MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 123 123%

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"I don't know exactly what happened. It's just that most of the monks left Xuanyunzong, including Yin Muchen, the head of Xuanyunzong, and several other elders with advanced cultivation." Boss Yang said. Said, "Many monks from the Meng family have gone to Xuanyunzong. I heard rumors that it seems to be related to the erosion."

"Isn't the erosion suppressed by Master Yuanwu in Yuanduanlou?" Boss Yang shivered as he said so, "If something happens in Yuanduanlou, I'm worried that the world of cultivating immortals will be in chaos again, and, I always feel a little uneasy about what caused the internal division of Xuanyunzong."

Shen Rongyu listened to the news, closed her eyes and pondered, and didn't answer Boss Yang immediately. He knew that the change of Xuanyunzong might be related to him or Ji Qingzhuo.

That Meng Yaolan always gave him a strange feeling. At first he didn't pay attention to this new disciple who just joined Xuanyun Sect. Later, because of Jiang Qianke's relationship, he noticed Meng Yaolan a few times. He knew that it was Meng Yaolan. After coming to Xuanyunzong, Jiang Qianke became so strange.

He remembered Jiang Qianke. In Xuanyunzong, the reason why he wanted to kill him first was very simple, that is, there were very few monks who besieged Yuanduanlou back then, and most of them had been killed by him before. The Snow Burying Sword in his hand, however, there are still some fish that slipped through the net and remained in Xuanyunzong and the Meng family.

Jiang Qianke was one of the more conspicuous monks. At that time, he was only a Jindan monk. Looking at the real Yuanwu standing in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration and yearning.

He was such a simple young man at the time, but some of his characteristics were pure and repulsive. Shen Rongyu clearly remembered that it was Jiang Qianke who swung his mother's lifeless corpse into the abyss with a wave of his hand - just because of her body The dirty blood was about to splash on Meng Yuanwu's body.

Shen Rongyu's thoughts were pulled back, and he finally realized who Meng Yaolan looked like, she was like Meng Yuanwu, except for the difference in appearance, their personalities were almost exactly the same.

He thought he had killed Meng Yuanwu, but Yin Muchen said that the token representing her state was still on, so she hadn't died yet.

The former righteous leader is almost equivalent to the king of righteous monks in the world of cultivating immortals.

A dry laugh came from Shen Rongyu's throat, and he said: "Okay."

Ji Qingzhuo was also listening quietly, she was not stupid, she naturally guessed that the Xuanyun Sect's change was related to them, more precisely, it was related to herself, because the Meng family's target had always been her.

She really... didn't have the slightest impression of Meng Yaolan, but she did lose a large part of her memory, so Ji Qingzhuo was a little uneasy.

Ji Qingzhuo's fingertips trembled, Shen Rongyu held her wrist, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay, Zhuozhuo, let's go back."

Shen Rongyu led her to their small cave. His strength had just recovered to the out-of-body stage, and he was far from being able to compete with Xuanyunzong—even Xuanyunzong who had left most of the monks.

He does not deny that there are kind monks in Xuanyunzong, but he has already passed the time to sympathize with others, he is crazy and evil.

But at this moment, Ji Qingzhuo took his hand backhand, and she said softly: "It seems that she didn't give us time to grow up."

She hasn't reached the Golden Core yet, and the magic weapon of Umbrella is not easy to use, because for monks, the Golden Core stage can be regarded as a watershed. The basis of the formation.

And she herself knew how Shen Rongyu's cultivation was. Outside Xuedu City, the reason why they were able to defeat Meng Lian and Heiying who were cultivating during the Transcendence Tribulation Stage one after another was entirely because this person and demon were seriously injured and they underestimated the enemy.

Ji Qingzhuo sighed softly, and she said something helpless: "So, what did we do wrong?"

Shen Rongyu's answer was beyond Ji Qingzhuo's expectation, because he would always coax Ji Qingzhuo and give her the strength of self-confidence, but this time, his words were cold and ruthless: "Zhuozhuo, sometimes, as long as you are born, you can exist , is a mistake."

If I had known that this world was a sea of ​​swords and flames, it would be better not to set foot in the first place.

However, Ji Qingzhuo thought for a long time before he said to him: "However, existence may only be meaningful to one person, and that's enough."

In the ups and downs of the world, if a broken boat can survive one person, it is a great merit.

Shen Rongyu breathed out a long breath, he always had such extreme thoughts from time to time, he is not a good person, but...

"However, I still like blooming flowers, bright sky, living water, and fresh breath." Ji Qingzhuo's tone was soft.

She is a very soft and kind person, she can't bear to hurt everything around her, and she is tolerant to the point of being stupid.

Such a person, living alone, is easily hurt, but she has Shen Rongyu by her side.

A wonderful combination, yet so harmonious.

In front of the small boat in the cave, Ji Qingzhuo stood on tiptoe and hugged Shen Rongyu.

And just as they speculated, Meng Yaolan brought the Meng family back to Xuanyunzong. She sensed that Yin Muchen was dissatisfied with her, and she didn't need Yin Muchen's support if she wanted to straighten the way and slay demons. Yun Zeyu has many followers of hers.

"You said that Ji Qingzhuo might be the wasteland, Miss Meng, I ask you to be more rational, the wasteland has been sealed under the Yuanduanlou by Meng Yuanwu, the head of your Meng family." Yin Muchen said while staring at Meng Yaolan. .

"Of course I will show evidence." Meng Yaolan put his hands behind his back and turned around. This gesture was exactly the same as that of Meng Yuanwu.

She didn't want to reveal her true identity, and it was very simple to tell everything, because after she fought with the escaped Huang Cai, both of them were hurt, and Huang Cai thought she was dead, but her remnant soul returned to the place where she was born. Meng family.

At that time, a baby girl in the Meng family was about to be born. Because her parents admired Meng Yuanwu's deeds, she named her soon-to-be born child with a similar name. The obsession with wanting to kill Huang Cai, unwilling to let her remnant soul disappear into the world, so that remnant soul came to the baby girl.

Of course, her remnant soul is so powerful that it directly squeezed the baby girl's newborn soul out of her body. Strictly speaking, this behavior is an extremely evil seizure, and what's more, she seized the baby from her own family's descendants.

All of this is just that she wants to kill Huang Xie, the demon that appeared under the Yuanduan Tower.

However, because Shen Rongyu who escaped erased all traces of his existence in this world-he knew what his appearance meant, so everyone forgot about the appearance of the deserted, including Meng Yuanwu, yes, at the peak Shen Rongyu is so powerful, when the soul control technique is practiced to the extreme, it can affect the consciousness of everyone in the world.

As for why Meng Yuanwu mistook Ji Qingzhuo for a wasteland, that's another story, but she never doubted her own judgment.

When she seized the house, she could not tell the outside world, especially Yin Muchen, that this pair of teachers and sisters, since the two of them worshiped Xuanyunzong together, their grades have been on the same level, it is almost fate Although she is an ordinary opponent, but Meng Yuanwu has been suppressing Yin Muchen from the beginning to the end, and now, of course, this matter cannot be discovered by her.

Therefore, Meng Yaolan could only hide herself in this way, looking for opportunities, but when she knew that Ji Qingzhuo's eyes were injured, she knew that she could not delay any longer. She returned to Xuanyunzong to try to prove her judgment.

"Master, do you remember Elder Ye's Stone of Good and Evil? Using a spell with the same principle as the Stone of Good and Evil, you can develop a formation that can detect the good and evil of people who step into the formation." Meng Yaolan said to Yin Mu Chen said.

"The Good and Evil Stone only senses the breath that is released. If you use this formation to detect the good and evil of the people in the formation, it will cause damage to other people's consciousness—if Ji Qingzhuo is innocent, with her cultivation level, Enough for her to die in this formation." Yin Muchen stared into Meng Yaolan's eyes and said to her, "Miss Meng, what do you want to do? Besides, Duanhong will not support your plan."

"Elder Ye is not needed, the Meng family naturally has such elder disciples who can study formations." Meng Yaolan said calmly to Yin Muchen.

Xuanyunzong is not the biggest force in Yunzeyu, and the Meng family, a huge cultivating family, is also a force that is not weaker than Xuanyunzong.

"I won't agree." Yin Muchen said firmly.

"Master, I don't need your consent." Meng Yaolan said to Yin Muchen with a smile, "It's just a notice."

"I won't let you stay in Xuanyunzong." Yin Muchen said again.

Meng Yaolan showed her Meng family crest: "Master, do you know how many monks who have worshiped Xuanyun Sect over the years worship our Patriarch?"

Yes, deciphering the earth veins and star array, suppressing erosion, and saving all living beings from water and fire, such feats are enough to make people worship Meng Yuanwu as a god, and Xuanyunzong, who trusted Yin Muchen as the head, has already arrived Many monks worshiped Meng Yuanwu.

Yin Muchen is actually not good enough to control this sect, let alone drive Meng Yaolan and the Meng family out.

"I have never liked your Patriarch." Yin Muchen's mood suddenly calmed down, and she looked at Meng Yaolan with indifferent eyes.

Meng Yaolan still maintained a gentle smile, she knew that Yin Muchen didn't like her, but she didn't need to please anyone.

"Since this is the case, I will announce your decision to study this formation to test the good and evil of a young disciple in Xuanyunzong. If there are monks who disagree with your actions, I will take them away from Xuanyunzong." Yin Yin Mu Chen is worthy of being the head of the sect, after knowing that he can't fully control the situation, he quickly made this suggestion.

She wants to minimize the loss, at least, let all the monks of Xuanyunzong have the right to choose and judge.

Meng Yaolan nodded. She knew that Yin Muchen had never won against her. As for those who opposed her staying in Xuanyunzong, it would hinder her future plans, so she agreed.

Of course, before leaving, Yu Sukong planned to find Meng Yaolan, of course he knew who Meng Yaolan was targeting.

However, Yin Muchen forcibly stopped him. He was originally a monster, between good and evil. The Meng family had many powerful monks. If Yu Sukong fell into it, he might be killed.

Besides, their differences are nothing more than differences in ideas, not to the point of fighting each other.

In this way, what happened to Xuanyunzong, Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu who were far away in the Xueliang region had already guessed most of the reason, but there was nothing they could do.