MTL - Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!-Chapter 1462 He intends to follow the animal husbandry and not regenerate the child.

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When this news came, Ban Jianing and Mu Xin were shocked, and then the heart was a surging joy!

The animal husbandry eyes flicker, it seems to be the light of the wings, and the light of the mist.

She looked at Ban Jianing and was very excited. It was so great!

His bone marrow is consistent with the grazing, and it is not necessary to take time to find the bone marrow. The priest can operate at the fastest time!

In the eyes of Ban Jianing, passing a touch of stormy waves, he can use his own bone marrow to make the life of the priest!

Just as they were excited, the doctor looked at Ban Jianing with a dignified look. "Mr. Ban, you can't take the bone marrow."

Ban Jianing looked at the doctor: "The other party is my son, I can smoke!"

" Six years ago, you had a bone marrow surgery, and you are a patient yourself," the doctor said.

When Bang Jianing listened, the brain slammed.

Both Mu Xin and Mei Sister’s face have changed.

Ms. Mei was surprised to see Bang Ning, this BOSS who looked tall and strong, was also a leukemia patient? ! ! !

So the disease of the herd is genetic? ! !

Ban Jianing can't take bone marrow, then shepherd...

The heart of the animal husbandry suddenly sinks to the bottom.

"Wait for my sister to come over!" Ban Jianing said firmly: "If my sister's bone marrow does not match, use my!"

The doctor looked at Ban Jianing. "Mr. Ban, our hospital will try to find healthy people with bone marrow anastomosis."

"Go to arrange, be fast!"

After the doctor said something about the animal husbandry, he went out.

Sister Mei also went out with the doctor. She also went to the bone marrow for an examination to see that her bone marrow did not match the kiss of the animal husbandry.

The animal husbandry was checked and the result came out. Her bone marrow did not match the animal husbandry.

After the doctor and Mei Sister went out, there was only Ban Jianing and Shepherd in the lounge.

The heart that the animal husband had just raised, sinking heavily, the whole person became heavy.

Ban Jianing felt her worries. He sat next to her and stared at her. He said softly: "The pastoral, there will be nothing, the pastor will not have anything to do."


"In any case, I have to save the animal husbandry. If my sister's bone marrow does not match the animal husbandry, I will use it." Ban Jianing said.

Low tone, with a certain determination.

"No, you forgot, you have done bone marrow surgery." Shepherd said heavily.

"At the beginning, my sister gave me the bone marrow. My bone marrow is consistent with the animal husbandry. My sister should also match him."

"Jia Ning." Shepherd's heart leaned on the shoulder of Ban Jianing. "Do you have bone marrow surgery, will it hurt?"

Ban Jianing was deep and deep, and he looked down and took a deep look at herding. "I said no pain, you will not believe."

Shepherd’s heart is blank, her face is worried and distressed. “The younger husband is suffering from this pain, and I can’t help anything. I am his mother, why is my bone marrow not in harmony with him?”

"The shepherd is very strong." Ban Jianing did not know how to comfort her husband.

He has suffered from leukemia, and now it is his turn to be a herd. He is suspected to be a family inheritance.

Fortunately, Song has no worries, and he does not know whether his father's family inheritance or his mother's family inheritance.

He didn't check it. When he was sick, he didn't think about the family history. Now the animal husbandry is the same as his illness. He can't help but go to the family history.

If the family is really inherited, he intends to not regenerate the child with the animal husbandry...