MTL - Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort-Chapter 1712 Gu Ruoyun arrived (2)

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"what did you say?"

Within the luxurious palace, Ye Hao suddenly stood up, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a cold mang: "You said that the Qur'an little monk really stopped me from getting married with Xia Lin?"

"Yes, my Royal Highness, according to the spies, she has returned to the Dragon Moon Empire and brought a helping hand."

“Helper?” Ye Hao sneered. “I don’t know who the helper she invited?”

"The Princess of Kailu, the helper that Gulan invited, is a young woman."

"Ha ha."

Wen Yan, Gu Lan sneered two times, taunting hooked lips: "A young woman, I am not afraid! Not to mention, there is Xia Lin who is under my control! I do not believe that these people can Take Xia Linyi under my eyes! It’s just that I don’t know how to live!”

Not long ago, the Qur'an little monk had been successfully escaped, but she did not expect her to come back! This is not what I do not know what to do. She thought she would invite a helper to take Xia Linyi away?

"Come on!"

Ye Hao’s face sank and said coldly: “Give all the masters in the palace, and I will go to the gate of the palace to meet the little monk of Gulan!”

After saying this, Ye Hao took a look at the clothes and walked outside the palace.

At the entrance of the palace, two screams, two guards guarding the palace gate fell to the ground, and then two women came in from outside the palace gate.

"Where is your child?" Gu Ruoyun raised his hand and picked up one of the guards. He asked coldly. "Come tell me, where is the nephew?"

The guards did not put her in the eyes, and snorted: "This is the palace of the Dragon Moon Empire. You dare to let it go here. It must be lively impatient! Offend the royal family and die."


Gu Ruoyun turned the guard to the palace gate, and the head of the guard suddenly hit the gate and fell softly to the ground.

"Say, where are you?"

She went to another guard again and said in a cold voice.

Another guard saw the tragedy of his companion, was scared and pale, and trembled: "He is in the harem, and ... with the princess!"


Gu Ruoyun once again stunned the guards and flew out. As she approached the harem, not far from the front, an elegantly dressed woman led a group of guards toward this side.

The appearance of Gulan's face brush changed, and the eyes almost spurted out the flame of anger: "Gu sister, she is Ye Hao, the person who has put down the nephew!"


Ye Hao walked to the front of Gulan, and sneered at her and glanced at her: "I didn't expect you to come here, how? The last time I didn't die, this time I sent it to death? I dare to say that I have placed Xia Zi under house arrest, he and I. Obviously, it is a love for two, and it will be a lifelong life! This life, he is not me!"

Gulan’s face turned red: “You are nonsense, you don’t know me, you know that you have done something to him.”

This sentence made Ye Hao laugh, and the eyebrows were mocking.

"Gulan, he doesn't remember you, because you don't have the charm. If you know me, how can he still remember you? If you come to my wedding, I welcome you to the extreme. If you come to trouble, I will You are welcome!"

Just as Ye Hao sneered at Gulan, a cold voice suddenly came: "In three minutes, hand over the nephew, otherwise, I will let you this Dragon Moon Empire instantly become a flat!"