MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 100 ·?

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Scenery Huai's black eyes were cold and his voice was extremely cold. The thin lips even looked a bit cold-blooded, and looking at them slightly, the coldness was even more wanton.

Qi Chaoyang was the first to react, "Yeah, what do you mean, we were kicked by a donkey in our brains and hurt her in front of so many people!"

Qi Chaoyang glanced at Hua Rou, "Are you sure she fainted because of her, not because she... fell down?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you are afraid of losing, if you lose, you lose, everyone speaks based on strength, this is a small bet, if you are so uncomfortable, I can only give you 90 points ."

Back to the scenery Huai, the flowers immediately calm down. She knew that black qi was something only she could see, so she had never told anyone except Jing Huai, not even Professor Duan.

So she can't say it now, because no one will believe it.

"I didn't hurt her, I just touched her. There is surveillance here. If you don't believe what I said, you can watch the surveillance or ask the base to investigate." Huazhi looked down at Huarou, "But do you want to get a doctor to see her first?"

Hearing what Huazhi said, the people around them reacted.

"Yes, yes, call the doctor first."

"Come here, the doctor is here."

For a while, the doctor shone a flashlight on Hua Rou's pupils, and quickly came to the conclusion, "She's fine, it's just a temporary shock after the excessive consumption of powers."

"Shock?" Qi Chaoyang seemed to have heard something inexplicable, "Isn't she just fine after treating these people, I think she is in good spirits?"

The rest of the people also thought it was strange. After all, Hua Rou looked so calm just now that everyone saw it, why did she go into shock again?

But after the doctor fed Hua Rou some glucose and saline, her condition soon recovered.

As soon as Huarou opened her eyes, she saw everyone around her looking at her, especially Huazhi, who was looking at her seriously, "Are you alright?"

"Ah!" The face that should have been dead suddenly enlarged in front of her, and Hua Rou retreated back in a panic, as if she saw something extremely terrifying.

But she quickly remembered, she looked at the flower branch in horror, "My ability, you sucked all my ability!"

The originally abundant powers rushed towards her in an instant, that feeling of soreness, weakness, and weakness that she couldn't open her eyes! How could she have such power!

Drain powers? When he said this, the people around felt astonished.

The air was silent for a while, Qi Chaoyang looked at her for a while, then turned to look at the doctor, "Otherwise you will check her brain again?"

Flower Branch stood up straight, "Are you afraid of me?"

If Huazhi was still guessing at the beginning, but after seeing Huarou's reaction, this guess became certain.

"You are so afraid of me, is it because of your guilty conscience, because you deliberately want to kill me?" Huazhi nodded, "Then you should really be afraid of me."

Wang Jiong looked at Huazhi with a bad expression, "What nonsense are you talking about, how could she intentionally harm you!"

"Then why is she guilty and afraid?" Jing Huai's voice was extremely cold, and there was an inexplicable empty inspiration in the huge ward.

Hua Rou covered her head, but her eyes were desperately focused on Huazhi's face. Her mind was chaotic, and countless things were madly torn in her mind.

This is the picture of Huazhi staring at her when she was captured by countless zombies, it is the picture of Huazhi just suddenly appearing and looking straight into her eyes, it is—

"It's me...I..."

Hua Rou calmed down again, but her lips trembled, but she couldn't speak.

The golden light covering her head suddenly shattered.

Huazhi and Jinghuai were surprised at the same time, Huazhi subconsciously hooked Jinghuai's hand.

Before they walked in from the balcony, Jing Huai had covered her brain with a layer of mental power, but now, that mental power seems to have been destroyed by something.

But her reaction when she looked at Huazhi was too big for everyone to ignore. Even Wang Jiong felt that she was not the same as before. It's as if... the guilty conscience that Hanazhi said is true.

"Don't be so afraid of me, I won't kill you on purpose like you killed me. I don't have powers, and I didn't absorb your powers." Qi, that kind of virus is very dangerous in the human body, even if there seems to be no problem now, but sooner or later, it will spread wildly to the whole body and completely devour the person—

Huazhi suddenly thought of the medicine that Jiang Xu said he had developed a long time ago. Is that kind of thing really researched?

But the virus plus more viruses, no matter how you look at it, it will accelerate to become a zombie, and Huazhi is instantly puzzled.

Huazhi looks natural and calm, but Huarou has a guilty conscience. Comparing the two, everyone instinctively wants to believe Huazhi.

Everyone thought that the two had some connection before, and now I hear them say so, so is there really a connection? !

Qi Chaoyang knows that these people are not good at gossip, but now there is no stimulation in secret.

Qi Chaoyang: "Okay, the doctor said that you collapsed because of excessive consumption of supernatural powers, so you must trust the judgment of professionals. Besides, you can't slander people like this, and **** up supernatural powers. Yes, she herself does not have the ability to attract you in public?"

Everyone also thinks this is the case, everyone knows how powerful Huazhi is, especially when doing quests. But no one has ever seen her use any abilities, whether she is on a mission inside the base or outside. After so many dangerous missions, she herself was half-dead, and if she really had supernatural powers, she could still hide it to this day.

"No, it's getting weirder the more you talk about it." He then thought of her relationship with Huazhi, and then of the dog-blood TV series he chased, "You really didn't see her coming. , the wicked report first?"

Not all TV dramas like to act like this, and there was no problem before the flower branch appeared, and when it first came out, it was no problem.

Wang Jiong glared at Qi Chaoyang: "You—"

Flower Branch's bracelet rang like a bell. She looked down and hurried to the side to pick up the phone.

"Where are you!!"

"Professor Duan, I'm in the hospital."

"Are you sick?!!" Duan Lei's voice immediately became anxious, and anyone could hear the concern inside.

"No, I'm not sick, I—"

"I didn't come to work and hang out without you! Come to me immediately, everyone is waiting for you!"

Huazhi's scalp felt numb in an instant, she just hurried back and forgot to tell him in advance.

"I'm coming!!"

Huazhi hung up the phone and turned her head to jump out of the window, but Jing Huai held her.

Huazhi looked back at him, her beautiful eyes full of anxiety and doubt.

Jing Huai took out her badge from her pocket, the special badge of the institute, the hard metal turned white in the sunlight.

Xiang Huai will pin the badge on her chest, "Take it."

Huazhi nodded happily, "I almost forgot, I will deduct my salary if I don't bring this."

Points will be deducted for more than three times, how hard it is to earn points. Although she now has four-digit points, Huazhi still feels that every point is precious.

"I have to go!" Huazhi waved to them, turned around and jumped off the balcony!

As if it fell, she firmly lifted everyone's heart, "This is the fifth floor!"

People near the window can already see the back of the flower branch running towards the research institute from the window.

"I don't see it, it's because I don't have supernatural physical fitness." This is a common sense, and everyone nodded silently in their hearts.

In addition to the scenery, you can fly freely with the help of abilities, but others really can't do it to this extent.

She obviously has no powers, but her physical quality is definitely beyond the level of ordinary power users, after all, she is also a power user with accompanying weapons.

Qi Chaoyang turned to look at Hua Rou, "Are you all right?"

"If it's all right, let's let the doctor compare the final result?"

And over there, the hospital has also checked, and the three people came out.

"We're done checking."

The X-ray film is there, everyone can see it clearly, even the previously broken bones have been closed.

Before they came, Qi Chaoyang specially forced them to wash their faces and heads, and now they looked radiant.

Jiang Huai glanced at Hua Rou lightly, Hua Rou was slightly shocked, and her brain instantly woke up.

She looked around and finally remembered what just happened!

Everyone's eyes were on her, but Huazhi was gone now, and even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't make it back!

Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, Qi Chaoyang walked forward again, "We're fine, if you feel uncomfortable, let the doctor judge directly?"

Hua Rou can only nod randomly, the level of power she just released has exceeded the third-order level. The only Tier 4 power user in the base is not here, and there is absolutely no way that there will be another high-level healing power user!

She has this confidence and confidence.

In terms of time, Qi Chaoyang is indeed faster, but since it is a treatment, it is naturally better than anyone else.

So the three were also taken by the doctor for examination.

The ward was quiet for a while, Qi Chaoyang looked at the odds from time to time, and the time had already expired. He fantasized about how many points he could earn later.

The hospital soon produced the test results.

Huazhi was busy all day, because she didn't go in the morning, so she came back at 8 pm.

When she came back, she saw Qi Chaoyang as soon as she opened the door.

"Come here, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Qi Chaoyang diligently invited Huazhi in, and helped her take everything off her hands.

Flower Branch looked at him so attentive, "What's the matter?"

"You didn't read the message I sent this afternoon, did you?"

Flower Branch nodded, "I forgot, I'll watch it now."

Qi Chaoyang quickly stopped her, "Guess, did we win or lose?"


"So confident?!"

Huazhi nodded, "If you lose, you won't be like this."

Qi Chaoyang was speechless for a while.

"Yes, that's right, look at how much is in the account!"

Huazhi picked up the bracelet and looked at it, and was stunned, "6700 points!"

"Yeah! I don't know who has such a vision later on, and they gave us a lot of money at the last minute, otherwise we could make more." Qi Chaoyang's tone is regrettable, but his expression is still very Happy.

This is all for nothing! "You haven't seen it since you left, what expressions did those people have at that time." Of course, he spared no effort to spread this "gossip".

Now everyone knows that she deliberately wanted to kill Huazhi.

Qi Chaoyang winked, "By the way, do you know who the supporters are behind her?"

Flower Branch thought for a while, "That man?"

Qi Chaoyang nodded, "That Wang Jiong is quite powerful, it is said that he will be able to reach the fourth rank soon. Moreover, the team under his command is also very capable, and he can bring back a lot of materials after frequent missions. I heard that his father—" He suddenly whispered, "His father is the person in charge of a certain area of ​​the base."

Huazhi nodded, it turned out to be so, no wonder it was so rich.

"By the way, why did you suddenly come back during the day?" Qi Chaoyang suddenly returned to the topic.

Huazhi and Jing Huai looked at each other, Huazhi hurriedly ran to close the doors and windows, and Jing Huai also re-arranged a layer of spiritual enchantment in the house.

The three sat down again, and Huazhi explained to him: "Because I saw the virus in the video you took."

Blossom explained again.

"Grip the grass, is this why she suddenly became so powerful?!"

He has always been strange before. It stands to reason that the level of healing power users will be slower, because there are very few crystal nuclei with healing attributes, they can only rely on non-attribute nuclei and She tried her best to improve her abilities, but Hua Rou's speed can be described as a thousand miles in a day. She has already reached the third rank in a short period of time, not to mention the level of her ability that broke out today that shocked everyone.

"This is surveillance at the time."

Huazhi looked at the scenery in surprise, "Did you see the problem too?"

Jinghuai shook his head, "You said it was strange and saved it."

It turned out to be like this, the three of them looked at the surveillance at that time.

There are surveillance cameras in the ward to check their condition at any time. In the video, you can clearly see Hua Rou swallowing a crystal nucleus in her mouth before starting to treat them.

Before she treated those three people, there were no problems, including the normal abilities at the beginning.

But... Huazhi frowned slightly, she repeatedly pulled the progress bar to stay on the crystal nucleus she ate, but there was nothing, that crystal nucleus was an ordinary crystal nucleus, no any exception.

Qi Chaoyang: "Watching this video, I don't see anything strange."

"However, this is too strange, how can the virus stay in the body of the power user smoothly?"

Everyone knows that once the virus invades the human body, it will spread rapidly, erode the human body at the fastest speed, and control the human brain.

But what Huazhi said is that these viruses turned into energy and stayed in Huarou's body, and spread out by her.

Xiang Huai also watched the video: "Nothing is impossible."

The world has been changing in ways beyond human will.

Qi Chaoyang thinks about it, even four years ago, no one thought that the works in film and television dramas would one day become real, and an unknown virus would appear on the earth and turn the whole world into purgatory .

Qi Chaoyang, "Then what are we going to do, what will happen to those supernatural beings who are infected with the virus by her? I see that the results of the inspection are quite good, although they are a little worse than ours. click."

Huazhi shook her head, "I don't know what will happen. When I found out, the virus had already been extracted from their bodies."

Jing Huai: "Since she has used this ability, she will not use it only once."

Qi Chaoyang nodded immediately, "Yes, we will pay more attention to her in the future, and where did her crystal nucleus come from, but how does this look like an ordinary crystal nucleus?"

Huazhi always felt that this should not be an ordinary crystal nucleus, because Huarou's ability obviously did not belong to her own, she looked at Huarou's movements, "I took those viruses out of her body She collapsed after it was taken out."

"The doctor checked her today and said it's fine. Her power level is only this level. If she uses it too hard, she will collapse." It was only when the doctor gave a definite answer that they stopped chattering.

The base has developed equipment to detect abilities with high accuracy.

So...the three people's eyes converged on the crystal core she ate.