MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 20 The first way

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Life, I feel that the world is really ironic.

Although Yi Fei suffered a lot when he was young, he was a nobleman after all. In the first half of his life, all kinds of calculations, hiding his strength, and cynicalism were all for one thing - to fight for the throne.

After failing to seize the throne, he fled to a foreign country and took refuge in Empress Jiang. He forbears and forbears, all in order to make a comeback.

Afterwards, I met her and walked together, watching him and Yundi prepare for each other, step by step, and he is a person who will not give up until he reaches his goal.

But at this moment, he said that he wants to be an ordinary person in his next life?

Is this the deepest desire in his heart? Or the biggest regret? Or, just an illusion of self-consolation? It seems that with the illusion of letting Ma Nanshan go quietly for so many years, he has the strength to continue killing in this **** world?

Qiu Jiang finally spoke, with a calm voice: "You grew up in this village, cruel officials often came to exploit you, and King Cheng raised taxes at every turn. The three of you can't even eat enough. Although your mother is no longer abused by her husband, she will get sick. , I have no money for medical treatment after being ill, so I can only lie on the couch and wait to die. The sea is ruthless, and people will die every time they go to sea. Your father will die, and you will die. Even if you don’t die, the next door Ah Hua wants to marry a rich man Escape from this dilapidated and poor fishing village. You will be like old Suntou and Tian old man, a bachelor for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to marry a wife."

Yi Fei stared at her fixedly, his light smile turned into a wry smile: "I'm about to die, can't you let me have a good dream?"

"I said this to tell you that there is no afterlife, and there is no chance to come again. If you don't want to accept your fate, you have to change this life!" Qiu Jiang turned over as she said, and crawled towards the stove beside her.

Give up now, and it's really over.

As long as there is still strength, there is still a chance of life.

live! live! live!

Scenes of pictures flashed through her mind, all of which were after joining Ruyimen, those cruel and harsh trainings, those tests of a narrow escape from death, those tasks that can only be accomplished by giving up dignity, giving up self and giving up everything, those tasks that can only be completed if there is a trace of weakness. A choice swallowed by pain... She has gone through so much.

Why? Why? Why die here?

Qiu Jiang moved her arms little by little, trying to crawl towards the stove.

Yi Fei looked at her in shock, seeing her blood-stained long neck hair and clothes, seeing the strong desire to survive in her eyes, and a huge power surged up in his heart. The force caused him to turn over and crawl towards the same goal.

One inch, two inches...

One foot, two feet...

He and she finally walk side by side.

In fact, along the way, they have been walking side by side like this.

"How to do it?"

"It's a good time. If you burn your hands on a skewer, it will cause a coma." Although the poison in the beads is gone, the beads themselves will become smoke after burning. Only in this way, the mechanisms of the iron wire will also fail, but at the critical moment of life and death, there is no choice at all.

Yi Fei expressed his understanding, stretched his hand vigorously, got the fire folder on the stove, and handed it to Qiu Jiang.

Qiu Jiang took off the bracelet of Buddhist beads, stuffed it into the stove hole, and then held the fire pocket, finally grasping the last sliver of life, his hands were shaking.

The two of them climbed less than half a foot away, but they seemed to have experienced the fiercest battle in their lives. Now lying down and waiting, they felt like they were celebrating the rest of their lives, and they no longer wanted to die.

Yi Fei half-opened his eyes, looking at the meager light above his head, but that glimmer of light made everything in front of him look extraordinarily bright.

No matter how dilapidated the hut and how dark the heart is, the sun in the sky is still as bright as before, shining on everything.

"Qi'er." He said softly, "I don't want to be an emperor. It's just that everything I want to do can only be realized after becoming an emperor. So..."

Yi Fei used his last bit of strength to turn his head and looked at Qiu Jiang who was at arm's length. She looked pale and weak, full of bloodstains, full of secrets and ominousness, but in his eyes, she looked like the gleam of light above his head.

"Qi'er, join hands with me."

He had said that to another girl a year earlier.

At that time, he thought that he had a great winning rate, and making such a suggestion was just icing on the cake.

With frivolity, temptation, and vague ambiguity.

The end result was—the girl rejected him.

A year later, he said this to Qiu Jiang.

His hope is very slim, the possibility of success is very slim, the whole process is full of variables, and even he himself is dying.

But with a worthless sincerity.

Will Qiu Jiang agree?

Yifei's heart was filled with apprehension.

After what seemed like a lifetime, he saw the corners of Qiu Jiang's lips slightly raised, drawing out the most beautiful curve in the world.

"Okay." Qiu Jiang said.

These two words merged with Yifei's mother's singing in his memory, it was Kalavinka's voice.