MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 234 Regretful Yu Yuanzhen

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  Chapter 234 The Regretful Yu Yuanzhen

   "I actually won!"

   "His Majesty Wanxiang doesn't seem to use his soul skills much?"

   "Using the opponent's martial soul to defeat the opponent, this is too handsome!"

   "I'm afraid you don't know that the martial spirit under the crown of Wanxiang has no attack ability. It can only be attacked after being imitated into other martial spirits!"

   "So that's the case, no wonder I didn't see His Majesty Wanxiang using her soul skills..."

   "The last move just now was just his skull soul skill!"

   "I feel that Vientiane is very strong. I don't know if he will continue to challenge!"


  Seeing that Pastoral won, the audience started talking again.

   "Everyone, don't rush to leave, I will challenge other Title Douluo one by one!"

  As if hearing everyone's expectations, Mu Ge stood on the ring at this time, and did not leave after winning, but announced to everyone.

  Hearing the words of Pastoral, all the audience in the dream world suddenly became excited.

   "Senior Chrysanthemum Douluo, this junior has already challenged you, please give me your advice!"

  Then, Muge was also directly in front of everyone in the arena, while talking, he summoned the system, and after finding Ju Douluo, who was seventh in the list, he directly applied for the challenge.

   "Arrogant guy, you dare to directly challenge me just after a match, are you looking down on me?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo is naturally also in the dream world at this time. He knows that he occupies the position of the heaven list and will definitely be challenged by other titled Douluo, but he did not expect that it will be Muge, the new Douluo who has just challenged Poison Douluo .

   "Since you want to challenge, come on!"

   Don't look at Ju Douluo's sissy, but in fact Ju Douluo is a very upright person, and immediately accepted the challenge of Muge.


   Afterwards, Ju Douluo's figure disappeared in place and appeared on the void arena.

  Ghost Douluo next to him didn't even have time to say a word!

   Shaking his head with a smirk, Ghost Douluo didn't care too much, anyway, even if he failed, he couldn't die.

   This is also the psychology of all people who enter the dream world, so in battle, no matter what kind of desperate soul skills they dare to use.

  But they don't know, because of this, it is easier for Muge to collect their martial arts data.

   "Accepted, Ju Douluo accepted the challenge of Wanxiang Douluo!"

   "Great, I can watch the battle between Title Douluo again!"

   "Yeah, I don't know if this Vientiane-eating Douluo will use the same martial spirit and soul skills as Ju Douluo!"

   "I don't think it's that easy. Chrysanthemum Douluo's martial soul seems to be the top martial soul of the plant system. It's not so easy to simulate, right?"


  Seeing Ju Douluo appearing on the Void Ring after accepting the challenge, the audience became excited again in an instant.

   "Senior Yueguan, please enlighten me!"

  Seeing Ju Douluo appearing, Muge smiled faintly, and said to Ju Douluo.

   "Hmph, arrogant boy, I don't believe that you can imitate even my martial soul. If you have the ability, let me show you a martial soul that is the same as mine!"

Ju Douluo didn't give Muge a good face. After all, the opponent had just finished a match, and he challenged him directly without taking a break. It was clearly meant to underestimate him. It's no wonder that Ju Douluo gave Mu Ge a good face .

   "Then Senior Moonlight is optimistic!"

  Muge is not annoyed when he hears this, after all, his behavior does seem to despise Ju Douluo.

  Besides, Ju Douluo is actually the number one character he likes more, it should be said that he appreciates it.

   "Extraordinary Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum!"

  After the words were finished, Muge stretched out his hand and summoned a strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum spirit in front of Ju Douluo and all the audience.

  Other Martial Soul Pastorals may require effort, but Qi Rong Tong Tian Ju does not need it at all.

  Because Muge was imitated after directly swallowing Qi Rong Tong Tian Ju, not from Ju Douluo.

  That is the soul ability, Muge needs to imitate it specially, so that it can be exactly the same as Ju Douluo's soul ability.

   "Extraordinary Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum..."

   "It was actually simulated..."

  Seeing the Qirong Tongtianju among the pastoral singers, Ju Douluo's eyes slightly stared. This feeling of his martial soul being used by others doesn't seem very good!

  In the past, Ju Douluo was always proud of his own martial soul, and he had never seen anyone else have the same martial soul as him. This inevitably made Ju Douluo feel like he was a unique martial soul master.

  But now Muge is also using the Surprising Tongtian Ju Wuhun in front of him, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

   "It's really simulated!"

   "Just now is Poison Douluo's Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, and now Ju Douluo's Qirong Babel Ju, is it possible that Vientiane Douluo can really simulate everyone's martial soul?"

   "Isn't this too strong?"

  Seeing that Muge simulated the martial souls of Poison Douluo and Ju Douluo one after another, all the audience were shocked.

   "How on earth did he do it?"

   "Isn't this guy only able to simulate low-level martial arts?"


   What was even more surprising was that in the dream world at this time, those disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect who knew Pastoral.

  They ridiculed Muge a lot at the beginning, but they didn't expect that Muge's simulator Wuhun has become so powerful.

   "If it is true as he said, he was forced to kill that disciple of the Clear Sky School, then our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School did not protect him well!"

   "This is our sect's loss!"

  The senior management of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, the suzerain and the elders were shocked, but also deeply regretful.

  I knew that I shouldn't have expelled Mu Ge from the sect in the first place. Now Mu Ge who has achieved such an achievement is the disciple of their Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect and the pride of their Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect.

  But now there is nothing left, maybe Muge will blame the blue electric overlord Longzong for not protecting him in time.

   "Mistake, it was really too much of a mistake at the beginning!"

  Yu Yuanzhen regretted endlessly, no matter whether Muge's previous self-report was true or false, he regretted his original choice very much.

  I knew that Muge had such a terrifying talent. Even if they offended Haotianzong, their Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect should have protected Muge!

   Instead of hearing the news, I immediately thought of breaking away from Muge and expelling Muge from the sect.

"There's also Xiao Gang back then. In fact, I don't need to drive him out of the sect. Xiao Gang is a waste. He just exposed some martial arts knowledge. Other sect forces may not catch Xiao Gang. put!"

   "I'm still timid and lost my former glory!"

  Then Yu Yuanzhen thought of Yu Xiaogang who was also expelled from the sect by him, and for a moment he only felt that he was really old and lost his vigor.


ps: Come to 2k first, a good news, a bad news, the good news is that the blind date I think the girl is good, very big, the bad news is that my coding time will not be so sufficient in the future, and it is impossible to make up Yes, it would be nice not to ask for leave!

  (end of this chapter)