MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 14 、14

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Soon, the red bus passed through the narrow road like a moat, passed through the dense forest, and drove to the destination.

After the bus door opened, the driver waved at them: "This side is too remote,? It's deep in the valley of Xiangxi,? If you hadn't chartered a car,? We wouldn't have come at all."

Xiangxi? !

The rookie actors couldn't control their surprised expressions.

The Jiangzhou where they are located is so far away from Xiangxi. As a result, I took a train, caught up with a fog, and arrived in Xiangxi ten minutes later. Not only that,? Even the time has changed,? The phone jumps from morning to afternoon in the blink of an eye.

"There are old people in your teaching team,?'s really inconvenient. Then as I said before, I will come here every seven days, and the next time I come will be seven days later."

"By the way." The driver looked at the group of them, and quickly glanced at the hanging coffins on the cliff in the distance: "I'm just reminding you... this village is very evil,? Anyone who drives in this area knows it,? In short, you should pay more attention to safety.”

Isn't it? It's strange to be able to make a horror movie here.

After the crow thanked the master, the bus swayed away along the mountain road when it came, and disappeared at the corner.

The repairman picked up Anna's backpack and said, "Let's go,? Don't stand at the entrance of the village watching. If you have free time, hurry up and help Professor Long,? Let's hurry up and enter the village."

This is a cryptic pointer.

Sure enough,? Hearing this, Master Wang pushed Zong Qi away, and rushed up to help Long Aotian as if oiling the soles of his feet.

After discovering that his deductive value had increased by 1%, the expression on his face became more and more joyful.

Zong Qi rolled his eyes at this.

Because Master Wang pushed him from behind, coincidentally, Xiaohong is his backing spirit, so...

Seeing an uncomfortable double image on the edge of his own shadow on the ground, Zong Qi silently lit a candle for Master Wang in his heart.

It's okay to mess with him, as long as it doesn't involve principles and life-and-death issues, Zong Qi considers himself a good-tempered and generous person. But it's hard to say if you offend a fierce ghost, especially Xiaohong who is very vengeful.

He turned back and turned on the camera function of his phone, and took some close-ups of the hanging coffin on the cliff.

The actor's mobile phone has no signal, but the director's mobile phone still has signal.

Zong Qi discovered this when he was on the bus just now. He also saw that Gao Mu had sent him a text message using his private number, asking him to come to the police station soon.

Zong Qi took a picture of the Ouroboros sign at the gate of Tongzilou the day before yesterday and sent it to Gao Mu. The other party didn't reply until today. He probably wanted to make things clear by inviting him over.

However, Zong Qi is still in the process of filming the big script, and he has to wait at least seven days before he can go, so he can only put it on hold for the time being.

However, there are signals, which inspired Zong Qi.

When he looked at the cliff, he felt that those ghost symbols were very familiar. He is a person who has a master of metaphysics as a friend.

Although you don't have many friends, you are good at it.

So after taking the photos, Zong Qi happily sent these photos to Qi Ningzhou, asking for off-site assistance openly.

"Beating workers, do you still have a signal?"

Anna came over and deliberately slowed down her tone, getting close to the softness and gentleness of the character.

Zong Qi has a good impression of her. This girl didn't talk much all the way, not only calm, but now she's getting into the mood quickly.

Of course, directors are more likely to favor talented and obedient actors.

So he also took advantage of the opportunity to play with her: "No, there was no signal when the bus drove to the mountainside just now. I think this hanging coffin is very spectacular, and I don't know how the ancients transported it up. If you can go up and have a look All right."

Although deduction is not required, Zong Qi still faithfully implements the persona he fabricated for himself.

Bold and adventurous, not only not afraid of seeing such weird things, but even want to find out.

"So this is ah."

Anna suddenly realized that she also learned to stop and go, and occasionally patted the flowers and plants, thinking that after the filming was over, she could investigate whether this village really existed.

They walked all the way along this narrow valley path, and finally saw something other than mountains and woods.

Huang Mao couldn't help sighing, "No wonder it's called a barren village, this village is really barren."

Behind the layers of leaves not far away, gray and black villages are standing silently.

Most of the houses are in the shape of stone slabs, mud bricks and wood structures unique to western Hunan, with green tiles on the top, and mostly three rooms, four frames, five pillars and eight chess pieces. Formed a thick cobweb.

At the entrance of the village, there were a few young people sitting under a tree to discuss. When they saw them coming, they showed vigilance and surrounded them one after another: "Who are you?"

Long Aotian stepped forward quickly, and said tremblingly: "We are the team that contacted Guicun before and came here to support education."

Supporting education?

Those young men dressed as farmers looked at each other, and one of the villagers called the third said: "So it's the teachers, I did hear the old village head mention it... come with me. "

The crows did not ignore the exposed soles of their shoes as they walked.

At this point in time, the strong men in the countryside have just finished working in the fields. But not only did they not take hoes, but they also didn't look like they had returned from farm work, which inevitably made people puzzled.

Walking into the village, they realized that what they saw before was not an illusion.

Although there are many houses in the village, most of them have closed doors, or are tied to wooden boards, as if no one has lived in them for a long time, and there are very few houses with bacon hanging on the door and open windows.

Huang Mao approached him very familiarly, "Why are there so few people in the village?"

"Why are you asking this?"

As soon as he asked, several farmers looked at him with guarded eyes.

Huang Mao secretly thought it was bad, but saw the crow step forward, "Brothers, we have no malicious intentions, we are going to support education here next, just ask."

Someone rescued the scene, and Huang Mao quickly responded: "Yes, no offense, just ask."

As he spoke, he smiled ingratiatingly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed them to the farmers in front one by one, which made their expressions slightly better.

This wave of temptation can't be said to be useless, at least it can be found that people in the deserted village are inexplicably wary of them.

The villager smoked a cigarette: "Our village was taken away by educated youths in the past. A few years ago, some young people made a fortune outside, so they moved out with their families. Not many people stay in the village now."

"That's it."

The repairman interjected nonchalantly: "Then why don't you move out together?"

"Isn't it because of lack of money?"

Perhaps because he hasn't smoked a good cigarette for a long time, the farmer's tone is a lot more relaxed, "You all say that our village is a poor village, otherwise we wouldn't send people to help the poor. Alas, if it wasn't too poor, we would also like to Get out of the mountains."

Along the way, they only saw a few women with dustpans in their hands.

Although they wore very simple clothes, they all wore silver crowns or braided hair ornaments on their heads. The style was simple and beautiful, which was an appearance that had never been seen before. From a distance, you can see the silver threads interspersed between the black hair, woven into butterflies about to fly.

Anna said with emotion: "The silver ornaments on their bodies are so beautiful."

"Nana, if you like it, I will definitely buy it for you."

Master Wang immediately took the opportunity to show his loyalty, and received a cold look from the repairman.

He has now found a way to improve his deductive value.

Just leaning beside Anna and helping Long Aotian, now Master Wang's deductive value has soared from negative to 6%.

The shooting of this horror film is so simple, as expected, I was too surprised before.

Reminiscent of what the repairman said before, surviving is not difficult, Master Wang's confidence soared unprecedentedly, and he even had the mood to think about his dream of becoming a big star after the movie was released.

Among the few people, only Zong Qi was carrying a small schoolbag to appease the increasingly angry Xiao Hong, strolling around like shopping.

The actors inquired about the news around the bush, asking about the hanging coffin while passing cigarettes. The villagers obviously didn't want to answer any more questions, and they only vaguely said that it was left by the ancient tribes before. They didn't know how it was transported up, and they didn't know much about it.

After going back dozens of steps from the entrance of the village, they finally entered the village.

At the same time, the center of the entire village was exposed. Includes a well standing in the center.

This well is very large, with a diameter of two meters at the mouth of the well, surrounded by overgrown weeds, and several buckets are placed beside it, it does not look like the dry and cracked one in the movie poster.

Seeing him staring at the well, the villagers immediately said angrily: "What are you looking at?"

something wrong!

Even the slowest Long Aotian noticed the abnormality of these villagers.

When the time came, the actors' eyes were all on the well.

Zong Qi touched his head: "No, I'm just a little thirsty all the way and want to get some water. Brother, don't you mind?"

Even though he said that, he didn't stop moving his hands. He took out the kettle and walked towards the well.

The farmer wanted to stop him, but he was not as fast as he was. He could only watch the black-haired young man nimbly stepping forward... He knelt down beside the bucket, scooped up a pot of water and took a sip. Finally, he gave a thumbs up: "As expected of the pollution-free water in the mountains, it's so sweet!"

Everyone: "..."

The villagers were relieved to see that he was not really close to the well, but the expressions on their faces did not relax.

"This is the holy well in our village. The goddess prays here every day, and no one from outside the village is allowed to approach it. If our elder brother finds out, we will drown you in the well."

He glanced at each of the actors with a warning gaze, the ferocity contained in it made people shudder, Master Wang was already shaking in place, and finally the repairman came out to smooth things over and gave a lot of benefits, so he gave up.

This behavior is almost blatantly indicating that there is a problem with the well.

The repairman at the end with the bag stared at it for a long time, but found nothing wrong.

Compared with the hanging coffins strung together on the cliff and pasted with various charms, this well is so simple that no trace can be found.

Recalling the nervous look of the villagers just now, the repairman made up his mind to come and take a look when no one was around.

"You will live here today."

The villagers walked all the way to the outside of the village, and stopped when they were near the side. They pointed to a house and said, "There is no clean house in the village. The old man who lived alone left here not long ago. You will live there. The classroom is Nearby."

"You are not allowed to wander around in the village if you have nothing to do, or the elder brother will see you walking around, and I will bring the baby to see you tomorrow."

After explaining this, the farmers left in a hurry, leaving them all looking at each other in blank dismay.

Looking at the dilapidated earthen house with only one dim electric light and damp bedding on the bed, Master Wang complained: "No, we are here to support education, and this attitude is too negligent and threatening. What the **** is this set?"

Zong Qi choked back unceremoniously, "This is the condition in the countryside. Why do you come to support education if you can't bear hardships?"

The repairman came out to smooth things over: "Okay, let's allocate the living quarters first. Nana and I share one room, how do you divide the rest?"

Huangmao: "Let's share a room with the crow."

"Then I want to share a room with Long Ao...oh no, Professor Long!"

Master Wang consciously made a slip of the tongue halfway through his speech, and his heart ached when he saw the 1% deduction value deducted.

Even if Long Aotian doesn't want to be with Master Wang anymore, but at least he is playing the role of a kind old professor, especially after the latter made up a line "living with the professor is for the convenience of taking care of the professor". .

Everyone present knew in their hearts that being alone was the most taboo in such a horror movie. Once the order is placed, the death rate will increase exponentially, and the possibility of encountering supernatural events will also greatly increase.

The crow's probing eyes turned around on everyone, focused on Zong Qi for a moment, and retracted without a trace.

"It's unsafe for you to live alone. If there is anything, you can knock on our door in time."

Zong Qi nodded indifferently, turned around and entered the room assigned to him.

With the blessing of the director's authority, what can he do? It's fine if he doesn't make trouble.

When approaching the wooden barrel just now, the progress of the plot climbed by 1%, which also affirmed Zong Qi's guess on the bus.

The core of this big movie must be at the bottom of the well, not on the hanging coffin on the cliff. It can be seen from the attitude of the villagers that they are very nervous about the well...or something in the well.

Zong Qi sat on the hard soil bed, opened his bag to take things out, and suddenly saw a new message notification displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, which was a message from Qi Ningzhou.

[Qi Ningzhou]: Yin Gathering Talisman...Large Soul Locking Formation...Nine Dragons Locking Coffin...Stars arching the moon...

[Qi Ningzhou]: Where did you shoot this? you go out?

Seeing the reply from the off-site assistance, Zong Qi immediately grabbed his phone to reply.

[Zong Qi]: No, a friend sent me a photo, I want you to take a look, is there any problem here?

The pure little Heavenly Master didn't realize that the "friend" that his first good friend mentioned was actually himself, and he was relieved instead.

[Qi Ningzhou]: It doesn't matter if you encounter any danger, I said that there will be no such thing near Jiangzhou, otherwise the cloudy sky will not be able to cover it

[Qi Ningzhou]: There is an extremely dark soul-locking array on the cliff, with coffins as stars, and the spells on it are probably the most yin-gathering willows, and they lock the coffins in the middle together, forming a crescent moon . Judging by the color of the talisman, this large formation should have a history of a hundred years. If I guessed correctly, the coffin in the center might already be filled with **** corpses

【Zong Qi】: Blood corpse? What do you mean, is it a type of zombie?

[Qi Ningzhou]: Almost, the blood corpse is an evil thing that gathers the yin energy of the world, and it is much more powerful than ordinary zombies

[Qi Ningzhou]: To be honest, I didn't expect to see such insidious things in this era. I have only seen the soul-locking array in the ancient books inside the door, let alone the layout was deliberately designed by the arranger. .....The design level is higher than mine. I can't see too much for the time being. I can only see that the blood corpse will not be able to leave the coffin for a while. Don't worry too much

[Qi Ningzhou]: But it's really strange, what's the use of trying to raise a blood corpse in this kind of place? The blood corpses don’t listen to their commands, they just kill innocent people indiscriminately, and there is also a problem with the orientation of the formation, as if pointing somewhere on the ground... I have a little unreliable guess, if your friend can take pictures of the coffin A close up photo of the spell above, maybe I can draw more conclusions

[Zong Qi]: Okay, if my friend still asks me later, I will tell you again, thank you brother, I will treat you to dinner when I have time next week

[Qi Ningzhou]: OK

After doing this, Zong Qi threw the phone away and lay on his back on the bed thinking about it, from the strange attitude of the villagers to the unusual well, and finally to the yellow hair and the crow.

I don't know if other people noticed it, but Zong Qi did.

These two people didn't know each other at all before. After getting the character card and starting filming, the atmosphere became strange. Just now, they offered to ask for a room to sleep in.

It is the most reasonable allocation for a veteran actor to lead a newcomer actor. Huang Mao helped them a lot when talking about the plot and the background, and had a good attitude towards newcomers, so it is unlikely that they would turn against each other at a time like this.

Both Huangmao and Crow don't look gay, so there is no possibility of falling in love at first sight.

Most likely... is that they got a character card that was somehow connected, and that relationship was hidden, unknown, marked as information in the secret part of the character card.

And because he saw the ouroboros on the crow's wrist, Zong Qi paid close attention to him along the way. It's a pity that this veteran actor is so sensitive that Zong Qi was almost exposed several times.

To be cautious, he asked Xiaohong to help monitor the crow, which is why the crow always felt that he was watching him when they got together, and he looked back carefully to distinguish but couldn't see anyone.

He analyzed and collected the clues one by one.

It just so happened that there was a rustling sound at the door. Zong Qi walked over to open the door suspiciously, and saw a little girl about ten years old squatting outside.

The little girl was wearing clean and tidy clothes and a pair of beautiful golden phoenixes on her head. She was obviously taken aback when she saw him open the door suddenly, she quickly put down the basket in her hand, and ran away quickly.


Before Zong Qi could say anything, the little girl ran away and disappeared.

The black-haired young man touched his head suspiciously, lifted the basket on the ground, and when he opened it, he found a handful of white flour buns and a bowl of oily hot peppers inside.

It seems to be here to deliver food.

Zong Qi took two yuan, knocked on the door and sent them to Anna's room, and closed the door again.

At this moment, Xiao Hong, who had been acting as the spirit behind him, suddenly floated out from the back of his head, slowly appearing in the air.

With the appearance of the blood-stained red dress, a cold ghostly atmosphere enveloped the whole earthen house, dispelling the heat of summer and becoming cooler, even the noisy insects around were much quieter.

Zong Qi saw Xiaohong grinning and preparing to go out through the wall, and immediately understood its plan.

"It's enough to scare people, don't kill or injure people."

He quickly reminded, "Also be careful not to expose yourself to the light and the camera lens, otherwise the system will deduct our points. Think about it, we work hard to improve our living conditions, don't we?"

Facing the ferocious whites of the ghost's eyes slowly looking over, the black-haired young man remained unmoved, and persuaded earnestly: "After all, you have also eaten the food I cooked. Doesn't it taste better than raw human meat?"

Xiaohong: "..."

Seeing that the persuasion is effective, Zong Qi strikes while the iron is hot: "How about this, after the filming of this movie, I will go back and make roast chicken for you."

There was silence.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Xiaohong: "Ho, ho."

Zong Qi raised his hands in surrender: "Okay, okay, two, just two, no more."

The red-clothed ghost was satisfied, and floated out of the earthen house contentedly, with a happy little flower appearing behind him.

Zong Qi silently lit a row of wax for the ignorant Master Wang.

The author has something to say: The second update of V is coming, please check the total of 10,000 characters~

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