MTL - Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San-Chapter 595

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"Two Empires!"

"The Haotian School and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and other forces!"

"It must be defeated!"

"The future of Douluo Continent!"

"It belongs to the Spirit Hall!"

"It belongs to us!"

"Resist the imperial attack!"

"Wuhundian must win!"

In front of Jialing Pass.

and Jialing Pass.

Disciples of the six sects.

Three hundred thousand troops.

An army of 500,000 low-level soul masters.

Countless soldiers stationed on the city wall.

All in this moment.

shouted in unison:

"Resist the imperial attack!"

"Wuhundian must win!"

"Resist the imperial attack!"

"Wuhundian must win!"

The sound resounded through the sky.


Spread thousands of miles away.

The staff on the Wuhundian side.

Up and down.

And no reason.

Golden Crocodile Douluo and others.

The disappearance of high-level strong people is timid.

be discouraged.

On the contrary, it aroused the fighting spirit even more.



Immediately plain.

It is the entire Douluo world.

One of the largest plains in the Central Continent.

It is the sum of the two empires.

The divisional line of the Wuhun Temple.

The terrain is flat.


March here.

All situations will be censored.

In the sky of Wuhun Temple.

Spotted by scouts.

The situation is not good.


Covering the entire Douluo Continent.

Make heaven and earth.

It was dark.

night sky.

There were twenty-seven of them.


Except for the swallowed Bo Saixi.

There is a problem with that screen.

the rest of the screen.

All appear in the luck challenge.

The case of all challengers.

But this time.

creatures on the continent.

There is no time to take care of it.

Focus on.

Immediately plain.

of two empires.

Two million troops and.

Clear Sky School, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, etc.

Soul master power.

Gather here.

will be tonight.

He rushed to Jialing Pass with Wuhundian.

strongest force.

Unfold the world's long-awaited.

Battle of Jialing Pass.

at first.

Battle of Jialing Pass.

from thousands of years later.

A genius soul master in Douluo Continent.

Huo Yuhao's mouth.

It's the Heaven Dou army.

The final battle to destroy the Wuhun Temple.

Tang San became the God of Sea God and Asura.

At Jialing Pass.

Strongly beheaded the one who killed the Spirit Hall.

The God of Angels Qian Renxue.

Bibi Dong, the God of Rakshasa.

After this battle.

Wuhundian was defeated.

was destroyed.

Completely reduced to the history of Douluo Continent.

Can these future.

things will happen.

Because of Huo Yuhao's exposure.

cause everything.

They are all moving in an uncontrollable direction.

Tang Sanhe.

Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong.

None of the three became gods.

With the Great Priest of Wuhun Hall and others.

Enter the luck challenge.

The original Tiandou million army.

The Star Luo million army has been added.

The determination to destroy the Wuhun Temple in one fell swoop.

One can imagine.

This side of Wuhundian.

Although there is Qian Renxue.

Two potions help.

Tens of millions of people.

The innate soul power is improved.

Soul power increased.

Eighty-eight births can be born.

Quasi-Title Douluo.

Six offerings.

Twelve titled Douluo elders.

All disappeared.

make the overall combat power.

Not rising but falling.

Now facing the two empires.

Two million troops attacked.

Plus Haotianzong.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and other forces.

Soul master reinforcements.

Wuhun Hall.