MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 128 ·?

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Huazhi thinks it is incredible, how can there be real things in dreams?

"Feel it carefully." Han Meng handed the candy to Huazhi.

The flower branch hesitated for a while, but took it. Whether it is appearance or appearance, it is a big white rabbit toffee, yes, but...

She was a little surprised, "There is a very weak ability on it."

Han Meng nodded, "It's because the energy inside is very weak, so you can't find it."

If her ability is not a dream, she would not be able to find this thing so easily. This thing is an introduction. The things in my mind are complicated and there are thousands of thoughts, especially if the flower branches have been affected, it will be very difficult to extract this kind of thing from the complicated thoughts.

Han Meng held the hand holding the flower branch and the toffee, and the white light in her hand gradually condensed. When the white light condensed to the size of a basketball, the flower branch could clearly feel the lingering The energy on that toffee!

"Remember this feeling, and when you encounter it later, you will be able to distinguish it immediately."

"Why does this thing make me have nightmares?" Huazhi still felt hairy when she touched the sugar, because of the warm touch, she always felt that she was still touching a finger .

Han Meng shook her head, "It's not it, it's your negative emotions that make you have nightmares. For the time being, it seems that this thing is to induce your low emotions."

However, prolonged depression can make people feel very depressed. It can also induce a variety of problems, and in severe cases, even thoughts or behaviors such as self-injury and suicide.

Huazhi nodded, she saw a soldier hiding and crying secretly during the day, because he felt that he was a useless waste. But in fact, he was very confident some time ago. He felt that although he did not have supernatural powers, he was still the best among ordinary people.

In just a few days, the way he felt about himself changed dramatically.

Flower Branch quietly felt that energy, kind of… kind of strangely familiar.

Where and when did she meet her? !

At this stall, the scenery appeared.

Han Meng looked at him in surprise, but said nothing. She always thought that Jing Huai was very powerful, but she didn't know how powerful it was. She didn't expect to be able to use her to enter Huazhi's dream. This is not something that a wind-type power user can do.

King Huai held the flower branch and felt it quietly.

"I find this power familiar."

After the originally insignificant feeling was magnified dozens of times, it instantly became clear. The original energy was like a flower passing by, a grass passing by at a glance. At this moment, it was like a mist that had dispersed, and it finally became clear in front of the two of them.

Jiang Huai put down his hands, "They put them in the villa."

"It's Sun Zhu—"

The two spoke at the same time.

Huazhi pulled Jing Huai's hem, "This feeling comes from her, very weak, very weak, very weak."

She finally remembered that it was Sun Zhu. These few days, she has been in contact with them every day, but the feeling of this thing is too weak, she didn't notice it at all.

Han Meng nodded, "They must have used some method to repeatedly stack this kind of thing around you, like boiling a frog in warm water. When you react, your emotions are completely destroyed. After that, it’s not that easy to recover.”

Huazhi nodded, "I see, thank you for coming to help me!"

Han Meng, "Dawning base is also a lot of trouble? Why don't you go back to your base first, come directly to the dawning base."

"Is that kind of nuclei increasing?"

Han Meng shook his head, "The crystal nucleus is almost extinct, but the ability user has a great response."

Some people were originally weak chickens who had just acquired abilities. After they went from Tier 1 to Tier 3 at an extremely fast speed, it was naturally smooth sailing. It's like a competition. Others have it, if you don't, you will fall behind others. So even if they warned them that this kind of crystal nucleus will make people infected with the virus, many people still take the risk.

I feel that when I go out to do tasks, I don’t know when I will die, so I might as well improve my abilities first and enjoy it. There are not a few people who have this kind of thinking, which will lead to the emergence of this situation.

"Do other people have nightmares because of this thing in their heads?"

"Everyone's mental state is not very good recently, everyone has a dark circle under their eyes."

Han Meng nodded, "I'll leave something for you."

Speaking, she put a white light on Huazhi's left hand, and left another white light on her right hand.

"The one on the left will strengthen your sense of that kind of thing, clean them up and everyone should be gone."

"The one on the right is a beautiful dream. After solving this one, you can let them have a good night's sleep." Too many nightmares will inevitably damage their body and mind. ease ease.

Huazhi felt it seriously and nodded solemnly.

Han Meng was a little funny, and continued: "Look carefully, if you really find something, leave that thing to me."

Huazhi nodded, "Don't worry, if I find it, I will leave it for you."

Too good, too sweet, sweet and good, Han Meng wanted to reach out and rub the flower branch again. But as soon as she raised her hand, Huazhi was pulled behind by Jing Huai.

"Should we deal with this?"

"Stingy." Han Meng glanced at him, then turned to Huazhi and said, "Be sure to remember to visit our base, we are also investigating now, you won't be disappointed when you come. ."

Flower branch eyes lit up and nodded happily. Make an appointment with her and go to her after leaving the Wei'an base.

The next second, a dazzling white light burst out in the space. When they opened their eyes again, they were already awake.

Flower Branch sat up from the bed, "Let's go, let's find that kind of thing now!"

King Huai nodded.

The two got up and looked at each room one by one. Everyone was sleeping, they silently sensed all the rooms, and nothing new was found.

But they searched the interior of the villa and found nothing similar.

Blossoms are puzzled, "Is that thing not in the house?"

King Huai: "It's not inside, it's outside, it won't be very far away."

Huazhi nodded, yes yes, this thing is actually very weak, if it is far away from them, it may be useless, how can it affect all of them.

The two went directly outside the villa.

At the door, the soldiers are on duty. Jing Huai's mental power had already covered the entire villa, especially among the soldiers, there were some ordinary people, so he also covered them with mental power. That way, even when it's cold outside, they can maintain their body temperature and not feel cold.

Seeing the two come out, the soldiers on duty immediately greeted them and gave a straight military salute, "Are you going out now?"

Huazhi shook her head, "We can't sleep, so we just want to take a stroll around."

The soldier nodded, "Everyone's sleep is not very good recently."

Flower Branch looked at him carefully and put her hand on his shoulder.

Their reactions were all practiced, and the muscles of his whole body tensed instantly.

He looked at the flowers and the scenery, and was at a loss for a while.

King Huai: "You go, don't worry about us, we'll just take a walk outside."

The soldier nodded and returned to his post.

Flower Branch, "He doesn't have any abnormality in his body."

Han Meng said that the thing that made her have nightmares was made with great effort, but other people are not as powerful as her, so they don't need this kind of thing.

However, Huazhi was not at ease, so she secretly checked everyone, and the conclusion was that she was really the only one who was caught!

Among all of them, only Jing Huai did not have nightmares, but his mental power was already very strong.

They searched like a carpet, and Jing Huai also sensed with her, and finally Huazhi felt it.

"I feel it! There!"

She happily pulled the scenery over.

Flower branch pulled Jing Huai into that path.

As I approached, it was obviously colder. Huazhi couldn't help rubbing his hands, feeling that it was gloomy here.

Flower branch searched carefully again, and quickly determined a most specific place.

She squatted there and inserted a branch into the drawn circle, "It should be here."

"But I dare not dig." She looked up at Jing Huai.

In the moonlight, there seems to be a handful of stars sprinkled by the Milky Way in my eyes. Jing Huai hugged her away, "I'm coming."

He used mental power to block the sound and created hallucinations. So to outsiders, it looks like the two of them are watching the moon under the tree, but in fact, they have already started digging a hole in the back.

Jiang Huai originally thought that they would hide it very well, but he didn't expect that he soon dug up something.

It is a box.

Jiang Huai picked up the box and opened it.

The flower branch immediately took a step back and covered it. Inside, there was actually a living finger!

It is exactly the same as the one in her dream!

"What kind of power is this?" It's too weird, "Is this what they use to evoke our negative emotions?"

Xiang Huai nodded, "This thing was buried here before we came in." He closed the box and put it into the space.

Next, they found several similar things around here one after another, all of which were placed in boxes and placed underground.

But just after they took away all the boxes buried in the ground, the invisible things finally appeared in front of them...