MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 209 Tang Hao: "Blue Silver Emperor...she must be my daughter

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  Chapter 209 Tang Hao: "Blue Silver Emperor...she must be my daughter!"

  Seeing that Xiao Ai couldn't wait to express himself, Muge was also very considerate, and directly arranged for Xiao Ai to play first.

  And in the first round, Pastoral also entered a ring, and the other rings have not yet started.

  Xiao Ai's figure soon appeared on the ring.

   There is also Xiao Ai's opponent, Muge randomly selects one, it is a teenage girl, but she is fat.

   "Huh~ It's actually a little girl, is this a mistake?"

   "How can such a small girl have the cultivation of a soul master!"

  After seeing that the opponent was a cute little girl, the fat girl let out a surprise, and then looked around, wondering if she had made a mistake.

   "What are you looking at? Your opponent is me!"

   "My name is Xiaoai, I am 6 years old, a 12th-level soul master, and my martial soul is the Blue Silver Emperor. Please enlighten me!"

  Xiao Ai saw that her opponent was ignoring her, so she immediately called out to him, and then pretended to report her own information.

  When the soul master duel first appeared, there was no mutual reporting of information, and a few soul masters would report their own information.

  However, when the number of spectators increased, the soul masters who appeared on the stage reported their names and ranks one after another, which has become an unwritten rule.

  Obviously, the contestants also want to let the audience know themselves through the soul master duel.

  After Xiao Ai reported the information, Xiao Ai's information also appeared on the screens in front of the audience, and on Xiao Ai's screen.

   "6 years old, 12th level soul master, my God!"

"How can this be?"

   "Of course it is possible, if it is born with full soul power, wouldn't it be fine?"

   "Yes, innately full of soul power..."


   "It's actually full of soul power, this little girl is a genius..."

   "Didn't you notice? Her martial soul, her martial soul is the Blue Silver Emperor. What is the Blue Silver Emperor?"

   "It's the Blue Silver Grass, right? I haven't heard of the Blue Silver Emperor..."

   "It can't be Blue Silver Grass, Blue Silver Grass is a waste martial soul..."

   "That's the Blue Silver Emperor, I don't know what kind of martial spirit it is, I've never heard of it..."


  All the audience were also surprised by Xiao Ai's information. They didn't expect to see a genius with innate full soul power as soon as he appeared on the stage, and the martial soul was the Blue Silver Emperor whom he had never heard of!

  At first, everyone didn’t pay much attention to the duel of soul masters at the soul master level, and many of them even planned to turn off the screen and not plan to watch it. Now they also stopped temporarily and prepared to watch.

   "Blue Silver Emperor..."

   "How could it be the Blue Silver Emperor..."

  At this moment, after seeing Xiao Ai's message, there was another person whose eyes were full of shock, and then stared at Xiao Ai's figure on the ring with wide eyes.

   "Like... and really like Ah Yin..."

   "Ayin said that there is only one Blue Silver Emperor, and if it is possible to appear again, it must be the child of me and Ayin..."

   "Ayin, is she our daughter?"

  Seeing that Xiao Ai and Ah Yin have seventy to eight similar appearances, and the martial soul that Xiao Ai reports is also the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang Hao inevitably misunderstood.

  Tang Hao stared at Xiao Ai on the screen with great excitement, and really wanted to rush up and ask her face to face to see if she was his daughter.

  But Tang Hao was not impulsive, he had to take another look to see if the martial spirit displayed by Xiao Ai on the ring was the Blue Silver Emperor.

   "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

  The mistress next to him sensed that Tang Hao's mood was wrong, so he couldn't help but asked worriedly.

   "No... nothing, probably a good thing..."

   Tang Hao shook his head, but did not express his doubts for the time being, because he was not sure yet.


   Tang San responded, and stopped asking.

  At this time, Tang San also looked at Xiao Ai on the screen curiously, but he didn't expect that the other party was born full of soul power just like himself.

   But even so, Tang San didn't take Xiao Ai seriously for the time being, it was just a person with full soul power, and only level 12.

  Although his soul power level is not high, it is already at level 14, plus he is confident that he has mastered so many Tang Sect skills, it is impossible to lose to a soul master.

  A little girl, how good can she be?

  He is a reborn!


   "Innately full of soul power, isn't that Xiao Ai?"

   "Xiao Ai is actually born full of soul power!"

  In addition to Tang Hao, Qian Renxue, who had entered the dream world at this time, also saw Xiao Ai on the ring, and was immediately slightly surprised by Xiao Ai.

  She knew Xiao Ai, she didn't expect the other party to awaken her martial soul so quickly, and she was born full of soul power!

   But that's all, Qian Renxue took a little longer look, and then planned to take a longer look, to see what Xiao Ai's Wuhun Blue Silver Emperor looks like.

   Originally, she also planned to turn off the screen, not to pay attention to this low-level soul master duel.


   "Zhang Huniu, 12 years old, 18th-level soul master, her martial soul is an orange cat, please enlighten me!"

   At this time in the ring, although surprised that Xiao Ai was really her opponent, Xiao Ai's opponent, Zhang Huniu, quickly reported her information.

  Xiao Ai nodded, and together with his opponent, summoned their respective martial souls.

  The blue silver grass with golden patterns slowly emerged in Xiao Ai's hands, and at the same time, the yellow century-old soul ring on her body also emerged.

   "Martial Soul Possession!"

  Xiao Ai's opponent also summoned her martial spirit at this time, and the phantom of an orange cat appeared behind her, and then attached to her body.

  Zhang Huniu's appearance suddenly changed a little bit. A phantom of a cat's tail appeared behind her, her hands became more like claws, and her eyes became like animal pupils.

  These are the changes brought about by the possession of the soul master of the beast soul.

   "Blue Silver Emperor, really is the same Blue Silver Emperor as Ah Yin!"

   "She must be Ah Yin's daughter, she must be Ah Yin's and I's daughter!"

Tang Hao, who had been waiting for Xiao Ai to summon his martial soul, was so excited when he saw Xiao Ai's martial soul. He really wanted to go up and ask Xiao Ai where he was in reality. where.

   It's just that this is a dream world, everything here is very mysterious, Tang Hao resisted and did not rush up.


   "Is this the Blue Silver Emperor?"

   "Isn't this the Blue Silver Grass?"

   "Isn't it incredible that it's actually the Blue Silver Grass, the waste martial soul?"


  Other spectators, after seeing Xiao Ai's martial soul, did not take a closer look, and thought that the martial soul summoned by Xiao Ai was a normal blue silver grass, and they all exclaimed.


   "The first soul skill Cat's Claw!"

  After Zhang Huniu possessed her body with her martial spirit, she glanced at Xiao Ai with sharp eyes, and with a flash of her figure, she waved her claws and pounced on Xiao Ai.

  Almost instantly, the figure of Zhang Huniu came to Xiao Ai.

   "She hasn't released her soul skills until now, she is just a little girl, it's too simple!"

  After Zhang Huniu came to Xiao Ai, seeing that Xiao Ai hadn't released her soul skills, she was so determined that she waved her claws and grabbed Xiao Ai.

  She didn't mean to be merciful, anyway, it wouldn't really do anything if she got hurt here.


  However, just when Zhang Huniu thought her attack could hit Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai's figure disappeared in a flash.

   "Hee hee, fat sister, you missed me!"

  Xiao Ai's figure appeared on the spot, looking at the astonished Zhang Huniu with a smile on her face.

   After finally being able to perform on stage, she certainly didn't want to defeat her opponent all at once, Xiao Ai wanted to have more fun.

   Otherwise, with her Blue Silver Emperor strength, as long as she uses her soul skills to entangle her opponent, it will be impossible for her opponent to break free.

   "Fat sister, come again!"

   Then Xiao Ai provoked Zhang Huniu again.

   "Who are you calling fat, you hateful little girl!"

  When Zhang Huniu heard Xiao Ai addressing her, her face blushed immediately, and she immediately attacked Xiao Ai angrily.

  The spirit ability cannot be released for the time being, but she is also very strong under the possession of the spirit.

   "Hee hee, I still can't hit me..."

   "Fat sister comes again..."


  It's just that no matter how angry Zhang Huniu attacks, Xiao Ai can always avoid the opponent's attack lightly, and turn the opponent around while laughing.

   "This Xiaoai..."

  In the independent space, seeing Xiao Ai's performance, Ah Yin couldn't help being a little shy, angry and funny.

   "I don't know whose personality she followed, she is so out of character!"

  A Yinmei glanced at Muge, and said.

   "It shouldn't be me, Ah Yin, you weren't so naughty when you were young, right?"

  Mu Ge denied that it was him, then hugged A Yin in his arms, and started teasing A Yin instead.


  Hearing Mu Ge teasing herself in turn, Ah Yin blushed and retorted in shame and indignation.


   "Is that a self-created soul skill?"

   "It's amazing, the other party is no match for Xiao Ai!"

   "What is the origin of this Xiaoai? He has mastered self-created soul skills at such a young age, so he must have a strong background..."

   "The opponent is completely played around by her!"


   At this time, the audience was also surprised by Xiao Ai's performance. They didn't expect a 6-year-old girl to have such strong strength.

   "Have you noticed? This little girl's self-created soul skills are very similar to Qian Renxue from the Wuhun Palace?"

   "Looks like yeah..."

   "It's a lot like..."

   Soon, a soul master who had watched Qian Renxue's battle discovered that Xiao Ai's movement was similar to Qian Renxue's.

  But this is also normal, after all, what the pastoral songs are taught to Qian Renxue and Xiao Ai is Lingbo Weibu.

   It’s just that Xiao Ai’s is the latest version, which is even more erratic.

  But judging from the appearance, the difference is not big.

   "Is it Teacher's Lingbo Weibu?"

   Qian Renxue widened her eyes when she saw Xiao Ai performing Lingbo Weibu, and looked at Xiao Ai's figure in disbelief.

  Qian Renxue observed very carefully. After seeing Xiao Ai performing it many times, Qian Renxue immediately decided: "This is the Lingbo micro-step that the teacher taught me!"

   "Where did Xiao Ai learn it from?"

   "Isn't the teacher dead?"

   "Isn't the teacher dead?"

   "Is that the man? Xiaoai's father..."

  Afterwards, Qian Renxue began to guess continuously.

  When she met Muge in Yuexuan before, she had a feeling that Muge was very similar to her teacher, Master Hu Ge, even the voice was very similar.

   It was just at that time, thinking that the teacher was dead, she didn't think much about it.

  But now, when Qian Renxue saw Lingbo Weibu on Xiao Ai, Qian Renxue immediately suspected Muge's identity.

   " that really you?"

  Thinking that the teacher is not dead, Qian Renxue suddenly felt unspeakably excited and filled with joy.

   "But...if he's the teacher, why doesn't he come out and explain?"

   "Instead of being anonymous..."

   "Why is this all?"

   "And why are Mom and Dad lying?"


  But after being excited, Qian Renxue also thought of some doubts.

  She really wanted to go to Muge to inquire about it herself.

  Just thinking about her current status, Qian Renxue could only resist the impulse in her heart.

  She pretended to be the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and she must not be exposed.

   "If it's a teacher, I shouldn't reveal my identity..."

   "It would be great if I could meet him in the dream world..."


  Qian Renxue also hesitated afterward, wondering if she should look for Muge to confirm in reality.


   "The first soul skill, Entangling!"

   Whoosh whoosh—

  In the arena, after finally playing enough, Xiao Ai finally displayed her first soul skill, summoning several blue and silver emperor vines to restrain Zhang Huniu.

"…I surrender!"

  After being controlled by Xiao Ai, although Zhang Huniu was not reconciled, she also knew that she was not Xiao Ai's opponent, and finally obediently chose to admit defeat.

   "Congratulations to Xiao Ai for winning!"

   Immediately there was a message announcing Xiao Ai's victory in the arena.

   "Hee hee, I won!"

   "It's not difficult, the champion must be mine!"

  After Xiao Ai won, she suddenly laughed happily.

   After defeating an opponent, Xiao Ai really felt that the opponent was easy to deal with. If she didn't want to play for a while, she would have killed the opponent in seconds.

  For a while, Xiao Ai's confidence soared.

  After Xiao Ai, there will no longer be only one ring in the next competition.

   Above the sky, a large number of arenas once again condensed, plus the previous one hundred arenas in total, and then soul masters who chose to participate were summoned to the arenas to start fighting souls.

  Compared to the first time, there are undoubtedly many times more soul masters who chose to participate this time.

  The battle between soul masters at the soul master level unfolded slowly and methodically.

   "What about people?"

Tang Hao didn't pay attention to the next game at all. After seeing Xiao Ai's figure disappear, he couldn't help but fly up to the sky and searched around, as if he wanted to see where Xiao Ai returned to after disappearing from the ring .

  It's a pity that Xiao Ai's figure was directly teleported away, Tang Hao couldn't find anything at all.

   "Dad, what happened?"

   After Tang Hao fell to the ground with a sad face, Tang San asked Tang Hao worriedly again.

   "Little San, Dad has given you a task!"

  Tang Hao heard Tang San's voice, immediately lowered his head to look at Tang San, his expression became serious.


  ps: Weakly ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)