MTL - Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San-Chapter 587

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Just to myself.

This is a clear preference.

Touches a woman's heartstrings.

The seeds of love are planted.

And grow out of control.

Qian Renxue followed.

After mother Bibi Dong met.

Maternal love lost in childhood.

It was quickly made up.

Grandpa Qian Daoliu.

The relationship with his mother Bibi Dong.

be relieved.

Qian Renxue was trying hard to let go.

After obsession with the past.

Accept it all.

Return to Wuhundian.

Reappear in front of the world as the young master.

And her love for her predecessors.

It also deepens unconsciously.

Qian Renxue only remembered.

Since then.

Almost every star official challenge.

She will be there.

Just to be far away.

Look at the man on the ring.

She was satisfied.


Qian Renxue found out.

Hu Liena, the saint of Wuhun Temple.

I also like seniors.

Even before that.

Hu Liena uses the rules of "exposure" adventure.

Confess to the seniors.

be rejected.

Also make temper.

offended seniors.

But Qian Renxue still couldn't feel at ease.

Because Hu Liena is more grounded than her.

Passionate, bold.

You can ignore the eyes of outsiders.

To express love for the elders.

Qian Renxue didn't dare to do that.

She knows her own strength and identity.

Simply not enough to go.

Look up to the seniors.

I can only choose to stay silently in the distance.

look at this man.

Deep in my heart I fantasized.

One day I can be looked up to by this man.

Looking forward to his love.

Enter the luck challenge.

After the secret realm on the Canyon of Kings map.

Qian Renxue was killed by Tang Hao.

Use the God Nine to test the bad luck cards.

Forcibly erase the opened ones on the body.

Nine Tests on the Legacy of the God of Angels.

Just when she was seriously injured.

A moment of despair.

Seniors appeared.

Came to one with her consciousness.

A small world of whiteness.

Sitting close to Qian Renxue.

Constantly encourage and comfort.

It's those plain words.

To Qian Renxue.

The hope of reviving.

Also at that time.

Women are even more helpless.

Love this high above.


A man with thousands of honors.

in the bottom of my heart.

Make one free for him.

A position that cannot be replaced by anyone.

But inferiority complex emerges.

Let Qian Renxue.

deeply aware.

the gap between the two.

Seniors are themselves all their lives.

Unattainable heights and goals.

When parting.

Qian Renxue summoned up her courage.

Before putting yourself into the luck challenge.

The baked goods are sent out.

When the senior accepted the pastry.

The woman is very happy.

For a moment, it feels like the whole world is beautiful.

Not long after.


Qian Renxue regained her confidence.

With the help of Huo Yuhao.

Obtain the qualifications to accept the star official test.

In the small world of Hell Tower.

When she came from the mouth of a silly girl.

After learning that the senior likes her.

full of joy.

Excited, beyond words.

I didn't expect myself to be here day and night.

My heart misses my secret love.

The person you secretly like also likes you.

The luckiest thing in the world.

No more than this.

After going through untold hardships.

After passing the **** tower test.

Qian Renxue came outside.

I saw that miss.

Admired man.

The heart is overwhelmed by happiness.

She is in the whole person.

When being hugged by a senior.

Feeling uncomfortable.

Shy again, happy.

All kinds of emotions came to mind.

that time.

It was Qian Renxue.

Leaning in the arms of a man for the first time.

The object is still the person you like.

It's senior.

she understands.

I have been thorough.