MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 27 sin (2)

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place. "He handed the old man over to a Golden Gate disciple, turned around and continued downstairs.

The Golden Gate disciple asked anxiously, "Sir, do you want to go down?"

Pin turned his head and gave him a comforting smile, then waved his sleeves and floated downstairs.

The old man who was helped upstairs by him couldn't help asking the Jinmen disciples: "Excuse me, is that old gentleman long-lived?"

"Sir is seventy-two years old."

"Ten years younger than me!" The old man was shocked for a long time.

In addition to the library building, there are more than ten high-rise buildings in the city, and people went to seek refuge under the leadership of the disciples of the Golden Gate.

At the gate of the east city, Yi Fei led the Yulin Army and the people to demolish the pillars of a certain restaurant, and then lifted the pillars and began to hit the city gate.

After the initial panic in the face of the disaster, the vast Luwan City began to show its unyielding side.


At this time, the sparrow came to the mountain, and the clouds and rain were thick.

Yi Shu suddenly realized something was wrong, and stretched out his hand to push Yundi: "Wait!"

Yundi ignored it.

Yishu was in a hurry, and just about to say something, he saw a sword resting on Yundi's neck. At the same time, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead and landed on her chest.

"Don't move." A voice said.

Although Yundi didn't turn around, he also recognized the owner of the voice, and became more and more terrified.

And Yishu saw the people coming through his shoulders—there were five people coming, and she recognized the person holding the sword, who was a Yinmen dead soldier beside Pin Congmu. The person who spoke stood a little further away and was the shortest in stature, but he was a thousand times ten thousand times more terrifying than the other four.

Because, this person is Xue Cai.

Yishu was anxious and angry, and immediately pushed Yundi, and the sword on Yundi's neck tightened immediately. Xue Cai said: "I said, don't move."

Yishu sneered and said, "You have a child with no hair at all, but you have a hobby of watching live **** palaces?"

"If you hadn't been so licentious, how could you not even know that I went up the mountain?" Xue Cai said with a smile, "Your people guarded the mountain and warned you frequently, but it's a pity that you didn't hear anything."

Yishu stared at Xue Cai's smiling face and felt that it was the most hateful face in the world: "How did you escape from Luwan?"

"This is exactly what I want to tell His Majesty—I can come out, let alone Yifei and the others. Therefore, your plan has been shattered."

Yishu bit his lower lip desperately, trembling with anger.

"So, let's stop at all the unconscionable things you wanted to do next."

Yishu said coldly: "Do you know what other tricks I have?"

Xue Cai glanced at the situation at the bottom of the mountain, and the sadness in his eyes flashed away, but his voice became more and more soothing: "It is terrible to be flooded by sea water, but there are always a few buildings that are stronger and taller and can survive. Then stay on those upstairs People can be rescued after the seawater recedes. So, your plan is far more than just attracting seawater. You locked the city gate, hollowed out the city gate, and built five covers in other places, in order to keep the whole Luwan from the sea. separate the island and let it sink completely. Right?"

A tingling look appeared on Yishu's face.

"Now, the person you want to kill is no longer in the city. Luwan doesn't have to sink."

When Yishu heard this, his eyes flashed, but he smiled: "Really?"

Xue Cai's heart skipped a beat.

"If Yifei and Mrs. Ruyi are really not in the city anymore, the people who appear here are not you, but them."

Xue Cai said coldly: "They have other things to do."

"Is there anything more important than catching me? I know my good third brother better than you." Yishu observed Xue Cai's expression and giggled, "Actually, I also know you better than you imagined." You are just a bluffing little guy. You are actually very confused and anxious now. But you dare not show it, because you are still pointing at turning the tables. But Xue Cai, let me tell you, Luwan will sink today You, can't change anything, and can't save anyone!"

Xue Cai's eyes suddenly sank.