MTL - Doomsday Home is the Most Stable-Chapter 575 Actions of Heaven and Earth

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   Chapter 575 Actions of the Heavenly Nets

  The first year of the end of the world, July 9th,

  Huaguo Plateau, Tianluodi Headquarters, strategic command room.

  A tablet female observer of the corpse tide observation group suddenly noticed some abnormal changes on the map.

   "Huh? Look at City B! Zombies are moving on a large scale!"

   "Huh? The zombies in City B are coming out?"

   Originally, a few observers who were dozing off were instantly jolted,

  The 20 million zombies in City B are the objects of their close observation!

   If the zombies there run out, it's not a joke,

   At that time, the entire adjacent H province will have to activate the emergency plan!

   That power, Tianluodiwang couldn't deal with it at all,

  No, it should be. No organization in the world can cope with the impact of 20 million zombies in City B!

   Several observers zoomed in on the map of City B and filled the entire big screen.

   for a while,

The    satellite map appears,

   The real-time statistics of the red zombies above (approximately) and the zombies' recent movement trajectories are displayed.

After   4 observers took a closer look,

   The female observer at the airport said with a serious face: "About half of the zombies in the entire city B have gathered in a large scale. They started to gather 30 minutes ago, and the target location is near the East Fourth Ring Road. It's strange. Very strange!"

   "It's really strange, it's not the center position, it's not related to the big guys we focus on marking, how come they all come here? And look!"

  A male observer with a short hair adjusted the big screen and played the real-time video and high-definition pictures.

   "After the zombies moved here, they didn't move, as if nothing happened. What's going on? What are they going to do?"

   Everyone was a little puzzled,

  The zombie riot in City B is a big problem, the kind they need to report immediately,

   But after nearly 10 million zombies in the city center gathered towards the East Fourth Ring Road, they stopped moving. They are currently shopping and basking in the sun.

   As if the movement just now did not exist.

   At this time, an observer in the corner said, "Look at this picture!"

   A huge figure appeared on the big screen,

   A corpse tide fusion with huge fleshy wings,

   Fly like a hill, covering the sky and the sun!

  This photo was taken 10 minutes ago, just above the zombie gathering place in City B. There are many Y-shaped zombies around, chasing and biting, which looks very fierce.

   "There is also a fusion of corpses in City B? This big one ran out? I'm afraid there are 5 million zombies? Report to the boss!"

   A female observer of Pingchuan ran out to report to the leader of the corpse tide observation team.

   After a while,

   The three team leaders who are resident in the command room are all here.

   Corpse Tide Observation Group, Human Observation Group, and Zombie Observation Group.

  The wind and fire from the three people,

   "Tell me all the movement data of the zombies in the past few days!"

   This is a big deal,

   Several people entered the working state instantly, and carefully studied the movement trajectory of the zombies in City B these days with the observers,

   The leader of the human observation team also called to his team members: "Go to the small screen next to you to see if any humans have entered City B these days, especially the East Fourth Ring Road!"

   The leader of the zombie observation team was even more nervous.

   He knows that there are several big guys in City B, even Hu Shou can't handle it!

  Hu Shou said that before the emergence of fourth-order superhumans, there was no way to get those zombies. Once they came out of City B, the only thing Tianluodiwang could do was to command the branches below to conduct a strategic retreat!

   It is impossible to compete!

   After some frantic operations,

   Everyone finally figured out what happened in City B,

"A team of 2,000 killed about 2 million zombies in City B. Then, a wave of zombies from Langfang City, after absorbing a wave of zombies in City B, clashed with local zombies. Then it flew away. Suspiciously, this human team and the corpse wave had intersected for a period of time at the place where the zombies gathered. I don’t know what happened at that time. The riot of zombies in City B must be related to these two foreign forces. !"

Shi Lai, the leader of the human observation team, nodded: "Old Wei summed it up quite right. Fortunately, the zombies in City B did not escape, but it is a pity for those powerful humans. They were submerged by endless zombies, and a powerful high-end The fighting power is gone."

Han Ming, the leader of the zombie observation team, frowned: "Although those big guys didn't come out, they were also alarmed. I don't know if there will be any action next, and I feel that what Old Shi said just now is wrong. !"

   The other two turned their heads together: "Huh?"

   "Those more than 2,000 people were not overwhelmed by the corpse tide, they may have all run away"

  Old Wei puzzled: "How do you say it?"

"You think, around City B, what kind of extraordinary forces would go to City B to eliminate zombies? I just contacted the Tianluodiwang branch in Province H, Province L, and Province S, and none of them took any action against City B, so they can Only 2 million zombies can be eliminated in just 3 days."

   The two of them instantly remembered: "Homestead No. 1!"

   "That's right, only them, don't forget, what kind of technology they have, there's still one in our headquarters warehouse."

   The two took a deep breath: "Transporter!"

  In an instant, things were smoothed out by them.

   "Very good, your analysis is in place"

  Behind the three, there appeared two twin brothers in Chinese tunic suits. The temples of the two were white, but they were in good spirits.

   "Sir Wallfacers 9 and 10!"

   3 people salute,

   The two Wallfacers returned the salute quite standardly, and the two of them are now the direct leaders of the Strategic Watch Group.

   "Continue to talk about what just happened in City B" said one of the smiling Wallfacers.

  Princess Taiping brought two chairs,

   The two waved their hands at the same time, and their movements were very synchronized, as if they were a shadow clone,

   It's just that one has a smile on his face, and the other has a straight face and doesn't speak.

Han Ming of the Zombie Observation Team continued: "So, I speculate that this was a military operation in the No. 1 homeland, and finally relied on the teleporter to retreat, which can also explain why their figures disappeared on the map. However, they went to B The specific purpose of the city is not yet clear. You can call them and ask them directly. Logically speaking, they have eliminated so many zombies in the past few days without causing a riot of corpses, but there was a sudden riot just now. There must be a secret. As for the fusion of the corpse tide from Langfang City, I can probably guess which one it is, and I have its record here."

  Wallfacer No. 9: "Oh? Shouldn't the corpse tide be in Wei Qing's database? Tell me what's going on."

Han Ming recalled for a moment and said briefly: "Actually, specifically, my record here is about the leader of this corpse tide, and the key information is provided by the No. 1 homeland. I just looked at the satellite map and found that the human camp and the There was an intersection between the corpse tides, but there was no conflict, and I immediately thought of it - the only known intelligent zombie that retains human memory!"

   The two Wallfacers looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

Han Ming: "Before its corpse transformation, it was from City Q. Three months ago, it was taken away by Shenji for research. Later, it was rescued by No. 1 Homeland and helped T City in H Province to clean up two large corpses. It was also at this time that it attracted our attention. No. 1 Homeland took the initiative to contact us and explained the situation. This zombie has the ability of Z zombies, but it is not a threat to human beings. It will also help us clean up zombies. We The front and back sent people to conduct detection, and found that it was indeed the case, so they established a file about it, by the way, this intelligent zombie is called Liu Mou."

  Han Ming took out his tablet and showed the details of "Smart Zombie - Liu Mou" to the two Wallfacers.

   After a while,

   The two nodded,

   "Understood, you will continue to monitor the zombies in City B without interruption for 24 hours. If there is any situation, please report to us at any time. I will call Shen Jin. The next plan still needs his help."

  Wallfacers 9 and 10 are gone.

   The three observation team leaders gathered together and chatted in a low voice,

   "I don't know what the two chiefs are going to do. Other departments have already done it in a big way. We haven't moved yet."

   "I heard that No. 9 and No. 10 are the most cautious of all Wallfacers. Maybe the arrangements are relatively detailed, and they haven't been shown yet."

   "In addition to being in charge of us, they also took command of the City Defense Department. I don't know if there is any linkage. Harm, it's useless to think too much, just wait for the arrangement, just do our job well, the situation is very good."

   After the two Wallfacers went out, they dialed the number one home.

   After some exchange, the two hung up the phone contentedly,

  Wallfacer No. 9 smiled: "With his help, our plan has a higher success rate"

"He is a good man"

   Wallfacer 10, who speaks very little, rarely agrees.

  Wallfacer No. 9 laughed dumbly: "This will give people a good person card? Why does it sound like a scumbag?"

  Wallfacer 10: "???"

   "Damn, don't say it, you can't understand it, this is the way our young people communicate, you're out, brother"

   "Uh, I"

  Wallfacer 10 held back for a long time,

   "I used to surf the web a lot and chat with young cuties."

  9 A good wallfacer covered his head,

   "Okay, brother, let's get down to business. I think we have to speed up the progress. Everyone else is showing their achievements. If we don't come up with something, it will affect our authority and be detrimental to the implementation of our plan."

"They are all too optimistic. If everything goes well, China can defeat the zombies without us, but our mission is to completely defeat the zombie virus. Through our research, we know that the most terrible thing may happen. The result is inevitable!"

   "The distance problem that has been plaguing us can be solved by using the No. 1 Homeland [Transporter]. In the next six months, let us support Huaguo!"

   "If they win, then we'll be in vain, but if the worst happens, we'll be the protector of China, and even the world, protecting our human blood."

  Wallfacer 10 said: "Homestead 1. Can do it too"

   "But they didn't plan to do that, they need us to take the lead, in case the worst happens, we can't afford to lose"


  The two are indeed conservatives, and they are always thinking about the worst.

   Even now that the situation has gradually become clear, they have to plan ahead. headquarters has been doing a lot recently,

   All major departments are busy, as if the third industrial revolution has started.


  Wallfacer No. 5 is forging new weapons in the factory of the Equipment Division,

   On the latest industrial assembly line,

   Each robotic arm performs its own duties, constantly making materials into parts, and then welding, splicing, assembling, and packaging to become the final product.

  Wallfacer 5 picked up a mechanical alloy flag that had been improved hundreds of times,

   looks very techy,

   He waved the flag in one hand,



   A blazing flame emerged from the flag, and as he waved it down, an oval encirclement was instantly formed on the ground,

  The blazing flame above burns, bringing extremely high temperature,


   With the mechanical rotation of the bottom of his flag, a suction force came from above, and the blazing flame below was absorbed into the flag, and the blazing heat just now disappeared.

  Wallfacer 5 tried a few more times,


   A smile appeared on his face.

   "Finally. Let me restore it! Extraordinary people of China, one more piece of extraordinary equipment! Hahaha—"

   "What are you laughing at, so happy?"

  Wallfacer 4 walked in from outside,

"I made it! Thanks to your stable crystal nucleus energy fusion technology, I can already make a low-profile version of the array flag! I have made it a mechanical array flag! Although it is not as powerful as the original version, it cannot be placed. All the formations are released, but after my research and improvement, everyone can release small spells through the formation flags through simple training, which will be a big step in changing the way power users attack! The able can also stand up!"

   "Okay! Great! This definitely makes strategic sense! Then don't we use Homestead No. 1 for replication in the future?"

No. 5 quickly waved his hand: "That's not possible! The low-end version has limitations. The energy source is entirely dependent on the crystal core provided by itself, and it can't withstand the energy of the large array. I want to restore the Four Elephant Array and the Big Dipper that the ancient ruins said. Formation, Tianmen Formation, Immortal Execution Formation, etc., must make real formation flags and use them by high-level abilities, this power is invincible at the fourth level!"

  Wallfacer No. 4 has obviously read those array books,

"Without the fourth-order, it is difficult for us to infer the strength of this level of extraordinary, but I read the ancient relics records that multiple third-order extraordinary people join forces, and even kill the fourth-order extraordinary, and the fourth-order can fly. It was called in ancient times. I am an immortal, so I named it Immortal Execution Formation!"

   "It's a pity, there are too many restrictions on using the Immortal Execution Formation. The formation flag is only the most basic, and we still can't get the other conditions together."

"Don't worry, take your time, China has a large population, and you will always find suitable people. I think, we should set up formation schools in various places, and then customize some formation flags from the No. 1 homeland and let your apprentices go there. Let’s teach each province, and when they are almost done, we will also produce the mechanical flag.”

   "Okay! I'll arrange it right away!"

  Wallfacer No. 4 looked at the bloodshot in No. 5's eyes, and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Let's go to sleep, you haven't slept for a week."

   "For the sake of China, do whatever it takes!"


  Wallfacers 4 and 5 exerted all their talents and brought a powerful power boost to Tianluodiwang

   (end of this chapter)

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