MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2171 Duobao

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The seven ‘Eternal Shura Kings’ are no longer directed at the ‘Chaotic Holy Emperor’ and others, but instead point their finger at Xuanyuan.

They realized that Xuanyuan’s threat to them is getting bigger and bigger. From the very beginning, they need to rely on the power of artifacts. Now they can kill them with their own strength. If Xuanyuan does not die, then 'Eternal Nether’ This time the plan may have to fail.

Xuanyuan and his three Taoist bodies flew all the way back. He did not retreat into the ‘Qinglong Holy Land’, but attracted all the ‘Eternal Shura King’ and let them completely break away from this battlefield.

"You, I will take this 'Eternal Shura King' away, you take the opportunity to tear up all the terracotta warriors they summoned, their causality with the 'Central World' is limited, then it is difficult to summon the 'eternal gloom' Soldiers and horses, you must fight against time. If you wait for them to come back and organize the horses and horses to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it will cause heavy losses for all beings." Xuanyuan passed his thoughts to the emperors.

"Mom, I can only listen to this kid, greedy old man, let's take it together." I saw the old man and the pig's head, and the two men evolved thousands of black holes, and swallowed up the existence of these 'eternal glooms'.

The vast black hole vortex, many squadrons of the Nether army, involved in it, strangled into a piece of crushing, the rich dead air emanating from them all were drawn out, the cathode is yang, the anode is cloudy, and there is life in the dead. There is death in life, and it will not change in ancient times. If the drug is administered as a drug, it will certainly play a greater role.

The ‘Chaotic Holy Emperor’ evolved into a sea of ​​chaos and shot with his own ‘Chaotic Guardian’. Anything that passed, even the eternal Nether’s warrior is still difficult to resist.

The ‘Eternal Holy Emperor’ shot and evolved an immortal eternal inscription, which suppressed the numerous Nethered Warriors.

'Qinglong Holy Land' countless people are worried about Xuanyuan, but now they all know that their imperative is to kill these 'eternal Nether' warriors, and then gather the whole 'Qinglong Holy Land' power, will be 'eternal Shura Wang's elimination, this is Xuanyuan’s plan and cannot be disrupted.

Peng Fei Leng Shi is in charge of the ominous Holy Spirit of countless Nether army. He said: "Between you and me, you should also have a victory and defeat, and you have lost the blessing of the 'Eternal Shura King'. I see how you escaped from the palm of my hand. ""

Since Pengfei, the yin and yang have risen, and the yin and yang gods have evolved. The overall feng shui of the 'Central World' has taken shape and shrouded the ominous spirit. He can't command the eternal Shura King.

All of this came too suddenly, and the ‘Eternal Shura King’ seven-in-one, the unity of mind and heart, made him unprepared.

They have no contractual relationship, and they have come to the 'Central World'. They were time-limited. Within a certain time limit, the ‘Eternal Shura King’ would obey the command of the ominous Holy Spirit.

Now that the time limit has passed, it is necessary to return to the 'eternal Nether', or in this 'central world', determined by the 'Eternal Shura King' himself, who will lead all the sacrifices of the previous sacrifices, and they will summon themselves. A strong terracotta warrior, attacking the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

It has surpassed their contractual relationship with the ominous Holy Spirit, which has become a war between the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ and the ‘Eternal Nether’.

Among the eyes of the ominous Holy Spirit, there was an unprecedented panic, and he felt that his body could not move.

Pengfei has a boxing out, the yin and yang are rolling, and the power of the whole world is concentrated.

The ominous Holy Spirit immediately mobilized the feng shui that he had planted in the ‘Eternal Shura King’. At this moment, the power of them was extracted for their own use, and they broke away from the shackles of Pengfei’s feng shui.

He hits a fist and wants to kill Pengfei. The two punches collide. He feels that he can kill Pengfei, unless he can break the whole 'Central World' by one punch. Otherwise, there is no way. .

The two punches collided, and the undulations of the avenue swept out. The soldiers of 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Eternal Nether' were affected, and the loss was not small. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' had a battlefield body, and the 'Eternal Nether' was based on personal strength. There are countless deaths and injuries.

The two were evenly matched, and Peng Fei was shocked: "I didn't think you could use the body of the "Eternal Shura King" as the Feng Shui Bureau, but you twitch their strength, I am afraid that they have already violated them, I will look at you. How long can it last?"

Almost at this moment, everyone can feel a huge idea, shocked, and in the eyes of the public, the body of the ominous Holy Spirit is broken, and the power of the eternal Shura King is lost.

"What..." The ominous Holy Spirit did not think that the ‘Eternal Shura King’ could be able to counteract himself at such a long distance, and only use the impact of thought.

Almost in an instant, Xuanyuan’s **** of faith and Pengfei, the head of the pig, and the old man at the same time.

The vast black hole swallows the ominous Holy Spirit, and the **** of the gods of Xuanyuan extracts the breath of the ominous Holy Spirit and refines it.

Nowadays, he has cultivated the "Flying Moon Goddess" to the extreme, not only the embodiment of the sixteen times of combat power.

More is the control of air transport. Now with the power of ‘Qinglong Holy Land’, Xuanyuan has been able to turn some ominous gas into a good fortune. As long as this group’s ominous gas is suppressed, it will be useful in the future.

Pengfei refines the wisdom of the ominous Holy Spirit and refines his body, which is softened together with the sacred body of the Sun, into the body.

"I am not willing, how can I fail like this." The ominous Holy Spirit made a snarling roar.

In the universe, he has a great advantage, but in the 'central world', he is almost subject to people everywhere.

Because this piece of heaven and earth feng shui, has long been mastered by Peng Fei, and there is a sun over the sun, the emperor's four earth roots blessing, he is not an opponent, before because there is 'Eternal Shura King' around him, so there is no way When they are shot, when they leave, the ominous Holy Spirit is the life of refining.

"Hey, you will accept it." The memory of the fengshui ancestor of the old man and the pig's head refining this group brings them no small benefits.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary is Pengfei. This is between the two. The past and present are caused by the cause and effect. Xuanyuan’s **** of faithfulness feels that in the midst of it, an inexplicable force is integrated into Pengfei’s body to make it fly fast. Ascension, this is an essential transformation.

Invisible, his memory is complete, 'Taiyin sacred body' and 'Sun sacred body' are also integrated into Pengfei's physique, his strength is climbing, and the mastery of Feng Shui magic becomes more Proficient, now the entire 'Central World' is in his eyes, and the feng shui power that can be mastered is even stronger.

"Xuanyuan that kid needs me to help him, and I will hand it over to you here." Pengfei refining the idea of ​​the ominous Holy Spirit, and the blessing of causal power caused his body to be earth-shaking. Change, no one can ever block it from now on.

"Go ahead." The pig head screamed at Pengfei, and did not expect the strength of this fat man to be promoted to such a level.

"You can die, Xuanyuan absolutely can't have something." The old man's words, let the original high-spirited friends fly a sly, the nose must be discouraged.

"Mom, is this discriminating against the Holy Emperor? When I come back, I won't kill you." Peng Fei seems to have been used to it. He stepped out and disappeared in front of everyone.

The cause and effect between Pengfei and the ominous Holy Spirit finally have a knot, just ‘the ominous Holy Spirit’, which leads to greater ominous consequences. Pengfei naturally has to bear it, which is ‘eternal gloom’.

Xuanyuan's three Taoists, united, have amazing power, especially along the way, his combat power is climbing, and the strength of the three Taoists is also rising, but it is still not the opponent of the seven eternal Shura Kings.

“Death.” The seven ‘Eternal Shura Kings’ united together and lowered the supreme curse of ‘eternal gloom.’

Seeing one of the body can't resist it, it instantly dissipated, Xuanyuan's mouth bleeds, and only feels whirlwind, this 'eternal gloom' is the supreme curse, even if it hurts his own body, but with him causal relationship, can It is extremely powerful to pass a part of the power to his deity.

A moment later, Xuanyuan’s two bodies were cursed in succession. There was no suspense at all. The seven 'Eternal Shura Kings' joined hands, and almost no one could resist. The continuous curse made Xuanyuan numb the blood, but now In his body, refining and refining the life essence of the three 'Eternal Shura Kings', and their memories, and so on, was quickly restored.

I saw Xuanyuan's body, he has surpassed the flow of time, but these ‘Eternal Shura Kings’ can hinder the advancement of time, and they must catch up with Xuanyuan.

Almost at this moment, the overwhelming feng shui overalls shrouded the seven ‘Eternal Shura King’.

"Give me a break." A ‘Eternal Shura King’ screamed, and the tight old lines of his body slammed into all directions.

I saw that the feng shui surrounding them was cracked, and Xuanyuan’s heart was shocked. This is too strong.

Almost at the same time, a mountain rose from the ground and slammed into a ‘Eternal Shura King’.

This hitting the mountain bureau, combined with the emperor's earth, the power of the four major sources of the sun, made the body of the 'Eternal Shura King' burst, but it did not matter, although the other six 'Eternal Shura King 'I will protect it in the first time, avoid being boxed by Xuanyuan, and as it is, it will only make them break into the wind.

Almost at this moment, a big seal, a thousand miles, smashed down to the seven eternal Shura.

This is a supreme instrument, extraordinary power.

"What, this is 'turning over the sky', it is not a copy of this." Peng Fei eyes a glimpse, some shocked.

Boom, even the six ‘Eternal Shura King’ punched out at the same time, and slammed together with ‘Tiantianyin’, and only saw the big seal of a thousand miles bursting and bursting.

An old man who is extremely rich and rich must be white, and he is about to cry out: "It was a broken copy of my imitation, and it was simply looking for death."

"This, this is a multi-poor person, is one of the disciples." Peng Fei screamed in the first time.