MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 450 plan

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Global Cards: Dueling Monsters Chapter 450 Plan

Nightmare Mary!

Seeing each other with their own eyes, the hearts of the four master beasts were all shocked.

Even if the other party didn't have such a powerful aura at the moment, the resounding reputation alone was enough to shock them!

Before today, they never thought that one day, they would meet the legendary Dark King Envoy!

After reacting, they suddenly sensed the impoliteness, and they all knelt down in panic and said, "Mrs. Mary."

"Huhohoho, get up, don't be so nervous."

The Dream Demon Marie raised her hand lightly, and the ghosts around her followed suit, "Get up, get up!"

The four master beasts got up one after another, but they still didn't dare to look at the Dream Demon Mary.

The more powerful the monster in the secret realm, the more profound the awareness of the dark source has been awakened, and the more reverent they are for these influential figures in the dark source king domain.

"Let's talk about it, the purpose of my coming to you this time."

Seeing the four master gods and beasts lower their heads, the dream demon Mary spoke softly, and the gods and beasts looked up at her.

They were also very curious, why did Lady Mary specially visit the Divine Beast Island this time?

The next moment, Dream Demon Mary said slowly: "You should have felt the movement of the Divine Beast Island recently, right? Duelists from the human world have entered in large numbers after learning about the birth of the Divine Beast Secret Collection. They are currently in various areas of the Divine Beast Island. active."

The four master beasts nodded in unison, the giant beast hesitated for a moment, and said confidently: "Master Mary, don't worry, with us here, the secret treasures of the beasts will definitely not fall into the hands of any duelists in the human world!"

Dapeng also said excitedly: "That's right, don't worry, Lady Mary, we won't let this precious resource flow into the hands of outsiders."

"That's not enough."

Dream Demon Marie laughed, and there was a hint of danger hidden in her laughter, "Some bad things have happened recently, so the Lord Dark King hopes to teach the world a lesson, and this lesson must be heavy enough, and this time the Divine Beast Island, it will It's a good opportunity."


The hearts of the four master beasts trembled, and they heard the implication of the dream demon Mary.

But if this matter is really implemented, the influence will be too great!

Let's not talk about whether they can complete this matter safely with their strength.

Even if it is completed, after the event, it will inevitably be crazily retaliated by the human world!

The dream demon Mary saw the thoughts of the gods and beasts at a glance, and said lightly: "Don't worry, there is an agreement between the human world and my dark source king's domain, and neither party can interfere with the secret realm within the rules. Once this happens, the consequences will be extremely serious. More than It will have a strong backlash against those who intervene, and more importantly, it will intensify the war between the two worlds!"

"Then, my lord..."

As soon as Mary the Dream Demon finished speaking, the four master beasts immediately became tense.

"I don't need you to worry."

Dream Demon Marie smiled lightly, "It's just entering the world, it's not an interference, besides, even if there is no agreement with the human world, as long as the **** rules are in place, whether it's me, Nicolophia, or even Lord Dark King, there is no way to attack human duelists in a realm of the level of Divine Beast Island, there is a strange force that seems to be protecting humans."

The rulers and beasts didn't know why, but let go of their worries for the time being.

At this time, Barbaros, who had been taciturn, said in a low voice, "What exactly does Lady Mary want us to do?"

"As I said just now, Lord Darkness wants to pay a heavy price to the world. What is heavy?"

At this point, the dream demon Mary sneered, and there was a trace of murderousness in her voice, "Only the price of blood is worthy of this word!"

In the smile, there was more madness, excitement and anticipation, "Come and make a big fuss, let the world understand that the taste of killing is still up to your appetite!"


The four master beasts instantly understood what the dream demon Mary meant, and they were all surprised by this answer, but the thoughts in their minds at the moment were different.

Some divine beasts silently prepared to kill, some were excited by it, but some were full of worries.

Excessive slaughter of duelists in the human world, in the past, was easy to receive special revenge!

Some strong people in the human world will ignore the influence of the secret realm on them and force their way in.

In order to hunt the target, it is nothing more than spending more time!

Dream Demon Mary could guess some of their thoughts, and said again: "I know you may have some concerns, but there is no need for this at all. Under the constraints of the agreement, if you act in accordance with the rules, even if you really slaughtered all the people who entered the world duel this time Or, the human world can only smash their teeth and swallow this bitter fruit!"

Saying that, Yin Cece smiled and said: "And you, as a member of the beast island, no matter what you do, it is in compliance with the rules, just as there are so many people entering the human world this time, it is also allowed by the rules."

"Although there are many, there are clear restrictions in terms of strength. Are you afraid of facing such a group of mobs? This ending, shouldn't I be disappointed?"

In the end, the voice of the Dream Demon Mary made people shudder for no reason.

But Dapeng looked at the dream demon Mary with great admiration, and immediately said: "Of course not! I will definitely have the heart of killing all those humans, and vow to let Lady Mary see the desired ending."

"It will be as the adults wish!"

Kabalun and Barbaros also bowed and spoke.

Seeing their opinions expressed one after another, the Giant God Beast also quickly said: "Let me start with the Jurassic Forbidden Land first, but any human duelist who dares to set foot here will end in an extremely miserable end!"

"Then I look forward to your performance."

Dream Demon Mary's laughter was ethereal, her figure gradually became transparent, and she just disappeared in place.

When she left, the big eyes of the Giant God Beast turned around, and deep in the eyes, there was a little anxiety.

The promise just now was given very happily, but the worries deep in my heart have not dissipated.

If you choose to slaughter duelists from the human world, you will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

Even if, as Lady Mary said, there is an agreement as a constraint, but within the rules and on the premise of a sufficient number, the combat power of the duelists in the Human World cannot be ignored.

More importantly, it has made too many enemies, which is likely to affect its treasure hunting plan this time.

But it's not all bad.

At least when confronting those duelists in the human world, the scale is completely under his control!

If you are really jealous, you will kill him!

Those people originally came here for the secret storage of the beasts, and they were regarded as competitors, because they were not strong enough individually.

After weighing it in my heart, I looked at the others, Kabarun and Barbaros, but they had disappeared, and only Dapeng remained.

Seeing it, Dapeng suddenly showed a charming smile, "Giant Beast, do you want to cooperate with us?"

The giant beast was slightly stunned, and asked with some doubts: "What do you mean?"

"Guys with well-developed limbs shouldn't be so simple-minded, right?"

Dapeng caressed the Firebird on his shoulder slowly, the face of the giant beast changed slightly, and angrily said: "Doc, how dare you mock me?"

"I also know that I'm being sarcastic. It doesn't seem to be completely stupid."

Dapeng smiled lightly, and before the giant mythical beast had another attack, he said again: "It's just a joke, why be so serious, what should be serious is the promotion of the current cooperation."

The giant beast suppressed its anger and said: "Don't talk nonsense in front of me, Dapeng, what do you want?"

"What a curmudgeon."

Dapeng sighed lightly, but instead showed a smile, "You have heard what Lady Mary thinks, if this is the case, then there will inevitably be major conflicts between us and those duelists in the human world. It doesn't matter to a few or a dozen duelists, but what about dozens or even hundreds of them?"

The giant beast said in a deep voice: "How could those humans gather like this? They all came here for the secret of the beasts, and there is a competitive relationship with each other, not a collective task."

There was some surprise deep in Dapeng's eyes, but it quickly dissipated, and he said, "You are wrong. It is because they have a common goal that it is easier to gather."

The giant beast does not understand.

Dapeng smiled and said: "It's very simple. If you act alone, how can you beat the group with your own strength? At this time, choosing to act alone is tantamount to giving up this competition, so most of those people will form a group. groups, but the scale should not be too large, otherwise resource allocation will be extremely troublesome.”

"So the threat of a single group to us is actually still limited. The real trouble is that if they act like this, what we want to destroy will also be a group. However, if a group is destroyed, the movement will probably be huge. At that time There is no guarantee that you will not be targeted by duelists from the human world, if you are targeted, and then you will be jointly fired by those groups, no matter how strong you and I are, there is only one dead end!"

The Giant God Beast frowned, Dapeng's words seemed very reasonable.

If you are targeted, even if you don't die, and the divine beast hides secrets, you will be completely out of luck with it!

The more I thought about it, the more agitated my heart became, and I hurriedly said, "Then what should we do? We can't ignore Lady Mary's words, right?"

"Are you kidding me!"

A cold light flashed in Dapeng's eyes, "If you dare to say something disrespectful to Lady Mary, be careful to lay your dead body here!"

An angry look flashed across the face of the giant beast, but it endured it, and said in a deep voice: "Don't misinterpret my meaning, I don't have the slightest disrespect to Lady Mary, but you, what kind of medicine is in the gourd?"

Dapeng said indifferently: "Do you still need to ask me the other way about what you are best at? Together with me, the role I can play lies in covering the bottom line! No matter how clever your methods are, it will be a matter of time before you are noticed , At that time, if too much disturbance is caused, you alone cannot fight against it, but with me, at least the worst ending will not happen. , the spearhead is not so easy to point at us, and Barbaros and Kabalun can make good use of this point."

"Using them? Aren't we a united front?"

The giant monster was even more confused.

Dapeng laughed, "Giant Beast, you are a little naive and cute, united front? It is true in purpose, but we and them have never been so-called close partners, and Lady Mary has never emphasized this point. What she needs is As a result, as long as the result is as desired, is the process important?"

The giant beast was shocked, but quickly said: "Then do it!"

Although I don't quite understand it yet, I vaguely know that Dapeng is planning to design the two beasts, throwing the trouble away, and they will take all the benefits!

As for why he didn't take advantage of it all, it was obvious that he didn't have the ability.

And the reason for choosing it as a partner was also revealed just now, because of the means he is good at!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this cooperation is quite reliable.

In this way, it not only satisfies Lady Mary, but also manages to push the two rivals, Cabaron and Barbaros, into the abyss.

When they are dealt with, the rest of the rocs are nothing to worry about.

In terms of strength, the Giant God Beast is determined to be above Dapeng.

"Then let me tell you about this plan in detail..."

A bright smile appeared on Dapeng's face, but there seemed to be something wrong with that smile.

Just when Dapeng and the giant beast were talking about their plan, Luan Chongshan.

The sound of shattering kept ringing out, one after another, under the sweeping of the crowd, the worms shattered one after another.

It was clearly bugs that popped up in vain from different potholes, but every time they popped up, or even the moment before they popped up, a large number of attacks quickly covered them.

Everyone seems to have opened their eyes, driving their own monsters, and constantly launching predictive attacks.

Some attacks failed to predict, but it was not because of the failure of the prediction, but because the rhythm was too fast. Even if the prediction was made, if the number was too large, it might not be able to deal with it in time.

These days, the impact of those bugs has also become more rapid.

But everyone responded more calmly. UU Reading

The perception of the chestnut ball has a great impact on the overall battle situation!

Everyone in the Demon City who felt dissatisfied with the arrival of Lin You and others, who would take another share of the pie, no longer had such a thought at this moment.

Although at the current level, even without the addition of Lin You and others, they can still cope with it, and even have spare strength.

But the situation has gradually become difficult, and anyone with a discerning eye can see this. After a while, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

With Lin You and the others joining as a helper, they are not afraid of any accidents!

Not only because of the perception ability of the chestnut ball, Lin You's overall combat power is even more amazing!

In a one-on-one situation, I am afraid that only Xu Zijian and Yi Wenye can stabilize him!

There is such a consensus in the minds of the duelists in the Demon City and the Bird City.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of breaking was still ringing, and the cleaning was still going on.

After a while, suddenly, the frequency of those bugs appearing obviously attenuated.

Su Su, that is, the man of cloud and mist in the magic capital, noticed this, and was overjoyed. He looked sideways at Xu Zijian who was not far away, "Zi Jian, it seems that it is about to be cleaned up."

Xu Zi gradually calmed down and said, "Lin You and the others have helped us a lot."

"It's the same without them!"

Su Su curled his lips, but quickly said: "Well, I admit that they have merit, which is not small, but this is not only helping us, but also helping themselves, they will not be less in the division of the sacred animal secrets! "

"Those who can get it."

Xu Zijian's words remained calm, "Since they have this ability, no matter how many resources they get, they still get it by their ability."

During the conversation between the two, the roar continued, and the number of bugs dropped sharply again.

But at this moment, Lin You suddenly shouted: "Everyone, big trouble is coming!"