MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 107

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"Why are you trying to save me?"

"Because of the appointment."

"Whose appointment?"

"Jiang Yi, Master Jiang."

Nangong Xuan remembered that he scoffed and didn't believe it at the beginning, and decided that Yan Yiming didn't want to admit that he had feelings for him, so he deliberately said something prevaricate. He never thought that there would be any connection between Jiang Yi and Princess Lin'an.

But now Jiang Yi is talking to Yan Yiming with a gentle voice that he has never heard before, and Yan Yiming can't hide his joy. Nangong Xuan finally realized suddenly that it seems that he is really self-indulgent.

This result made him a little unbelievable for a while, and it was even more unspeakable heartache and jealousy for some reason.

Shao Jingyu's smile had completely disappeared when Jiang Yi said the first sentence to Yan Yiming. There was no expression on his handsome face, but the eyes looking at Yan Yiming were Danger looming.

Yan Yiming met Shao Jingyu's gaze and realized that Shao Jingyu might have doubted her just now, which made her panic for a moment. Jiang Yi's appearance came just in time, and Yan Yiming quickly adjusted his mentality.

Even if Shao Jingyu did something crazy, it didn't have much impact on her. Even if she was really crazy enough to arrest her, at most it was only half a year before she left, and she would still be able to return when the time came. present world.

But now that Jiang Yi came, Yan Yiming felt more at ease. With Jiang Yi here, even if Shao Jingyu really wanted to do something, it would depend on whether he agreed or not.

After regaining consciousness and being backed up, Yan Yiming's back stiffened immediately. This time, he did not avoid Shao Jingyu's gaze, but smiled at Shao Jingyu very politely, and then cooperated with Jiang Yi to continue the play .

Even if we know that Jiang Yi's "I'm late" may mean that she ran away and he was one step late to settle the score, but in this situation, it can completely make other people misunderstand that Jiang Yi is worried about Yan Yiming's safety. So I'm late.

Now that the four of them are gathered together, Yan Yiming quickly compares them in his heart. Although Jiang Yi is equally dangerous, he already knows all kinds of secrets about himself. Yat.

So after hearing Jiang Yi's words "it's too late", Yan Yiming showed his attitude, pursed his lips and eyes and sighed with joy, "It's not too late."

Bale added another sentence, "It's good when you come."

Jiang Yi smiled when he heard the words, looked her up and down in front of several people, and finally his eyes fell on Yan Yiming's exaggeratedly bandaged leg, his face changed slightly, "Injured?"

Yan Yiming coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "It's all right."

Jiang Yi still wanted to say something, he raised his eyes and looked at the three people who were silently looking at this side, then leaned down, and said in Yan Yiming's ear in a voice that several people could clearly hear, "I'll talk about it later. "

Yan Yiming naturally had no objection, and naturally supported Jiang Yi's arm and sat back down again.

Jiang Yi never cared about the crown prince, and later because of Jian Yuyan's jealousy, he came to her at night to drink wildly, but he had explained it clearly to him that time, so Jiang Yi would not care about Jian Yuyan logically, as for Shao Jingyu, Jiang Yi I don't know yet, and now she is so cooperative, so it stands to reason that Jiang Yi should still be safe and trustworthy at the moment.

Yan Yiming praised himself and Jiang Yi in his heart for their acting skills, which can be called the best actor and actress. After Jiang Yi arrived, he began to play dumb, like a little wife who gave her boyfriend enough face when she went out. Shao Jingyu has been silent since Jiang Yi appeared, but Nangong Xuan and Jian Yuyan ask sideways questions from time to time, and every time Yan Yiming asks a question, he looks at Jiang Yi and motions for you to speak.

Jiang Yi looked at Yan Yiming, who was serious about acting, with some amusement, this time she ran away without saying a word, he hadn't settled accounts with her yet, she was not worried about instigating herself here.

It's just that he deliberately showed affection in front of Nangong Xuan and Jian Yuyan, even if he was ordered, Jiang Yi was willing.

As for the settlement, it is not too late to wait until there are no irrelevant people.

Yan Yiming sat with the others for nearly half an hour, and finally resigned on the grounds that his leg hurts and he needed to go back to the room to change his medicine. Jiang Yi still had some important matters to attend to during this trip. After discussing the political affairs, only Nangong Xuan and Jiang Yi were left. Nangong Xuan asked him uncertainly,

"The Gu Neng was rescued this time because of Princess Lin'an." Nangong Xuan paused before opening his mouth with some difficulty, "It's just that the princess said that it was entrusted by Ai Qing to protect Gu thoroughly."

In a word, Jiang Yi has learned a lot of news.

Yan Yiming risked his life to save the prince, and Jiang Yi knew it was because Yan Yiming had to save the prince to achieve his goal, but the prince inevitably thought about such an act of sacrificing his life to save his life, not to mention that Ah Ming had expressed his thoughts in order to make the prince detest him. Willingness to marry the prince.

So Yan Yiming thought of an excuse to offend the prince, but what Jiang Yi didn't expect was that Yan Yiming actually used himself as an excuse.

Jiang Yixin's head is as if a feather has been brushed lightly, itchy, but a little sweet.

Yan Yiming used the excuse to go back to change the dressing, but in fact he didn't change the dressing at all. There was a little apple who wanted to let her control the wound, but she kept the wound to prevent everyone from suspecting it.

The maids were afraid that she would get hurt, and they always waited for her to take a bath carefully. After taking a bath, they were twisting their hair, but the maid at the door hurriedly said, "My lord, the princess has already rested..."

Then came Jiang Yi Qingyue's voice, "Go tell the Princess and see if she allows me to come in."

If he was not allowed to come in now, Jiang Yi would come in in the middle of the night, Yan Yiming ordered the servant girls to let him in after a moment of consideration, and then waved his hands to order the servant girls to back out.

The servant girl hesitated for a moment and finally withdrew, Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Your Highness?"

In fact, this maid should be sent by Shao Jingyu, but in order not to make Jiang Yi suspect, Yan Yiming nodded and said, "It should be", and then he was going to put on a coat and get out of bed.

Jiang Yi walked over to push her back in two steps, "Stop moving, I heard His Highness said that your leg was hurt", pressing slightly cold fingers on the slender ankle, Yan Yiming wanted to shrink back, "Actually no so serious…"

Yan Yiming had just finished taking a bath. He only had a thin shirt on his body, and he didn't even need to pull off his loose trousers. Jiang Yi had already seen an obvious scar on one corner. When he lifted up his trousers again, he saw a two-finger-long wound on his fair calf. Jiang Yi A smile froze on his face.

He thought it was fake, but it turned out to be even more terrifying than he imagined.

Yan Yiming shrank his legs inexplicably guilty, "Actually, it just looks scary, it doesn't hurt..."

Maybe it really doesn't hurt, there is no trace of pain on Yan Yiming's face, she is a fox fairy, isn't she, as long as she thinks, maybe these wounds can disappear immediately.

But looking at it, Jiang Yi felt a slight pain in his heart.

Gently stroked the scar with his fingertips, the rough texture was unbelievable, Yan Yiming wanted to shrink back, but seeing Jiang Yi's appearance, he didn't dare to move again, let Jiang Yi grab her ankle, and then got out of the bed Take out the ointment from the cabinet and spread it evenly on it.

He couldn't feel any pain, but could only feel the touch of Jiang Yi's fingers on the skin. Yan Yiming suddenly turned his attention away uncomfortably and said to Jiang Yi, "What did you just say?"

Jiang Yi seemed to think of something, he sat on the small stool beside the bed, looked up at her and chuckled softly, "Are you sure you want to hear?"

As a result, Yan Yiming suddenly didn't want to hear it anymore.

But Jiang Yi deliberately pretended not to understand Yan Yiming's expression at the critical moment, rolled up her trousers to avoid getting the ointment, and raised the corners of his lips teasingly, "I heard that in order to fulfill my entrustment, someone would risk his life Also keep the prince safe."

How smart Jiang Yi is, even though the prince didn't say it clearly, Jiang Yi could hear the prince's concern for Princess Lin'an in his words. Although the prince said that he only liked the princess, he couldn't hide his affection for Princess Lin'an.

Although he never recognized Lin'an County Princess as his beloved Crown Princess, but now he still has selfish intentions towards her, so the Crown Prince asked Jiang Yi hesitantly, but answered decisively.

She did it for him.

As long as it is him, she will take it to heart.

She just loves him to this extent.

Looking at the disappointment that the prince couldn't hide, Jiang Yi felt a distorted sense of comfort when he said such words. At this moment, he looked at Yan Yiming's ambiguous teasing, "Tell me, how should I repay such a touching feeling."

Yan Yiming turned his eyes away and said slightly broken, "I don't think she needs or wants anything in return."

"How can I do that?" Jiang Yi chuckled, "My unmarried lady taught me to repay her kindness when I was a child, the princess thinks so."

Yan Yiming covered his face and fell on the bed, groaning with a headache, your unmarried lady begs you to stop talking.

Jiang Yi laughed for a while, and slowly said along her soft long hair with his fingers, "Actually, at that time, you deliberately avoided my people and escaped from the capital, I was really angry."

Yan Yiming's body froze, and he pressed his face on the bed without making a sound.

Jiang Yi didn't expect her to continue, "But later I heard that you were still there, and now you chose me in front of the Crown Prince and Jian Yuyan, and I'm not angry anymore."

Yan Yiming: "..."

Jiang Yi sighed, put the medicine back, and straightened her messy clothes, "Okay, it's late at night, you should rest earlier, I'll come see you tomorrow."

Yan Yiming turned his face away in surprise, she thought Jiang Yi would take the opportunity to rest here today, but Jiang Yi really just helped her finish the medicine, then turned and left, Yan Yiming looked at Jiang Yi's leaving back, I remembered Jiang Yi's words just now.

Just because she was still there, just because she chose him at that moment and let go of everything, so easily satisfied, Yan Yiming suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

After a while, the servant girl came in quietly, saw Yan Yiming who was sitting on the bed in a daze with only his shirt on, bit her lip and backed out.

That night, Nangong Xuan, Shao Jingyu and others all learned that Jiang Yi had gone to Yan Yiming's courtyard. The only thing that made them breathe a sigh of relief was that Jiang Yi stayed for nearly half an hour before leaving.

However, Shao Jingyu listened to the maidservant's hesitant voice.

"The Princess kicked us all out, leaving Mr. Jiang alone. The servants couldn't hear it clearly, but they seemed to hear..."

Shao Jingyu had a serious face, "What did you hear?"

"I heard that Mr. Jiang personally helped the princess to apply the medicine, and when the servant girl finally went in, the princess was only wearing a middle coat..."

With a sound of "Boom", Shao Jingyu overturned the bookshelf in front of him with one hand, and the servant girl hid tremblingly and almost cried, but after a long time, she heard Shao Jingyu's voice suppressing her anger, "Get out."

The servant girl lowered her head and hurriedly retreated. Shao Jingyu sat at the table, staring at the slightly flickering candle, and slowly closed her eyes.

That night, the candles in Shao Jingyu's room were lit until the fourth watch.