MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 396 fallen Angel

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At the moment when the two shattering sounds sounded, the eyes of everyone who saw this scene seemed to freeze.

Even Fang Ye had obvious fluctuations in his eyes.

The forced destruction of the dark red star... or two bursts!

"Super Magical Dragon Knight..."

For some reason, a rare smile appeared on Fang Ye's face, "Amazing."

And just after the two monsters were forcibly destroyed one after another, Xu crazy's soul barrier also experienced two violent fluctuations in succession, and the soul value was locked at 1 point.

But the soul barrier is extremely fluctuating.

During this fluctuation, the field suddenly followed a wave of fluctuations, and then, the simulated hills quickly subsided.

The protection mechanism of the dueling field is activated!

Obviously, this is a feeling that Xu Mad's magic shell is about to disintegrate.

Xu Fan suddenly lost his excitement, and his expression froze, as if he couldn't understand what happened for a while.

And this is still part of the special effect of the super magic dragon knight——

After destroying the specified monster, you can also inflict soul damage to the opponent equal to the monster's original ATK.

The shattering of the two dark red star monsters also immediately affected Xu Crazy's soul barrier.

If he hadn't already stepped into the spirit-demon combination, he didn't even need the second forced destruction, and the soul damage attached to the first forced destruction would be enough to shatter his soul barrier.

In one encounter, two dark red star monsters were destroyed, shaking Xu Lun's soul barrier.

The horror of the super magic dragon knight is revealed!


Seeing the venue returning to its original state, Yue Yongmingdou took the lead in taking a deep breath, his eyes full of horror, "This... this is a bit too strong, isn't it? It's outrageous! Is this really still in the category of dark red star monsters?"

"Unheard of, what is the origin of this monster?"

The people of the Warring States period widened their eyes, and the beard on his face was almost torn by him.

The always arrogant Angus also murmured at this moment: "The duelists of the Chinese country... incredible."

"So he still hides such a trump card?"

Ye Qingyi was a little excited, but looking at Lin You and then at Fang Ye, there were some doubts in his eyes.

With such a powerful monster, why didn't you use it in the previous battle against Fang Ye?

If this monster is summoned by fusion, combined with the ability of the chestnut ball to absorb the power of the super source... Fang Ye may lose!

Did you not own it at that time?

Not quite.

Judging from the breath of the super magic dragon knight, it is clearly not a monster just acquired, but a monster with a very high degree of awakening!

Ye Qingyi was still thinking about it, but Lin You had already taken back the super magic dragon knight.

Through this duel, he has successfully tested many things.

First of all, in the use of the effect of forced destruction, each destruction consumes 5000 mana points.

The consumption is not low, but compared to the effect, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The forced destruction was released twice just now, and the accumulated consumption was actually 3333 points of mana consumption for Lin You, who had broken the magic shell.

With Lin You's powerful magic now, it is not a problem at all to support this consumption.

And the super magic dragon knight is indeed a monster of the dark red star level. The absolute resistance brought by special effects cannot be broken even by high star spirit pattern cards.

As for the consumption of fusion summoning the super magic dragon knight itself, this is no different from the fusion summoning super magic swordsman or the swordsman of dragon destruction.

It is still about 10,000 magic points in the public sense.

Aside from Super Magical Dragon Knight, Rebirth of the Dead and Ripple Shield-Wave Power, these two cards are not cheap.

All reached 5000 points, which is consistent with the effect of a forced destruction of the super magic dragon knight.

But the consumption of these two cards is obviously not fixed.

For dark red stars and red stars, there are two concepts.

Just like the magic tube, when dealing with the pseudo-dark red star monster, the consumption was less than 1000 points.

But if you want to reflect the offensive of the dark red star monster, the consumption will probably soar to 5000 points.

The consumption is not low, but today's Lin You can also cover it.

With a broken magic shell, strictly speaking, his magic power is equivalent to 90,000 points of public perception!

An extremely terrifying number!

Based on this, Lin You is now in a duel, and it is difficult for him to have a shortage of magic power.

Lin You was quite satisfied with the test results.

Afterwards, he looked at Xu Crazy.

Xu crazy was still stunned before, but at this moment, he suddenly showed a crazy smile, "I lost to you again, but you'd better keep it up, next time you fight, I will surpass you, stand on a high place, give me Wait!"

"welcome any time."

Lin You couldn't help laughing, Xu Crazy was still the same Xu Crazy.

Even if he fails, it will only make his fighting spirit even more crazy.

However, if Xu Lun wanted to target himself, he might go on like this for the rest of his life.

If you think about it, you still feel a little guilty!

But who cares, the child is not a fish and knows the joy of a fish.

Maybe Xu crazy is still enjoying it... No, it should be said that it is definitely the case!

But at this time, seeing the end of the duel, the people of the Warring States suddenly looked at Li Zihan, "Over there, weren't you in a hurry to have a fight with Lin You? Now the opportunity has come, hurry up and fight with him. "

Li Zihan's face darkened.

Duel your uncle!

when i'm blind?

Can't I see how strong this guy is?

He cursed secretly, and his heart was also shocked.

How could he be so strong?

Is this guy really human!

Totally unimaginable!

On the side, the Warring States people pulled their beards and smiled boldly: "Why don't you talk? Isn't he your prey? Now that the prey is going to leave, if you don't stay, how much of a failure are you a hunter?"

Li Zihan's forehead twitched and his veins burst out, but the people of the Warring States period continued to speak.

Finally, Li Zihan couldn't bear it any longer: "Stop talking nonsense, you dead grizzly bear, I don't like you even more now, now, immediately, give me a duel right away, I won't call you Li Zihan if I don't torture you to death today."

"Hey, the momentum is good, I'm just waiting for your words."

The people of the Warring States period were obviously very happy. He wanted to find someone to practice his hands.

Originally, he was indeed going to duel with Lin You.

But after seeing the duel just now, even Li Zihan had no will to fight, let alone him?

After all, no one likes to look for abuse!

So among the remaining opponents, Li Zihan is very good.

Although Li Zihan didn't break into the final stage before, but considering that he lost to Lin You, it all seemed logical.

The people of the Warring States period did not really underestimate Li Zihan.

It would be better to say the opposite. He recognized Li Zihan's strength. After all, he heard a lot of rumors about him when he first participated in the competition.

It's more appropriate to practice with him now.

The two soon went to the duel arena, and when Li Zihan came on the field, he even staggered Lin You's return route.

Lin You didn't pay attention to this, he went straight to Fang Ye and said with a smile, "Brother Fang Ye, what happened to what I told you in the serial number before?"

Fang Ye nodded slightly, "I have already contacted Senior Chen, Senior seems to be dealing with some important affairs a few days ago, so he never showed up, but now, it is almost over, Senior has already said that one day before departure, we will meet Help you arrange this, if your chestnut ball can really store the power of super source for some time, our chances of winning this death battle will increase a little bit."

"that would be great."

Lin You was overjoyed. Regarding storage, he was quite confident in the chestnut balls.

Not much to say, save it for three or five days, there should be no problem at all.

"But... time flies really fast, and now there are only a few days left before the death battle."

Speaking of this, Lin You was slightly emotional.

The emotions in my heart are also very complicated.

There is excitement and anticipation, but also dignified and apprehensive.

Even if Lin You has a high degree of confidence in his current strength, it is impossible to say that he is not nervous at all.

Not only is he nervous about his own life, but he is also nervous about the outcome of this death battle!

In a big way, that is the loss of China and even the entire Human World!

Losing a super nova like myself is such a heavy blow, it hurts the human world just thinking about it!


Lin You was still grief-stricken by himself, in the dark source realm called 'Fallen Angel'.

Under the gray-black sky, a large open-air hot spring was bubbling hot.

The water in the hot spring is also and exudes a very special fishy smell.

At this moment, in the hot spring, several people chatted while enjoying.

One of them picked up a handful of water from the spring, felt the warmth of his fingertips, and couldn't help smiling and said: "It is indeed the 'fallen dark water' flowing out of the top fallen angels. After soaking here for a long time, I felt the magic in my body. The madness is boiling, and if it continues, the effectiveness of the magic will definitely increase greatly, and Lord Nicolofia is really willing."

"The Age of Rebirth"

"Such an opportunity is indeed rare."

Next to him, one person said with satisfaction: "Just agreeing to participate in the deathmatch and compete with those weak human duelists, you will be treated like this, not to mention that after winning the deathmatch, there will be even greater benefits waiting for us, Good luck this year!"

However, some people said with a hint of concern: "This time, the people sent by Human World are bound to be their most talented group of young duelists. Although we have the upper hand, we still have to be careful, so as not to be trapped in the gutter. Capsize."

"Dongba, you guys are really timid all the time."

"It's just mere human duelists, and those top-level powerhouses are nothing. Young people, what are you going to do with us? A guy like you can actually appear in this battle list, even if it is a great one. Lord Nicolofia, occasionally misunderstood."

"Joke, this is Lord Nicolofia who thinks that he has a chance to win, so even if there are one or two more **** on the list, it won't hurt. Don't forget, there is that person on the list of participating players this time!"

The rest of the people first ridiculed Dong Bayi, and at the end, a look of awe flashed in their eyes.

With that person there, in this death fight, those duelists in the human world will understand what fear is!