MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 10

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It is still morning, and if he comes back at night, she will have a long time!

Huazhi thinks very well, she can sneak out by herself, and then sneak back in, so that he will not be discovered by him!

There are only Jing Huai clothes in the closet. Huazhi has seen Jing Huai wearing clothes several times, and has mastered the dressing skills proficiently.

The white shirt was wide and big, and it fell to the ground on her body. She felt that it was not enough, and Huazhi found a large black coat to wear on her body. Just satisfied. The trousers were too long for her, and she still stepped on the trouser legs after putting them on.

The flower branch is actually not short, but the scenery is still too high for her, and the gap of nearly 20 cm can be seen on the clothes.

There is a light and cold fragrance on his clothes, and the flower branches can't help sniffing. It smells good, the same as the one on him, but not as good as the one on him, Huazhi feels that he still prefers the smell on him.

She rolled up her sleeves and trouser legs, but it was still loose, and if she was not careful, the clothes fell down, which looked a little strange.

[The flower branch can be tied with that belt. 】

Little Gray Rabbit gave her advice and found a picture for her reference.

I made some clothes according to the picture, although it still looks a little strange, but it is not messed up.

Jiang Huai also bought some other accessories for her yesterday, and Huazhi thought they looked good and hid them in her rabbit nest. She saw someone pin their hairpin behind her ear on the road yesterday, and Huazhi followed their example and pinned the hairpin behind her ear.

This time a bigger sunflower. She thought it was very simple, but after putting it on, she felt that the position was not right and wanted to adjust it. Unexpectedly, she pulled out several hairs after adjusting it.

Flower branch touched her hair, it hurts...

Finally ready, Huazhi wore a mask that many people on the road would wear, and then stepped on Jinghuai's slippers and walked towards the door.

The first time she went out by herself, she was nervous, and her heart was pounding when she opened the door.

Just when she put her hand on the door, a faint light appeared on the door, and ripples appeared because of her touch.

"What is this?" Huazhishou left the door, and the light disappeared, "It looks like the light he fixed me."

Little Gray Rabbit scratched his head, [It seems to be. 】

Flower branch felt so magical, I couldn't help but reach out and touch it. As soon as she touched it, the faint light appeared again.

Huazhi put her handle on the door handle, imitating Jing Huai to open the door, and pressed down the handle.

The door clattered open! Huazhi tentatively stepped out of the door!

She thought that with that light, she would not be able to get out.

The corridor was empty, Huazhi looked at the entrance of the stairs, her heart pounding.

She pricked up her ears and listened carefully, no one was on the street or in the corridor, it seemed that it would be lively only at night.

Rabbits and people have different perspectives. Flower branches are used to seeing the short perspective, and suddenly they are raised, and they are a little dizzy when they walk.

Blossoms carefully walked on the road. There was almost no one on the road, but she was still a little uncomfortable.

Occasionally meet a few people and look at her in shock. If she looked over, the man would quickly turn his head.

Did she dress too strangely? Huazhi looked down at her clothes. She made them according to the photos, so they should be fine.

People passing by her were whispering, and Huazhi pricked up her ears.

"The woman just now looked so good."

"Better than that Bai Qing."

"You are blind, Bai Qing is far worse than her, right?"

"She just glanced at me and my heart is beating now."

A few people thought about it and closed their mouths instantly. The hair is so soft and black, the skin is so white, and the eyes are shining and bright, where are ordinary people raising them. Whatever the reason, it's not something they can afford.

Huazhi listened to it for a long time, but didn't understand it too well, but it's a good thing that no one comes to her!

The slippers are a little longer, and they are a little awkward when walking. Huazhi felt that she hadn't walked for long, and her feet were a little tired.

Have to sigh, or her rabbit legs are better.

I walked around and experienced the feeling of being a human being, Huazhi wanted to go home and sleep.

But just as she turned around and took a few steps, a loud siren rang through the sky.


The siren looped three times and was replaced by a human voice.

"Warning, warning, there is a zombie-like superhuman in District 2, please don't go out!"

"The base has sent people, please don't go out!"


Everyone hid in the nearest house within seconds.

"Little Tang, you..." Zhang Yi anxiously looked for the child, only to find that the child was not in this room!

She turned pale in an instant, and held the woman beside her tightly: "Little Candy, Mom, have you seen Little Candy?"

"Isn't she here just now? You—"

"Stop arguing!" The man scolded them in an angry voice, "If the zombies find it and rush over, we will all die!"

Due to the low cost of living in District 2, only ordinary people live here. Occasionally, things like today happen at the base. They have practiced countless times and have long been used to the solution.

The zombies evolved by the ability user, the ability user of the same level may not be able to fight, let alone ordinary people like them!

They just need to stay in the house, and the powers will come soon!

Everyone in the house locked the doors and windows, the door was closed and shrunk. They covered their noses with their hands and kept breathing as light as possible.

The more courageous, dare to lift their heads and look out the window.

Only then did I realize that there was still a woman and child on the street who did not hide!

On the empty street, there are only flowers and branches, and... a little girl who is standing in the same place not far away.

Huazhi was still beating her heart at the sudden alarm, "Did he say there are zombies?"

[Yes yes! 】Little gray rabbit came to the spirit, 【I can already feel the energy, it is near us! 】

【Come here! 】

Not far away, a half-human, half-zombie thing rushed over quickly.

The zombie came over! But not towards Huazhi, but towards the child on the side of the road who still doesn't know what happened!

"Little Candy—" A woman's heart-wrenching cry came from inside the house. Before her voice fell, someone covered her mouth in an instant!

Huazhi's heart missed half a beat, she directly discarded the inappropriate pair of slippers, and rushed towards the direction of the little girl barefoot.

Unexpectedly, Huazhi didn't take the opportunity to escape, but rushed over, and everyone's heart was lifted!

Stone pit!

The ability user who is gradually turning into a zombie has not completely grown the fangs and claws of a zombie, but the eyeballs gradually bulge and become turbid white!

The residual impression of the monster rushing over is still there, the little girl instinctively felt the danger and burst into tears.

Her mother cried and fell to the ground.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Huazhi hugged her and patted her back lightly.

She has no experience in holding human cubs and can only hold her body intuitively. The little girl is small, with two small tugs tied up, she is quite cute.

Flower Branch smiled at her. She smiled and her eyebrows were curved, like a crescent moon, and there were two shallow pear eddies. But because she was wearing a mask, she could only see her eyes.

It was a very scary scene, but because of her calmness, the people around her calmed down.

Xiaotang was crying, but when she saw Huazhi's smiling eyes, her tears suddenly stopped.

, The blue veins on his limbs and forehead were terrifyingly raised, and he stretched out his hand towards the flower branch, "Save me, save me!"

The black aura on his body was looming, and the flower branch placed the child in the distance and walked towards him.

"Don't go there! He will eat you!" Suddenly a voice came from some house.

Huazhi knew, but she did not stop, but rushed towards it!

Seeing the flower branch approaching, it turned back suddenly, this time its sharp fangs have grown out, and even threw out foul saliva!

The flower branch was extremely fast, and went around behind it with lightning speed, kicking it fiercely.

The zombie was already rushing forward, but at this time its center of gravity moved forward and slammed forward on the ground!

The branch immediately went up to touch him. Probably because the zombie transformation has just started, and there is not much black energy in the body.

But the flower branch itself is not very strong, just taking advantage of the situation, it reacted instantly, got up suddenly and continued to attack the flower branch, and even used the ability!

Thin and tough branches and leaves emerged from its hands, frantically surrounding the flowers.

It obviously understands the skills and strategies very well. It uses the ability to block her retreat in front, and then rushes up to attack her when she is dodging the branches and leaves! And Huazhi has not enough experience in fighting with human body. Although it is fast, it is still a little uncomfortable to move.

The rabbit has a small body and is better at avoiding attacks than humans.

Fortunately, her clothes are thick enough! Huazhi narrowly avoided the sudden flying leaves several times, and the clothes were still scratched in several places. I don't know if the defensive attribute added by Little Gray Rabbit to her has played a role. She has no feeling when the branches have been drawn to her several times.

Its attack is really neat, and for a while, Huazhi seems to have the disadvantage.

But in fact, they are getting further and further away from the little girl. Seeing that the little girl was carried back to the house, Hua Zhi was relieved and dealt with this zombie with all her heart!

The deadly point of a zombie is at the neck, but it…

Flower branch did not attack its fatal point, just kept dealing with it.

In the eyes of outsiders, the speed is so fast, the moves are so in place, and the moves are all hit, but there is no harm! It's like shaving this zombie.

Fortunately, not far away, the power user who received the signal has already rushed over here!

Flower Branch took a moment to glance at it, and when he saw it, he was almost locked by the zombie with a rattan. Among the people who came from a distance, the person in the front turned out to be Jing Huai!