MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 16 return

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Time flies, and it's Friday of the week.

Early in the morning, classmate Huang Tielan rushed to the bus station where she used to go early, hoping to see the young man here.

Alas, she was finally disappointed.

"What to do, Zhang Xiaoche has been in the Beast World for almost three days. Why haven't he returned?"

"Isn't he in danger? 呸呸呸, no, there is the Blazing Scorpion I gave him. As long as he doesn't leave the safe area too far, it should not be possible to encounter any extraordinary beast."

"Yes, yes! Zhang Xiaoche must be the best, how could he be in trouble!"

同学 Huang Tielan's classmates thought all the way, their expressions couldn't keep changing, and then they didn't know what to think of. A faint smile flashed on the chubby face, and their habitual lameness.


The entire bus shook suddenly, and all passengers felt their bodies shake. The driver in front of the bus almost thought that his car had hit something. A sudden brake on the subconscious suddenly caused a mess on the bus.


"Jingle Bell……"

The bell rang at the end of the class. As the class teacher stepped out of the classroom, a group of young boys and girls ran out of the classroom, or ran downstairs to the playground, or lay on the railings in the hallway.

Wu Junyu, who was tall and took a big step, walked towards the toilet downstairs, and behind him suddenly came a slightly fat boy.

"Wu Junyu, let me tell you a message."

The mysterious smile on the chubby boy's face seemed as if he had grasped some big secrets, waiting for Wu Junyu to pick up his words.

"There is something to say, there is farting."

However, Wu Junyu walking aside just glanced at him, apparently impatient with him.

The slightly fat teenager's face was a little stiff, but he didn't care, the face was more mysterious, and he whispered:

"This news is about Zhang Che."

Sure enough, the next moment Wu Junyu's footsteps were a meal, turning to stare at the slightly fat boy, and asked:

"Zhang Che? Isn't the kid in need of leave at home? Liu Weihao, don't sell Guanzi."

A boy named Liu Weihao, seeing Wu Junyu's attention finally attracted to him, immediately smiled and continued to whisper:

"I accidentally heard my dad said last night that Zhang Che in our class actually issued a certificate from the school and went into the other animal kingdom to hunt and kill another animal."


Wu Wujunyu seemed to hear something incredible. He opened his eyes and looked at Liu Weihao aside, his voice was raised, and he asked quickly:

"You said that Zhang Che's kid went into the beast world. Is this true?"

Liu Weihao's fat face frowned slightly: "Really, I heard my dad say, Zhang Che's proof is that we, Mr. Han, found Vice President Ma for approval."

"That kid really thinks he is a genius?" Wu Junyu said, half surprised and half amused. "He was just a beast master, his family was poor, and he even dared to enter the other animal kingdom to hunt and kill another The beast is so naive, I hope he can come out of the space gate. "

伟 Liu Weihao laughed aloud: "It's been three days. I guess that kid must have been torn to pieces by other beasts. The beast world is not so mixed."

Wu Wujunyu gave a sigh of sigh: "However, I hope he can get out of it with luck. After all, we are classmates, we can't just wait for others to die in it."

"Yes, yes, we are all classmates, I definitely hope he can come back alive."

Although the two said in their mouths that Zhang Che could come back alive, the gloating smile on their faces was a betrayal of the thoughts in their hearts.


On the outskirts of Ganganwei, the military gate where the space gate is located.

In the blue light curtain like a magical creature, suddenly came out a boy who was immature but handsome, with a faint smile on his face, glanced back at the space door behind him, and strode out of the barracks next moment Go on.

少年 This boy is Zhang Che.

After killing three Fengying Wolf the day before, his character broke out, and two Fengying Wolf Beast Cards were harvested, which made him smile with joy.

At the same time, Zhang Che's previous speculation was finally confirmed. His spiritual knowledge of the sea was equivalent to twice that of ordinary people, and he could really double the number of strange beast cards, and two primitive combat-type wind shadow wolves. His strength suddenly increased a lot.

As a result, the excited Zhang Che was going to hunt for some strange beast cards, and began to look for those lower-level strange beasts.

However, what made him dumbfounded, although for the next half of the day, although he was lucky to hunt and kill several kinds of strange beasts, he never got a strange beast card again.

The non-Chiefan is indeed the non-Chiefan, and even if he is lucky, he will return to normal immediately, leaving Zhang Che completely speechless.

Today, Zhang Che finally had a small harvest.

I was thinking of a stack of black iron-level alien beast cards lying in my backpack at this moment, and Zhang Che's mouth could not help but smile.

Although it is the worst black iron-level alien beast card ~ ~, but the number is really large, there are nearly twenty, even if it sells a few thousand, it adds up to a considerable amount.

Of course, these one-star black iron cards were sold in this way, and they are definitely not worth it. After Zhang Che was going to go back, he used them to practice fusion skills.

I have to say that the level of integration skills is still a little bit weaker, and it can only be combined with alien beast cards below Samsung's level. If you do not advance to the next level, it will not reflect its value at all.

Out of the military camp, Zhang Che picked up a passenger bus heading towards the city, then transferred to the bus and went all the way to the school.

He was not in a hurry to go home, but was going to go back to school to cancel the vacation first, and at the same time return the giant pig to the teacher Han Sheqing.

When I arrived at the school, it was not early, the school was already out of school, and only a few students were still coming out of the school gate.

In the new era, the learning tasks of middle school students are far less arduous than before. Without weekends and weekends, there is no need for evening self-study on Friday evenings. If you let the middle school students before the disaster know, you do n’t know what to envy.

It's not early, and Mr. Han Sheqing must be out of the office.

Fortunately, Mr. Han lived in the dormitory of the school classroom. Zhang Che didn't have to worry that he could not find him. He called Mr. Han on the road, and he was at home right now.

When I came downstairs from the teacher's dormitory, Zhang Che saw Han Sheqing standing in the garden downstairs with a smile on his face.

"Classmate Zhang Che, welcome back. It's great that you have nothing to do."

As a responsible class teacher these days, Han Sheqing is still very worried about Zhang Che. After all, he has also entered the animal kingdom and knows how dangerous it is.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Che walking towards himself intact, Han Sheqing finally breathed a long sigh of relief.