MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 719 Neuropathy you!

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"What are you doing?"

Xiao Xiaojian returned in a blink of an eye.

"What did you do?"

Lu Ming roared.

"You will not absorb the purification energy of heaven and earth!"

Xiaojian has a headache.

"You won't dig the spring water!"

Lu Ming has a headache.


Suddenly, each person was dull and looked at each other deeply. They all seemed surprised by the other person's shamelessness. Then, she ran away.



The world is cracking.

Without energy support, heaven and earth collapsed completely.


The sword card masters transformed by the priests are strong enough, so under the union of the old priests, everyone successfully returned to the exit of heaven and earth.


Light and shadow flow.

Lu Ming and others quickly left the ruins.

At the moment they left, heaven and earth were completely cracked, dissipated into countless fragments, and even the rest of heaven and earth were affected ...



Roaring constantly between the mountains.


Only a mess is left.


Lu Ming glanced a bit regretfully at the resting place in heaven that had been ruined, but unfortunately, he hadn't come in to criticize it.


At this time.

An old man came and looked dignified.

He is the president of the Priest Association. The sudden closure of the ruins aroused the alert. The chairman of the Priest Association who is working part-time at the wedding of an old friend comes in person.


He is late.

The ruins are gone.

Subconsciously, he looked at Lu Ming.

According to rumors, where did this guy go and where did he collapse, could it be ...

"You have to give me an account of this matter."

He stared at Landing.


"not him."

Pastor Shuangmawei walked over and said indignantly, "It is an enemy named Sun. He killed all practitioners and wanted to kill us. It was Lu Ming who saved us."


The chairman is confused.


Pastor Shuangmawei thought about it and kicked the elemental master of the dead house beside him.

"I come."

The Necromancer Elementary extended his hand proudly.


The water element condenses into a mirror, repeating some of the pictures of the time, the emergence of the day, the attack of the day, the transformation of the enemy by the day, the death of the day ...

of course.

Lu Ming's every move.

Lu Ming worked diligently to protect everyone, not even the fountain of life.

So kind ...


The chairman was ashamed, "I misunderstood you."

"No problem."

Lu Ming coughed, "Everyone's safety is the most important."

"Thank you."

The president is grateful.


When he looked at the ruins, he still felt a little sad ...

after all……


"News on the investigation day."

"I want to know his identity, who raised the dog !!!"

The president's intention to kill was awe-inspiring.


The major forces united together to trace the traces of ‘day’. Things in heaven and earth were considered to come to an end, but when it came to the ownership of the nine old priests ...

"Lu Ming."


"They are the treasures of our pastor association ..."


"Can you get them back to the pastor's association."


Lu Ming was a little silent.

These nine pastors are treasures!

After the transformation of heaven and earth, they have a stable and solid cultivation state, if one day can successfully enter the nine stars ...

That's the legend! ! !


He also knew that he could not keep the nine pastors.

Even if the pastors have resources, the pastors association cannot really let them go. Besides, these pastors were injured at the beginning to save him.


and also……

Lu Ming now has a guilty b.


In case these pastors returned to the association, what did they discover from him ...

"It's okay."

"They belong to the pastor association."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


The president's face was dumbfounded, but the originally prepared method of tearing was not taken out.

this one?

When he spoke, Lu Ming let go directly? !


That's nine top eight-star pastors!

The chairman suddenly felt ashamed.

Lu Ming, this kid ...


They were right in the beginning. Lu Ming was so kind! If it were not for Japan to intervene, Lu Ming must have joined their association.


The priest president sighed, "It's my villain. I was originally worried that you didn't want to let go of people, but also prepared various means of temptation, coercion, and even **** ... sin.


Lu Ming looked foggy.

Is there any lure?

I knew ...

I knew I had resisted for a while.


In short.

He successfully returned the old pastor to the association.

As the saying goes, the fallen leaves go back to the roots, and he estimates that the old pastors will not live for a few years ... perhaps it is better to stay in the pastor association.


The president of the Association of Pastors looked at the figure of Landing Ming leaving with emotions, "This boy is so kind!"


And now.


A card maker looked far away, full of worries.

"what happened?"

"Sun is dead."


"Heaven is cracking on earth, I feel the trace of the sun disappearing ... Did it fail? Not even the sun with that power?"

The card maker sighed.

It seems.

There is really nothing to stop Lu Ming ...

From today, the Jianka Division Association will enter a stage of ultra-high-speed development. Under the leadership of Lu Ming, it will continue to become stronger and eventually devour them.

"what should we do?"

"do not know."

"do not know??"

"Yeah ... every day is lost, what can we do? Lu Ming has never been a good culprit, and now only suffers Lu Ming's revenge."

"Tell the president."

"You mean ... no! No! Once we told the chairman, we would never have a way out! The cardmakers association will never have any cards anymore !!!"

"Do you think there is still now?"


The card maker was silent.


Perhaps from the moment he shot Lu Ming, there was no way out.


at this time.

Lu Ming has gone.

Now that the pastor's affairs are over, he naturally has to hurry.


He feels that his body is not very good.


He clearly felt some strange changes in his body, and his body was uncontrolled. If he didn't run fast, he might have an accident.

"what happened?"

Lu Ming asked Xiaoxiaojian.

He is now struggling to control his body, not daring to distract.


Xiao Xiaojian remained silent for a long time and sighed, "You are filled with the glory of the priest ..."

Lu Ming :? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

You are full ...

and many more.

Lu Ming shook his hand.


A gleam of golden light radiated from the cracks of fingertips ...

That's right.

His fingertips were actually flowing.

"this is……"

Lu Ming was shocked.

"What could it be?"

Little Sword was powerless to spit out, "Do you think those priests absorbed the power of heaven? No, it's you ... You inherited the power of the entire heaven and inherited all the inheritance of the so-called pastor founder All the bright forces are squeezed out ... "

"And now ..."

"When your body can't hold it, it will naturally overflow ..."

Xiaojian sighed.

? ? ?

Lu Ming was shocked.

He raised his hand and watched the golden light flow in his hand.

He kicked his leg and watched the golden light flowing on his leg.

Very amazing picture.

He didn't expect it himself, that one day other things would appear in his body ...

"That's someone else's."

Xiao Xiaojian sneered, "It's not yours, you will flow out if you can't absorb it."


Lu Ming turned black, "What is happening to the sea now?"


Xiao Jianjian glanced, "The sea of ​​consciousness has been submerged by the golden light ... All places, including the remains of the battlefield, are all golden radiance."

"You have to absorb it!"


"It really will happen."

Xiao Xiaojian said in a deep voice.


Lu Ming looked solemn.

This is probably the consequence of support.


He had nothing to worry about.

If such surging energy cannot be absorbed by yourself, it may be transferred to the battlefield.


Xiao Xiaojian coughed, "This may not work well."

? ? ?

Lu Ming wondered.

"It's filled with me ..."

Xiao Xiaojian was a little embarrassed, "There are too many fountains of life and dark holy water. I can only put them in the spring water of the battlefield ruins ... Now there is water in those two springs, and the energy of the battlefield ruins is already saturated The state, no matter how much, I'm afraid something really happened. "


Lu Ming's face was black, "That brother Cat ..."


Little Sword spreads his hand, "Brother Cat said it hates this so-called bright power ... let alone absorb it, I don't want to touch it."

"In short ..."

"You solve it yourself."


The little sword slipped guilty.

Lu Ming: "..."

What's the matter?

Therefore, you can only rely on yourself.


Lu Ming tried to truly integrate this power with his body, but failed, and his poor talent of light element was almost zero!

Can't absorb it at all.


He finally thought of a way.


Lu Ming's body shape changes rapidly.

Surrounded by yin qi.

Lu Ming exhausted almost all the yin in his body, like a balloon, surrounded by a mass of light energy, floating in the consciousness sea.



Although all yin qi in the body is exhausted, the advent skill is temporarily abolished.


Yin Qi balloon is suspended.

The brilliance inside shone like a Kongming lamp.

"How long can this last?"

Little Sword is curious.

"Ghost knows."

Lu Ming rubbed his head.


He stretched out his hand.

Thanks to the effect of yin qi, there is no light energy overflow.

Fortunately ...

Finally, it is not leaked.

Lu Ming was relieved.

After all, it ’s not good to leak light while walking, especially after leaking too much, it may attract the attention of the Pastor Association.

By the time……

Once they know the truth ...

Lu Ming was afraid that it would be made into shredded pork.

at the moment.

To stabilize the body temporarily, Lu Ming intends to go back.

This time, the harvest was quite fruitful. The two pits of spring water dug by the little sword quickly propped up the beam of light in his body. As long as he absorbed and digested, his strength would increase dramatically!


Xiaobai will also recover the body.

Think of here.

Lu Ming is full of anticipation.

Hey hey.

Xiaobai, here is the teacher ...

"Who is that day?"

Little Sword is curious.

"Ghost knows."

Lu Ming pouted, "However, it should be the Association of Cardmakers. The previous minister said that the cardmaker had a plan for me. It seems that this is it."


"Their mission is over ..."

Lu Ming sneered.

In the past, it was to break through the Seven Stars that he tolerated the continuous shots of others.

now what.

Turn yourself into 1 star and break through into a mystery.

That's it ...

There is no need for people to target themselves again and again.


These guys who are hostile to him, it seems that there is no need to keep them, and Xiaobai's experiment, if there is a result this time ...


You can destroy the Cardmakers Association!


That day.

Lu Ming returned to the Jianka Shi Association.

of course.

Taking into account the enthusiasm of the disciples, Lu Ming fell silently to the back door of the sword card division this time, just about to enter, and a white shadow flashed.

"Master ~"

Xiaobai came up with a flutter.


Slide down.


Lu Ming touched her little head, "How do you know I'm back?"


Xiaobai blinked, as if not heard.


Lu Ming frowned, turned in the card case for a long time, and found a chip attached to the wall of the card case. He immediately sighed, "Girl, you are not good ..."


He pulled Xiaobai's little arm, turned on the communicator, and saw the coordinate positioning marked above and a new note-grandson.


There are also messages from manufacturers.

"Grandma White."

"Did we receive the message from you?"

"Have your grandson found it?"

"Do you need an alarm?"


Lu Ming was expressionless.


Xiaobai lowered her head and vomited her little tongue.


Lu Ming raised his hand is a brainstorm.


Little white wronged.

"Do you know it hurts?"

Lu Ming said angrily, "Go back to the house!"


Xiaobai followed.


She looked around curiously, "Master, did you bring anything back this time?"


Lu Ming's face was black.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Xiaojian smiled and said nothing, "Your master is filled with stuff and brought back ..."


Lu Ming: "..."

"Fill it?"

Xiaobai blinked.

"Have you heard?"

Lu Ming glanced at her.


Xiaobai is embarrassed, "Xiaobai is synchronizing translation."


Lu Ming rolled his eyes.


First beat the little sword, and then hang it on the wall, you? You talk too much!

"Come on, Xiaobai, follow me to the room."


Xiaobai kept up with her and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Let you see a big baby ..."

"Okay ~"

Xiaobai is excited.


Two people, one big and one small, returned to the room.


Silently passed away.


The next day.

early morning.

Lu Ming lazily got up.


Take a good rest, nourish your spirits, and then hey ... today you can help Xiaobai recover! It's just that after one turned up ...

Lu Ming suddenly stunned.


Not right!

Everything is normal in the room, but ...


He looked across the room.

There was no one, but somehow, there was a sense of discomfort in his heart, and, most importantly, Xiao Xiaojian did not speak.

Little sword?

Lu Ming recalled.


Brother Cat?

There is no movement.


Lu Ming felt a little bad.

A shielded breath ...


He whispered.



There was a soft sound from the ground.

Lu Ming suddenly raised his head. At the end of the corridor of the association, an old man with gray hair was walking slowly, and every step was very steady.

"Lu Ming?"

The old man smiled slightly, "You are smarter than I thought."

"you are……"

Lu Ming was dry.

He felt the familiar breath of this person-Jiuxing! ! !

He has confronted Jiuxing several times, but each time it was a special confrontation ... there has never been a moment when he and Jiuxing were in a real battle.

And now ...


The old man sat down.

"it is good."

Lu Ming sat down.

The old man poured a cup of coffee for him.


Lu Ming glanced at it, not Cappuccino, or it must be a dream.

"You are very smart."

The old man smiled, "Are you interested in being my disciple?"


Lu Ming shook his head.

Having seen the mysterious kingdom and seen many nine stars, he has no fear of anything.

Besides ...

This is the Association of Cardmakers!

Sky City!

His territory!

What are you afraid of?

"Not bad!"

"It's a worthy president."

The old man sighed.

He has long known that how can someone who can create an association stand under others?

"who are you?"

Lu Ming asked.

"What do you think?"

The old man smiled slightly.


Lu Ming was shocked, and suddenly understood, "I know! You are the president of the Cardmakers Association! You are here for heaven and earth!"

"Not bad."

The old man marveled.

"No one told me you are nine stars ..."

Lu Ming sighed.

"Because I am a card maker."

The old man shrugged. "The card maker is an auxiliary occupation, isn't it? The nine-star card maker obviously has no deterrent effect from the nine-star archer."


Lu Ming was silent.

This is simply fart.

Nine stars ...

The world is beginning.

Even if it is smashed with the world, it can smash you to death! ! !

"You mean ..."

Lu Ming asked.

He never believed that this big brother was just to accept him as a disciple.

"Apologize to you."

The old man shook his head, a little helpless, "My disciples who have failed to do things have done something wrong and are afraid of your revenge, so please let me come out and reconcile."

"Good to say."

"I forgive them."

Lu Ming said decisively, "What else?"

"and also……"

The old man smiled, "It's not easy for me to go out once. I always have to do something for the association. For example, by the way, you can directly eliminate a threat. What do you say?"


Lu Ming suddenly sank in his heart.

This old man ...

"Are you going to kill me?"

Lu Ming took a deep breath.


The old man is very simple, "Not every nine-star is determined and moved, and there are a lot of scruples, nor is every nine-star is sensible and kind."

"Nine Stars are also people, people like you, some kind, some irritable."


"I was very irritable. When I first became a cultivator, I was very rash and always did something wrong, even something I regretted."

"such as--"

"right now."

"Kill you, no one knows, after all, most of you don't know you are back, do you?"

The old man said lightly.


Lu Ming sighed.

after all……

Still at this step.

"Then you should have heard that I have the power to fight against the nine stars."

Lu Ming said.

"I know."

The old man nodded, "You passed some special powers at the six-star stage, and temporarily possessed nine stars, similar to the little guy called" Sun. "


"Even if you barely possess the power of Nine Stars, that is the weakest Nine Stars."


The old man looked calm.

To kill Lu Ming, he only needs one blow.

"I understand."

Lu Ming sighed, "Can you repeat what you originally said when you came?"


The old man was stunned ~ ~ which sentence? "

"Just start asking me the sentence."

Lu Ming reminded.

"You are very smart?"

"The next sentence."


The old man paused and said subconsciously, "Are you interested in being my disciple?"


Lu Ming's expression suddenly went right, and he walked in front of the old man, clenched his fists in both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Disciple Lu Ming, I have seen Master!"

Old man :? ? ?

Neuropathy you!
