MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 378 As a Chinese medicine practitioner, it is reasonable to know acupuncture and moxibustion, right?

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  Chapter 378 As a Chinese medicine practitioner, it is reasonable to know acupuncture, right?

  Ji Yishou couldn't help being stunned when he saw Chen Nan's eyes.

  His complexion was solemn, a little more gloomy.

  Although Chen Nan's research results this time did not cause much loss to them.

  However, the Jiyi family is currently the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan for Kampo medicine, and the export volume of Jiyi family's botanical medicine and animal medicine also occupies a large market share.

   And Chen Nan's negation of Japanese Chinese medicine and Chinese prescriptions will inevitably have a great impact.

   At the scene, Camiston is a staff member of the World Health Organization, and Kovacs also attaches great importance to ethnic medicine.

   This time, if Chen Nan's research on Crohn's disease can promote the development of Chinese medicine culture and career, it will inevitably have a great impact on Jiyi's family business.

  So, after seeing Chen Nan's actions, although Ji Yishou looked calm, he felt a little more determined in his heart.

   There was constant applause at the scene, and many people were full of expectations for the establishment of a demonstration site of traditional Chinese medicine for Crohn's disease in China this time.

   Many experts and staff of the World Health Organization also have great expectations of Chen Nan.

   After all, this is a new medical star who can discover the effect of XIAP gene mutation on Crohn's disease at the age of nearly 27.

   Possibly even the youngest recipient of the Contribution Award given by the youngest World Health Organization.

   is also a future star in the medical field, it is impossible for them not to pay attention.

  Kovac stood up at this time and said:

  "The development of medicine requires the struggle of all nations and cultures in the world. This is the value and significance of our existence."

   "Once again, let us give the warmest applause to Professor Chen Nan, and also thank Chinese medicine for its contribution to world medicine."

  The voice fell, and the applause sounded again.

  Chen Nan also stood up and bowed slightly to the crowd to express his thanks.

  After seeing this scene, Qin Shiming, who was far away in the capital, was so excited for a long time that he couldn't speak for a long time.

  Since China joined the World Health Organization, it has been seeking cooperation, recognition and affirmation.

  The world is like a big stage.

  The reason why China has been criticized these years, and why it has not been taken seriously by many medical organizations in the world, is actually the domestic contribution to world medicine.

   And this time, Kovacs' speech clearly represents the World Health Organization's affirmation of Chinese medicine.

   This is a great honor!

   The applause dies out and the discussion continues.

   And at this time...

  Traore couldn't help but sent a message to Justin in front.

   Similarly, an emergency meeting was held within Elevit.

  Chen Nan's report this time was definitely an unprecedented blow to them.

  After the meeting is over, when the journal comes out, it will definitely have a great impact on some pharmaceutical companies and capitals dominated by Elevit.

  Elevit, as a global pharmaceutical company, although Crohn's disease is only part of their research.

   However, this is also a huge market.

   Moreover, the most important thing is the compensation that comes with it.

   One to two to go, this is a big loss.

  Worth billions of dollars!

  For a while, Tansen, the deputy general manager of Elevit, held a series of meetings with a solemn expression, and then immediately contacted the company's general manager, president, and relevant board members.

   What happened this time is obviously not a trivial matter.

  The best way is the top level of the World Health Organization, but... these stubborn and paranoid researchers will not give them a good face.

   After pondering for a long time, Tansen took a deep breath and made a decision!

  As long as Chen Nan is gone, the follow-up research will also be gone!

   Those who judge other people's money are like killing their parents.

   This sentence is not an exaggeration.

  When the interests of capital are impacted, it is time for bloodshed to appear.

  The conference will be held in Tokyo, Japan.

   This is not a big problem for them.

  They quickly contacted members of the Jiyi family and wanted to seek a cooperation.

  For a while, the enemy of the enemy naturally became a friend.



  The meeting proceeded in an orderly manner.

  At this time, Chen Nan watched Ji Yishou rushing back and forth to answer two or three calls, and felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

  He came not unprepared.

  He has some special acupuncture needles installed on his body, these are the steel needles given to him by Mr. Mo Yusheng.

  Compared with ordinary filiform needles, the hardness of special steel needles is higher.

  Used well, it can not only cure diseases, but also... self-defense!

   You must know that Chen Nan has all the skills in his hands.

  His hands are as strong as three hundred catties.

  Under the urging of this kind of force, accompanied by the technique of cunning, the lethality of shooting the steel needle is not inferior to that of bullets at close range.

  Ancient physicians traveled all over the world, who didn't have some self-defense?


   And Chen Nan's sudden success made experts from all over the world full of interest in Chinese medicine.

  China itself is a country with a legendary color, and its culture, martial arts, and history are enough to fascinate the world.

  The meeting is about to end.

  Kovac couldn't help but chat with Chen Nanduo.

   At this time, an old man suddenly sat beside Chen Nan.

   This person is Milo.

  The veteran of the World Health Organization.

   Milo greeted him with a smile and introduced himself.

   Then chatted with Chen Nan.

  “China is a country with rich medical experience and history, which are the great wealth of world medicine!”

   "I hope this cooperation can speed up the process of opening the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine!"

   "By the way, I know Professor Tu Youyou. If you have a chance, please say hello to her for me!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Thank you, Professor Miro."

   "But... I'm not afraid of your jokes, Professor Tu Youyou and I have never met before."

  Milo's eyes widened when he heard the sound: "Unbelievable!"

   "However, I think you have a lot of common cooperation and research."

  “The discovery of artemisinin has brought the world’s attention to the existence of traditional Chinese medicine.”

   "Also, acupuncture, massage, these are also available in our country."

  “Acupuncture is a miraculous and great technology, and we haven’t figured out the reason until now!”

  Miro seems to know Chinese medicine very well.

  Chen Nan smiled: "Well, indeed."

   "One of the subjects I am currently working on is acupuncture pain relief."

   "The operation can be performed under acupuncture analgesia, which reduces the side effects of anesthesia."

  Hearing this, Milo became even more excited.


   "The research of Chinese medicine on the human body is simply amazing."

   "Just like Chinese Kung Fu."

   "Do you Chinese know kung fu? Jack Chen? Bruce Lee? Jiete Li..."

   "By the way, martial arts in the world come from Shaolin!"

   "Your martial arts are too good!"

   "It is said that there is still Qigong?"

  When Chen Nan heard the sound, he couldn't help laughing: "It's not that amazing."

  “Chinese martial arts are mainly for strengthening the body.”

   "It's not that exaggerated."

   "Qigong, there is,'s not as exaggerated as you think."

   "In China, Qigong belongs to the main function of health care and physical fitness, similar to jujitsu, yoga, meditation...well, it is a category!"

   Miro and Chen Nan chatted a lot.

  The two left their contact information.

  Seeing that the meeting was about to end, Milo suddenly whispered:

   "By the way, listen to me, Chen."

   "You are an amazing talent."

   "It is the future of Chinese medicine and even world medicine."

   "So, just remember, after the meeting, hang out with us."

   "You know, those capitalists, you have completely offended them."

   "Hurry up and contact your staff and embassy to protect you back."

"be careful!"

  Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Milo would say that.

  Seeing that Chen Nan was a bit puzzled, Miro explained: "Really, those capitalists will do anything for profit."

   "Even they dare to hijack the plane and blow it up."

   "There is news, you may not know, when Melbourne participated in the 20th International AIDS Conference, there were 108 AIDS experts on board MH17."

   "It is said that they have the latest research progress on AIDS!"


   "All gone!"

   "That group of people is inhumane."

  “You can never believe that the group of capital is for medical development, they are for money.”

   "Trust me, come with us, be safe!"

  Chen Nan stared wide-eyed.

  He knew about Malaysia Airlines MH17, but...he didn't think about it at all.

  At this moment, Chen Nan finally realized that he was still being careless.

  He didn't expect this group of people to be so crazy.

  108 top AIDS research experts in the world.

   All of a sudden it's gone!

   This is definitely a devastating blow to the world AIDS research.

   You know, who is an ordinary person who can participate in such a level meeting?

  Chen Nan was silent, and couldn't help but put his hand into his pocket.

   There are 50 acupuncture needles in the two pockets.

  Chen Nan carefully opened the packaging bag for easy removal.

   Seeing that the meeting is coming to an end.

  Before Chen Nan got up, Zhao Jianyong, Xu Bing and Ning Wu who were outside followed closely and ran in, walking up to Chen Nan.

   But at this moment, Milo didn't move, looked at the three of them, and glanced at Chen Nan curiously.

  Chen Nan explained: "Professor Miro, this is my companion."

  Milo nodded: "Well, come with us, it will be safer if there are more people."

   Miro stood up first while speaking, and Kovacs nodded to Chen Nan, signaling to go together.

   After all, in the eyes of Kovacs and others, no matter how arrogant the other party is, they will not do such crazy things.

  Milo and several staff members hurried over and walked outside together.

  Milo made a joke with a smile, and said to Chen Nan:

   "It would be great if you really know Chinese Kung Fu!"


  Chen Nan smiled and said nothing, but the steel needle in his hand was ready.

   After he came out, Ning Wu received the news and whispered to Chen Nan: "The staff of the embassy has arrived downstairs."

   At this time, they were in the meeting room on the third floor.

  After coming out, I didn't feel abnormal, but everyone's nerves were still a little vigilant.

  Especially Ning Wu and Xu Bing. The two of them did not wear firearms, but they were prepared for self-defense bodyguard equipment.

   "Don't get in the elevator!"

  Milo warned vigilantly.

  The three hurried down the stairs.

   There are staff members in the corridor, and they keep bowing and nodding to everyone.

  The third!

  Second floor...

   Just reached the second floor.

  Suddenly, two staff members pulled out pistols.

   This scene immediately frightened everyone around.

   But Ning Wu and Xu Bing reacted quickly, and quickly opened their bulletproof equipment to block everyone.

"Puff puff…"

   A few shots were fired in an instant, and the adrenaline soared instantly.

   The corridor quickly fell into tension.

  There are no security measures for these researchers.

   Try to run back!

   But the gunshots made it impossible for Chen Nan to look up.

Just at this time.

  Zhao Jianyong directly blocked Chen Nan behind him. Although his body was trembling, he still protected Chen Nan tightly and curled up in the corridor.

   Miro saw this scene, although he was terrified, he only held Chen Nan.

   This time!

  Ning, Wu, and Xu Bing dare not step forward to subdue each other, after all, protecting Chen Nan is the first priority.

   And at this moment, several "service staff" suddenly ran up from the first floor.

  Seeing that the opponent was about to draw out his gun, Zhao Jianyong turned sideways directly, trying to protect Chen Nan.

   And at this critical moment!

  Suddenly "Pull!"


   A voice rang out.

   Immediately afterwards, the two service personnel who rushed up dropped their guns to the ground in an instant.

  The two of them stood there with their eyes wide open, and a line of blood flowed slowly from their eyes.

   This sudden scene, no one realized what was going on.

   Miro stared wide-eyed, looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of disbelief.

  He clearly saw a few needle-like things thrown out by Chen Nan's right hand.

   On the other side, Xu Bing and Ning Wu seized the opportunity, and when the two in front returned their guns, they rushed out like swift cheetahs.

  Three times, five times and two divisions, quickly solved the two people in front.

   They quickly picked up the guns in each other's hands and continued to walk down.

   At this time, Ning Wu received the news.

  The staff of the embassy has arrived downstairs, accompanied by several armed personnel responsible for personal security.

  Generally speaking, the armed forces of the embassy can only be responsible for the security of the courtyard.

   Unless there are special operations, security personnel will be arranged.

  After hearing Ning Wu's report, Xing Shiyong, a staff member of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, directly issued an order.

  The security personnel were dispatched directly, rushing towards the corridor.

  After coming in...

   But nothing was found.

  The four attackers were all subdued.

  Blood oozes from the eyes of the two security personnel downstairs.

   "Where is Professor Chen Nan?!"

   "I am Xing Shiyong from the embassy. I have received a security order to pick you up!"

  Ning Wu quickly checked the password at this time.

   After that, only the security personnel came in.

   Miro and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

  Kovac couldn't help but look solemn, and his eyes were a little more gloomy.

  In this meeting, he never expected such a thing to happen.

   Really infuriating.

  Under the protection of Xing Shiyong and others, Kovacs and others hurriedly walked down.

   While passing the stairs on the first floor.

   Several people couldn't help being stunned.

  Because they saw clearly...

   A few acupuncture needles, after piercing the wall...

  In an instant, Milo's eyes widened.

  I was speechless for a long time... strong is it?

   Moreover, he watched Chen Nan throw these needles with his own eyes.

   passed through the attacker's eyes, then pierced the head directly, and stuck it on the wall.

  Chen Nan's accuracy is still very high.

   After all, with the flying needle technique, he can accurately grasp the acupuncture points, and he is even mentioned as a target as big as the eyes.

   However, this is not the time to discuss this matter.

   A group of people quickly got into the car.

   And the Japanese police arrived soon.

  The scene seemed to be under control all of a sudden.

   There should be no danger.

  The four attackers all fainted, and no one died.

  Xing Shiyong couldn't help but asked: "These two..."

"what's going on?"

  Ning Wu and Xu Bing shook their heads hastily.

  Chen Nan shook his head: "I did it."

   "Shouldn't be dead."

   One sentence made Xing Shiyong's eyes widen.

   "Let's go back first."

   "I'll take care of these things."

   "Our Chinese traditional Chinese medicine researchers have been attacked here."

"do not worry!"

   "Professor Chen, there is no problem."

   While speaking, a group of people quickly got into the car of the embassy.

  In the car.

  Everyone, including Kovacs, Miro, and others from the World Health Organization, kept staring at Chen Nan.

  Even Xu Bing and Ning Wu were surprised.

  Because they don't even know what happened.

  Milo finally couldn't bear to speak, and asked cautiously:

   "Professor Chen... this... is this Chinese Kung Fu?"

  Chen Nan couldn't help crying and laughing.


  Milo swallowed suddenly, coughed, and smiled: " is this possible?"

  Chen Nan casually took out an acupuncture needle from his pocket.

   "Look, it's really acupuncture needles."

   Milo was speechless.


  At this moment, Mi Luo is full of infinite reverie about Chinese culture.




  Chen Nan and others were quickly and safely sent back to China.

  After returning, Qin Shiming and others arranged various welcome ceremonies very quickly.

  However, Chen Nan did not participate.

  He returned to the laboratory that day.

  He knew that this attack was inseparable from the Japanese side, which should have included Ji Yishou.

  Because when Chen Nan came out, he soon received relevant bad review reminders.

  Chen Nan Next, there are very important things to do.

  That is to conduct research on Kampo medicine and Kampo medicine.

   According to the manual of Japanese Kampo medicine.

   Doesn't "Gegen Qinlian Wan" have effects such as gastroenteritis?

  According to the instructions, for acute gastroenteritis, stomatitis, glossitis, shoulder and back pain, insomnia and other fever patients.

very good!

   Then I will conduct a clinical trial on mice with gastroenteritis.

   Gegen Qinlian Decoction, not so.

  The main effect is to relieve muscle and clear the surface, clear heat and detoxify, relieve dampness and relieve diarrhea.

  For diarrhea and abdominal pain, yellow and sticky stools, burning **** caused by damp-heat accumulation; and fever, aversion to wind, headache and body pain caused by wind-heat and cold.

  However, there are Japanese Kampo medicines in China, and the market is not small.

  Since it is a matter of medicine, he will use the weapon of medicine to attack the opponent.


   And at this time!


  When the identities of several attackers were investigated clearly.

   Soon the work began.

  The two patients who were suddenly fainted because of acupuncture needles were quickly sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

  After arriving at the hospital, they will pass MRI and other examinations.

turn out!

After the needle entered the brain through the eyeball, it actually produced a trembling effect, directly damaging the eyeball nerve, and then the tail fin even damaged multiple blood vessels and nerve tissues in the brain, piercing into the pituitary gland, and causing serious damage. When it passed through the corpus callosum and cerebellum...then it actually pierced through the occipital bone and penetrated into the wall.

  The result of this inspection directly shocked everyone.

  When the inspection report reached Miro and the others.

  Milo was completely at a loss.

  He had no idea that this was an acupuncture needle flying out of a person's hand.

   How strong is this?

   This didn't just shock Milo.

   Even the official Japanese police and forensic doctors were dumbfounded.

   As we all know, what is the existence of the Japanese police in Conan?

  It is difficult for them to think that this is the result of injury caused by acupuncture needles.

   Xing Shiyong was also a little shocked when he cooperated with the work.

   "Mr. Xing, are you sure this is acupuncture?"

   Xing Shiyong nodded blankly: "That's right!"

   "This is acupuncture!"

   "Professor Chen Nan is a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner in China."

   "As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I know how to use acupuncture needles, is it reasonable?"

Reasonable? !

  All the policemen and forensic doctors looked dumbfounded.

  Although it is said that Chen Nan's behavior is completely self-defense, but...

  The damage caused by this is obviously a bit exaggerated.

  Two patients, all in a coma, did not wake up at all.

  Intracranial, under normal circumstances, after acupuncture, the main damage is blood vessels.

  However, the fluttering effect of the tail fins of the acupuncture needles has caused a lot of irreversible damage to the brain tissue, which is small but extremely precise.

   Nerve damage is difficult to repair.

  Can you imagine that a needle can have such destructive power?

  Xing Shiyong swallowed.

   didn't speak either.

  When the police announced the identification results.

   Miro and Kovac are still together.

  When they saw that the acupuncture needles had such terrifying lethality... they also fell silent.

   They are thinking about a problem.

  Chinese medicine, is it really so powerful?

   And Japan is also considering a problem.

   Should acupuncture needles be classified as dangerous goods?

after all…

   This is indeed causing serious damage right now.

  It is scarier than a knife.

   You know, it's hard to open the skull with a knife.

   And acupuncture needles did it.

   Also damages brain tissue.


   It's kind of confusing...

   This way.

  Qin Shiming and Li Muhai are also together.

  Although I was a little curious about Chen Nan not attending the celebration banquet.

  But he didn't say anything.

  However, when Li Muhai got the assailant's appraisal result sent by Xing Shiyong.

   Suddenly dumbfounded.

  He couldn't help thinking of a question.

  This kid...

   Could it be... Is there really Qigong?

   And at the same time.

  Kovac's anger made the journal of this conference soon to be published.

   Once the journal is released, it will definitely have a terrifying impact on several pharmaceutical companies led by Elevit.


  ps: I'm sorry, I'm not good at writing this stuff, but... Where is the atmosphere, you can say that you don't write it, and you can't, hey... Let's just read it today.

   In the future, it is better to write medical records, write clinical, and write scientific research.

   Everyone forgive me.

  By the way, thanks to "Lightning Silver Wolf" for the 10,000 tip, "Reader 1520583222084304896" for the 5,000 tip, and "Lorren One" and "Quiet Spectator" for the 1,500 tip.

thank you all!

  (end of this chapter)