MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 147 ·?

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After it got dark, the Wei'an Base fell into an unprecedented quiet. This kind of quiet is different from the past, as if everyone knew what would happen today.

After nightfall, a large number of troops and power users drove into the base in an orderly manner. These people usually guard the outermost periphery of the base, but this time, they drove in a certain direction in a very orderly manner. , On every military vehicle, long guns and short cannons are readily available.

The villa of Huang Laoji and his family was soon blocked and waterlogged.

Originally, the soldiers had to keep vigil outside to prevent anyone from approaching, but the flowers and scenery let them enter the villa too. If something happened, it would be safer for everyone to stay together.

Everyone stayed in the villa, always paying attention to the news of the bracelet. Compared with the quiet outside, the news on the Internet has spread a lot.

, you can feel at ease immediately.

Before Shen Guo attacked Huang Long and the others, he listed their charges one by one, a total of fifteen charges, each of which was enough to kill him.

As soon as the accusation came out, plus the videos and photos taken by someone, there were discussions everywhere on the Internet:

"I heard that Huang Yu killed a lot of people before, so it's true?"

"It is said that the power users who disappeared before were also killed by them."

"Are they crazy! Why kill so many power users?!"

"It seems to be to take the crystal nucleus in their brains, saying that when people first become zombies, the crystal nucleus in their brains works best and can be upgraded quickly."

"Damn, he's half buried in the ground to do such stupid things, I beg Shen Guo to kill him!"

Suddenly, Jing Huai covered Huazhi's ears.

Next second.

The deafening explosion of "Bang—" resounded through the sky, and the entire villa shook.

Everyone covered their ears in an instant, and some people even hid under the sand under the table.

Everyone looked at each other, "This is-"

The officer immediately walked to the window and opened the curtains. After everyone calmed down, they quickly got up and walked to the window.

, even the huge glass cover seems to be shattered!

"Are you okay?" Jing Huai put down the hand covering Huazhi's ears.

Huazhi nodded and rubbed her ears, "Fortunately, you covered my ears, otherwise I might be deafened."

"Go and see."

Huazhi nodded and followed him to the window.

In the distance, there is only the light of fire, and it seems that someone's roaring, shouting and... wailing can still be heard faintly.

Flower Branch looked at the direction of the fire, and vaguely seemed to hear the beeping sound of machine guns again, "They seem to be fighting!"

The officer on the side nodded, "Huang Long has a lot of forces, and the Wei'an base is their base, and they will not give up the Wei'an base easily."

It is their three-year hard work that the Wei'an base can reach its current scale. Of course, it is better to suppress Shen Guo directly than to leave here and build a new base. At that time, even if other bases will exert pressure, the person in charge of the Wei'an base is still him, and the conditions will be negotiated slowly.

Huazhi sighed for a while, and sure enough, whether it is human or animal, it is very important to fight for territory. It is very common for animals to fight to the death for territory, especially for beasts, some even regard territory as life.

It's just that the people who follow them and charge for them are too miserable.

"Bang—" Another huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, and everyone's heart trembled.

"With such a commotion tonight, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to repair the Wei'an base."

"Can Shen Guo win? Mr. Huang and the others are so cruel to the supernatural beings, how can anyone still follow them?"

"It's none of our business anyway, we'll go back after we investigate and clear it up."

, go and rest."

His voice seemed to have a special magic power, and everyone suddenly felt a little sleepy. And there was a fight over there. Seeing that the distance was so far away, everyone felt a lot more at ease, and there was no tension at the beginning.

"Yes, anyway, the sky is falling and there is still a tall one on it, let's go to rest."

"I'm sleepy too, I'll go back to my room first."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins. If Huanglong wins, we will leave quickly."

Everyone comforted each other and went back to their rooms.

Huazhi looked at the scenery, "I don't know if Shen Guo can win."

King Huai looked at the fire in the distance, "Let's go have a look."

Blossoms: ! !

Good idea, why didn't she think of it!

Huazhi hurriedly pulled Jinghuai's sleeve, "Will we happen to meet Huang Lao and the others, and if we do, do we want to help arrest them and give them to Shen Guo?"

"No, go check the situation first."

Flower Branch nodded, settled the mutant eagle, and hugged the mutant rabbit in her arms, "Let's go, let's go and see!"

Qi Chaoyang also wanted to follow, but the mutant rabbit could only make two people invisible. In the end, he could only stay in the villa and protect everyone with the officers.

King Huai brought flowers and branches. After the two and one rabbit were invisible, they quickly approached Huanglong's villa.

The luxury and high-profile villa I visited last time was in ruins, and the two large stone lion statues at the door were also smashed and fell to the ground in a mess.

When they approached, the two sides were fighting fiercely. There were bloodstains and wounded everywhere on the ground. Only then did Huazhi realize that there were actually several troops in the army. Although their uniforms were the same, their hats were slightly different, so it was easy to tell them apart.

Hua Zhi looked at those people with some surprise, "I thought that everyone around Huang Lao would have black energy, but I didn't expect them to have it either."

King Huai: "The number of special crystal nuclei is not too large."

Flower Branch nodded, yes, although there are people infected in every base, but this kind of crystal nucleus is really not many. If they don't use this crystal nucleus to infect people, the people infected by the virus will either turn into zombies directly, or they will carry it over themselves.

Up to now, she has only seen that this crystal nucleus can allow the virus to lurk in the human body. Of course, those oil paintings are different. The things in the oil painting can directly turn the virus into an entity with IQ.

If each crystal core corresponds to a zombie, is the special crystal core made by a power user?

This idea flashed through Huazhi's mind, and was quickly thrown out of her mind.

Because the scenery took her into the villa.

They stood at the top of the villa, where the sky above the villa was covered with infrared rays, underground, and everyone visible to the naked eye was hurriedly carrying things.

Flower Branch is a little strange, "Are they trying to escape?"

Jiang Huai nodded, "His people can last up to half an hour."

"Then why didn't he escape before and didn't attack Shen Guo? I thought they were going to do this?"

King Huai: "Except for Gu Su, no one here has the ability to take action against Shen Guo."

Huang Long went to ask Gusu before, not necessarily because he pinned his hopes on him.

Huazhi took it seriously. When I went to Shen Guo’s villa that day, the people who followed him were all third- and fourth-order abilities, and even the dogs at the door were third-order mutant dogs, and the house There are surveillance cameras everywhere. In this case, if Huang Lao and the others still want to do something to Shen Guo, unless they ask her and Jing Huai to come—

Below, Han Ming looked at Huanglong with a pale face.

"Old Huang, it will soon be unbearable, we must leave here as soon as possible."

A trace of hatred appeared in Huang Long's eyes, "As long as the high priest is willing to help, as long as he is willing to help, Shen Guo is not his opponent at all!"

Han Ming agrees, but it's too late to say this now. "Old Huang, the young master has already evacuated with them, so you should leave as well."

At the beginning of the establishment of the Wei'an base, a secret passage was made to lead to the periphery of the base. That route has never been used and has been firmly guarded by their people. There is still a chance.

Old Huang sneered, "What's the difference between me leaving now and I'm dead."

As soon as he left, the Wei'an base completely fell into the hands of Shen Guo.

Han Ming was anxious, "Old Huang! As long as you get the 'gift' again, we still have a chance to make a comeback, but if you are captured by Shen Guo today, it will really be over!"

Yes, the Korean name is right. Huang Lao's eyes gradually calmed down, he wiped the corner of his bloodless mouth, "Let's go."

Han Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and then helped him to evacuate together.

Huazhi thought about the layout here, and instantly became interested, "I know where they will come out! Shall we block them?"

Shen Guo said that because he was in a coma, he could not remember many things. But Huang Long is the party involved. Compared to listening to Shen Guo's retelling, it is naturally better to have Huang Long's first-hand information.

"But he's already like this, and he still wants that 'gift'." Huazhi didn't understand, "Why did that black air attract him so much?"

It stands to reason that he was abandoned by Gu Su, and Gu Su still wanted to kill his only son, but Huang Lao hated and hated, and still wanted that black gas so much .

At the same time as the flowers and branches are questioning, the scenery Huai is also thinking. Huazhi was right, after Huanglong became like this, he wanted to get the so-called 'gift' even more.

The energy body that seems to have self-awareness, why can it be so tempting to Huanglong? It's as if... let him not even care about death.

Jiang Huai originally thought that they nourished the energy body in order to make him stronger, but now he thinks that maybe it is not just supernatural power. In Huanglong's current situation, once that energy is injected into his body, his body will definitely be hit hard again, but he doesn't care about it at all.

"Zombies are another form of eternity." Jing Huai whispered this sentence behind Huazhi, Huazhi suddenly felt a chill on her back.

She suddenly felt blessed, "So, is it because of that black qi that can help him live forever?"

Exactly, for Huanglong, he also has the value of "use".

However, when they arrived, they saw Shen Guo already waiting at the entrance. Besides him, there was another person in the dark.

That person is—, Huazhi widened her eyes in surprise: "Why is he here?"