MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 105

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As expected, Jian Yuyan noticed something, and now he was clearly waiting for her to confront her face to face.

Annoying, very annoying.

This is Yan Yiming's true psychological portrayal.

Ever since he came to this system, Yan Yiming has deeply understood the truth that everything must be kept on the line, so as not to suffer in the future because of the original resoluteness.

He used to think that he could return to the present world after completing the strategy, but he didn't want to have another test. At first he thought he could just walk away, but in the end, he left too many flaws for Jiang Yi to recognize.

This time he left too hastily, and thought he could escape safely, but was bumped into by Shao Jingyu, and now he had to face Jian Yuyan.

Yan Yiming grinned vigorously and showed a not-so-pretty smile, "Young Master Jian, don't come here without any problems."

"Don't come here without any problems," Jian Yuyan said expressionlessly, but her eyes were fixed on Yan Yiming's face, and finally fell on the little red mole at the end of her right eye.

This woman, he has never understood her from the beginning.

When she took the initiative to seek her out to cooperate with him, Jian Yuyan only regarded her as the eyes and ears of King Jiangxia, just to prevent Jian from turning against him. The ultimate goal was to overthrow the royal family just like Jian Xiang.

But later she betrayed King Jiangxia and fled with the prince regardless of her own life.

Since then, Jian Yuyan has understood a lot of things. It turned out that it was her arrangement to receive the letter from Ah Ming, and it was her own plan to encourage him to rebel in the letter. She deliberately let him disclose the news, and deliberately used him His hands destroyed everything that Jian Xiang and Jiang Xia Wang planned.

So from the very beginning, she approached him to bring down Xiang Jian and King Jiang Xia.

She is clearly the most favored daughter of King Jiang Xia, but now she is the chief culprit who pushed Jiangxi to a dead end. Jian Yuyan can't figure out what she is for, for the prince? So you betrayed the family, so you are willing to give up your life?

But Jian Yuyan clearly remembered that she once told him that there are many more important things in this world than love.

He couldn't figure out everything, but the most important thing now was not to figure out these things, but the whereabouts of Ah Ming.

How did she know Ah Ming's appearance, and why did she have Ah Ming's letter? Jian Yuyan looked at Yan Yiming firmly and asked her, "Where is Ah Ming?"

If Yan Yiming was worried before, but after Jian Yuyan asked this question, Yan Yiming was not worried anymore.

Yan Yiming breathed a sigh of relief silently, it was all because Jiang Yi saw through her identity so quickly before, which left her in a shadow, so she preconceived that Jian Yuyan also recognized herself.

But it turns out that Jian Yuyan is not Jiang Yi, not as careful and intelligent as Jiang Yi, nor as daring to think as he is. Ah Ming.

So Yan Yiming's heart stopped beating and his face turned pale. He just let Jian Yuyan scrutinize him openly, without any clue on his face, and said, "I accidentally injured my leg a while ago, it's really hard to stand up." It's not very comfortable, why don't you sit down in the gazebo over there and talk?"

Jian Yuyan was slightly surprised, he only saw that Yan Yiming and the crown prince had returned safely, but he forgot how many elite soldiers Jian Xiang sent to strangle them when he learned of their whereabouts, and the pursuers who came back said they could not find their whereabouts. At that time he thought that the two men might have died outside.

I can probably imagine the hardships and dangers along the way, Jian Yuyan retreated a few steps, Yan Yiming's acting was very similar, and he limped towards the pavilion over there, Jian Yuyan subconsciously wanted to reach out to help, but put his hand away again Go back, just follow behind.

Taking advantage of this time, Yan Yiming quickly organized his thoughts. After sitting down, he raised his eyes to see Jian Yuyan's uncontrollable anxiety and said slowly, "Actually, I don't know where she is."

Jian Yuyan didn't expect her to be so honest. He was not surprised to hear Yan Yiming's answer. He glanced at Yan Yiming and said, "The princess once gave me a portrait of Ah Ming. I heard that the princess drew it by himself. Her portrait, but let the painter copy it again, I don't know why?"


Yan Yiming dragged his tune, and smiled embarrassedly into Jian Yuyan's eyes, "It's just because my painting skills are shallow, and the painting is too ugly to handle, so I asked the artist to revise it again. Mr. Jian is really not polite at all. expose my shortcoming."

Jian Yuyan's eyes sank, Yinwei clearly said that the painter and the princess's paintings are the same, and in his opinion, there is really no difference, but Yan Yiming said that his painting skills are shallow. But the original painting has been destroyed long ago, even if there is a hidden guard to testify, as long as she denies it, there is nothing she can do.

Jian Yuyan couldn't figure out why she wanted to hide her handwriting, and why she wanted to get rid of her relationship with Ah Ming. Jian Yuyan suppressed her anger and sneered, "The princess is really humble."

"I am over-flattered."

Jian Yuyan took a breath before continuing, "Since the Princess can draw a portrait of Ah Ming, she must have seen her."

"I've seen her before," Yan Yiming nodded, showing some hesitation and embarrassment, and finally sighed, "It's just that I really don't know where she is now."

Jian Yuyan narrowed his gaze, "Why?"

Yan Yiming tapped his finger on the stone table, and then said slowly, "I did meet this girl Ah Ming when I was traveling in the south of the Yangtze River four years ago. , so I couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and then I became familiar with it after talking a few words because of fate."

After making up his own story, Yan Yiming came along casually, "That's why I have a special understanding of the relationship between the young master and Miss Ah Ming, and I also know her appearance."

Yan Yiming's expression was very sincere, and Jian Yuyan couldn't see a trace of deceit, and whether it was time or Ah Ming's characteristics, she said it clearly, Jian Yuyan was stunned for a moment, "So those letters..."

"The letter was written by Ah Ming himself," Yan Yiming said, "I'm really sorry for this matter, Young Master. I went to meet her before I came to Beijing and asked her to write these letters for emergencies. .”

"But those letters are clearly persuading me to oppose King Jiangxia and vote for the court." Jian Yuyan said word by word, "You are the daughter of King Jiangxia, how could you instruct her to write such a letter?"

"I was already on the court's side, so why can't I instruct her to write this kind of letter?" Yan Yiming said "tsk", "Later, I betrayed my father to save the crown prince. Isn't that what it means?"

So in the final analysis, this is the question, you are the daughter of King Jiang Xia, why did you betray him?

"I'm sorry I can't answer this question," Yan Yiming finally stopped playing with him, "Young master Jian, just now you asked me about Ah Ming and I answered them one by one, but now it involves my secret, I think I There is no obligation to answer you."

Yan Yiming suppressed the smile on his face and said seriously, "Young Master was controlled by Prime Minister Jian back then, I helped you escape from his control, I guided you to find a way out, saved your life, Mrs. Jian's life, But now the young master is aggressive, as if I owe you."

After Yan Yiming's words, the situation quickly reversed to Yan Yiming's side, Jian Yuyan was slightly taken aback.

"Now that Jian Xiang is defeated, my son, you have made great achievements and your life is safe. From now on, the sky will be high and the sea will be wide. Why do you ask me why I did this? I told you just now that I met Miss A Ming. It’s true, it’s true that I’ve betrayed King Jiangxia and I can’t find her anymore, if you care about her, you can go find her yourself, but I have a few words to advise you.”

Jian Yuyan was startled and felt a little uneasy, but she still insisted on asking her, "What are you talking about?"

"In this world, there is no one who can't live without him. Now that everything has finally passed, son, your life has just begun. It's time to let go of everything in the past and take a look at the future."

Jian Yuyan could hear her bitter voice, "She...made you say that?"

"Since I understand, I don't need to explain it clearly," Yan Yiming smiled lightly, "Everything in the past, whether you owe her or she owes you, is over now, she has a new life, and I hope you don't want to be nostalgic for the past, of course , she sincerely wishes you a safe and happy life in the future."

After saying that, Yan Yiming turned around and left, leaving Jian Yuyan in a daze, sitting quietly in the gazebo for an unknown how long.

After Yan Yiming came out of the gazebo, he was still limping and acting. After walking not far, he ran into a maid who went out to look for her. It was said that His Royal Highness specially invited a doctor to treat her wounds.

Yan Yiming said "Oh", and returned to the residence with the hand of the servant girl. The prince was careful and specially invited two doctors, and one of them was a female doctor.

The female doctor carefully listened to the prince's words and checked Yan Yiming up and down, her face was full of shock from surprise at the beginning, and only pity was left when she looked at Yan Yiming again.

Yan Yiming looked a little flabbergasted by her, so he put on his clothes again, and asked to send two doctors out. After a while, the doctor brought the golden sore medicine and asked the maid to help her apply the medicine.

After finishing his work, Shao Jingyu happened to meet the doctor who was leaving, and asked Yan Yiming casually as if he suddenly remembered something.

The female doctor suddenly seemed to start talking, "Hey, I have never seen any girl with injuries like this. Her back and waist are all wounded on her arms and legs. The wound on her leg is as long as two fingers." , It's scary to look at, the pitiful sight hurts so much, you have to be brave and say it doesn't hurt, how can you get married after this girl has so many wounds all over her body..."

Shao Jingyu suddenly felt a little dazed. Many years ago, the imperial doctor had said the same thing with this expression after healed Yiming.

Shao Jingyu waved his hands and ordered the two of them to report back to the prince, the familiar scene and the familiar words, once again thinking of the person who had been away for many years, Shao Jingyu's heart was still dull and painful.

After a long time, Shao Jingyu let out a long sigh of relief, and thought for a moment to find the prince.

On Nangongxuan's side, Nangongxuan, who had finished dealing with the business, frowned even more when he heard the doctor's words. He thought it was just one injury on Yan Yiming's leg, but he didn't expect it to be more than one, and suddenly there were many injuries. Guilt and emotion may be mixed with distress that I have never noticed.

When Shao Jingyu came in, Nangong Xuan happened to be writing on the paper, Xu Shicai always remembered the scene of how Yan Yiming desperately protected himself along the way, and when he lowered his head, he realized that many of the words written were actually related to Yan Yiming.

For example, her title, Lin'an.

Another example is her real name, Ming Yiyan.

Shao Jingyu glanced over and happened to see that conspicuous name, but he was standing on the right side of Nangong Xuan, and it was not Ming Yiyan, but Yan Yiming.

It's just a glance, and after reading the name, I read the name casually, only to notice a trace of familiarity.

If he didn't read these words, he would have thought that someone was calling Yan Yiming.

Yan Yiming.

Yan Yiming.

After recovering, Shao Jingyu remembered that Ming Yiyan was clearly the name of Lin'an Princess.

Shao Jingyu's heart skipped a beat inadvertently.

Nangong Xuan never noticed Shao Jingyu's momentary depression, and after chatting with him about serious matters, he talked about Yan Yiming, saying that just now the doctor told him that she was seriously injured.

Nangong Xuan couldn't hide the shame on his face, and after a long time he breathed a sigh of relief, "At the beginning, my father ordered me to practice martial arts alone, but I thought it was useless, but now I regret it a bit, if I knew some kung fu at that time, I wouldn't let me A woman did this for the sake of loneliness."

Shao Jingyu was a little curious, "At the beginning, Prime Minister Jian sent hundreds of elite soldiers to hunt down His Highness and the princess, but they all ended without incident. I just thought that His Highness avoided the pursuers, but now it seems that there have been several fights."

Nangong Xuan sighed and nodded, "There have been many fights."

"I don't want the princess to be so powerful."

"Gu is also surprised," Nangong Xuandao said, "When Gu was held hostage, she once killed a soldier with one move. The technique was extremely fast and accurate. Even the guards of the Eastern Palace did not have such skills."

"I don't know what weapon the princess is used to?"

"The weapon is delicate, it is a seedling knife."

Shao Jingyu frowned slightly, not because he was thinking too much, but because Yiming used to use a Miao Dao back then.

This kind of knife is not too long, so it is not the best choice of weapon. Generally, few people use this kind of knife, but Yiming likes it, and it is unexpected that Princess Lin'an also likes it.

Nangong Xuan didn't know what Shao Jingyu was thinking, but continued to talk about Yan Yiming, "Gu Ye followed the father to hunt several times, and his horsemanship was very good, but that day the pursuers couldn't catch up with her, even Riding for several hours, even Gu was a little careless, but she was very relaxed, as if she had already gotten used to it. Gu really didn't expect a woman to have such abilities. In order to avoid chasing soldiers, we hid deep in the mountains, and Gu was worried about getting lost. She knew the direction, but she was very clear, and even drew the surrounding terrain on the ground, but her map was different from what Gu Pingri had seen."

Long-distance horse riding does not feel uncomfortable, which only shows that this person is used to long-distance raids. When he was still in the capital, he also liked riding and archery, but after going to the battlefield, he would still feel uncomfortable because of long-distance riding. It was not until later that he fully got used to it .

However, Princess Lin'an can be as good as him, Shao Jingyu can't help doubting it.

And you can draw a map at your fingertips...

It was another movement he was very familiar with.

Shao Jingyu's voice was hoarse, "I don't know what the difference is."

"The sage faces the world from the south and governs toward the Ming. When he made a picture, south is up, north is down, east and west are left and right, but she is up north, down south, left west, right east..."

Shao Jingyu stood up suddenly,

"I still have something to do, so I will leave first."