MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 260 Mutiny

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Lin Yu couldn't help but look back at Qin Qing, "If it's you, it seems like you can't hold it!" After trapping people and setting fire to attack, it is a rogue tactic. The target has no chance of resistance at all, and is completely transparent.

"It's not necessarily, it depends on how much the opponent's attack is. In addition, imprisonment is very blue, not an intelligence of 20. It's a best-in-class equipment, it can't be used a few times." Qin Qing is very confident about her defense and blood volume. But after a pause, he added, "This situation is too dangerous to avoid as much as possible."

"That's right," Lin Yu replied casually.

"Lose it," the female archer lowered her crossbow and bow, annoyingly announced.

One person gritted his teeth and said, "I knew I would lose, I just set fire to destroy their mt!" Now everyone is hiding in the safe zone, and they can't attack if they want to attack.

"You know the result first, then decide the strategy." The female shooter was rude, "The set fire attacks the summoner to want to win. It is common sense that the summoner is weaker than the player! Who knows how high the mt defense is, how much health, No intermediate red medicine! "

"As far as the mobs in the copy are concerned, all the people set fire even more purely. Only under the premise that they will lose, they will choose to self-destruct, just to pull him into the water."

"It's okay to play against the enemy. Blame them for being too powerful." Finally, the female shooter said with emotion.

"Have you given up?" Someone reluctantly attacked the mobs persistently.

The female archer sighed, "Mt is gone, what good is it to barely survive this attack?"

Seeing a mob breaking through the siege and sprinting towards the end, her palm was flipped, and an extra card came out of her palm.

When the mobs in the blue copy entered the teleportation array, the mechanical sounded, "The game is over, the white camp wins, congratulations to the player for successfully defending the tower."

"The copy has been cleared. Players are required to leave the copy within fifteen minutes, and the overdue will be automatically transmitted."

As soon as the voice fell, all mobs in the copy disappeared. At the same time, players in the opposite camp turned white.

Iger saw the opposite female shooter standing in the safe zone of their camp intact, unable to help but look dull. "How did you get in here?"

A few people who had experienced group battles faintly noticed something.

Lin Yu shouted decisively, "Don't teleport away, let's talk."

"What do you want to talk about?" The female archer looked calm.

"Why didn't you die? How did you get into our camp's safe zone? Talent? Skills?" Lin Yu throws out many questions in his heart at a stretch.

"None of them." The female shooter honestly confessed, "I used the rebellion card just now. After using the card, players will change their positions, so I am now a player in your camp."

Qin Qing responded very quickly. "If you enter the final battle and the player has a mutiny card, won't you win?"

The female shooter said positively, "This is true in theory. But the premise is that you must have a mutiny card first, and you must live to the final battle."

"Where did the card come from?" Lin Yu asked. He remembered Pandora's inexplicable change of team during the team fight.

"Daguai dropped." Lin Yugang wanted to say that the number of drops he had picked up had never been seen before, and he had never seen a mutiny card. He heard the female archer say in a terrifying tone, "but the drop rate is appalling ..."

"How low?" Qin Qing was curious.

After thinking about it, the female shooter said, "The game is coming to an end. Except myself, I only doubt

One person picked up a mutiny card. "

"Why? How can you tell?" Qin Qing asked.

The female archer knows that the opponent has a battle card in her hand, and she can kill players in the same camp at will, so she knows everything. "The rule of the game is that the number of survivors in one camp is dead, and the survivors of the other camp are all resurrected. There is no limit on the number, There are no other requirements. "

"Therefore, in the absence of a conflict of interest, the average player is more friendly to friends in the same camp. However, the players who pick up the mutiny card are different. Once the card is used to change their position, the original partner will become a deadly enemy."

"Performance is simply the pursuit of its own strength, regardless of the lives of others in the camp. Because he can change the camp at any time, there is not much concern."

Thinking about Pandora's behavior, Lin Yu had to admit that the female shooter was right.

Qin Qing was quick-thinking and quickly thought of countermeasures. "A mutiny card can save lives at a crisis. But if you collect a few more mutiny cards? You can definitely use it to the end of each battle?"

The female shooter ruthlessly pierced his fantasy, "First, not so many cards. Second, each player is limited to one."

"For example, I used a mutiny card to change myself to the white camp, so in order to win in the end. I can only do my best to make the white camp win."

"Even if I have good luck against the sky and I get another mutiny card in the future, I can't use it."

"For ordinary people, a mutiny card is just equivalent to an extra life, and it is not enough to change the end result of the game."

Qin Qing pondered for a long time. Suddenly, he said, "Prove your remarks. You can only use the mutiny card once, and you say it is rare. It is made by killing monsters instead of talent. This is also what you said. Who can To tell if this is true or false? "

The female shooter was a little speechless, "How do you want me to prove? The only mutiny card has been used by me, and there is nothing to show you. Prior to this, you have never seen anyone use a mutiny card, not just mutiny. The scarcity of cards is the best proof? "

After much deliberation, Qin Qing was still not assured. He looked at the female archer from time to time, his expression was not good, and he seemed to be hacked to be relieved.

The female shooter was seen standing upright, and couldn't help adding weights for her survival. "I'm telling the truth! I have no way out except for the white camp! The white camp has an extra talent player out of thin air, What's wrong? "

"If this talented player misbehaves and mixes into the city with a battle card, it will be very bad." Qin Qing looked fierce.

Female archer, "..."

She wanted to teleport directly away. She said for a long time that no one believed it, so why was she in vain!

At this time, Lin Yu Lala Qin Qing's dress corner, "It should be true. Look at her expression, it seems that you are driving you crazy."

Qin Qing was ashamed and said with a cold face, "After all, it was the person from the opposite camp."

The female shooter was speechless.

Qin Qing still wanted to say something, Lin Yu grabbed people, his eyes flashed slightly.

Qin Qing made a move and finally quieted down.

Lin Yu turned her head and warned the female archer, "You know, I have a battle card. If you try to be bad for the camp, I won't be polite."

The female archer's expression faintly collapsed, "How many times do you want me to say? You may leave with a mutiny card, I have been bound to the white camp! I have to die when the ship is turned!"

She hidden

Feeling liver pain.

Lin Yu didn't care, and said casually, "There is no best."

Then he waved his hand, "The camp battle is over, let's go separately."

Brother Babylon, as if pardoned, drove away quickly.

After entering the copy, the teammates first killed each other, then they were beaten in the safe zone by the players from the opposite camp. Finally, they were always vigilant when cleaning up the copy, and they were almost unbearable.

Can finally teleport. When the white light flashed, the female archer's face showed a relief smile.

Then, Lin Yu teleported away.

Qin Qing, "..."

Didn't the wink just have something to tell him just to just shut him up? Qin Qing could not help but doubt life.

Teleport back to the city, and the mechanical sound reports the situation. "Before the sixth copy, the white camp player 79 and the blue camp player 60. Currently the white camp player 29 and the blue camp player 21, please continue your efforts."

Unusually, the mechanical sound did not stop after reporting the battle situation, but continued, "The next camp battle is the final battle. Please prepare for the remaining players. After fifteen days, the final battle will officially begin."

"Fifteen days left," Lin Yu said with emotion, "the game is almost over."

After the game is over, he has to wave for a few days before returning to training.

When Qin Qing returned to the city, he received a message, glanced at the content of the message, and his expression became dignified.

Qiguaibaguai walked to the training ground and entered the room. Qin Qing said the first sentence, "If the things you say are not important, you are dead!"

"You think I am you?" The person waiting in the room was Lin Yu.

At this moment, he was indifferent, "I wanted to talk to you in the copy after everyone else teleported away, but the warlock seemed to notice something. So I simply left and returned to the city to contact you again."

"What's the matter?" Qin Qing went straight to the subject. But in fact, he had a vague idea in his heart, "You are not stupid and sweet what others say and believe. Since you choose to believe in the blue camp shooter, there should be a reason."

For example, picking up a mutiny card has confirmed that the opponent's shooter is telling the truth.

"I can't hide anything from you." Lin Yu generously threw the newly obtained rebellion card to Qin Qing.

"Rebellion card: After using the card, players will change their positions. Note that each player can only use the rebellion card once." Qin Qing read the instructions and then chuckled, "No wonder you don't let me trouble her."

Lin Yu earnestly said, "At present, our camp is dominant. Of course, it is a good thing to have another talented player who has lost his heart. I don't want to let people know that the rebellion card was found, and other people are regarded as potential enemies in the province.

"My current plan is to stay in the white camp and win the final victory. The mutiny card is the last insurance. It is better not to use it."

"In the unlikely event that the blue camp is about to win, use up the card."

Qin Qing glanced at her, "Worried about only one person changing camp?" Two men and two camps, they will die.

Lin Yu expressionless, "Although the love ring is very magical, but I have to guard against accidents. I didn't want to go all the way, but eventually died somehow."

Qin Qing raised his corner of his mouth and threw back the rebellion card to Lin Yu. "It's good to keep the card as a spare, although I don't think it will be used."

Lin Yu laughed and answered softly, "Well."