MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 96 ·?

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When Huazhi said so, he did the same.

The two were very close to each other, she was half-kneeling on the sofa, her hand still wrapped around his neck.

Huazhi lowered her head slightly and gently kissed the tip of his nose.

There is a slight coolness, he seems to be cold all the time.

Huazhi blinked, feeling the changes in her heartbeat and body.

She began to descend slowly, their breathing seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, and they seemed to be able to feel each other's heartbeat.

Flower branch felt that her breathing began to become unstable.

She went down a little bit, while feeling her own, time seemed to stretch, and her movements seemed to be slowed down.

As if hesitating, as if trying, and finally, Jing Huai couldn't bear it any longer and pressed her head.

Probably because he endured too long, his movements were both gentle and aggressive. Huazhi once again felt the feeling of being completely enveloped by his breath.

Huazhi's hand subconsciously buckled at the position of his collarbone, ironing fingers, slightly cold skin, obviously only a little touch, but it makes people feel extra addicted.

Huazhi couldn't help but want to get closer to him, and then a little closer, the next second, she was buckled by his lower back.

The distance between the two drew closer again, as if she was going to melt into her body.

Huazhi has never felt this way before, even more eager than the last time, leaving her brain blank and completely unable to think.

Breathing, she couldn't help opening her eyes. Jing Huai's ears were flushed, her hand had completely occupied his neckline, and part of the collar was torn apart because of her movements.

The elastic muscles don't feel bad, Huazhi pressed it subconsciously.

The moment her breathing became rapid, Jing Huai held her hand, "Don't move."

His hand went through her clothes and pressed tightly against her waist, even hotter than her skin.

Jing Huai looked down at her, the calm self-control he was proud of almost collapsed again.

Curly and curled eyelashes wrapped around the pupils, like a deer lost in the forest, ignorant and simple, and there was still a faint pink in the bottom of his eyes.

Her eyes were so ignorant and simple, Jing Huai took a deep breath and pressed her to him.

He put his arms around her, and even his breath was trembling.

Flower Branch also tried to put her arms around him, "I seem to..."


Flower Branch tentatively rubbed against him, "I seem to be in heat."

"Are you there yet?"

The scenery froze for a while, and she was speechless for a while.

Huazhi hugged him and rubbed it again, she seemed to be really in heat. But... She looked at the big moon outside the window, and there were still zombies fighting outside, Huazhi rested her chin on his shoulder, "Should we build a rabbit nest first, or I'll give birth to a bunny when I'm pregnant. Where are you going?"

"I will have a bunny today next month."

Her estrus came so suddenly, she was completely unprepared for what she would use to give birth to a bunny. But Huazhi thinks about it, and thinks that it is reasonable to come now, after all, she has lived for many years.

The original feeling of estrus is like this.

She was still thinking about other things in her own mind, and Jing Huai was even more angered by her.

He held Huazhi's waist, took a few deep breaths, and finally let go of her.

Jiang Huai stood up suddenly, "I'm going to take a bath."

Huazhi looked at him in surprise, "You just washed it~"

Xing Huai almost clenched her back molars, "Wash again."

Although I don't know why, Huazhi nodded, "Then shall we continue after you wash it? It's a bit rushed, but I can build the rabbit's nest in the bell, but I still need to prepare Lots of food for them."

But what if she has a long estrus period? Will she be born a human or a rabbit, or will she be the same as her, can be transformed into a human or a rabbit?

Huazhi thinks about her points carefully, will it be enough? After all, she still has three eagle cubs and a mutant rabbit.

When he got up, the flower branch did not get up. Therefore, Huazhi is still lying on the sofa in the same posture at the moment, her soft hair is scattered behind her, obviously ignorant and simple, but every word she says has a kind of extreme attraction to him.

Jing Huai pressed her index finger on her lips, her eyes dangerous, "If you continue, I will not be able to control it."

Huazhi hugged his hand, "Control what? Is it estrus, it's uncontrollable."

This is nature, how can it be restrained.

"Don't worry, even if I'm about to give birth to a bunny, I won't be very grumpy and drive you away."

Jing Huai took her hand back, helped her gather her clothes, turned and went to the bathroom to calmly take a cold shower.

When he came out again, although he was still a little restless, he had almost calmed down.

King Huai wiped her hair and thought calmly.

He completely underestimated the influence of the flowers on him, just the light touch of his lips would make him have an irresistible impulse.

But the environment here is so bad that there is nothing to do here. The person who killed him has not yet been found out. In the past life, it was not just him, but also many supernatural beings who died in the continuous zombie siege. If he died suddenly—

Jiang Huai's thoughts all stopped when he came out and saw the flower branches.

Huazhi is sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watching the moon and eating mooncakes in small bites. Probably out of joy, she recklessly popped out two snow-white bunny ears on top of her head.

It seems that she is in a good mood, and her two ears are rhythmically moving one ear up and the other down with her body swaying from side to side.

The rabbit lamp he made by herself was placed on the floor beside her, flickering with yellow candlelight.

A tragic death will not allow other powers to be like him, blocked by his own people outside the wall and become a sacrifice for the zombies.

Moon cakes are filled with egg yolk lotus paste, sweet and salty, especially delicious. Although she ate slowly, she finished it quickly. With the other half left on the plate, Huazhi peeked at it for a while, but still looked away. She wanted to leave it to him.

Huazhi looked at the big moon outside the window. In fact, the moon today is as round and bright as yesterday. The only difference is that the environment around them is different, and the feeling is completely different. .

The weirdness and terror of last night have become warm and quiet today.

Under the moonlight, the flower branches could still see zombies rushing towards the piece of flesh and blood, but the number was significantly less than in the daytime.

There are two worlds inside and outside the window.

Her side softened, and Jing Huai sat over.

The **** smell on him has completely disappeared, but it has not been replaced by the feeling of desolation.

He sat beside her, Huazhi tilted his head, just leaning on his shoulder.

The rabbit ear on the left also bent down, and Huazhi looked at the moon and suddenly asked, "What was the world like before?"

Jing Huai also sank into the sofa with her. He looked at the moon outside the window, "It's very different from now."

"There are no zombies, no mutant animals and plants, the city is very prosperous, and the night scenery is beautiful..."

His voice was low and clear, and the flower branch was in his ear, as if the eardrum was also vibrating.

The world that Jing Huai said was something she had never experienced before. On the first day she appeared in this world, she was being chased by zombies.

Although she has seen some previous TV movies, her experience is completely different from just seeing with her eyes.

The description of the scenery is too good, and the flower branches fiddled with his fingers, feeling pity and sadness.

Jiang Huai: "It has already happened, it is meaningless to be trapped in the emotions and things of the past, just move forward and look forward."

Huazhi raised her head and patted him on the shoulder, "After we wipe out all the zombies, the world may return to its previous state."

Huazhi thought about it and said seriously, "It may also become better than before!"

"Yeah." Jing Huai's fingers went around her hair and turned it in half a circle.

After the end of the world, there are many opinions and speculations. In the fifth year of the last days, there are two views that are most widely circulated.

One is the theory of human extinction. People who hold this view believe that the evolution of human beings is far behind the evolution of the world, so human beings will eventually be completely wiped out.

Another view is that the world is reshuffled, all people and animals are producing new mutations, which is the beginning of a new world.

What the world will turn into in the end, no one knows. But they also don't need to care about those floating issues, as long as they do their own thing and live every day well.

Blossom rested her head on his shoulder again.

"I tell you, I found a secret."

When she spoke of the secret, her voice became smaller.

As if expecting him to speak, Jing Huai: "What is it?"

"It turns out that my estrus is not a specific time, but a trigger." Huazhi looked up at his lips, "As long as we kiss—"

Jing Huai covered her mouth, "Take a good look at the moon."

Blossoms: “&%*#@…”

One night passed like this. For more than ten hours, with the continuous movement of the whip, zombies as high as hills could be piled up on the ground everywhere in the city.

In addition to the nuclei she collected piecemeal at the base, her energy progress bar finally reached 61%!

King Huai looked at the corpses piled together. There were men and women, old and young, and he threw a fire into the mountains of corpses, slowly burning them to ashes.

When the two left, black smoke rose from all corners of the city.

On the way back, I passed a few pet stores, but after searching around, there was nothing that eagles and mutant rabbits could eat.

Flower branch thinks of their future size and feels that their heads are very large. When those eagles grow up, I am afraid that one of them will not be enough for her.

Those eagles would throw the eagles to her, she never thought, but since she has taken over, she must take good care of them.

And she is a rabbit, an eagle is a bird, one running on the ground and one flying in the sky are completely different. She has to hurry up and teach them well, otherwise she will be in trouble if she misses the best learning time.

It was already afternoon when the two returned to the base. Knowing that they came back at this time, several groups of people were already waiting at the door.

Hundreds of mutated poisonous snakes are piled up in the middle, as high as a hill. The **** corpses of the snakes made one's back feel cold when they looked at them. The greasy and greasy snake bodies were stacked together, and they didn't seem to be completely dead when they died. It always made people think that a poisonous snake would suddenly come out and bite.

And the strange black bugs and queens were put into a special container and put aside.

It's so well preserved!

Flower branches and scenery Huai did not expect even Bu Si to come over.

He squatted on the ground and checked the body of the python with gloves.

"You can, and kill another fifth-order mutant snake." This snake is useless if it is a zombie snake, because after being infected with the virus, the activity of the body will be changed by the virus. But this is a fifth-order mutant snake, and all parts of the body can be used.

Yes, yes, he heard the news and rushed over at noon.

Jing Huai handed over the Tang knife, "Rolled it."

Bu Si glanced at it, and was too lazy to lift his eyelids, "Go back and send it by yourself."

King Huai nodded.

Bu Si was followed by a few people. After he checked the giant python, he turned his head and carefully explained to the people behind him, "Give me a part of the teeth and scales, I want this position. ."

"I want this part of the snake bone, and I don't need it anywhere else."

The mutant rabbits and eagles brought back by Flower Branch were also released.

There are three eagles on the body of the mutant rabbit with a size of more than ten pounds, and they are still obediently lying at the feet of the flower branch. How to see this picture is strange.

Flower branches quickly explained, "I picked them up, they are very good, I want to keep them in the base."

The base is not unable to raise mutant animals, but—

The staff graciously said: "Of course you can keep them on the base, but you have to make sure they don't hurt others, and you need to sign a commitment."

Huazhi nodded, and the staff quickly handed her an agreement. Pick up the flower branch and take a closer look. The above terms are densely packed, but the last one is especially bold. This one probably means that if they hurt someone, she needs to provide huge compensation.

The flowers are counted, as long as someone is injured, the compensation points will start from 3,000!

"Sign here if you have no objection."

How many points she needs to lose, she has to sign, Huazhi finally wrote her name on it.

The mutant rabbits will definitely be obedient, and those little eagles also look very obedient, they are in her hands, and she has to take good care of them. When they grow up and can fly and hunt by themselves, she will let them out.

And Huazhi always felt that those eagles would come all the way to find her and give her their kittens, and they must have attached great importance to these cubs. Maybe when they are healed, they will come and pick them up by themselves.

The giant pythons piled up like mountains were quickly divided up by everyone, and Huazhi’s account instantly gained more than 2,000 points.

The points this time are obviously much higher than before.

How come there are so many, Huazhi looked at the inspector in surprise.

The inspector smiled at her immediately, "This mission is very dangerous, and you were attacked by Lu Song, so in addition to the reward for over-completing the mission, there is also a part of Lu Song. compensation."

Since Lu Song is dead and there is video testimony, he really wants to kill Jing Huai and Huazhi. The base naturally reclaimed all his possessions.

The thousands of points in his account also gave 50% to Jinghuai and Huazhi as spiritual compensation.

Huazhi was very moved, it was great, so that she could have money to support those four little cubs!

They only knew that Qi Chaoyang had returned after their mission, but he was seriously injured and was lying in the hospital at the moment.

After Hua Zhi and Jing Huai knew about it, they turned around and went to see him in the hospital, but as soon as they walked to the door, they heard his angry voice.

Qi Chaoyang was lying on the bed and could only move his mouth, "You don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time, if I hadn't acted decisively, let them withdraw first, and then rely on the strength of my third-order ability user They were at the forefront, and they are now lying here."

"We are still reliable!"

"That's right, we Qige people are the best, let's be loyal."

up, but still in high spirits.

When the two opened the door, Qi Chaoyang was being touted by his younger brother No. 3. Seeing them coming in, he didn't change his face.

"You are finally back, I heard that you did not find the rabbit king this time, but killed a fifth-order mutant snake?"

King Huai nodded.

Qi Chaoyang was full of remorse, "I would have gone with you if I knew earlier, how can you encounter good things every time you go out on a mission."

People around you can't help but complain, if you can survive, you have encountered "good" things, if you can't survive, you have encountered the Lord of Hell.

Everyone weighed their own strength and the "good luck" in the past, and suddenly felt that they were not worthy of the mission with him.

Huazhi looked at Qi Chaoyang's wound. He was **** and down like a mummy. It was said that he had a broken foot and several ribs in his abdomen, and then the ribs were inserted into his internal organs.

It hurts just listening to the description of the flower branches. Fortunately, he looks full of energy and in good spirits now.

Flower branch asked him: "Are you okay now?"

Qi Chaoyang waved his hand, "It's not a big problem anymore, you don't have to worry about me, I'll stay here for a few more days before I can be discharged."

Although it is a task and an accident, the hospital can treat it for a few days for free, but it will still be charged in the future.

Twenty points and fifteen secondary crystal nuclei a day, he can't eat it.

Huazhi nodded, "Then you should be discharged now."

Everyone: ? ? ?

Qi Chaoyang's mummified eyes moved, "Now?"

Huazhi nodded, "So many points and crystal cores are too expensive, I will treat you, as long as you..."

"Ten points, ten secondary crystal nuclei." Jing Huai said lightly.

Qi Chaoyang: ? ? ?

He suddenly remembered, yes, Huazhi still has a healing space!

"No, you are too dark!"

The injured people next to them also looked at Huazhi in surprise, "Do you still have healing abilities?!"

Flower Branch shook her head, "It's not an ability, do you want to heal, you should—"

Huazhi took a serious look at their injuries. At that time, the giant eagle's wings were about to break, and it was fine in two or three days. Their wounds were much smaller than that of the giant eagle.

"It will be fine in a day."

The patients looked at each other and lay back. They didn't believe Huazhi's words at all.

If it is not seriously injured, who is still hospitalized here, unless there is a third-order power user to treat them one-on-one, it may not be enough for a day, after all, the power of the power user is also limited.

Qi Chaoyang rolled his eyes, "Okay, I'll give it, I'll be discharged now."

The mummified Qi Chaoyang called a nurse to discharge him from the hospital.

The nurse had already taken it seriously, and told him the precautions and let him go, without even asking him how to leave in a mummified appearance.

When no one was there, Qi Chaoyang rolled his eyes, "Are you going to put me in the space? Come on, come on, it hurts me to death."

Jiang Huai reached out and stopped the flower branch, "Transfer points first."

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Qi Chaoyang endured the pain in his neck and shook his head in pain, "People say that men's colleges are outgoing, and it's true. How long have you and I known each other, our brothers for more than ten years Qing, you don't want to help me with treatment first, but to pay for her first."

"What can I do! I can only give it." Although he complained, he immediately turned the points, and in the next instant, Qi Chaoyang appeared in the space.

As soon as he appeared, he saw the legendary three eagles and mutant rabbits, one person and four animals looked at each other for a long time.

Qi Chaoyang looked at them very rarely. He has always liked these small animals, but unfortunately they were despised before the apocalypse, and after the apocalypse they did not develop any talent for taming animals.

He was still looking at them, when the voice of the flower branch came from outside the space, "Did you see the groove on the wall of the bell, if you put the crystal nucleus in it, you will heal faster than It will be faster."

"I have given ten crystal cores, do I have to pay for this one myself?!" Qi Chaoyang was very dissatisfied.

"Pay for yourself." Jing Huai's voice came in.

Qi Chaoyang: emmmmm

He doesn't know who this person is anymore!

But I have to say that this space is much more comfortable than lying on a hospital bed. Once I came in, the original pain in my body disappeared a lot, and I can clearly feel that the speed of recovery is fast. accelerate.

Qi Chaoyang couldn't help but took out a crystal nucleus and stuffed it inside.

The bell absorbed the energy of the crystal nucleus, and the healing feeling became more obvious in an instant.

Secondary nuclei have this speed, then if it is tertiary nuclei…

Qi Chaoyang was about to move, unable to restrain his curiosity, and replaced a third-level crystal core.

Qi Chaoyang: "Fuck!"

The branch stopped in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"He used a tertiary nucleus."

Five hours later, Qi Chaoyang took off the bandage and ran out.

Thanks to him, the three eagles in the space are almost as good.

Qi Chaoyang moved his muscles and bones, and felt that he was as light as a swallow.

"This point is so worth it!" He turned to look at Huazhi, "Are you going to make some money on this?"

There are not many healing power users, and there are not many high-level ones, and the powers are limited. It is a problem to have one power user continue to send power to another person. A very laborious thing. But the bells of Huazhi are different. As long as they go in, the body will start to heal automatically, and there is no need for her to do anything extra.

Huazhi nodded, this was the result of her discussion with Jing Huai and Bu Si.

If they encounter other people in an accident in the future, they will definitely save people, and her bell will be exposed sooner or later.

"So, how about I introduce the business to you?" You know, there are still a lot of people lying in the hospital now, he rubbed his fingers, "You can just give me this share when the time comes."

Huazhi understood his gesture and nodded, "Okay."

Qi Chaoyang was overjoyed and ran to the hospital in full swing.