MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 613 boarding

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Weird shadow, very scary.

Standing still, it was like a black hole.

He actually endured the full blow of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master alive.

All the divine rays of light poured out into its body, and not even a single wave was lifted.

Saintess Yaoyao also rounded her eyes, her soul trembled, unbelievable.

"It''s alive..."

Saintess Yaoyao murmured in her mouth.

"Is this the evil spirit of the endless sea of ​​imaginary gods?"

Jiang Dao was surprised.

"Yes, but it was the first generation of Heavenly Dao Palace Master during his lifetime!"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao's face was shocked, "No, not only the first generation of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, but even the grievances of the previous generation of Heavenly Dao Palace Masters after their death were integrated into her body. It is a collection of the resentment of the two Palace Masters!"


Jiang Dao was shocked.

The combination of the resentment of the two Heavenly Dao Palace Masters?

What a monstrous monster!

No wonder he was able to take over the total of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master abruptly.

The two previous Heavenly Dao Palace Masters became demons after their death, which was already terrifying, but the resentment after their death was intertwined, which would undoubtedly be even more against the sky.

"But why does it stop the Heavenly Dao Palace Master?"

Jiang Dao murmured.

"It seems unwilling... I want to hide and return to the upper realm again."

Saintess Yaoyao said, "It used to be excited in this area, creating endless panic, and killing countless **** kings. Later, the Heavenly Dao Palace Master manipulated the power of the Heavenly Dao and smashed it to pieces, but I didn't expect it. Life is so terrifying, being killed by Tiandao twice in a row, and still alive, and this aura seems to be stronger."

Jiang Dao suddenly took a deep breath and felt that the terrifying aura that had been locked on his body quickly disappeared.

He turned around quickly and waved to the **** bear.

The **** bear also changed his face, struggled for a long time, and finally approached Jiangdao by boat.

"Jiang Gang, hurry up and board the ship!"

Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao rushed to the deck without thinking.


The Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace had an indifferent face and glowing rays of light, like an ancient ruler. He raised his finger and again pointed behind Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao.

However the same as before.

As soon as this ray of light was lit, it automatically dissipated.

All the holy lights flowed back automatically, surging towards the black shadow, controlled by it, and all entered its body.

It seems to have the ability to control all energies.

In this abandoned sea of ​​gods, this shadow seems to be the only master.

The Palace Master Tiandao's face sank and became extremely terrifying, "It's been so many years, the two of you have been dead for so many years, why are you still entangled, do you want to come back so much? Even if you come back, will Tiandao still recognize you? Everything has passed, why do you have to be persistent!"

The shadow did not say a word, standing quietly.

The body is gloomy, eerie, and black and thrilling.

The Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace had an ice-cold face. Seeing that the other party didn't say a word, he looked at the two Jiang Dao who were about to set sail. past.

The black shadow's eyes were cold and his breath was strange, and he rushed directly towards the Heavenly Dao Palace Master.


The two supreme figures finally collided.

The scene is more terrifying than some **** emperors fighting, the waves are rolling, and the endless energy oscillates around.

When the two were fighting, the Bronze Demon Temple and the skinny boy who were trapped in the great formation all took the opportunity to tear apart the great formation, rolled up the demons around them, and rushed out quickly, like two strange paths. The streamer rushed towards the **** bear quickly.

"The ship is off!"

The **** bear roared.

boom! boom!

Almost at the moment when the huge warship just turned around, two terrifying and unpredictable streamers fell fiercely.

The sound roared, and the whole deck trembled slightly.

Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao couldn't help but change their expressions.

These monsters!

Actually followed.


The huge warship began to ride the wind and waves in the endless starlight, and quickly drove away in a mighty distance in the distance.

All the demons were full of breath, and their faces were icy cold.

The huge ancient bronze temple shrank rapidly, as if disappearing.

Instead, a tall and burly figure appeared on the spot, dressed in ancient and broken armor, with scarlet blood-like hair, indifferent face, and terrifying breath, as if he had returned from the ancient times.

The ancient and terrifying evil spirit is almost breathless.

Jiang Dao's face changed.

All are gods!

The strongest two are even more incredible!

Even the Xeon killer probably wouldn't be able to hurt the thin young man and this new red-haired man.

This time he opened the endless magic abyss, is it good or bad?

"Brother Xiong, they won't make trouble, right?"

Jiang Dao was uneasy, he couldn't help coming to the **** bear and whispered.

"Don't worry, no one dares to make trouble here!"

The **** bear patted his chest directly, letting Jiang Dao relax a hundred hearts.

Jiang Dao frowned, his heart surging.

Even if these guys don't make trouble now, who can guarantee that they won't make trouble when they return to the world.

Once there is trouble in the world, I can't stop them even more.

"Damn, it's a big loss this time!"

He cursed in his heart.

More and more I felt that Saintess Yaoyao was a disaster.

From now on, it is best to stay away from Yaoyao.

Nothing good happened with her.

"The breath of heaven..."

Suddenly, among the group of demons on the opposite side, there was an unusually burly one, talking to himself, his body was broken in armor, more than four meters tall, covered in indigo, and his eyes were deep, looking towards Jiang Dao and the two.

"You have the breath of heaven on your body. Before, you were bombarding the endless abyss and opening the seal for us!"

His tone was cold, and he came up and stared at Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao.

The other demons also raised their heads and cast their icy and terrifying gazes on Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao.

All kinds of eyes have different colors, and each one is flashing with colorful rays of light.

Majestic and cold!

Jiang Dao and Saintess Yaoyao instantly felt a great pressure. UU Reading

"It's the seal we opened."

Jiang Dao suddenly smiled and said, "We have admired your seniors for a long time, and we heard that your seniors were sealed, so we took the risk and decided to let them out, hehe..."

"You, admire us?"

The burly devil narrowed his eyes and said in a cold tone, "What's my name, do you know?"


Jiang Dao's heart changed quickly, and he looked at Saintess Yaoyao.

Holy Maiden Yaoyao's expression also changed, so she couldn't know.

"I don't know what my name is, how dare you say you admire us?"

The burly devil's voice was terrifying.


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