MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 1 new maid (2)

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Handing over the jug, Aunt Zhang signaled him to pass the jug to Qiu Jiang, but Qiu Jiang refused to take it.

Aunt Zhang was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Qiu Jiang bit her lip, "Aunt Zhang, this wine...can't be..."

Before Aunt Zhang could speak, the salesman shouted: "How do you talk, you girl? What do you mean my wine is not good? Why is my wine not good? This is ten-year-old Zhuyeqing! It is specially from the famous wine town of Yiguo. In!"

Qiu Jiang shook her head: "No...not..."

Aunt Zhang's complexion began to look a little ugly: "What do you mean?"

Qiu Jiang looked at her timidly: "Master Hua, Huazi gave one hundred Wen."

"so what?"

"Master Xiang didn't prepare or prepare wine during the banquet, which means that only Lord Huazi drank alone."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Dong'er and the others told me that Master Huazi is very picky. He can give a hundred coins, which means that what he wants is a good wine worth a hundred coins."

The shopkeeper said dissatisfied: "You mean my two jugs of wine are not worth a hundred cents? Auntie, I only charge you eighty cents for your sake! Someone else..."

"I know, I know, don't worry..." Aunt Zhang turned to Qiu Jiang and said sharply, "Stop dawdling, give him the money, and bring the wine back to the business, so that the guests won't think you're slow!"

"If I bring these two jugs of wine, I will be scolded even more..." Qiu Jiang insisted.

Aunt Zhang took a deep breath, realizing for the first time that she still had such a disobedient side, " you know what you're talking about?"

Qiu Jiang reached out to take one of the jugs of wine, shook it a few times, and then opened the lid. A piece of foam floated on the wine in the jug, which quickly dissipated.

Qiu Jiang poured the wine on the ground.

The amber liquid flowed all over the blue-gray stone surface.

Both the salesman and Aunt Zhang changed their colors.

Before Aunt Zhang got angry, Qiu Jiang said first: "Look, Aunt Zhang, bamboo leaf green wine should be a golden yellow with a touch of emerald green, clear and transparent without impurities, and the foam lasts for a long time, so it is a good wine. This pot of wine The foam disappears so quickly, and there are so many suspended matter. I don’t need to drink it, I know it’s not good. When it enters Mr. Hanako’s mouth, he tastes it as bad wine. It’s nothing for me to be punished. Your reputation is a big deal."

Aunt Zhang opened her mouth, very embarrassed.

Qiu Jiang sighed and said, "Why don't you bother this little brother to buy two jugs of good wine outside? I'll give him a hundred wen, I don't want a penny. It's okay to order less, but you have to be worthy of the price. "

"Also... that's the only way! Why don't you go soon?" Aunt Zhang kicked the shopkeeper.

"Yes, yes, I will change it right away." The salesman said, took Qiu Jiang's copper coins, and ran away quickly.

Aunt Zhang looked at Qiu Jiang, and said slowly: "You girl, you know a lot, and you can tell good wine from bad."

"The servant's mother knows how to make wine, and the servant's ears and eyes are intoxicated, so she knows these things..."

"It doesn't matter how much you know. As a girl, the most important thing is to know what to say and what not to say, what to do and what not to do..." Aunt Zhang narrowed her eyes meaningfully.

Qiu Jiang hurriedly said: "Your servant understands! The little brother who bought wine for your servant today is a great favor to your servant, and this servant will remember."

Aunt Zhang smiled slightly: "Sure enough, he is a smart person."


"I seem to have heard a terrible news..." Yi Fei was stunned, staring at Xue Cai in a daze.

Xue Cai poured herself a cup of tea, without much expression on her plain little face.

Feng Xiaoya smiled slightly and said, "You heard me right, the candidate for Bi Kingdom is indeed him."

Yi Fei beat the case: "A beast! You don't even let a nine-year-old child go!"

Xue Cai seemed to think of something, and frowned slightly.

Yi Fei said: "You definitely won't go!"

"Yeah." Xue Cai nodded, "So you go for me."

"Huh?" Yi Fei was stunned.

Xue Cai said solemnly: "You have been away from your homeland for two years, don't you want to go back and have a look?"

Yifei's eyes flickered, and he suddenly realized: "Stop talking around in circles, what do you want to do, and what do you want me to do, just say it."

"Third Prince is really refreshing." Feng Xiaoya gave the attendant a look, and the taciturn Meng Buli took out a fan from his sleeve and threw it at Yi Fei.

Yi Fei caught it, and opened it to see that there was a map drawn on the fan—the map of Cheng Guo.

His face changed slightly, "What do you mean?"

"It means that you helped me marry Yishu. After I get Cheng Guo, the red area on the map will be all yours."

The map is like a long snake. Cheng Guo was originally an island with a small area, and now it is divided into two by red ink. With Luwan, the imperial capital of Cheng Guo, as the dividing line, the thirty-six counties and twelve prefectures below are all marked in red. scope.

Yi Fei looked at the half of the bright red, and fell into deep thought.

Feng Xiaoya said slowly: "Back then, Yishu hijacked your royal father, killed your two older brothers, robbed the throne, and made you homeless...No one would be able to change you." Willing. It's a pity that you have no hands and no money. Yiguo and Yanguo have clearly stated that they will not help you. Although you are now settled in Biguo, you can only make ends meet. If you want to counterattack, it is as difficult as going to heaven. Therefore, You might as well consider my proposal."

Yi Fei looked at the map, once the smile disappeared from his thin face, it looked very deep.

"Although Hu Jiuxian is rich, he is old; you know better than me what the five major clans of Cheng Guo are like; Prime Minister Xue is not involved in this matter. Then, don't you think that I am the most likely to become king among the eight candidates?" Husband's?" Feng Xiaoya smiled lightly, her bright eyes were like stars, making people feel that no matter what time, it would be a very comfortable thing to be able to talk to such a person.

But Yifei felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

He slowly closed the fan.

"What about your eleven wives?"

Feng Xiaoya wrote lightly, "It's time to rest."

Hard enough! Yi Fei stared at the seemingly harmless and feminine man in front of him, thinking about the rumors about this man's life, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion—

Feng Xiaoya.

The only son of Feng Letian, the former prime minister of Yan Kingdom.

As we all know, the first emperor of Yan State, Mo Yin, saw through the world of mortals and left his family to become a monk. Before leaving, he entrusted his son Zhanghua to Feng Letian, his most trusted courtier. But Feng Letian didn't look forward to it anymore, and assisted Zhanghua diligently and conscientiously, so that the world was stable, and after it was safe, he resigned from office and retired, and traveled around the world.

For this reason, King Yan has always been grateful for the kindness of this important minister, and has always taken care of Feng Xiaoya. Even though Feng Letian put down his words that if he wanted to retire, he had to do so thoroughly and not let his son become an official, although Feng Xiaoya had no official position, the favor she received was no less than that of any noble son.

Everyone in Yan Kingdom knows that their king has three loves in his life——

I love Xue Cai.

The second love is wishful and auspicious.

Sanai is Feng Xiaoya from the former prime minister's family.

As the name suggests, Feng Xiaoya is an elegant scholar named Feiyan. He is good at musical rhythm, good at fine brushwork, proficient in Zen, knows how to enjoy life, and most of all, he is sympathetic to women and jade. Although he has countless wives and concubines, he loves each of them like a treasure.

Men want to befriend him.

Women wanted to marry him.

In short, in the folklore of the Yan Kingdom, he is an extremely perfect noble son.

However, the man kneeling on the brocade couch at this moment is ruthless, full of ambition, exuding a huge aggressiveness... Although he is smiling, the smile does not reach the eyes; although he is begging Yi Fei, But there was no gesture of asking for help.

Yi Fei looked at Feng Xiaoya and then at Xue Cai, and couldn't help but think - birds of a feather gather together and people are divided into groups, no wonder these two can get together. Sure enough, there is a fox and a wolf, and they have already discussed to plot against him, a little sheep!

Yi Fei raised his eyebrows, and smiled very comfortably: "You have considered everything carefully, I don't think I have anything else to choose, so... please take care of me."

"The third prince is really happy."

Yi Fei waved his sleeves arrogantly: "Where's the wine? Has the wine come yet?"

"Here we come—" Liu Xu responded with a series of urging voices, "Hurry up, Aqiu, Master Hanako is waiting impatiently!"

Qiu Jiang quickly walked in with her wine in her hand, bowing her head.

Yi Fei took the wine jar, pulled off the lid and sniffed it, with a happy expression on his face: "Good wine..."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "As long as adults like it!"

Yi Fei looked at Qiu Jiang: "You can buy such good wine for a hundred coins, you are not bad, little girl."

Liu Xu hurriedly said: "We are definitely concerned about your lord's affairs, and when the Xiang's mansion goes to buy wine, the owner of the restaurant will give you some discounts, so I dare not fool you."

"Really? I go to buy wine on weekdays, but I haven't seen them so honest."

Liu Xu covered her lips: "Ordinary people, how can they recognize the dignity of adults?"

"You can really talk..." Yi Fei raised his neck and poured all the wine into his mouth in one gulp, Liu Xu's eyes widened in surprise, and just as he was about to dissuade him, Xue Cai said, "serve the food."

Liu Xu had no choice but to lay the vegetables first, then turned her head and saw Qiu Jiang was still standing there like a log, so she twisted her arm.

Qiu Jiang had no choice but to follow the cloth, and when a plate of steamed perch was brought to the table made by the car wall, Feng Xiaoya frowned and looked straight at her. Qiu Jiang was so frightened that her hands shook, and the two pairs of chopsticks fell to the ground crisply.

She quickly bent down to pick it up: "I, I'm going to wash the chopsticks!"

A pair of slender hands picked up the chopsticks on the ground one step ahead of her, and Yi Fei looked at her half-bent with a smile, flicked the chopsticks and said, "These chopsticks are not bad...why aren't they the usual silver chopsticks?"

Qiu Jiang was taken aback for a moment, huh? Did you use silver chopsticks before? Nobody told her that!

Although she didn't raise her head, she could feel two fiery eyes staring at her all the time. She didn't dare to get up, so she could only continue to maintain that strenuous posture and replied humbly: "That, sea bass, sea bass is fragrant and tender, and it goes well with this year's Hsinchu split fish." bamboo chopsticks are more, more suitable."

Yi Fei chuckled, turned to Xue Cai and said, "If you don't have money, you have no money, and you can say the same thing... You are really interesting, little maid."

"Many, thank you for the compliment..." Qiu Jiang could only look at the tip of his shoe.

Yi Fei handed her the dirty bamboo chopsticks, and Qiu Jiang quickly reached out to take them, but the chopsticks turned in the air and touched her chin instead, and then the force slowly increased, and Qiu Jiang was forced to lift his face .

Yi Fei smiled and said, "You are also very pretty."

Is he blind? Qiu Jiang thought to herself, could she be called pretty with her looks?

Sure enough, Liu Xu on the side was very dissatisfied, and muttered: "Master Hanako really encourages people."

And just as Qiu Jiang raised her head, Feng Xiaoya's gaze drifted over and bumped into her.

Qiu Jiang's hands and feet were suddenly cold.

It's over, she thought.

After tossing for so long, I couldn't escape after all.

That person... saw her.

Her so-called husband in name saw her.