MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 132 ·?

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Huazhi originally thought that he was coveting Jinghuai's ability, but she didn't expect it to be more extreme than she thought!

He didn't want to eat Jing Huai, but wanted to turn Jing Huai into the man in front of him. It's like... , has become a transit point for the virus.

When people eat crystal cores, they also pass through the transit station of zombies. Now they don't eat this kind of crystal core by themselves, but let a high-level ability user eat it, and then absorb the black gas emitted by his body.

She has always wondered how the black energy in them grew up, but she didn't expect it to be this way. A good high-level ability user was tortured like this by them.

So this is the reason why their black gas will materialize? But if he absorbs the black qi emitted by others, such a thing will form on his body. Why is Huang Yu still the earliest black qi in his body, and he even relies on the potion to suppress the black qi in his body. Unlike them, you can control the black energy in your body very well.

It should be true that Huang Lao loves Huang Yu, he has a son in his old age, and this is the only son.

Jing Huai: "Huang Yu's power level is too low, and his body is very depleted. They shouldn't be able to absorb these things casually."

Huazhi nodded, "Does it require a higher power level, or is there some other reason?"

"I don't know." Jing Huai rubbed her, "but maybe Shen Guokie knows."

Flower branch immediately nodded.

Yes, he is the worst victim, and has been here for at least another month. They are not shy about speaking here, Shen Guo will definitely know some useful information!

However, Shen Guo's current state is so bad that Huazhi is a little worried that he will die at any time.

They seem to really think that Shen Guo is dying, or that it is safe enough here to speak without any scruples.

People outside were a little surprised when they heard him mention the scenery.

"Are you sure you can take him over?" They have also heard of Jing Huai's name. Without him, most of the high-level power users would have to die inside.

"He has eaten that special core."

Everyone immediately showed an expression of sudden realization. "It's still our old Huang who is amazing!"

"After all, it is energy, who can escape the temptation of such a crystal nucleus?" Several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Where's his rabbit? Does the Han name look good?"

In a change of voice, she was mentioned again. Huazhi quickly pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Old Huang shook his head, "Everyone knows that the rabbit ran away on his own during that mission. It appeared suddenly, and disappeared unexpectedly."


"Speed ​​up, and after finding her, be sure to kill her."

"Trouble, it's all because of that kid in the An family. He insists that the rabbit can save the zombies. After searching for a few months, he didn't even see a rabbit hair."

Blossoms: ! !

She widened her eyes and looked at Jing Huai, her face full of shock and astonishment, "So they looked for me to kill me."

Her heart was pounding, the surname they said was An, it could only be An Weijing, did An Weijing already know that she was a rabbit?

And they're talking about the first few months.

An Weijing didn't know that Huazhi was a rabbit. He just saw that a rabbit could save the zombies in a prediction a long time ago. I told them this as good news at the time.

King Huai hugged the flower branch, her chin rested on top of her head, where she could not see, Jing Huai's black eyes were heavy and cold, looking carefully, there was a trace of coldness shrouded in it His slightly drooping eyelashes seemed to be covered with frost.

"I won't hurt you."

His tone was very gentle, and Huazhi felt itchy ears.

"I won't get hurt, they're not bad at all." Huazhi didn't despise them, but if they attacked her with black energy, it would be like feeding her food. If they attacked her with their abilities, the five of them would not be able to compare to half the scenery.

Huazhi suddenly felt a great sense of security, which was given to her by Jing Huai, and also by herself.

King Huai's fingertips wrapped around her hair, only he knew, at this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: before they moved flowers and branches, he would kill them first.

Several people were still discussing something inside, and suddenly someone rushed over in a hurry outside.

"Old Huang! Someone is coming from outside!" The man's face was very ugly, as if he had encountered some great difficulty.

"What does it look like in a hurry?!" Huang Lao frowned and scolded the man, "What happened?"

"Old Huang, it's Shen Guo's subordinate Zhou Cheng. He brought hundreds of people to stand at the door!"

The folds on Huang Lao's face became deeper, and the faces of the other people were not good-looking, "What are they doing?"

"The gate of the villa is full of Shen Guo's subordinates, clamoring for us to let Shen Guo out!"

"They... they said, Shen Guo is not dead - and they shouted, let's let Shen Guo go out, and... and..."

"And what?!" Someone next to him couldn't stand the man's panting and kicked him directly.

"And they have a video of Shen Guo right here!"

"What?!" Huang Lao looked at him with anger.

The man immediately handed the ring over.

Old Huang turned pale with anger, "You bastards, guarded here at every level, can actually let him photograph this kind of thing!"

There are only a few of them present, the people who take care of Shen Guo on a daily basis are also carefully selected and blinded to stay here. They are all confidants, but such a video was filmed. They are guarded like a complete joke.

"How much did it cost us to capture Shen Guo, Mr. Huang, your villa has leaked into a sieve, and you didn't even notice it."

The person who came to report the letter continued to say anxiously: "There are hundreds of people outside now. If they don't go out, they will break in."

Shen Guo had great prestige and prestige in the Wei'an base, and it was spread in an instant during that time. His subordinates were not subject to discipline, and they went crazy when they saw the video.

Old Huang sneered, "Go and solve them first, as for this matter... I will definitely find out who leaked the secret and give you an explanation."

Huazhi: "Those people should be the ones Xu Lao said came to help."

Scenic Huai Point Tired Warhead.

They acted together inside and out. Although they couldn't continue to listen to these people, the amount of information they heard tonight was enough, and it was a pleasant surprise.

These things just now were recorded by the little gray rabbit intact, and when the time comes, they are all evidence.

Since the people outside have acted, they need to find a way to bring people out.

Shen Guo had iron chains on his hands and feet, and the black energy on his body was very weak.

There is such a big movement outside, Huang Lao and the others can only go out to deal with things first.

However, just as they were all about to leave, the cannibal flower on him swayed in the air and began to look back.

Huazhi couldn't help clenching Jing Huai's hand, "Is it looking at mutant rabbits?"

Although the piranha flower is a mass of black air, inexplicably, the flower branch seems to be able to see and feel its movements and demeanor.

No, it's not just a piranha, the black qi that was lying on their bodies looked over.

The next moment, everyone in the room turned back—

Flower Branch immediately put the mutant rabbits into the space, she hugged the mutant rabbits and looked at them nervously. No one found it just now, why did it suddenly find it now?

Their task now is to save people safely, not to make a big noise.

The moment the mutant rabbit disappeared, everyone could feel that something disappeared.

Several glances at each other. Finally, they walked out together, and the extremely thick iron door was closed with a "zilla" sound.

They went out like this, but Huazhi always felt that something was wrong. She took Jing Huai's hand, "Let's not go out for now."

King Huai nodded, "We were discovered."

He looked at Shen Guo, "His iron chain is also connected to high-voltage electricity, once someone touches him, the mechanism will be triggered."

It turned out to be like this, Huazhi rolled up her sleeves, "Then let me save him, I'm not afraid of thunder." Compared with Tianlei, how much electricity can this plug-in have in it. She has practiced for so many years, and she can be considered a battle-hardened person.

King Huai shook his head: "I'll go."

After the door was sealed, they soon realized that something was wrong. Smoke was injected into the enclosed space all around.

The little gray rabbit quickly analyzed the composition of the smoke, [Huazhi, this smoke is poisonous, they want to poison him! 】

Huazhi pulled Jing Huai and the mutant rabbit out of the space, "They want to poison him, it's too late, we have to hurry up and save him!"

They are protected by the spiritual barrier of Jinghuai, and the poisonous gas cannot enter their bodies temporarily.

They are still invisible now, but the moment they came out, several monster-shaped black qi rushed towards them, which happened to be the black qi on those people's bodies!

Huazhi regained her energy immediately, "I'll deal with their black gas, you go save her." Huazhi finished speaking, turned and rushed towards the black gas, she didn't even use a whip, just used The body pounced on the black tiger.

The black air was threatening, and when it rushed over, it was still showing its teeth and claws. But as soon as it touched her body, it was washed away in an instant. Huazhi was soaked in the rich black air, and she was so moved that she wanted to cry. It was too rich and full of energy!

The energy of this black gas is completely different from that of the crystal nucleus, and its density is higher than that of the special crystal nucleus! After the group of black air hit the flower branch, its size instantly decreased by more than half. It didn't seem to react to what happened, and even froze in the air.

But the other black qi had rushed over not to be outdone.

Flower branch became more excited, and her figure quickly became ghostly. He shuttled between those black qi at an extremely fast speed, and even used his whip to weave a closed net behind Jing Huai.

She gathered enough strength to absorb them all in one breath. The black air that was clawing its teeth and claws in the air, disappeared in more than ten seconds, and until they disappeared, they could not get close to Shen Guo!

The energy quickly disappeared, and the master of the black gas finally felt that something was wrong. Several people were trembling, thinking about what the **** they had encountered, and they devoured the things they had accumulated for so long in an instant. half of it!

In the monitor, you can't see or touch it, you can only feel the flow of energy.


The remaining black eyes can't escape, so they can only turn back and continue to find ways to deal with the flowers.

On the other side, Jing Huai has wrapped Shen Guo's whole body with his spiritual power. The chains used to trap Shen Guo were very strong. He took out the Tang Dao and tried to cut the chains.

It has been discovered, there is nothing to worry about. Jing Huai slashed down with a knife, and stars and sparks burst out from the characteristic iron chain, but there was only a slight scratch.

He did not use his own abilities, but only added a fourth-level fire crystal nucleus to the Tang Dao.

The raging flames burned on the wall of the knife, and the airtight room instantly heated up.

Someone outside immediately responded, "It's a fourth-order fire-type ability user!"

"Set fire! Put gasoline! I don't care what you do, I must let them all die here!"