MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 370 Step on the blood, look for it!

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  Chapter 370 Step on the blood, search for it!

   Chen Nan’s establishment of a special disease research center for Crohn’s disease quickly attracted the attention of the hospital.

  All major wards are talking about this matter.

  As the deputy director of the western medicine ward, He Fuming was obviously taken aback.

   "Director He, what is Chen Nan doing?"

  Sun Jinxiao, director of the gastroenterology department, couldn't help asking.

   "Is he a little too anxious?"

  Deputy Director of Gastroenterology Department Xu Maoxuan couldn't help but said: "I see... Chen Nan is eyeing the National Science and Technology Progress Award this time."

   "It can be said above that those who make achievements will definitely be rewarded, and Dean Ge is too partial to Chen Nan."

  Xu Maoxuan's words are not unreasonable. During this period of time, the hospital's care for the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward has been shown.

  Especially the appropriation and scientific research funding of the oncology department can be seen above.

  Before Xu Maoxuan pondered for a moment, he turned to Wen Zeqiao and said:

  Yan Jiaheng couldn't help asking: "What do you guys... do?"

  The significance of directly opening that research center lies in that, because Chen Nan is very vague, and even Rico's method has no way to be recognized, especially internal medicine.

  Wu Cheng said that blood in the stool belongs to blood disease, blood disease, the blood of the body, blood is the glory, qi is the defense; the heart governs the blood, the liver stores the blood, and the spleen is the general management.

  Zhao Jianyong's disease itself is not a troublesome and intractable disease, the symptoms are one.

   Xiaobai understands, but what is the reason for the floating pulse?

  Does the patient have any evidence...

  I hope to see the emergence of internal fighting and internal friction.

  The other party also introduced himself: "You are a reporter from the editorial department of the British "Medical Forum" in China, Crohn."

  Through genetic testing, hemophagocytic syndrome and refractory Zhao Jianyong disease were both caused by mutations in the diseased gene.


   All in all, that patient is much milder than the few Zhao Jianyong patients!

  The domestic control of low-level experts is very tolerant, and there must be no key awards.

  Early in the morning, Chen Nan received a message.

  Chen Nan bypassed our Spleen and Stomach Department, obviously because he was dissatisfied with Sun Jinxiao's matter and was full of heart.

  However, Chen Nan still did it.

  Because the symptoms of patients are all the same, since some of them are not based on the methods of modern scientific research, it is bad to start from the most basic medical treatment.

   Xiaojia is bound to have some discussions.

And blood moves along with qi, when qi is reversed, blood is reversed, viscera get blood to nourish, viscera get blood to moisten, eyes get blood to see, tongue get blood to speak, hands get blood to grip, feet get blood And can photograph.

   And genetic?

   "Director you know?"

  But now, there is no choice.

  For Mitchell, who seemed to care about but actually helped everywhere, Chen Nan also secretly remembered it.

   Does this mean…

   And seven luck and eight luck seem to be unable to catch something.

  This behavior is bound to arouse the approval or jokes of countless people.

   "A few months later, you were just about to return to China, but the belching stopped, frequent hiccups, unbearable abdominal pain, blood in the stool... That is to say, the old problem, it has been mild recently..."

  XIAP gene mutation induces inflammatory bowel disease through innate immune function deficiency of intestinal immune cells.

  Chen Nan took a deep breath, his expression solemn.

   "I need professionals like him to join, and I need the gastroenterology department of your western medicine ward to join."

  The patient's situation is very simple. Before Wen Ze read it, he would frown.

  While speaking, Wen Ze followed Tian Xiaoyi to the doctor's office.

  The number of STAT4 mice is small.

  As the director of the Gastroenterology Department, Yan Jiaheng has been stuck for a long time. I want to make a move, and an award is a must.

   "I am sure that I have established a diagnosis and treatment center. If the hospital will step back and support you, you will get all the relevant patients..."

  Am I worried?

   Closer to home.

   Yang Yong, director of the anorectal department, looked at Chen Nan and said with a smile: "Director Chen, I have given you your old bone, and you have to take good care of it!"

  The deputy director of the anorectal department also came in person, Zhou Xiaodong, and Wang Yubing, a junior resident physician in another department.

  The pulse condition is a virtual image, but there is no floating pulse, which is not surprising.

  Sun Jinxiao heard He Fuming's anger, but said with a smile:

very slow!

   If you are sure that you have won, before it is published, it will definitely become a piece of news and discredit yourself.

  Chen Nan finished discerning seriously.


  British "Medical Tribune" is a journal with a low academic level, but our company does not have at most eight journals with an impact factor of more than 10.

  Although it is admitted that Director Sun is incompetent and his academic performance is excellent, is not because of his character that it is difficult for me to take a step forward.

   "Patient, female, 42 years old, has had recurrent abdominal pain and blood in the stool for 12 years, and it has worsened for 1 month."

  Chen Nan did it all, and Director Luo Qiping was also very supportive, asking people from the Anorectal Department of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine to help join the project.

  Before, Chen Nan could not feel the changes in the patient's qi, blood, yin and yang, but it is obviously difficult to be subtle in the intestines.

  That will be a weak road to rise, and all of that will surely make that success a little less legendary.

   You know, so far, the cause of Zhao Jianyong's illness has not yet been found.

   "You came to announce the good news to Director Shao!"

  There is no induction gene, which gene will be induced in a certain environment?

  Victory, from now on lies in the promotion space.

  Cron immediately gave a thumbs up: "In any case, thank you."

  Xu Maoxuan himself is not a permanent member of the Cardiovascular Professional Committee. I am very vague about one thing. It is quite difficult for Chinese medicine subjects to be approved in the international field!

  Before Chen Nan heard it, he suddenly laughed: "Who said you accepted it?"

   And there are spontaneous Crohn's disease model mice.

   Then it's not interesting.

  Before the other party saw Wen Ze, he shook hands and said with a smile, with a very sincere attitude.

   I know whether I am right or wrong.

   "That disease is really tormenting."

  "Injury history during operation: Colon was performed in 2009...Colon was performed in 2015..."

   Crohn's and eight other patients had no X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) gene mutation under the X chromosome!

  Wen Ze asked some of my other patients who also had the disease recently to do the genetic test.

   Seventh day!


   it seems...

  That team has absolutely no ability.

  The promotion quota for the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine ward last time is an obvious hint.

  Chen Nan dared.


   "Professor Zhang, that Director Chen was hit by him."

   "The subject of Zhao Jianyong's disease at that time was very small, and it could be completed by one person or one department."

  Actually, in that kind of low-level hospitals, each ward will not have one or two floors of wards vacant, just in case it is needed.

  That's why I decided to open a research center directly, face patients directly, and speak with curative effect.

  How can scientific research be so ineffective?

  Chen Nan does not have too little support now, and even, not many people are approving or resisting.

  The kind of floating is caused by intestinal cold poison.

  Chen Nan: "Here, arrange for hospitalization."

  Chen Nan smiled faintly: "Well, please sit down and show you his medical records."

   While speaking, he turned and left.

  Chen Nan is also constantly improving his own research.

  Xu Maoxuan's words had come to this point, Yan Jiaheng stood where he was, and felt his heart beating wildly in his body for a moment, and the blood seemed to end cold at that moment.

   "That is no successful experience."

  Crown pondered, and suddenly said: "By the way, in March this year, on March 3, you are going to come back from England..."

   Apart from this, it is not one of Chen Nan's students, Xue Zhongqing, the team leader of acupuncture and analgesia in the oncology department.

   And, most importantly, that might be Rixie!

   Sure enough!

  Hearing the sound, Chen Nan's eyes lit up immediately: "By the way, wait a minute!"

  The news spread instantly in the hospital, and He Fuming, who got the news, sat in the office for a long time without saying a word, and even looked very old.

   And that floating, it's more strange.

  Zhao Jianyong's disease is not a disease with a relatively low level of safety. Few domestic research centers dare to enroll patients.

  Yes, that is not an adventure, it is a gamble on the future!

  You should know that Chen Nanmu’s post-treatment of Zhao Jianyong is mainly based on the combination of inner and inner, internally, it is mainly based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and on internal symptoms, it is based on the method of internal treatment.

  Patients are coming in again now!

  I quickly asked: "What about the symptoms? Are they similar?"

   It depends on whether I have the guts or not.

   Who would have thought that suddenly Chen Nan would establish the Zhao Jianyong Disease Specialized Disease Research Center.

   "You feel that all those behaviors are completely nonsense, and even contain elements of sentimentality."

   Besides, there is not much I need to do.

   "You can't continue your research."

   Before Chen Nan established the Zhao Jianyong Research Center, many people scoffed at it.

   "Director Sun, I'm sure he is willing to doubt you Wen Zeqiao. You think that is a rare opportunity for him!"

  Wen Zeqiao didn't hesitate: "Yes, you have been preparing for so long, but you really want to make some achievements!"

   "However, once you lose... Chen Nan is bad. I am not a Chinese medicine practitioner, so I am on the opposite side of this group of people."

  Kron saw Chen Nan's expression, and said seriously: "Professor Chen, you are insulting you."

   Xu Maoxuan's categorical words made Yan Jiaheng fall into deep thought.

  And "Medical Forum" is a news media similar to "Medical Frontier Newspaper", which aims to report the latest developments in medicine and various news.

   Very slowly, the prototype of that department was completed without success.

  Sun Jinxiao's expression changed when he heard the sound, but he was not angry. Instead, he said to Wen Zeqiao: "Director Shao, you know that you insulted you very much. You are also your teacher in Western School."

   "You have even seen your disease in the UK, the United States, and Mayo, but the treatment has been unsuccessful, and even the cause of the disease has not been found."

but now…

   "However, no belching or hiccups occurred, and the abdominal pain has also increased. Is there any coldness?"

   If successful, there is no chance to reach the summit.

   "Chairman Shao Zizhen dares to..."

   That's obviously not a little risky.

  However, Director Sun is the junior director, and I, Ge Yerong, can only slow down.

  He sent a crooked nut, a bad thing.

  No. 3...No. 3...

   I slowly understood what Xu Maoxuan said, and there was a little light in my eyes in an instant!

  This kind of spontaneous animal model is very rare, even if Huaran helps establish a domestic base, it will take a long period.

  “One year later, the condition recurred and aggravated, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, perianal pain, accompanied by no repeated infection, low temperature, complete blood cell failure, few lymph nodes were swollen and small, splenomegaly, normal coagulation function, liver function failure…”


  Kron looked at Wen Ze, stunned by Yude, then raised his hand and put it under the table.

   "Shao Zi will really recommend patients to us with bad intentions? Then why is it not so difficult?"

   Before getting the news, Chen Nan suddenly became excited.

  Chen Nan suddenly became excited.

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "He is a patient, you are a doctor, nothing is impossible?"

  Yang Yong waved his hand: "We Chinese medicine practitioners are always valued. Chinese medicine anorectal medicine is even considered by Western medicine to be bad because we can only do you. Put my mother's shit!"

  Crown froze for a moment: "Professor Chen, do you really dare to accept you?"

   Moreover, the patient's condition has repeatedly worsened in the past month, and the coldness is obvious, because the lymphatic swelling induced by the infection is small...

  Being a little cautious will bring little trouble.

   And Chen Nan was invited to participate in a medical column.

  Yan Jiaheng can become the director of the digestive field of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Ward, which is definitely something no adult can do.

   It seems that Wen Zeqiao obviously made it clear that he would accept that patient, right?

  Wen Zeqiao hurried over at that time.

   But genes!

   It was also that kind of personality that made Yan Jiaheng always a wrong person outside of Xu Maoxuan's heart.

   “However, all effort is wasted.”

  At present, when Zhao Jianyong’s disease all over the country dared to simply set up a special research ward, I dared to stand up and do it.

  I think that young man is not too inflated.

  The spread of news is very slow.

   Now I saw Chen Nan’s lecture on Zhao Jianyong on TV, and I found it very slowly.

  After all, Zhao Jianyong seems to have a medical disease, but in fact he is mainly internal medicine.

   "Does he know who the recommended person is? Shao Zizhen!"


  Throughout the ages, those who make small things are like this!

  Wen Zeqiao was very relieved before hearing Wen Zeqiao's words.

   "Director He, you have worked hard for so long, and the basic research is not close to perfection. You are just waiting for that opportunity...but..."

  Tian Xiaoyi shook her head: "There is nothing like it, nothing like it."

  I quickly closed my eyes and quietly felt the change in pulse rate.

   I haven't gone to bed yet, that young man can't bear it.

  "Success is certain, he will achieve himself!"

   Originally thought that before Yan Chengyu, the matter of Yan Leshan started, the two sides would have nothing to do with each other.

   See if we can apply for fewer mice. At worst, we will fail to get a batch of spontaneous animal models, which is the worst.

   "You know, your disease is very fruitless and difficult to cure."

  The disease-causing gene mutation is the "culprit" of Crohn's unique disease.

  And the key is that Mitchell agreed to come up!

  Chen Nan frowned slightly before hearing this.

  Xu Maoxuan gave Yan Jiaheng a little thumbs up for his comprehension ability.

  Before Chen Nan pondered for a moment, he took a deep breath, closed the medical record, and said to Crohn, "Put your hand down, and feel his pulse."

   Isn’t there a need to treat diseases? Why do we have to develop to the research of new drugs?

  Wen Ze continued to ask: "What's the main thing for him now is comfort?"

  Because of this, Xu Maoxuan also had to sigh in his heart, Chen Nan is indeed a remarkable person.

   "Go to work badly!"

  Wen Ze took out the medical record and read it.

  Wen Zeqiao said in a leisurely manner: "If you are angry about whether you have strength or not, it's called being emotional."

  If it is a special disease research, it is either the Infectious Disease Emergency Control Center or the Emergency Emergency Department.

  I know Shao Zizhen.

   "When did he say it would fail?"


   "We are mainly doing an examination today, and you will prescribe medicine for him tomorrow."

  Hearing Wen Zeqiao's words, Ge Yerong didn't hesitate.

   "You just checked some cases with the computer. That person lived in Xiehe, and he was recommended by a doctor in Xiehe. I heard that we have established a special clinic."

   What does that mean?

  It illness has no external factors!

   "We need help!"

  Chen Nan thoughtfully: "Let's go, they are all patients, there is no difference."

  Are you sure I succeeded?

  Sun Jinxiao is relaxed in his heart, and what he says is simple.

  Xu Maoxuan suddenly looked at Wen Zeqiao: "Director Sun, what does he think?"

  The pulse condition of both hands should be heavy and fast, but it can feel floating and small.

   Whether Chen Nan or Yan Jiaheng made achievements, they are all achievements. There is no limit to national scientific research resources, so there is no need to waste them.

  The direction comes out as soon as it goes up.

  Xu Maoxuan could not hold back and said: "Director Chen is that kind of person."

  Based on my understanding of Wenze, it is definitely possible for Wenze to do such a thing suddenly at that time.

  Before Chen Nan heard those words, his heart throbbed suddenly, as if he had grasped something vaguely.

  However, the identity of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital is inherently sensitive. As one of the bridges of communication with the country, my words and deeds have attracted much attention, and even put them on a small glass.

   There are comments on what people in the circle think in the inner courtyard.

   Then everything depends on how the allocation is done below.

  Sure enough, just after the promotion, no patients were found very slowly.


   "Indeed, you have also seen your later efforts."

  I know that Dean Ge, who always looks smiling, is really lacking in courage!

  Yan Jiaheng took a deep breath and smiled wryly: "Do you think... you should talk to Director Chen Nanchen."

   "Then if something goes wrong, you can take the responsibility!"

  Seeing Chen Nan doing it now, I don't feel a little bit in my heart.

   "Then if a medical malpractice breaks out, can Mitchell handle it?"

   "You did it!"

   "Mr. Wen Zeqiao, he is hospitalized first!"

   Speaking of that, Xu Maoxuan's tone was firm, because I felt that there was nothing wrong with Chen Nan's sudden setting up of Zhao Jianyong's special research and even asking for the addition of the spleen and stomach department of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward.

   "There is no news from you, and you know that you and President Yan came from the same school, and you are your junior sister."

  Yan Jiaheng didn't feel any urge and excitement to try.

   But so what?

  A young man brought by Xue Zhongqing is my student named Zhang Bin.

  Chen Nan suddenly connected with the seven luck and eight luck on March 3.


  Hearing Xu Maoxuan say the same thing, Ge Yerong on the side couldn't help it.

   "He took care of that matter, Zhao Jianyong, we did it too."

  However, after Crohn's, a small number of inspections have not been perfected, and what I have to do is those inspections.

  Although the number of people is small, but...the beginning is enough to make Chen Nan excited.

  The essence of traditional Chinese medicine has always been to extract some substances from traditional Chinese medicine.

  Xu Maoxuan is also not a little strange. Based on my understanding of Chen Nan, he is definitely a person who is greedy for merit and reckless. Although that person seems to be ostentatious and low-key, he is very high-profile.

   In order to treat patients, it is necessary to combine the inside and the inside.

  So, Xu Maoxuan's heart became clear in an instant, and I might have guessed the reason why Chen Nan made such a series of actions!

   "Your brother Shao Zizhen promised to give you 500 STAT4 model mice, and we haven't finished reporting yet."


   "The kind of behavior that seems to be understood without strength or courage is a kind of behavior that can be broken or established!"

  Patient did not come.

   "Do you think there is nothing strange?"

  Zhang Wu also smiled: "A young man is not without impulsiveness. That time, you see how I ended up!"

  The other party was a blond-haired, blue-eyed white man, about seventy years old, looking gentle, with eyes, and wearing a decent suit.

  Seven medical staff, including Wen Zeqiao.

   Very slowly, it was sent to Huaran Capital Department.

  Suddenly, Chen Nan narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

   "You came here to see you. You know that your illness is very simple, and it will cause you trouble. It doesn't matter if he accepts you."

  I know, I might actually find out what happened.

  The number of spontaneous animal models is larger.

  Yan Jiaheng is a person who hates scrambling. He is humble and belongs to the academic school. He has also scrambled a lot in his youth, and that time he was encouraged by Wen Zeqiao, so he wanted to try it.

"If there is no successful competition, it will not only waste the unlimited scientific research resources and clinical resources of the hospital, but also be an insult to patients. The most important thing is... internal fighting can only be viciously consumed, and we can only work together if we work together. Solve the problem."

   "After all, the same research and the same hospital have unlimited resources."

  Tian Xiaoyi then said: "That person is British, he is a patient, and he needs to be hospitalized."

  Wen Ze couldn't help but take a deep breath, his complexion became a little less dignified.

  I still dislike the fact that there are so few patients!

   "When exactly?!"

  "You want to compete because of competition, and the purpose and starting point of your efforts are the same."

  Chen Nan squinted his eyes. Since I was going to do it that time, and it was done at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, it was not for the sake of sensationalism.

   Unless… I have no choice.

  How to induce the disease of that gene, what kind of evil, or virus, or bacteria, or flora, can cause the change of that gene.

  Before the first batch of patients were hospitalized, there was no clinical observation.

   What kind of person is Wenze? Xu Maoxuan, who is in a competitive relationship, is very vague. He is definitely a person who has the courage to go to the mountain, knowing that there are no tigers in the mountains.

  Chen Nan looked at the improvised team with only 5 medical staff and 10 nurses.

   To be honest, I also think so in my heart.

   Speaking of that, Crohn laughed at himself: "That's like a curse. From the time you are seventy years old, you know that you are the same as others."


  He Fuming didn't like Sun Jinxiao's quick success that time.

  Although Ge Yerong didn't say it directly, his words also showed a meaning: this is not a relationship between competitors.

  Cron's Chinese is very wrong. Working in China for a long time, it may be a necessary skill, and he is also a reporter...

   "You are bad, Director Chen, you have seen you on TV, and at the same time, you know you very well. You have participated in the World Cancer New Drug Conference and won the most anticipated award of the year!"

  Tian Xiaoyi served as the deputy director temporarily, and made the clinical details of that time very thoughtful.

  The Zhao Jianyong Disease Research Center was established in the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Ward of Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital.

   But, from then on, all are prosperous.

   "If he follows Chen Nan, once he loses, he will have no room for promotion!"

  Chen Nan smiled gratefully: "Thank you Director Yang for your support."

  Before Crohn was hospitalized, the examination ended very slowly.

  Before Shao Zizhen heard the news, he even said with a smile: "It is knowing that the sky is low and the earth is thick!"

"Director Sun, do you think they can't try to doubt Director Chen? Maybe I am like him in the field of modern pharmacological case studies, but... in terms of clinical trials and effects, I am definitely a pioneer, even compared to any of you. Everything is great!"

   So much so that they took a detour and set up another department, so even a doctor in our department was not invited, but internal comprehensive department (oncology) and anorectal department.

   "Also, have you done any animal experiments?"

  That conclusion verified my thinking.

"The patient went to the doctor 12 years later because of repeated abdominal pain, blood in the stool, and perianal pain in seven places. He was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the Oxford Primary School Hospital: Zhao Jianyong's disease (CD)...He was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The treatment effect was special, but the condition was still repeated. attack…"

for example…

  Before He Fuming finished listening, not only was he not excited, but he waved his hand with a smile: "Well, he is the future of the department, let's do it."

  Because few patients are the same.

  So Xu Maoxuan was willing to fight for that chance for me.

  Wen Ze smiled, his eyes hesitated: "You can't!"

  Chen Nan suddenly realized a clue that it was the same.

All beginnings are hard!

   That's an opportunity.

   Indeed, Mitchell's promise has fascinated many people, but he still did it.

  Tian Xiaoyi was also stunned: "Your Director Chen, you are worried at the same time."

  I hope to use the power of the inner world to get my research recognized.

  “They want to forget the development process of oncology department integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine.”

   As long as the patient's symptoms are resolved urgently, is that all right?

  If Zhao Jianyong is ill, it cannot be considered as a congenital endowment, which leads to the occurrence of illness in a certain environment.

At that time, Tian Xiaoyi suddenly said in Wenze's ear: "Professor Chen, out of the few patients you received, there were not eight patients who had that kind of situation in March, and two of them had no history of traveling abroad to seek medical treatment." .”

   Moreover, the purpose of Chen Nan's sudden setting up of that special research was on patients.

   Innate endowment is sufficient and the key.

   "I might be really unsure, so I did that thing. After all... Occupying the slow-down floor for research on Wen Zeqiao's disease is obviously a big deal."

  Wen Zeqiao wasn’t even a little excited when he was talking, the words were admiration for his brother, can I, Chen Nan, get so many mice? But you, Sun Jin Xiaoneng, you don't have an awesome brother named Shao Zizhen, and I am the president of the Society of Gastroenterology.


  Chen Nan now finally understands what kind of "New Year's gift" Shao Zi really gave himself.

   "Did he doubt it? You weighed 137KG after 10 years, but now you only weigh 60kg, less than half the weight!"

  Hehe, it’s really amazing.


  Yan Jiaheng couldn't help but looked at Xu Maoxuan, and said hastily: "Director He, you mean... Director Chen's current strength comes from the professional committee?"

   As a result, Xu Maoxuan hurriedly convened a discussion on the degeneration of the gastroenterology department in the western medicine ward.

Crohn seldom suffers from internal evils, which stagnate outside and block the movement of qi, which leads to pain, cramps, abdominal pain, imbalance of movement of qi, dereliction of movement and transformation, and turbidity and turbidity, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea; repeated Outbreak, long-term illness consumes righteousness, and causes deficiency of Qi and blood, and gradually forms asthenia.

   "That's why I insisted on going my own way and established a research center."

  Wen Ze has no doubts.

   "Professor Chen, let him take a look, there is a Li Chinese here!"

  But who would have thought that when his report was sent, Shao Zizhen would directly veto it.

  He Fuming nodded: "Well, you know, let him go to work."

  Before Chen Nan heard it, he smiled immediately. No wonder he knew him so well, he was a reporter from "Medical Forum".

   "What Wenze is doing now is clinical research, and it's mainly Chinese medicine."

   "You did that for the department!"

  Wen Zeqiao saw this and nodded with a smile: "Bad, thank you Director Shao, you are worried, you are the person in charge."

   "That means Chen Nan lacks some helpers now."

At that time, another expert on the side could not help frowning: "China-Japan Friendship Hospital actually agreed? Is Mitchell sober? You must know that China-Japan Friendship Hospital is an international exchange hospital, and there are no patients from other countries." There are many."

   If I'm not sure, I should be regressing, right?

   Few patients are sick all their lives, procrastination is recovery, and there is a way to seek medical treatment.


   If it is confirmed that the gene is really verified, it will definitely be a bad thing for the early detection and prevention of Wen Zeqiao disease.

   Moreover, that feeling is very strange.

  “The topic is small and the future is very broad. The previous research and development can be completed overnight.”

  Belching and hiccups seem to be a major event, and they are taken seriously. It seems that it belongs to Zhao Jianyong's disease.

  But now that Chen Nan suddenly occupied that ward and established Zhao Jianyong's disease research, it was obviously not unexpected by everyone.

  It is not to treat blood from Qi.

  Wen Ze remembered that day, and continued to listen.

   "But he is the same. He is now a permanent member of the National Gastroenterology Association, and he is a potential future. The professional committee is his promotion space."

is true!

  That made Wen Ze stunned for a moment: "Oh, he is bad, Chen Nan."

   "It's better for you to come, take it back or accept it, you decide."

  However, why didn't those few patients have such symptoms?

   Rongwei has a day and night cycle, and the operation is restful.


   "Director Sun, what he thinks makes no sense."

   "It depends on how brave he is!"

   "Then what Shao Zizhen sent must be trouble, even if it is trouble, we will make me bad news."


  That would be a detour!

   "However, if he wants to be ambiguous, he must join Chen Nan, and he will be a grasshopper under the same rope. He must win, and they will achieve each other."

   "Zhao Jianyong Research Center, you all dared to do it, but I did it. If there is a problem with no success, who will be responsible?"

  Today, He Fuming is discussing the specific scientific research details with the Department of Gastroenterology. It is said that this time the country and Huaran have cooperated in the research and development of animal models and have achieved results.

   "Indeed, their chances have never been worse."

  Xu Maoxuan stretched out his hand and waved it: "They will listen to you."

  Crown was more or less taken aback when he saw whether Chen Nan showed any signs of timidity.

  Chen Nan became excited.

   And Chen Nan really seems to have found a path suitable for clinical practice and the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine!

  Cron sighed: "To be honest, every time you talk about that disease, you are very anxious, and you have a low-grade fever every night, and it gets worse during the day."

  However, Wen Zeqiao behind his eyes gave Chen Nan a new idea.

  Yan Jiaheng is a seventh-level professor, a national post expert, and enjoys ordinary treatment, but... that is enough!

   Although Wen Zeqiao's illness is accompanied by no chills, many people have low-grade colds!

  However, at that time, Mitchell asked the publicity department of the hospital to conduct an exclusive interview and promotional activities directly with Wenze's Zhao Jianyong Special Research Center.

  The evil in the environment is not the environment, which will cause a series of reactions in the mutant gene.

   "Before Chen Nan handed over the animal experiment that time, the professional committee rejected it."

  That's what Tian Xiaoyi said, what kind of bad intentions can a weasel give to a chicken for New Year's greetings?

   "It depends on whether he has the courage!"

  When I was recognized, I resolutely chose the most difficult, most unsuccessful and most risky path.

  Wen Zeqiao's disease did not have that explanation, saying that the disease has nothing to do with heredity or environment.

  Chen Nan suddenly wanted to prescribe medicine, and I wanted to verify my thinking.

  In a place like the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, a mere national sticker expert is really a slap in the face.

   Moreover, on August 8th, Chen Nan speculated, and he could know that among the seven luck and eight qi, it is difficult to move the qi and hurt the blood, and the Lixie is the most difficult to move the qi.

   Symptoms have gotten worse this year, is it not related to environmental changes?

  It's like there is a mutation of that target in the gene.


  Xu Maoxuan looked at Wen Zeqiao, and said seriously: "Director Chen may be in some trouble now."

   "You need a diagnosis, after all... you are a Chinese medicine doctor!"

   Very slowly, before the Zhao Jianyong Disease Research Center appeared.

   At that time, Tian Xiaoyi ran back in a hurry.

  There are few patients, and Xiaojia can be busy.

  The treatment period for Zhao Jianyong's disease is relatively long, and it is obvious that there is no recovery in a short period of time.

  ps: That was really made up. The Eighth Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University was the first to discover the clinical significance of XIAP-related single-gene mutant Zhao Jianyong's disease in adults.

In the near future, it is obvious that mice will be distributed according to the situation of each hospital.

   "I need help, you don't think...he can join my team at that time."

   "You also know that when our research center was established, there were not many people waiting to see the jokes, and Dean Mitchell was under less pressure."

   "That was a gamble, not his future!"

   "The anorectal department of traditional Chinese medicine has been updated for a long time, and the technology is even more innovative. The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine has a remarkable effect."

   "That time, you supported him, he must work hard!"

  Wen Ze frowned: "Liguo people? What is he waiting for? Are they all people?"

  Crown looked at Chen Nan in no surprise, and handed over the medical records.

   In contrast, gene induction is easier, so the above means that the distribution is regressive according to the capabilities and past achievements of each hospital and scientific research institution.

   Moreover, Qi and blood are both diseases.

  (end of this chapter)