MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1136 This is a difficult question!

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 Chapter 1136 This is a difficult problem!

Jimin and Xiujie were packing their things in the room, and when they saw Guo Wenhao come in, they didn't look sad, but rather relaxed.

Xiu Jie couldn't help but ask, "Wen Hao, do you really want to leave home?"

 Guo Wenhao shook his head and responded, "No, I don't want to leave. But I'm happy, I am also a child who is looked after."

Xiu Jie still didn't understand, but Zhi Min understood. He gave his brother a tug and urged, "Pack it up quickly. Don't take too many things. It will be inconvenient on the road."

 Soon, everyone had packed up.

Li Laosan patted the boys on the shoulders one by one, gave them instructions carefully several times, handed them over to Zheng He, and went directly to Zheng Feng.

 He then turned to the canteen and joined the villagers to return to Broken Gold Beach.

The small town of Luo'an was built on the basis of Luo'an Academy, and most of its residents were the families and servants of the students.

The death knell has just sounded in Xinduli, and news of an early holiday has spread in the college, and everyone is anxious.

 Some were busy picking up the students, while others were preparing to hitch their cars and rush home at dawn.

In this way, the Li family’s carriages and horses left the town without looking very conspicuous...

Jiayin followed Mu Jue and climbed out of a slightly dilapidated corner in the north of the city. It only took half an hour to reach Broken Gold Beach.

At the bayonet at the Ercun Bridge, there were two veterans who were responsible for guarding the bridge. They were really startled when they suddenly saw the princess returning in the dark night.

They didn't say much about the good news. They just asked them to let the heads of each family come to the old house to talk.

 The veterans did not dare to neglect and hurriedly went to inform separately.

When the good news arrived at the entrance of the village, Uncle Zhao was sitting under a big tree chatting with the patrolling villagers.

It was a hot day and no one had anything to eat, but each person held a gourd and drank water.

The village chief couldn't sleep at home, so he came over to join in the fun, holding his hands behind his back.

 As a result, not long after he sat down, Jiayin and Mu Jue came back.

"This...this is..." The village chief was confused for a moment and didn't know what to say.

The good news asked Mu Jue to knock on the door, and also asked the patrolling villagers to invite the heads of each family to come and talk.

Uncle Zhao and others all changed their expressions, and suddenly they remembered the relocation many years ago...

Soon, torches were lit in the front yard of the Li family, illuminating everything as bright as day.

 Village people arrived one after another and soon filled the yard.

Perhaps they had guessed that something big was going on. Everyone looked panicked, but no one dared to speak out.

Jiayin has been thinking on the road of Jiayin that it can neither cause panic, nor does not pay attention to it. This is really a problem.

 But say it no matter how difficult it is!

Now that everyone was here, she said, "Dear folks, the Northern Expedition is about to end, and now is a critical moment. I believe everyone knows it, right?

“But some evil people are jealous of the achievements of the Marquis and my father, and have been secretly plotting to steal the credit, but now they are targeting our village.

"Our village moved here from the Northland. We have been working diligently and our life is peaceful and prosperous. However, when it comes to power, we are still humble. And over the years, the population has increased. If we are not careful, we can easily be attacked by evil people. If someone finds something, they will be threatened with persecution.

"So, our family discussed it and took advantage of the fleet's return to send the villagers to live south for a while and see the different scenery in the south. It could take as little as two or three months and as long as half a year. The Northern Expedition was successful. When the situation in Xindu improves, the fleet will send everyone back.

“Of course, everyone has just heard the death knell. The queen has passed away. If you go out at this time, it is easy to be called disrespectful, so everyone should be more cautious when coming and going.

“It’s just a matter of packing your luggage overnight, taking only gold and silver, and trying to get on the ship before dawn.”

There was a deathly silence in the courtyard. Everyone could hear clearly, but their brains just couldn't react.

You are obviously living well, living a prosperous and comfortable life, but why are you suddenly going south? Even if someone wants to plot against the Marquis and the Fourth Master, **** military glory, and prepare to find excuses from them, it will not threaten the whole village, right?

This is hundreds of people, old and young!

 How can you just abandon your home that you have lived in for more than ten years?

 The village chief, Uncle Zhao, Liu Biaotou and others know more about the inside story, so they can naturally guess more.

 The situation must be very critical, otherwise the princess would not have rushed back overnight to urge everyone to move!

The village chief asked tentatively, "Princess, do you have to leave? Should the whole village leave? Will it be more suspicious if someone leaves the village so suddenly?"

Uncle Zhao also agreed, "Yes, Princess. We still have to carry water for watering in the fields, and there are workshops in the second village. We can't just throw everything away."

 The words of the two people seemed to have pressed some switch, and the people in the village started shouting.

"Princess, my son is getting married in half a month, so... there is no way he can just leave!"

“And in my family, my daughter will get married in a month, and the dowry is all ready, so we can’t change the date.”

 “What should I do if the children study? How many months will classes be suspended?”

“If you leave the fruits on the mountain for a few days, the weeds will grow as high as your waist.”

“What should we do about the business in the workshop?”

Jiayin tried her best to hold back her annoyance and said, "The orchards, fields and business are all external possessions, and keeping safe is the most important thing now. We can build the rest in Suijintan, and we can do the same in Quanzhou!

“When it comes to marriage and the like, if you can postpone the date, postpone it; if you can’t postpone it, then cancel it. What else is more important than life!

“Enough chatter, the children of each family must go south! As for the rest, I will decide who will be left to look after the family in the village after discussing with the village chief.”

 It was rare for everyone to see such serious good news, so they all shut up for a moment and did not dare to say anything more.

 But they all looked at the village chief, hoping that he would come up with an idea.

The village chief thought for a while and invited Jiayin into the house.

It was hard to hide the good news from anyone but the village chief, so I made it clear what happened in Jiangbei.

The village chief was so angry that he almost broke his pipe and pot.

 But at this time, there was no time to vent his anger.

He thought for a while and said, "Princess, I know you want to protect the people in the village, so it's best to go south to keep them safe. But the inside story of this matter cannot be told to everyone now, so it is even harder to arrange.

 But everyone has lived in Broken Gold Beach for so long. This is already our hometown, so why are we willing to leave so casually?

“Young people may be fine, but those of our age like me and Lao Zhao may not want to bother anymore.

“The villages on the left and right cannot be left alone and empty, and they must be concealed from outsiders.

"Why don't I go and tell anyone who wants to stay, don't stop them. Of course, the child must go."

Jiayin also knew that this was the best result and could only nod.

So the village chief went out first and spoke loudly to everyone.

"This time is indeed very dangerous. If you stay, you may be in danger of your life. So anyone who can move should quickly follow the arrangements and take their children south."

“The eldest man has been in Quanzhou for many years and has also bought manors and fields and done business. I will definitely not leave everyone without a place when they get there.

“But if there are those who are not afraid of death and are really unwilling to move, then you can accompany me, an old man, to look after the house. Of course, if there is real danger later, don’t complain, it’s your decision.

“Hurry back and discuss with your family, and pack your children’s luggage. Meet at the entrance of the village in half an hour!”

 (End of this chapter)