MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2329 Flame world

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Ye Tian heard the strong discomfort in the cry of the blue skylark, and lightly patted the blue skylark on the back.

"You wait for me around here," Ye Tian said as he jumped off Qing Lark's back.

During this period of time, Ye Tian and the Blue Skylark have been very familiar with each other. The latter blinked, his wings vibrated slightly, expressing the meaning of agreement.

Ye Tian flew straight to the volcanic island ahead.

And when there were more than ten miles away from the island, Ye Tian watched as one of the volcanoes erupted directly.


The black volcanic ash rolled out of the mountain pass like an exploding fountain, straight into the blue sky, among the dense black clouds, you could faintly see the red flame erupting, and countless sparks exploded, expanding and throwing outwards.

The earth vibrated, the mountains shook, countless rocks and smoke rolled down, and the surrounding sea was throwing huge waves at this moment.

The volcano that was erupting in front of Ye Tian was the highest among the peaks on this island, about two thousand meters high. The erupted volcanic ash cloud quickly filled the sky, making the sky and the earth dim.

Red magma overflowed from the crater and flowed down the side of the mountain. A fiery high temperature suddenly spread out and flooded the entire island. The high temperature scorched the air and violently twisted it. At a glance, it seems that everything has become blurred.

"This is the Dongfu Volcano that is erupting, and now is a good time to enter the crater!" Qin Zhen reminded him at this time.

Ye Tian nodded and flew directly towards the erupting crater.

The volcano was erupting, the black smoke was perplexed, the sparks were splashing, and the magma rushed into the sky. Ye Tian was like a moth that was not afraid of death, rushing into the scene of destruction.

A terrifying high temperature came, and a powerful immortal force gushed out of Ye Tian's body, forming a semi-transparent formation, protecting Ye Tian in it, and isolating the high temperature.

This kind of natural disaster-like terrifying environment is nothing for an existence who has reached the strength of Xuanxian.

The front was black, faintly mixed with the red light of magma, and there was nothing else to see, but Ye Tian still accurately found the crater in it, and flew in without hesitation.

After entering the volcanic crater, the world immediately turned into a reddish world. All the magma was under tremendous pressure from the core of the earth, rushing to erupt outward, and Ye Tian who wanted to fly inside was also working hard to push it out. go.

However, with this strength, Ye Tian could easily crush it, forcibly separated the magma, and continued to fly deeper inside.

Roughly speaking, the environment in the crater is basically like a straight channel extending from the bottom of the volcano at the very center of the volcano. Magma is erupted through this channel, and Ye Tian is following it. This passage has been flying inward.

As the magma enters deeper and deeper, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and the pressure on the formation that protects Ye Tian also begins to increase, and the formation is being violently consumed.

Ye Tian’s speed was very fast. After about a quarter of an hour, the surrounding passages were already enlarged. I don’t know how much. Ye Tian couldn’t perceive the existence of mountains around him. The divine consciousness stretched out. All was magma, only magma. He was at this moment. It seems to be in a sea of ​​magma.

The height of the volcano outside is probably two thousand feet above sea level. Ye Tian speculates that if he is outside now, he should have been below the sea surface, or even deeper.

This is no longer within the range of a volcano, but as the center of the earth.

And the temperature here is already extremely terrifying, Ye Tian speculated that even true immortals and even strong heaven immortals would not survive here.

"No, this is not enough, it must be deeper!" Qin Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Ye Tian nodded and continued to fly downward.

As the depth continues to increase, Ye Tian is under greater pressure, the temperature of the magma is also more terrifying, and gradually the color of the magma has begun to change, and it is now a bright yellow, just like a liquid. The flow is moving.

The temperature here has reached the level that ordinary profound immortals can't exist safely, and the defensive barrier around Ye Tian's body has become extremely transparent and illusory, as if it can break and collapse at any time.

But Qin Zhen still didn't speak. Ye Tian knew that this was definitely not enough, so he didn't hesitate to continue to go deeper.

Gradually, the yellow became lighter and lighter, and finally the color of the magma had completely turned into transparent white. Looking around, Ye Tian seemed to be in a white light liquid world.

What followed was an extremely terrifying high temperature, and the defensive barrier was finally broken at its limit.

Ye Tian hurriedly put his hands together to make a seal, and the power in his body continuously gushed out, condensed into a transparent film, covering his whole body.

The defensive ability of this transparent film is stronger than the ability of the previous defensive array to isolate high temperatures, but the power consumption is also multiplied, and even so, the high temperature that can be isolated is extremely limited.

The endless burning sensation acted on Ye Tian's body, making Ye Tian feel a little erratic and trembling in consciousness.

Go deeper!

"Or I'll help you isolate the high temperature," Qin Zhen couldn't help saying at this time.

"It's okay, if you need your help in this kind of thing, I will lose the meaning I should have when I came here," Ye Tian shook his head and said.

"You are right, but you must also remember that you must never try to do it. If you are injured or have any negative effects, it will be more than worth the loss." Qin Zhen said.

"Okay!" Ye Tian gritted his teeth, turned around and continued to go deeper.

After a while, Qin Zhen finally thought it was enough.

And here, Ye Tian always feels every drop of blood in his body, every bone is being burned by the fire, and the pain in his heart is as deep as thousands of hot steel needles. Pricked into Ye Tian's bone marrow.

"It's okay here. The spirit crystals of the Nine Sky Spirit Fox and the Shadow Demon Fox can be taken out," Qin Zhen said: "The spirit crystal is the core of the fox spirit beast and the source of power. Generally, if you want to refine the fox spirit beast For beast spirits, it also absorbs spirit crystals."

"The Nine Heavens Spirit Fox is a real cosmic beast. If you want to abandon the beast spirits of the Northern Mingjiao and update to the beast spirits of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fox, then just absorb the spirit crystals of the Shadow Demon Fox here. , And then refine the nine-day spirit fox into his own beast spirit." Qin Zhen said.

Ye Tian shook his head without thinking.

"Although this nine-day spirit fox is a sacred beast, it has only three tails. I refine it into a beast spirit. In fact, the improvement it brings to me is similar to that of the North Ming Jiao, and now I have just controlled the North Ming Jiao to the extent that it is handy. , And hurriedly replaced it, but it was wrong."

"Moreover, the strength of this nine-day spirit fox is in the blood of its sacred beast. I will absorb its spirit crystal, and it is still the power to obtain its blood! It can also preserve the beast spirit of the North Mingjiao, the best of both worlds." Ye Tian said. .

From the very beginning, Ye Tian never thought of refining the nine-day spirit fox into his own beast spirit, and from the bottom of his heart, Ye Tianyin did not like the nine-day spirit fox. The beast spirit is the border of ten thousand beasts. The most trusted companion of the middle cultivator, although Ye Tian knew the power of the nine-day spirit fox and the rareness of the Hongmeng divine beast, in his heart, he was a little repelled from fighting side by side with the nine-day spirit fox.

"What you said makes sense. Personally, I am not too inclined to refine the nine-day spirit fox into a beast spirit. This will make your growth lose some continuity," Qin Zhen said: "In my plan, Your next beast spirit should always be in the top 30 titles, and like the North Ming Jiao, it has the blood of the dragon clan.

"Do you have dragon blood?" Ye Tian asked.

"Yes, such as the Silver Moon Flood Dragon ranked 29th on the Zhuxian List, the Scarlet Earth Dragon ranked 15th on the Zhuxian List, and the Blood Abyss Tyrannosaurus ranked sixth on the Zhuxian List."

"And next time, the goal is the Hongmeng sacred beast. This is what I am planning to give you the ultimate goal. There are four sacred beasts with dragon blood on the Hongmeng list. Naturally, the number one Ancestral Dragon is not much. Said that the remaining three are the three direct descendants of Zulong."

"For example, the inherited beast spirits of the imperial family of the Qin Dynasty, the colorful dragon that ranks thirteenth in the Hongmeng List is also called the Guangming Shenlong, the void bone dragon that ranks twelfth in the Hongmeng List, and the North Ming Shenlong that ranks eleventh." Qin Really said.

"Also called Bei Ming?" Ye Tian frowned.

"Yes, you should be able to guess that even if the Northern Ming Dragon is the ultimate form of the Northern Ming Dragon, it is said that the Northern Ming Dragon is formed after a drop of essence of the Northern Ming Dragon is swallowed by a Dragon." Qin Zhen said: "You now regard the North Mingjiao as the beast spirit, so in the end, if you can have the North Ming dragon as the beast spirit, it will be the most perfect situation."

"However, the Beiming Shenlong is indeed a bit too far away from me. Now let's focus on the spirit crystals of the nine-day spirit fox," Ye Tian said with a bitter smile.

"Well, what you said is correct," Qin Zhen said with a turn of the conversation, "Since the Nine Heavens Spirit Fox and the Shadow Demon Fox are not considered as the beast spirits, both of these spirit crystals are taken out, relying on the center of the earth. The terrifying temperature of the magma completely refines the remaining consciousness of these two spirit beasts in the spirit crystals."

"In this way, there will not be a situation like the one that occurred when you absorbed the energy of the Northern Mingjiao. It must be defeated and conquered at the level of consciousness."

"It's just that, even so, in this spirit crystal, the power of these two fox spirit beasts will still conflict with your power that has melted with the North Mingjiao. This requires you to slowly follow. To control and overcome until this effect is completely eliminated."

"In short, it is also because of so much trouble. Under normal circumstances, people rarely use this method to improve their cultivation." Qin Zhen said.

"But as long as you can overcome this kind of trouble, what you gain is worth it, right?" Ye Tian said.

With that, Ye Tian took out the two spirit crystals while flipping his hands.

The two spirit crystals are the same size, but the spirit crystal of the nine-day spirit fox is sky blue, like the sky and the ocean, and has a feeling of inclusiveness, while the spirit crystal of the shadow demon fox is completely dark, shining cold and deep. luster.

Ye Tian threw the two spirit crystals directly into the magma.

The two spirit crystals suddenly touched the magma, and suddenly Qi Qi burst into dazzling light.

The sky and jet black light looked extremely conspicuous in the white ocean. For a while, Ye Tian and even the surrounding magma in a large area were dyed into a blend of sky blue and jet black.

And in these two rays of light, the aura of the two powerful spirit beasts belonging to the Nine Heavens Spirit Fox and the Shadow Demon Fox also spread. Ye Tian had fought against both before, and both died under his hands. Therefore, Ye Tian was extremely familiar with these two breaths.

Between the spread of the two auras, the condensed slowly turned out to be a strange change. After twisting and condensing, two illusory shadows of the nine-day spirit fox and the shadow demon fox were formed. Roar.

Ye Tian knew that at this moment these two phantoms were the remaining consciousness that belonged to the two spirit beasts contained in this spirit crystal.

When these two consciousnesses were completely extinguished in the magma ocean in the center of the earth, he would be able to absorb their energy smoothly.

Surrounded by magma, the terrifying heat crazily corroded and attacked the two spirit crystals, but the remaining consciousness of the two spirit beasts was instinctively opposed, and continued to roar.

Ye Tian clearly felt that the resistance of the two spirit crystals actually seemed to arouse the anger of this magma ocean. With the resistance of the spirit crystals, the surrounding area was obviously stronger and more terrifying high temperature surged, like it was An invisible tsunami of rage rushed toward the two spirit crystals.

This discovery made Ye Tian also quite surprised, because it meant that this magma ocean actually possessed self-consciousness!

Although this kind of consciousness must be very ignorant and vague, and there must be a huge difference from the real intelligent life, but it is enough to surprise and surprise people.

But at this moment, Ye Tian heard a roar that was extremely unfamiliar and completely different from the voices of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fox and the Shadow Demon Fox.

Ye Tian initially thought it was his own illusion. It may be that he had misheard the roar of the Nine Sky Spirit Fox and the Shadow Demon Fox, or the sound of the magma ocean surging, but soon Ye Tian completely overthrew these speculations.

He incomparably confirmed that this completely strange roar definitely came from a strange life!

At this moment, there was something strange in this extremely terrifying magma in the center of the earth.

"How is this possible? When I was in this Dongfu volcano, I was already at the cultivation base of Da Luo. If there is something living in it, how could I not know!?" Qin Zhen's voice was also puzzled. .

Ye Tian hurriedly looked around, looking around, trying to find the source of the roaring sound.

"On the left hand side!" Suddenly, Qin Zhen's voice rang in Ye Tian's ear, reminding him.

Ye Tian immediately looked to the left. It was not there when he checked it, but now there is a figure wearing a black Taoist robe, flying in the lava like a fish swimming in the sea so freely, lightning rushes towards Ye Tian. !

"It turned out to be a person!" Ye Tian made a big alarm in his heart, almost without thinking back to back, and at the same time his hands were sealed, Bei Ming Jiao's voice suddenly appeared, and his figure hovered Ye Tian inside.