MTL - Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents-Chapter 190 Debut on the battlefield, shocking the whole army!

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  Chapter 190 Battle formation debuts, shocking the entire army!

  Hearing Li Yueming's proposal, You Aotian was stunned.

  He did understand what Li Yueming meant.

  But no matter what, it sounds like something is not right!

   Originally, he took time out of his busy schedule to visit Zhenbei City, just to see what his cheap apprentice was up to.

  How can you be dragged into the water now that you are doing something inexplicably?

   But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

   It would be fine if he said that he hadn't seen the military appearance of the scout battalion at the moment.

  However, just now he experienced the training of the scout battalion with his own eyes.

  Although it is standing still and acting like a wooden man.

  But that uniform posture gave him some clues.

   At this moment, I haven't fully recovered yet, and I have already successfully aroused my curiosity by Li Yueming.

  In addition, Li Yueming's analysis and judgment of the current situation are all very accurate.

  —Da Zhou really didn’t have many good ways to take Qin’s 50,000 soldiers and horses.

   After all, their spirit horses come from the prairie beyond the Great Wall.

   Not only is it much faster than Da Zhou's inferior mixed-breed horse.

   Endurance should also be a lot stronger.

  On weekdays, even if the soldiers of Dazhou found the traces of the Qin army, they would not be able to catch up with them because of the spirit horse.

  In addition, the Qin army still has 100,000 mountains as a barrier to retreat.

   After the harassment is over, immediately retreat as quickly as possible. If Da Zhou is chasing closely, he will run directly into Shiwanda Mountain.

  Da Zhou has nothing to do with them, it is true that You Aotian is so aggrieved.

  Now we are looking at the second year of spring plowing is approaching.

  If the Qin army touches the towns around the defensive circle again, it will delay the spring plowing of the residents of the Northland.

  That matter may be really big.

  Although Li Yueming's proposal sounds absurd.

   But there is no harm in giving it a try if you think about it carefully, at most it is just a waste of time.

   What if the training method given by Li Yueming is really useful?

   Then won’t you make money?

  After thinking for a while, You Aotian didn't hesitate, nodded and said: "Okay, then let me see what you are holding back!"

   Li Yueming smiled when he heard the words but didn't answer.

   After all, he doesn't have any other advantages, the only advantage is that he doesn't like calculations.

   That's right, his favorite thing to do is win-win.

  Therefore, there is no need to worry that You Aotian will reject this proposal.

   Make sure your cheap master agrees.

   Li Yueming quickly greeted Ding Yi.

  Now this group of reincarnators are all excellent employees under his command.

  No way, talent comes from the masses!

   Each of this group of reincarnators has extremely high work literacy, directly filling up the attributes of tool people.

   After all, the reincarnated person has experienced many reincarnations.

  Even Li Yueming, a new reincarnator, often wears multiple jobs, not to mention a group of senior reincarnators who have reincarnated far more times than him.

  All kinds of messy skills will learn a little bit.

   As the old saying goes, too many skills don’t overwhelm you!

  For example, as a standing chef, Tian Liang’s fried meals are delicious!

   Another example is Ding Yi, who seems to have served as a general in the army in the past.

  Nowadays, Li Yueming doesn't need to worry about it, he can make several teams docile.

  Even the most inconspicuous pineapple is a medical master with superb medical skills!

  Don't look at Li Yueming's younger brother who only has twelve reincarnators.

   But these twelve reincarnators are almost as strong as a reinforcement company, and any one from it can blow up practitioners in many industries in the world.

   Not far away, Ding Yi came over with a food bowl.

   After seeing You Aotian not far away, he showed a slight smile and saluted: "Master!"

  You Aotian waved his hand to signal that he doesn't need to be too polite.

   Immediately, Li Yueming explained the things discussed just now.

   And by the way, let Ding Yi notify the scout battalion to prepare.



  That night, word spread that the scout battalion was about to fight the whole army.

   There has been a wave of public opinion in the camp.

  After all, in the past two months, the scout battalion has been on the cusp of the storm because of the small fire, and I don't know how many envious and jealous eyes are staring at the scout battalion.

   It can't be blamed for their jealousy.

   It's really that the scout battalion is too inappropriate.

  —also as an advanced unit.

  The crossbowmen of the bow and crossbow battalion eat steamed buns for more than half a month.

  It is only at the beginning of the month and the end of the month that you can taste a little bit of meat.

  As for the ordinary soldiers at the bottom, it was even worse. It was fine if they only ate steamed buns for less than half a month.

   For the other half of the month, I don’t even have to eat steamed buns, and can only eat lower-level steamed buns.

  How about the scout battalion?

  Eat meat and drink soup for 30 days and 20 days a month.

   In the remaining ten days, people are tired of eating meat and change the taste.

   I didn’t live like this!

  If it weren't for Li Yueming's brutality, and the twelve reincarnated generals under his command would also be able to sit on one side.

  A group of soldiers in the northern city of Zhen must have already committed crimes.

  Where will I endure until now?

   Finally waited until General You came to make decisions for them.

  The other soldiers in Zhenbei City have long been eager to see through.

  Now when they heard that there was going to be a competition, the soldiers in Zhenbei City were stunned.

   Guys, what's the matter?

  General You personally returned to Zhenbei City for this matter, but the scout battalion is still not convinced?

   And actually preparing for a full-army competition...

   This is desperate, want to convince others with force?

   After a long pause.

  Suddenly, the entire military barracks in Zhenbei City exploded in an instant.

  This feeling is good!

  They have long since disliked the arrogant attitude of the scout battalion.

  On weekdays, I don't dare to make any big moves because of the scruples of military regulations and discipline. Most of the time, I can only choose to endure.

  If there is really an all-army competition at this moment, then it is justifiable to teach those people who only know how to eat dry food a lesson!

  Fermented overnight.

  The more than 60,000 defenders in the northern city of Zhen have all heard the information from the scout battalion.

  The whole army competition is scheduled for two days later, at the beginning of the season and the end of the season. The Zhenbei Army will gather and hold a training at this point every year.

   Any grievances and grievances at that time couldn't be more appropriate.

   After getting accurate information.

  All the soldiers except the scout battalion in the north of the town were overjoyed.

   As an elite scout battalion, even with insufficient training, their combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than that of ordinary soldiers.

   According to the scout battalion's own requirements.

  There are no ordinary soldiers in this competition.

   All of them are the elite of each army.

   In this way, the combat effectiveness is almost balanced.

  The problem is that they have also seen the training of the scout battalion.

  I just stand guard in the snow every day, or simply do some weird physical training for no reason.

  How could it be possible to beat their established military training?

   Therefore, a group of people are all confident.

  It seems that I have seen the scene of the scout battalion being hung up and beaten violently, so I can also take this opportunity to show my face in front of General You!


   In the blink of an eye, two days passed quietly.

   Under the discussion of more and more soldiers.

  Finally, the day of the end-of-season training has arrived.

  It's still early.

  Li Yueming, You Aotian and some other generals of Zhenbei Army have already arrived at the city wall.

   A group of people looked down silently.

   But they saw more than 5,000 people standing on each other's left and right sides under the city.

  On the left is the scout battalion, and on the right is the elite troops carefully selected from other military branches in Zhenbei City.

  Because the time is relatively early.

  The soldiers fighting under the city wall are not ready yet, they are putting on their armor and wrapping their weapons with protective measures.

  Li Yueming hasn't said anything yet.

On the city wall, the former general of Zhenbei Army Vehicle was the first to speak. Looking at the expressionless Li Yueming, he joked: "General Li, I heard that you have figured out a brand new army training method? The method is very confident!"

  General Cheqian controls the infantry of the entire Zhenbei Army.

  The rights are only under You Aotian.

   After all, although infantry is a low-level military service, there are so many infantry!

  At least 70% of the troops in the Zhenbei Army are infantry.

   Therefore, his former general has great power.

  You Aotian is now very old, and it is estimated that he will retire soon.

   And he was originally considered by the outside world to be one of the most promising people to take over the position of General You Aotian.

  But at this moment, the appearance of Li Yueming, an outlier, made General Cheqian feel a great threat.

  No way, Li Yueming's ascension speed is too fast.

   Unbelievably fast!

  At only seventeen years old, not even eighteen years old, he has already become the general of the Zhenbei Army's scout battalion, commanding tens of thousands of soldiers like him.

   Throughout the entire Great Week, this is an extremely rare operation.

  Of course, he also has self-knowledge.

   Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to compete with Li Yueming.

   After all, Li Yueming is not a half-baked guy like him.

  Their talent is too good.

   As long as you don't die young, you will climb up sooner or later.

   But the problem is that if Li Yueming is willing to make mistakes, then he still has a chance!

   After all, high personal strength does not mean that you can command an army.

  He has fought in the army for more than 30 years, and he has won battles as well as defeated ones.

   Being able to climb to this position now proves that he has been relatively successful in general.

  If you can go one step further and become the general of the Zhenbei Army...

  Hearing this, Li Yueming glanced at the general in front of the car.

  He naturally knew exactly what the other party was thinking.

  Of course, Li Yueming also knows that he will definitely not be able to take You Aotian's position before the cheap old man retires.

   After all, as long as Zhou Tianzi's brain is not broken.

   They will not allow their father and son to hold military power at the same time, and they are also the military power in the northwest gateway.

   Now that he can be promoted to the position of general of the scout battalion, it is estimated that he has reached the peak.

   Therefore, Li Yueming did not fluctuate much.

  Just replied lightly: "Don't bother you, just look at it later to see how my practice method is!"

   General Che Qian also smiled when he heard the words.

   Didn't continue talking.

   After all, he wasn't sure how deep Li Yueming's water was, so naturally he didn't dare to offend him too hard.

   But with him taking the lead.

  The other generals around immediately found a topic.

The general of the Bow and Crossbow Battalion also joked: "You really don't have to worry about it, hahaha, I heard that General Li's training method is to let the soldiers of the Scout Battalion stand in the snow early in the morning as targets. This is not a coincidence What? Our crossbow battalion is best at shooting targets!"

   "I hope that General Li's soldiers will not stand still later, and move a little bit to create a little difficulty for the crossbowmen!"

   All of a sudden, many generals around made fun of him.

   Obviously they all wanted to kill Li Yueming, the young general's spirit.

   Li Yueming also didn't bother to pay attention to this.

  He is not interested in You Aotian's position, and naturally he is even less interested in this group of people.

  As long as the plan goes well, he won't have to deal with these guys soon.

   Therefore, it doesn't matter how they react at the moment.

  But in the eyes of others, this is a sign of guilty conscience.

  After all, if Li Yueming's training is really reliable, he is caught so ridiculed and has to jump up and refute?

in this case.

  Finally, the soldiers on both sides under the city wall were ready.

   This is a food war.

   It is also a battle to defend dignity.

   A group of soldiers in the scout battalion are somewhat suffocated after being provoked and ridiculed all the year round!

   Everyone else feels like their daily workouts are a waste of time.

  But only they know what they have learned and how much they have grown in the past month or so.

   There are five thousand soldiers in the scout battalion.

   Eight hundred of them were cavalry.

  —It's not because other people can't ride horses, but because there are only so many spirit horses in the scout battalion.

   There are more than a thousand shield soldiers.

  Scouts usually don't wear shields, but sometimes they will wear a shield for self-defense when the battlefield is on fire.

   Therefore, shields will also be used, but they are not dedicated shield guards.

   There are more than 3,000 other people who can only act as pawns.

  Holding the spears wrapped in cloth strips in their hands, all of them looked a little nervous.

   And on the other side of them.

  The 5,000 people gathered by other military branches in Zhenbei City seem to be much more professional.

   The scout battalion has only scouts.

  But they include several military branches.

   Therefore, their team has full-time shield guards, pikemen, archers, light cavalry, heavy cavalry... and all of them are carefully selected elites!

   It's just showing a posture, no matter how you look at it, they should win!



   With a whistle.

   This slightly weird competition has officially started.

  Including You Aotian, all the generals on the city wall who had already hoped to see through their eyes widened their eyes, fearing that they would miss any details.

  If the army wants to gain combat effectiveness, formation is a must.

   Otherwise, if there is a little turmoil on the battlefield, the teams that have not formed an array are likely to be easily dispersed by the enemy.

   And marching forward and backward is also very easy to cause stampede accidents.

  So as long as a large-scale army encounters on the flat ground.

  The first thing to do is to form the formation. Only the soldiers of the city formation can respond to all changes without change and face the danger that comes at any time.

  If the army array is neat and morale is high.

   It is even possible to condense the military spirit for a short time, and gain all-round benefits for the entire army.

   Fortunately, the real mixed army under the command of a group of generals did not live up to their expectations.

   It took less than five minutes to form a battle formation.

  However, they haven't waited for them to be satisfied.

   Turning around, a terrifying scene appeared.

   At the moment of hearing the whistle.

  The leading young officer who had nothing to do at first yelled suddenly: "The whole army obeys the order, assemble!"

  When the word set sounds.

  No matter what the soldiers were doing before, whether they were picking their feet or pulling their teeth, they immediately took action immediately.

   A group of people stood on the city wall and could see clearly.

   It only took less than thirty seconds.

  The soldiers of the 5,000 scout battalion who were still scattered around have completed their assembly.

   The speed is fast and even afterimages appear.

   But no one collided, not even crowded.

  After the assembly is over, it seems that they never know what chaos is! !

  See this scene.

   A group of generals all opened their mouths and widened their eyes.

   Before they recovered from the shock.

  The young general under the city wall has issued another order: "Stand at attention!!"

  Suddenly, a uniform voice sounded.


  Seeing that the sloppy army under the stage suddenly raised their heads and chests up, all the soldiers seemed to have a tiger hidden in their eyes!

   May choose someone to eat at any time!

   "Slow down, stand at attention, look to the right! Click from the first row!"

   "1, 2, 3, 456... report to the captain, all 5347 members of the scout battalion have arrived, please give instructions!"

   "Okay, everyone listens to the order. Shield guards go up to 3, spearmen to 2, and cavalry on both sides to outflank. No one can escape, so let's go together!"

   Pronouncing the instructions sounds like it's going to be slow.

   But in fact, the speed is still unbelievably fast.

   You must know that this is a team of 5,000 people.

  Under normal circumstances, dawdling for two or three minutes is a common operation.

   It took only thirty seconds for the scout battalion to assemble.

   Take one minute for ordering, and another minute for sorting out the queue.

   It only took two minutes.

  Under the same circumstances, the mixed army on the opposite side has just completed its assembly at this moment.

   Not to mention it's time, I haven't even given the order yet.

  The scout battalion has already arranged its formation and rushed over in unison.

  The speed of gathering and dispatching troops could not even be slowed down by the experienced generals on the city wall.

   Not to mention the group of soldiers below.

   Even if they are elite.

  But I have never seen such an unreasonable style of play!

   It's agreed that a real man will see blood in every knife.

  Konima, they're not ready to show their weapons yet!

  Why did the opposite party rush over with a knife in their hands?

  Looking from a distance at this moment, I saw more than 5,000 soldiers of the scout battalion marching in unison.

   This speed does not seem to be fast.

   But actually running much faster than the average person.

  The reason for this is that the soldiers of the scout battalion are completely synchronized even with the movement of their feet and the arc of their arms.

   Heavy footsteps landed at the same time.

   It's like dense drums hitting a person's chest.

  Drums sounded in the mixed army's body, skin, and even bone marrow.

   Make them feel cold from head to toe! !

   The horror of the opponent's movement speed has long been lost.

  Is this... really the scout battalion they are familiar with?

  Why does it feel so different to them?

   Even if it wasn't on the real battlefield, the soldiers of the mixed army looked directly at the scout battalion like a tiger descending from the mountain, but they still felt the huge pressure as if they were facing the sea.

   This pressure is everywhere, and it seems that it will swallow people up at any moment!


   I got all the monthly tickets, woo woo woo...

   Two chapters will be added on the 1st and 2nd of next month, thank you for taking me!

   I wish Dai Gaxin everything goes well in January!



  (end of this chapter)

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