MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1528 Decide

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"They are all safe." Liu Ming nodded, and there was a bit of gratification on the surface.

Indigo looked at Liu Ming, and there was a layer of different light in the beautiful, but immediately disappeared, and the faint whispered:

"Ye Shishu is not happy with other people in the Zong, perhaps because we are from Yunchuan, but I am talking about it... I can see that Ye Shishu... Ye Shishu, she is against you. With deep feelings, she has been waiting for you all these years."


Liu Ming’s face flashed a complex color and seemed to want to say something, but for a moment I didn’t know how to open it.

"In fact, we have been getting along well these years. If you want us to be together... I don't mind..." Indigo has extended a white finger and stopped Liu Ming's words and stops. His face is reddish. The whispered, when it comes to the last sentence, the sound is already micro-mosquito.


Liu Ming heard the words, a slight heat in his heart, stretched out the fingers of the indigo, and then held his whole jade hand in his hand.

Looking at the innocent and innocent face of the indigo, Liu Ming felt in the heart and could not help but sigh.

There is indeed an indescribable feeling between myself and Ye Tianmei.

This sentiment, when the encounter with the Kraken Emperor in Qianyuan Island, reached a certain sublimation. At the time of the reunion of the wild land, it once fell into silence.

In the end, when he was ready to bring him back to the sky, he was lost and went to live again.

Ye Tianmei, because he promised to take his promise to the mainland of China, spent five hundred years in sorrow and grief, and finally came to the mainland of China.

And myself and indigo are also like being pulled by an invisible line in the darkness.

From Yunchuan to the South China Sea, to the Zhongtian continent...

There are quite a lot of intersections between the two people, and there have been a lot of love and hate entanglements. Until the wrong yin and yang, a paper marriage contract is set, which can be said that the fate is too shallow, and it is unclear.

Especially after the disappearance of this woman, the woman was in the Taiqingmen for seven hundred years, and her heart was not changed, so that she was not only worried, but more, but it was touched by people.

Both women have a feelings for themselves. Liu Ming is not a stone heart, and I don’t know.

It’s just because of his character, and with his own life, he has been fighting against his destiny. If he is slightly sloppy, or if he has made some mistakes, he may have been out of shape.

Therefore, in his subconscious mind, he has always hidden his feelings deep in his heart.

The millennium practice, the eternal life.

At this time, he is already invincible in this interface, and should be able to completely control his own destiny and emotions and protect those who he thinks are important.

Unfortunately, it is not a wish.

Or, to make people.

At that time, in order to kill the original demon Lord, he accepted the power of the nine-day real person's law, which directly led to the rejection of the power of the lower-order law.

Today, I can stay in the lower bounds for only three years.

Regardless of whether he can fly high or not, for the owe of the two women, he asked himself that he could not get it.

Even so, he is not willing to escape.

In his heart, he made a secret decision. After the locust's melody, he used this last time to do his best to accompany the two women.

With this in mind, even with Liu Ming’s current cultivation, I can’t help but feel a little lost.

But after a while, he returned to God and asked:

"Where are they both now? I just explored it with God and it doesn't seem to be in the door."

"Tianmei sister and Ruping have gone to the Fengfeng Mountain Range with the main force in the door. I had to go with it, but my Scorpio ** has a little effect on the Yi Qufu, so I was left by the Master. Inside, lead the disciples to guard the Zongmen." Indigo said so.

Liu Ming heard the words, his brows were slight.

I am afraid that this battle will not be easier than the previous mother who resisted locusts. Although Ye Tianmei is already a celestial sword, it may not be able to ensure innocence in the group battle.

"It is related to the safety of the mainland. I am also planning to go to the Fengfeng Mountain Range, or I can contribute to the alliance." Liu Ming said a little.

At the same time, in the mind, he decided to wait for this matter for his upcoming ascent, and then told Indigo.

"I am going with you!" Indigo was held by Liu Ming's palm and held Liu Ming's big hand, and the tone said decisively.

Liu Ming’s face changed and he looked at the indigo.

His lips were fretting, and when he just wanted to say something, he was interrupted by the next words of Indigo:

"This time you will miss me again, even if the alliance is defeated, I will live with you."

Indigo looks straight at Liu Ming, and his eyes are firm.

"Well, then you will be with me, don't act without it." Liu Ming did not hesitate and nodded and agreed.

The indigo face suddenly became a joy, holding Liu Ming’s hand more hard.

"Right, now how is the secluded bee, the Yinzhang seat and the Xiaowu division sister are now safe?" Liu Ming was trying to get up, suddenly thought of something, asked.

"Yin Jiu Ling's seat has closed for decades, and it has hit the sky. It has not yet been cleared. Xiaowu's sister has gone with the army." After thinking about it, I said it.

Liu Ming heard the words and nodded thoughtfully. He was quite worried about Yin Jiuling and Xiaowu.

"That's it, let's go." Liu Ming said, pulling the indigo, and a body that was out of the cave.

Then a black light wrapped the two people's body shape and turned into a black light and went away.


Just as Liu Ming and Indigo set off, the Terran Coalition Battalion, located in the Jinyun Mountains in the central part of the mainland, has gathered together.

Today, there are more than 100,000 monks in the entire mountain range.

In terms of strength alone, it is not inferior to the mother war of the last locust.

These monks are already the core and final strength of the Zhongtian continent.

And this battle will also become a battle to determine the life and death of the Terran!

If this war is not able to seal the cracks in the space of the Fengfeng Mountain Range, the Terran will only be destroyed, and the murderous atmosphere will pervade the entire camp.

Three days later.

With the order of the top leaders of the four major Taizong, more than 100,000 monks took the Zongmen as a unit, and they went up in an orderly manner and went to the direction of the Fengfeng Mountain.

For a time, a giant flying boat and other things almost covered most of the sky, and it looked very amazing.

The large-scale behavior of the Terran monks is naturally unable to hold off the locusts and the Qufu.

The locusts and Qufu, which have been abused in the mainland of China, have already given up and continued to attack the city, but they have gathered toward the Qifeng Mountains.

There are countless locusts that have been attacking the Terran coalition forces along the way, seemingly deliberately delaying the process of the Terran coalition.

However, under the treasures and means of the various members of the Alliance's various military monks, the locusts and Qufu are naturally like eucalyptus trees, and they cannot stop the army.

At the forefront of the coalition army, there are dozens of giant flying boats with a hundred feet.

The flying boat is divided into upper and lower layers. The whole body is made of a certain metal material. It looks like heavy, but it is as light as nothing.

The lower surface of the boat has painted countless clouds of strange spirits, emitting a burst of white aura in flight, and the momentum is extraordinary.

There are rows of black holes on both sides of the hull, which look deep and bottomless.

These are the first-class warships that Tiangongzong has secreted for hundreds of years. In the battle, it can be turned into a giant scorpion with a hundred feet high. It must be controlled by five true monks who have been recognized by the gods. In these years, in the battle with the locusts, the strength of each battleship is comparable to that of a heavenly monk, and the defense is amazing.

On both sides of the coalition army, there are floating black clouds of dozens of feet in size. Among the black clouds, they stand up in a dense black wolf wearing black armor, holding a fork, and a long blade.

It’s just that these strange people’s skin looks dark, like a dry corpse, but with a black helmet on the head, only half of the face is exposed, but these faces are not a trace of flesh and blood. It’s horrible.

These are the sinister sects of the Xuanzong refining system. Although the strength is not very strong, most of them only have the right to fight during the condensate period. The highest is equivalent to the initial stage of crystallization, but these squadrons are numerous in number and do not fear pain. Not afraid of death, even if it is broken, it can be reorganized and regenerated under the control of the Xuanzong monk. It is a great weapon against locusts.

Taiqingmen and Haoran College also carried secret means, but did not reveal the front.

Other factions, such as the Eight Great Family, Tian Yao Gu, Bei Dou Ge and other major forces, have also prepared for this war. At this point, naturally there will be no reservations.

Although it is a desperate attempt, but the league's army is very morale, the factions are also confident in the space cracks that can successfully seal the Qifeng Mountains.

In front of the army, on top of a Tiangong Zongzhou boat, dozens of Taiqingmen who wore green robes were gathering on the deck in front of the cabin.

These people are all true Dan, and the monks who have been cultivated in the heavens.

In the more than 700 years of the killing of the Yi people, although the various factions suffered heavy losses, the racial wars that swept the entire continent were not a golden opportunity, which naturally promoted the cultivation of the younger generation of disciples.

Nowadays, in the Taiqingmen Gate, there are more than half of the elders in the Tianxiang and even the real world. These are the newly promoted in these hundreds of years.

The other sects are also like this. The older generation has become fewer and fewer due to many factors such as the collapse of the war, and the old and new take over, since ancient times.

Among the young monks of Taiqingmen, Jin Lieyang, Long Yanfei, Luo Tiancheng and others were among them.

In this war, the top leaders of the alliance have already completed Zhou Xiang’s operational deployment. These people are the attacking forces of this battle.

Of course, this huge boat is not only Taiqingmen, but also the Tianxiang and other young monks sent by other factions.

However, there are still a few days of travel from the Qifeng Mountain Range. There are no things to do in the evening. Some of them have closed their meditation in their own houses, while others have gathered together in groups.