MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 9 Cannon fodder princess 9

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Under Jinling City, Qinxue Pear Garden, the pear blossoms are a few days later than the peach blossoms, but now they are in full bloom.

There is a plum garden in winter, and a pear garden in spring. The pear garden is actually a theater in Jinling City.

It is not an ordinary theater building where ordinary people listen to operas. It is a place where only the famous and noble people come. It seems to be isolated from the noisy Jinling, with winding paths leading to secluded places, and purple and white pear blossoms all over the sky. The sound of running water could be heard faintly.

In the ear is Wu Nong's soft words in Tsing Yi through the rain of flowers, the tip of the nose is the fragrance from the maid in plain clothes pouring tea, and the black and white jumping chess pieces are under his hands.

The young master Nangong Ye asked Yan Yiming to listen to Qu'er and play chess, and he also brought a small light bulb with him, the young master of the Yan family. However, looking at Nangong Ye and Yan Xiaodi's familiarity, it seems that they are regular customers here, and Yan Xiaodi's speed of taking over the brand, ordering plays and ordering female roles is even more smooth.

Ever since the Fifth Prince Nangong Ye knew that Yan Yiming was going to give up his elder brother, the restless heart that had been suppressed before, was revived bit by bit under Yan Yiming's deliberate guidance.

He has been close to Young Master Yan since he was a child, so he often comes to Yan's mansion. Since the last time he talked to Yan Yiming, he has come to Yan's mansion almost every day. Yan Yiming will not deliberately avoid him like before, and will Talk and play with him with a smile.

He knew that he liked Yan Yiming very much, but when he really met her, when Yan Yiming was no longer a child, Nangong Ye felt that he liked Yan Yiming more than he imagined.

I like to see her clinging to the chess pieces, whether she is frowning or thinking seriously, I feel the beauty is so beautiful that it makes my heart tremble. I like it so much that I don't even realize that Yan Yiming's chess skills at the moment are like a mentally retarded.

Although it is said that Yan Yiming has the memory of Ms. Yan before, so it is natural to know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but Yan Yiming is a lazy person. Lazy people never like this kind of brain-intensive and elegant competition. Rolling dice may be more joyful than size.

After losing a game without thinking, Yan Yiming caught the younger brother Yan who was standing behind him eagerly trying to point out the whole game, "Come here, I will rest for a while."

Younger brother Yan said, "You don't have to be my sister, please do as you please", but he still quickly sat on the seat before Yan Yiming, and after a few laughs, he said proudly, "Look, I'll win it back for you!"

Not being able to play Yi Nangong Ye with Yan Yiming was inevitably a little bit disappointed, but then he was not lost again, because Yan Yiming was sitting on the bluestone bench on one side, and when he turned his head, he could see her slender eyelashes fluttering slightly like a butterfly.

Yan Yiming is wearing a green smoked sweater today, a pleated skirt of water mist and green grass, and a thin emerald green veil, and a thin powder applied on the face, which is charming and boneless. At this moment, both arms were idly resting on the bluestone table, and the thin sleeves slipped down to reveal the slender wrist like cold jade, which was whiter and more dazzling against the emerald green jade bracelet on the wrist.

This bracelet was a piece of top-quality jadeite presented by the governor of Liangzhou at the beginning, and the emperor ordered the jade carver to carve it carefully to obtain such a pair of bracelets, which was later rewarded to the queen mother. Seeing Yan Yiming's attire a few days ago, Nangong Ye felt that the bracelet was suitable, so he tried his best to get the bracelet from his mother's queen.

Before wearing it on Yan Yiming's wrist, I had already imagined the glamorous color, but now that I put her on Yan Yiming's wrist with my own hands, I found that she is more beautiful than imagined in the green and misty skirt she is wearing today. fit.

The maids brought over lychees, lychees are a rarity in the first place, not to mention March Red, which can be ripe in March, a single one is worth half a year's food rations for ordinary people.

At this moment, the hands that attract Nangong Ye from time to time are slowly peeling the bright red lychees. After peeling, they put the white flesh into the mouth. The fine white teeth bite the flesh bit by bit, and finally spit out the hard flesh. of the core.

Nangong Ye was a little absent-minded in this game of chess, probably feeling that he was possessed by Yan Yiming, so even if Yan Yiming was just eating lychees normally, it seemed like a silent temptation to him. Want to hold those hands tightly, try to see if they are as soft and boneless as imagined; want to taste those lips, whether they are softer and sweeter than imagined.

Younger brother Yan played chess seriously without being distracted. Even Yan Yiming noticed Nangong Ye who had just made a quick move. The situation was a little passive at the moment, and the younger brother Yan caught the gap in the moment of trance. Many sunspots on the board were ruthlessly removed.

Little Apple shook her head regretfully in a place where others could not hear, "Sure enough, he is a young man, his concentration is too weak."

"If concentration is too good, then how can I play this game?" Yan Yiming chuckled, picked up another lychee and slowly peeled it off.

The younger brother of the Yan family was very proud of having the upper hand, Nangong Ye couldn't help feeling annoyed, he forced himself not to look at Yan Yiming, who was on the side, his handsome face finally became a little more serious, he put his fingers into the chess box and twisted a chess piece, and just about to fall, his lips touched But suddenly it was cold, and what looked down into his eyes was Yan Yiming's pale fingertips and white and tender lychees.

"Ah—open your mouth," Yan Yiming fed the peeled lychee to his mouth with a smile on his delicate face.

Nangong Ye's fingers holding the chess piece suddenly tightened, his thoughts were in a mess for a while, he looked at Yan Yiming in a daze, but he opened his mouth uncontrollably and bit the lychee.

Xu Shi bit anxiously, and his lips and teeth accidentally touched Yan Yiming's finger that he hadn't had time to retract.

The lips and teeth were filled with the sweetness left by lychee, but it couldn't resist the touch of Yan Yiming's cold fingers on the lips, and they were instantly burnt.

Nangong Ye had this thought in his heart, and immediately looked up at her, only to find that Yan Yiming had quickly peeled off another lychee, and the finger that touched him just now pinched the lychee and put it into his mouth. When he looked over, he smiled and said, "Is it sweet?"

Nangong Ye stared at Yan Yiming's fingers dipped in lychee juice, and suddenly his ears turned red.

Little Apple couldn't bear to look directly at her and covered her eyes. The host is too bullying. In the 21st century, the Fifth Highness is still a minor...

At this moment, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went straight to the mansion of the Fifth Prince Nangong Ye after leaving the palace. The Fifth Prince was still young, and because his brother was not yet married, there was never a wife or a concubine in the mansion.

The prince suddenly arrived in person, and the fifth prince was not in the mansion. Everyone in the mansion knelt down on the ground in fear. Nangong Xuan waved his hand to signal everyone to stand up. Then he asked Nangong Ye who had not been seen for several days, "Where's Ye'er?"

"Go back to Your Highness, Fifth Highness left the mansion early in the morning and hasn't come back yet."

Nangong Xuan wasn't surprised at all, and walked towards Nangong Ye's study with long legs, "Do you know where you went?"

"Go back to Your Highness, and say that you have gone to Dingguo Duke's Mansion."

Dingguo Mansion?

He must have gone to find that kid from the Yan family again.

Nangong Xuan smiled. At the beginning, he chose the child from the Yan family to be Ye'er's companion. After all these years, the two children have become more and more in love. Now that he has gone to the Yan family, it happens that he is going to visit the sick Yan Yiming, might as well go to Yan's house later.

Picking up the copybook on Nangong Ye's desk, he found a picture of a beauty under the copybook.

It is said to be a picture of beauty, because it can be seen that the figure of the woman in the picture is slim, but strictly speaking, it makes people laugh and cry. The number one son of Jinling City, Jian Yuxian, is a very good painter, but his younger brother Nangong Ye's painter can't seem to draw the beauty he imagined.

The only thing that caught his attention was that although the facial features were unrecognizable, there was a tiny red mole at the end of the woman's right eye.

red mole.

Yan Yiming's bright and beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, his slightly raised eyes, and the beautiful red mole at the end of his eyes.

It's just that even though he thought of Yan Yiming at the first time, Nangong Xuan never thought that the beauty in Nangong Ye's works was Yan Yiming, but he wondered if the red mole at the end of this beauty's eyes could compare with Yan Yiming's hook people.

Since Nangong Ye was not at the mansion, Nangong Xuan did not stop there, and then went to Duke Dingguo's mansion.

The prince was personally notified in advance, and everyone in the Yan family was shocked when they heard that the prince was coming, from the old Duke Ding to his two-year-old great-grandson all came to welcome him.

Nangong Xuan helped the old master Yan up with his own hands, and after going to the main hall of Yan's family to salute, Nangong Xuan realized that it seemed that Yan Yiming was not here?

The old lady Yan saw the prince's expression at a glance, and then hurriedly explained, "Ming'er has been ill for a long time, and he can only go to the field in the past two days. Today, the Fifth Highness came to the house and said that he was going to the Liyuan to attend an opera, so Qi'er took it with him. She went together to say that she was going to get rid of the sickness, and she will be back soon."

Is it really sick?

Nangong Xuan was surprised.

He just thought it was Yan Yiming who was pretending to be sick, but he didn't want to know that he was really sick until today came. Thinking of Yan Yiming's pale face that day, he couldn't bear it.

Old lady Yan knows how much her granddaughter likes the crown prince. It is rare for the crown prince to give Ming'er a good face, but today she came here to visit him specially. If he is allowed to leave, Ming'er will be disappointed when he comes back. Old Madam Yan felt sorry for her granddaughter, so she thought about it and probed, "It's getting late, since His Highness is here, why not have a meal at the house, it's not as good as the royal chef in the palace, Your Highness should treat it as something new."

Knowing that Yan Yiming was really ill, Nangong Xuan couldn't bear it. It seemed that he hadn't seen Yan Yiming for many days, and now he realized that he really missed Yan Yiming, and he didn't refuse when the old lady asked Yan Yiming to stay.

When Yan Yiming came back, the sky had already darkened, and just after entering the mansion, a little girl brought Yan Yiming to the main hall with a beaming face, "Young lady has come back, His Royal Highness has been waiting for a long time..."

Young Master Yan's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at Yan Yiming, but Yan Yiming had already left him and walked straight to the main hall, and raised the corners of his lips excitedly where he could not see.

The maids outside the door reported that the young lady and the young master had returned and were heading towards the main hall. Nangong Xuanxuan had some indescribable expectations. Looking up, a beautiful woman stepped in under the moonlight. Under the candlelight, the red mole added more color to this face.

Wenwen stepped forward and bowed slightly, calling "His Royal Highness", the familiar appearance, but when he looked up, he was not as happy as Nangongxuan imagined.

Nangong Xuan suddenly felt that he didn't like Yan Yiming's gaze.

The air seemed to be a little condensed, and even Mrs. Yan was a little confused. Mrs. Yan was in a hurry, and hurriedly stepped forward to remind Yan Yiming, "I still don't pour tea for His Royal Highness."

Yan Yiming nodded obediently, poured the tea smoothly, stepped forward and handed the teacup to Nangong Xuan, stretched out his sleeves to reveal a dazzling green jade bracelet.

Nangong Xuan's eyes were fixed on Yan Yiming's wrist, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to firmly grasp Yan Yiming's wrist. The hot tea fell from his hand and soaked the hem of the skirt, but Nangong Xuan didn't let go at all. Bian Senran sounded,

"Who gave you this bracelet?"

The author has something to say: Yan Yiming: Look at my bracelet, it looks good!

Everyone: so green~