MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 410 Demolition expert

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The blue sky and white clouds, the golden and red steel armor soaring between the thick white clouds, a sudden explosion, ring-shaped air waves rumble, disperse the snow and white clouds.

咻! call out! call out! …………

Hundreds of silver-gray mechanical soldiers followed, and successively flew through the clouds hollowed out by Tony Stark.

The sharp sound resounded through the clouds, and the raging waves disrupted the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking down from a height, a Tony Stark was chased by five hundred mechanical soldiers in the vast sea of ​​clouds, and the holes in the sea of ​​clouds also increased with the passage of time. The internal channels are criss-cross and extremely complex.

'S eyes followed a group of high-speed moving mechanical soldiers, and it was not long before his head was stunned.


The sky mothership of SHIELD, the crew in the cockpit held their heads together, resisting the sense of vertigo.


Nick Fury covered his one eye and shook his head slightly. After the dizziness weakened, he said to Hill: "Contact Tony Stark and say that he has supported it."

"Understood." Hill, who is capable of women's suits, replied concisely, and then immediately organized the work for everyone.

The preparations for support were completed quickly, and the correspondent did not spend much effort, and he easily contacted Tony Stark, and things went very smoothly.

"... you are late ..."

The sound of Tony Stark from the sound is slightly complicated, tired, tense and relieved.

Was chased and beaten by hundreds of mechanical soldiers. Tony Stark's mental pressure is quite large, and it is natural to feel tired and tense. It is normal for people to relax when he hears the support arrives.

"I didn't feel late, the time was just right." Nick Fury shrugged and said helplessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, help quickly."

It's really easy to hide from the attack of 500 mechanical soldiers!

Listening to Nick Fury's homely tone, Tony's face quickly approached the color of the braised egg.

"Don't worry, don't worry ..."

Nick Fury is still the voice of an old lady swinging the dragon gate array, and his calmness makes Tony Stark have a toothache.

Tony is very suspicious of Nick Fury's private enmity at this time, because he used to be angry with him, but now he intends to hurry himself.

Tony Stark scolding Nick Fury in his heart, driving the steel armor to make a sharp roundabout, turning around and flying towards the sky mothership.

When Tony Stark flew directly in front of the sky mothership, and a large number of mechanical soldiers entered the field of vision directly in front of the sky mothership, Nick Fury waved suddenly, and the loud and rapid words came out.


The moment that the words of command echoed in the cab, the staff who had been preparing for a long time responded, and the muzzle of the mechanical soldiers had been locked to express their power.

嘭! Boom! Boom! ...

Sky mothership full launch ...

The innumerable shells dragged the cigarette tails and overwhelmed the mechanical soldiers soaring in the sky. The gray traces remained in the sky, just like holding a brush to draw black ink on the white curtain.

嘭! Boom! Boom! ...

In an instant, less than three or four hundred mechanical soldiers were destroyed. Hundreds of fireworks bloomed in the white sea of ​​clouds. There were iron filings, explosions, flames, and smoke in the eyes.


Tony Stark glanced back, admiring the grand scene behind, whistling a little excitedly.

"Good job!"

With Tony Stark's character, the words actually have a hint of praise, and one can imagine how miserable he was previously bullied by the mechanical soldiers.

Now that the mechanical soldiers are being bullied so badly, Tony Stark will naturally be pleased.

However, Tony Stark ’s misfortune did n’t last long before he was interrupted ...

嘭 ——!

"Hello, Tony Stark."

Ao Chong descended from the sky, two feet kicked straight in the back of Tony Stark, the sudden attack immediately made Tony Stark suffocated, and burst into a dry cough.

The Ortronic Electronic Eye flickered, and immediately discovered that Tony Stark was temporarily unable to gather strength, stretched out his strong and strong hands, grasped Tony Stark's wrists tightly, and pulled back suddenly, Form a C-angle with the back.

Was so engaged by Ultron that Tony Stark suddenly lost his balance and fell down towards the ground, and the remaining mechanical soldiers also gathered from all sides one after another, chasing the falling Tony Stark.

At this time, in the sky mothership.

Nick Fury, who was about to answer Tony Stark's praise, silently swallowed the words that had rushed to the edge of his lips, staring blankly at the place where Iron Man disappeared.

Things happened too suddenly ...

In the driver's cab, all the staff have a very stunned expression, and their rich expression seems to speak.


Remained silent for about tens of seconds, and the people successively converged their expressions of consternation, and restored their capable work appearance.

Hill silently sorted out his inner emotions. After calming, he turned to look at Nick Fury, and asked Nick Fury with his smart eyes.

Nick Fury had a dark face, making it impossible for him to see his expression clearly.

"Don't worry about Tony, let's support others."

Finally, after a few seconds of pause, Nick Fury added: "... Tell Thor and ask him to help Tony."

He wanted to use the sky carrier to wipe out all the enemies in one breath ~ ~ But the enemies were not so weak.

The reality is that the enemy attack is high, the movement speed is fast, and the defense is also very strong, while the sky carrier is high attack, the movement speed is low, the defense is also low, and the target is very large.

One-on-one, most likely to be shot down.


The sky mothership moved forward slowly, and its height decreased.

The battle scenes in the city also entered the vision of Nick Fury and others.

After a short and fierce battle in a prosperous city, there are so many collapsed houses, and it is a little strange. It seems that the two parties in the battle are the ones who demolished the house and demolished more quickly than the one who can fight.

And the scene in the city at this time is also very in line with the above speculation.

Mechanical soldiers, silver-gray and abnormity, the dark red demon did not care about the target to pursue, all the attacks were released towards the building, venting the desire to destroy in the heart.

And most of the people who are chased and killed are also buildings, and they have been destroying the buildings to block the pace of the soldiers.

If you let them do the demolition, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nick Fury suddenly thought, thinking hardly.

Https: //

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