MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 435 Weird Chen De

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"The road... the ideal... the power of the heart."

Lin Chen subconsciously thought of it.

"You said it was one of them? Then there should be other ways?"

Lin Chen asked via voice transmission.

"There are two other types. The second type requires the treasure of rules. If you fuse it with yourself, you can also break through the Seven Stars. However, this is a relatively weak Seven Stars. If you really want to use this method, all the previous hidden ghost powers will be destroyed. Efforts such as natal skills are all in vain.”

"The third method is to forcibly improve the quality of ghost power and break through the shackles with invincible ghost power. However, this method is too difficult, because there are too few treasures to improve the quality of ghost power, and it is difficult to improve even a little bit, not to mention By the way, the Great Elder said that he built the ghost power room to help us improve the seven stars, but the effect of the ghost power room has not yet reached that level." Zhou Geng responded.

Lin Chen nodded secretly, remembering it in his heart.

The conversation between him and Zhou Geng was unknown to others, and they were not aware of it.

The old man continued: "Although ghost power is rewarded by horror games, after many years, it has already belonged to us. To sublimate it, we must have our own power. Therefore, in order to find the Tao or follow the Tao, we all need our own ideals. desire, unwilling to be bound.”

While he was telling Six Star the secret of breaking through Seven Star, he was also explaining it.

Regarding this, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Actually, I didn't expect to lead everyone, and it's not my specialty to agree on strategic plans and the like, as long as everything gets back on track."

The tomb elders are very satisfied. They are still figuring out how to upgrade from six stars to seven stars. They don't want any factors to affect their path.

Even the hawks like Zhou Geng expressed their understanding of this.

Gu Yehan secretly sighed, but didn't say anything else.

In the end, after a short meeting about eliminating the Black Clothes Sect, all the six-star players dispersed, leaving only Zhou Geng, and the newcomers Duan Jibo and Chen De.

After a while, the Great Elder also arrived, and he brought two men.

After Lin Chen watched it, he was overjoyed on the spot.

Beside the Great Elder are the two security guards of the ghost power room, Heimu Heilin.

At this time, they were all bruised and swollen, as if they had been beaten. After looking at the smiling elder, Lin Chen immediately understood that it must be the elder who taught the second ghost about love.

"Their ghost power is special, and they are the best candidates to run the ghost power room." The elder said.

Hearing this sentence, the sullen Heimu Heilin ghosts were pleasantly surprised on the spot, and said, "Is there a ghost power room here too? Tell me earlier, our brothers will definitely not contradict you!"

"We just don't want to be ghost girls, but with Ghost Power Room, it doesn't matter if we're ghost girls, this beating is for nothing."

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, the Great Elder said: "I didn't tell them other things. I just gave them the seeds of awakening. Whether it can take root or germinate is up to you, otherwise there will be counterproductive effects. It can also strengthen themselves, so when they were in Miangui City, they just lay in the ghost room and didn't like to go out."

Everyone was stunned.

Hei Mu and Hei Lin glanced at Lin Chen and said, "We know the news of your breakthrough, you... are really good."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

This sentence can be regarded as a re-acquaintance.

Lin Chen also responded with a smile.

"Great Elder, do you have any martial arts skills that can quickly increase a person's strength?" Lin Chen asked.

He had thought about it before, if martial arts can be used, it can definitely become Blue Star's armed force. Of course, his Yi Jin Jing is not included in it.

Because that thing is too difficult to practice, Lin Chen is also relying on the devil's waist to get up.

"The purest internal strength method is undoubtedly the Yi Jin Jing. You already have it, but it is difficult to benefit the public. This method is too difficult to practice, and there are too few people who can go far."

Sure enough, the Great Elder also thought so, and he said:

"Others, there are also some simple and easy to repair, but if you take them out, you must

It is necessary to choose someone who is absolutely trustworthy to practice, and to ensure absolute secrecy. "

Lin Chen nodded.

Zhou Geng and the others were a little puzzled, but after Lin Chen informed them via sound transmission, they immediately understood, and became ecstatic.

They also finally understood how Lin Chen's most powerful thunder method came about. It turned out that what was used was not ghost power at all, but a mysterious energy called inner power.

"As for you, I still have a few martial arts secret skills, which can perfectly cooperate with internal energy, so I will pass them on to you."

The Great Elder took out a few ancient books, which seemed to have been prepared long ago.

Lin Chen took it.

"These are all high-level combat skills. It's not easy to practice. Maybe you are very talented, but don't go astray. Use your time in the right place. No matter how strong your martial arts are, you still lost back then." The Great Elder sighed.

Lin Chen nodded to express his understanding, and put away a few ancient books.

The ghost power room has been repaired, and it is near the Lanyi headquarters. Heimu Heilin was placed there after the elder and Duan Jibo left.

Of course, with their identities, disguises are inevitable.

As for Lin Chen, only Zhou Geng and Chen De were left.

"Boy Chen, I think what those six-star bosses said makes sense. It's time for you to marry a wife. Do you want to think about it? For you, even if you find a few more, we can fully support you." Chen De smiled. typical.

"Your daughter is fine!" Lin Chen said with a curled lip.

"You really miss my daughter, I'll fight with you!" Chen De turned his face on the spot. Of course, he didn't dare to rush up now, lest he would be beaten instead of hitting someone.

"Speaking of which, I didn't notice it before. When did you become a five-star star? It's so fast." Lin Chen glanced at Chen De and said in surprise.

Generally speaking, if there is no explosion of ghost power, the ghost power will be restrained on its own. In this case, if the level gap is not too large, usually the specific strength of the opponent cannot be seen.

So Lin Chen rarely pays attention to anything, and Chen De seems to have a strong breath-holding ability or a secret treasure. If it weren't for Chen De's inadvertent eruption of ghost power just now, Lin Chen would subconsciously use his mental power to sweep it away, and he would not be aware of him now. realm.

"Recently, I entered another dungeon, luck." Chen De said with a smile.

However, Zhou Geng's complexion changed slightly. He took a deep look at Chen De and said without saying anything: "Boy Chen, to be honest, we all suspect that you have a special body, and according to research, the level The next generation of high-level players is not bad in talent, just like my son, who was the Sequence One of Blue Clothes at the time, you know, the Sequence One of Blue Clothes is not an exaggeration to say that he is the Sequence One of the entire Blue Star."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Among the Blue Stars, the Hua Country is the strongest, and in the Hua Country, the Blue Clothes is the strongest, and the strongest genius in the Blue Clothes is indeed the one who overwhelms all the heroes. It's a pity that Sequence One died at the hands of Ji Gui at a young age. .

Whenever he mentioned it, Zhou Geng would inevitably feel a little regretful, but this time, he smiled and said again: "So, if you can have more offspring, it will benefit mankind and be the seed of hope."

"Are you treating me like a stud? Don't do it!" Lin Chen protested.

Chen Dele said kindly: "What kind of stallion? You are young and promising, and you are very romantic. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the husband of the whole people. What's wrong with looking for more girlfriends while you are young? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Chen said, "Look for your daughter first."

"You tell me I'm in a hurry!"

"Last time you said you introduced your daughter to me." Lin Chen reminded.

"Last time...was the last time, this time is this time." Chen De felt guilty in his heart.

Fortunately, Lin Chen did not chase him.

Lin Chen really had no interest in a partner. Originally, he wanted to find a strong female player, but later he felt that the death rate of players was not low.

After all, it is a troubled time now, he can keep himself, but he may not be able to keep everyone, just like a lover.

He didn't want to endure the previous scene anymore.

"Boy Chen, how long can you enter the dungeon?" Zhou Geng asked.

"There are three days left."

The system prompts, Lin Chen replied.

"Three days? So, the time of our dungeon coincides?" Zhou Geng was taken aback, then said immediately.

"You are also three days?" Lin Chen was surprised.

I need to enhance asap

But Lan Zao's situation is still grim

"Yes, actually I don't plan to skip this time. But Blue Star's situation is still serious. I need to strengthen myself as soon as possible. If we are a dungeon, the probability of passing will be greatly improved." Zhou Gengxi said.

Lin Chen nodded, Zhou Geng treated him well, if he really entered the same instance, he wouldn't mind taking Lao Zhou to pass the level.

But soon, he thought about it again, and asked: "There are very few players with six stars or more, so will the frequency of us entering the same instance be very high?"

Zhou Geng nodded and said: "That's right, but it depends on the specific situation, and the number of rejections of dungeons above six stars has changed from five times to ten times, and the interval has also become longer, almost more than a month~www.novelbuddy .com~ So sometimes there are very few human players who enter the dungeon, of course, this is also the information compiled by Lan Yi, and I have never participated in a six-star dungeon.”

Lin Chen thought for a while, and finally agreed with Zhou Geng to enter the dungeon together in three days.

At this level, entering dungeons at the same time, there will be almost no accidents of entering different dungeons.

Zhou Geng originally planned to enter the dungeon, not to mention Lin Chen, it was absolutely impossible for him to miss the dungeon, so it was almost hit it off.

In the end, Lin Chen left the Blue Clothes headquarters after finishing everything. He had been out for several days, and he wanted to go home to have a look.

After Lin Chen left, Zhou Geng and Chen De were silent for a long time, and finally Zhou Geng said: "Can the plan be stopped? He has strength, and I believe he can turn the world around."

Chen De shook his head slowly and said: "I still can't stop, he is indeed capable, and I believe in him, but it's too tiring to fight alone, I want to help him."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"But your price..." Zhou Geng took a deep breath, he didn't even blink when his son died, and now he finally showed a little bit of intolerance when facing his old comrade.

"Everyone is paying the price, why can't I pay the price? And I've made so many arrangements that I can't stop. Look at my current strength, you should know it."

After all, Chen De completely erupted with ghost power, and that strong ghost power was not comparable to ordinary five-star ghost power.

Zhou Geng's complexion suddenly changed.

"Five-star peak! You have reached this level!"