in the next few decades." Guan Boda said quite disapprovingly.

"It seems that the owner has reported great hopes to this young master. The more so, the more I don't, the more I hope that I will not live back. It is better to escape from Da Xuanguo and not return to the White House. My mid-level refining sergeant identity, where is not yet able to mix and feel free." Gu Laosan eyeballs quickly turned a few times, said a bite.

(Tonight's chapter, Forgetting will draw a PSP palm game console grand prize winner on the prestige platform, and directly announce the list after the chapter, please join the Weixin platform in time to pay attention, everyone will have the opportunity. Join Weixin platform method, you can go directly to my Tencent Weibo to scan the QR code logo, or click on the "Contacts" under the Weixin platform--click on the top "+"----Go to find the public number----search for "forget" "" or "signal" "wang--yu----".)