MTL - Dumb Please Take a Seat-Chapter 17 On a hot day, the floor is cool

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  Chapter 17 On a hot day, the floor is cool

   Early morning.

  Gong Jiuduan opened the bathroom door and went in.

  An unidentified object moves upside down as the door opens.

  She raised her foot subconsciously, but stopped when something flashed through her mind.

  Looking down, as expected, Jiang Xiying was sitting limply on the ground, leaning against the wall, sound asleep.

  Looking at this, this guy was really locked here for a whole night.

  On the ground, Jiang Xiying's lips squirmed a few times, leaning towards Gong Jiu's leg, as if to hug her.

   rubbed twice and fell asleep again.

  Gong Jiu paused for a moment, looked down at him, and pulled his legs away in the next second.

   Unsteady, the sleeping Jiang Xiying fell to the ground with a bang.

  Half of the face is directly attached to the smooth and cool floor tiles on the ground.

   "Fuck! Who's arguing about my dream?!"

  Feeling dull pain, Jiang Xiying woke up cursing and sat up.

  After that, when he saw Gong Jiuhan's face, he paused and blinked in confusion.

   Putting his hands into his trouser pockets, Gong Jiu looked at him silently.

  There is a unique arrogance between the eyebrows.

"Good morning."

  The indistinguishable voice was tinged with a hoarse taste.

  Jiang Xiying: ...

who is he? Where is he?

What is he doing?

   After being stunned for half a second, Jiang Xiying finally remembered what happened last night.

   Come back to God.

   Pulling his lips and showing a faint smile to Gong Jiu, he quickly got up, patted the dust off his body, and finally shaved his hair thinking he was handsome.

   "Well, I accidentally locked the door after taking a shower last night, cough~ what, you go ahead, I'll go out first."

   After speaking, he turned around and left the bathroom.


  The bathroom door was closed by him.

  Looking back, Gong Jiu twitched the corners of his lips inexplicably.

  Go to wash up.

  Jiang Xiying came out of the bathroom, picked her face, and saw Jun Gu getting dressed slowly.

  The embarrassment on his face faded, Jiang Xiying coughed.

  The deliberately exaggerated voice made Jun Gu look at him.

   One is indifferent and noble.

  Jiang Xiying blocked, and then showed a bit of anger, mixed with the grievances he had accumulated all night: "Why did you lock my bathroom door?"

   Don't think he can't guess, it's just a matter of locking him up after thinking about it.

  Gong Jiudu...

   It doesn't look like he's going to bully someone like him behind his back.

   Bending over to grab the tie, Jun Gu said, "When will I lock your door? Do I look like someone who takes advantage of someone's danger?"

  Start up and down on lips as thin as water.

so easy.

As soon as the words came out, Jiang Xiying walked over quickly, pulled up a stool and sat down on it: "What does it look like? Obviously it is okay? You are too cruel, which made me sleep on the cold floor of the bathroom all night. "

   Jun Gu glanced at him up and down: "It's a hot day, the floor is cool."

  Jiang Xiying rolled her eyes: "It's cool, why don't you try it yourself?"

  Although it is a hot day, the temperature is not too high at one or two o'clock in the morning.

  In addition to the heavy humidity in the bathroom, he slept extremely uncomfortable last night.

   I don't know where he offended this person, to treat him like this.

  Jun Gu walked towards the bathroom while rolling up his sleeves.

   "Long memory, I will lock the door by myself when I take a shower."

  Jiang Xiying yawned lazily, and glanced at the man's back after hearing this.

   She moved her lips helplessly, somewhat inexplicably.

this one?

   So lock him up all night?

   As for?

   "They're all big men, and they lock the door after taking a shower, aren't they all the same? Are you afraid to look at them?"

  Jun Gu Youyou gave him a look before entering the bathroom: "It's too hot for my eyes."

  Jiang Xiying froze: "You—"

  Is this saying that his figure is not good enough?

  Jiang Xiying took a self-examination.

   He exhaled angrily, looked at the time, didn't bother with it anymore, got up and went to the bed, and fell asleep right away.

   It is still important to catch up on sleep.

  Fortunately, today is the weekend, otherwise he would be sleepy.


  Gong Jiu silently held the toothbrush, lowering his eyes.

  The sound of teeth brushing rang out regularly in the small room.

  Suddenly a pair of hands appeared in front of him.

  The skin is fair, exuding a healthy luster.

  Glanced at the man out of the corner of his eye.

  Gong Jiu bowed his head silently, took a sip of water, and raised his head.

   There was a grunt of gargling.

   After squeezing the toothpaste, Jun Gu lowered his eyes slightly.

  The boy's slender and fair neck came into view.

  Slender and good-looking.

   The separation is close, and it seems that some blue veins and blood vessels can still be seen.

   Then one day...

   Reality slapped Jiang Xiying a few times——

   Why does he feel so good about himself that Gong Jiuhan won't bully him?



  (end of this chapter)