MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 304 Is he really the son of the world? (Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets

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  Chapter 304 Is he really the son of the world? (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

   "Special feeling?" Leiter was stunned for a moment, recalling that when he first realized the mystery, it seems... other than being fast and easy, there is no other feeling...

But he still replied seriously: "Lock, when I realized the mystery of Sanzhi and the mystery of vibration, from my perspective, the earth element has undergone great changes. Suddenly, I can feel the special trajectory of the earth element, and discover In the small earth element, there are also infinite mysteries. As for the special feeling you mentioned, I don’t know which one you are talking about?"

"How do you feel about fighting qi? I have also experienced it. The same wind-type fighting energy, after realizing the mystery, does seem to have a qualitative change. It can produce greater power and run much faster." Locke scratched his head, looking a little He struggled and said: "But... how should I put it, there was still a slight... illusion at that time, as if Xuan Ao took the initiative to open a convenient door for me and penetrated into my body, rather than how deeply I realized it."

  Hearing this description, Leiter was stunned again, doubts flashed in his eyes, he fell into deep thought, and said after a while:

   "Is there such a thing?"

   "Why have I never experienced this kind of feeling? When I realized the mystery in the past, I really experienced all kinds of tempering. Even though I have realized three kinds of mystery, I have never experienced the feeling of 'drilling' into the body..."

"Leite, I don't think it's so difficult for you to comprehend the mystery. In this world, it is enough to comprehend one kind of mystery in front of the sanctuary. If the news spreads that you have comprehended three kinds of mystery, what will others do?" Live?" Locke shook his head and laughed, then froze for a moment, and asked, "No, three kinds of mysteries? Didn't you only reveal two kinds of mysteries when fighting those three Argonians? Shocking mysteries and scattered mysteries."

   "There is also the mystery of condensation." Leiter explained: "But it was just a glimpse of the door, and it was not necessary to deal with those Argonians at that time."

"Well, that's right, there is something in common between the Mystery of Scattering and the Mystery of Condensation. The Mystery of Scattering you showed at that time is quite complete, and it makes sense to realize the mystery of Condensation..." Locke nodded suddenly, and then He asked again: "Actually, I'm very curious. When did you realize the first kind of mystery? If you can realize the two kinds of mystery at the stage of the great magister, you can't realize the embryonic form at the apprentice stage, right? It's incredible to go up!"

"Haha, that's not the case. In fact, my mysteries were realized at the stage of the magister. Maybe I am the child of the world. The laws of heaven and earth favor me, so that I have always been so smooth..." Leiter used a kind of joke said in a tone.

  Hearing Leiter's explanation, Locke looked very serious. He looked straight at Leiter and said very seriously:

"Maybe it's really possible! This world is full of accidents and miracles, and there are too many things happening and running that we don't understand. If you can achieve such extraordinary achievements, there must be something special about you. are very different from this world. Say, it really means a lot!"

  Facing Locke's gaze, Leiter suddenly calmed down, shrugged and said, "Maybe... who knows..."

  Lock looked at Leiter, and also smiled: "Let's not talk about this, would you like to sit with me back in the room in the fort, where I have many kinds of food that are easy to stockpile given to me by the deputy commander."

  Leite waved his hand: "I appreciate the kindness, but forget it, I have to go to the alchemy workshop later to apply for some supplies, and we will have dinner together another day."

   "No problem, looking forward to seeing you again!"

   "Hehe, I believe this day will not be too long!"

  Rett smiled, waved his hand, and bid farewell to Locke.

  At this moment, in the void, a figure hiding in the dark, completely listened to the conversation between the two just now.

   This person is the King of Milan. His gaze on Leiter's back is particularly deep, and his whispering voice floats in the air:

   "The son of the world? Could it be... Leiter really has a 'perspective' on the world that is different from ordinary people?"

   The air was briefly quiet.

   Soon, another heavy voice picked up the words:

   "Perhaps...he bears the will of the world and is the last ray of light against the orcs! Otherwise, the world may really be like the setting sun, and eventually we humans will fall into eternal night..."

   "The will of the world? Does such a thing really exist?" King Milan asked back.

   "It's just a metaphor, but it's very appropriate, isn't it? It's like a lifeless old tree that will shed tears of struggle when it is chopped down."

  King Milan looked at a treetop on the side of the street, the branches and leaves swayed without wind, and he said to there:

   "What do you mean... Leiter is the sunset of the infinite scenery, the reflection of this world?"

  The heavy voice replied:

"It's not necessarily the only one, but it's definitely the greatest hope. Don't you know that the decline of the world is accelerating in the past hundred years? A hundred years ago, I predicted that Dimensional Mysteries might be able to achieve perfection in the next few years, but time To this day, it still feels so far away.”

  Hearing these words, King Milan frowned, and said with some emotional fluctuations:

   "I'm also angry when I mention this. Ever since I realized the mystery of blasting, I haven't realized the embryonic form of the third mystery, and it is still difficult to understand the mystery of melting."

   "Well, who's there?"

  Just after finishing the last sentence, King Milan's eyes suddenly brightened, he looked up at the top of his head, and his face suddenly became serious.

  A faint mist appeared in the air, and a voice came:

   "It's me, Hypastor, our king has some important things to deal with, and he is expected to arrive tomorrow, but I have nothing in hand. I came here first when I heard Commander Ankus' call for help..."

  King Milan calmed down a little, and said in a calm voice: "So that's the case, thank you Lord Hypastata for coming to support. Now that the guests are here, let's talk in another place."

  In the hall on the second floor of Frost Fortress, on the empty carpet, three figures suddenly appeared. After the blue, red, and blue lights flashed, King Milan, Commander Ankus, and the master of Hapasta Tower all appeared together.

   "Please sit down, Master Hypastata." King Milan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, and then he and Ancus also found a place to sit down.

   "Thank you."

  Hepaster was wearing a blue mage robe, with a slightly old face, unable to hide his piercing eyes. He leaned on the back of the chair and asked curiously:

   "When I came here just now, I seemed to have heard what you were talking about about Leiter and the Children of the World. Can you tell me in detail, what's going on?"

  Ankus was wearing black light armor, shook his head slightly, and said:

"It's just a conjecture. Everyone is in the Sanctuary. I have some understanding of this world, so I won't repeat it. But after Leiter's rise, he can comprehend three kinds of mysteries before the Sanctuary. In the past few thousand years, , I’m afraid we can’t pick anyone out, right? So...we’re just curious about this, and the Son of the World is just a random name.”

   "Well, then again, Leiter is indeed a bit special." Hypaste said with some emotion as if lost in memory.

   "It seems that you know a lot about Leiter?" King Milan cast his gaze and asked curiously.

"I don't know how much I know, but I'm sure he is not an ordinary person. He seems to have gathered the love of the world, and everything he does is smooth. This has been felt since I first got in touch with him." Hypas Te said quietly.

   "Then... do you think he might be an enemy?"

"Enemy?" Hypastor was stunned for a moment, looked at King Milan, and said in a strange tone: "Why did you say that? Could it be that Leiter has contacted the orcs? I can't see that he has the slightest rebellion." Heart, he is definitely a pure human being!"

"It's nothing, I'll just talk about it." King Milan smiled, changed the subject, and said, "You should know everything about the orcs, and we need to carry out an anti-siege operation against the orcs, so these few days God hopes you don't move around, just stay in the cold current camp."

"That's not a problem, but can I understand, what is your source of information?" Hypaste was very curious about this. After hearing the message of King Milan's request for help from their king, he once thought it was a joke . It wasn't until multiple confirmations that it became clear that this time it was for real.

   "Forgive me for not being able to tell you this, but when the time is right in the future, there will be a day when it will be announced to everyone."

   "Then... well, can I meet that kid Rhett?" Hypastor shrugged and asked.

   "The direction he left just now should be going to the alchemy workshop. You can take a look secretly, but it's best not to show up in person, so as not to expose the trace."

   "Forget it, after the war with the orcs is over, I'll talk to him in person."

   On the other side, Leiter and Locke separated and soon arrived at the alchemy workshop. After being summoned by the guarding knight at the gate, Master Essard arrived late.

He saw Lei Te standing in the wind, as if seeing an old friend, he hurriedly greeted him with a warm smile, and said: "Leite, last time I heard the news that you came to see me, I was very pleasantly surprised, Although I was not there that time, I believe you will come again, and now it seems that I guessed right."

Leiter smiled back and said: "Our relationship is based on trust. Not long after I came to the Hanliu defense line, I heard that you are a master alchemist and you have to perform tasks frequently. This surprised me. Injuried."

"Don't worry about me, my mission has always been relatively hidden, unlike you, I often charge on the front line, and I may encounter more accidents than me." Assad laughed: "But I am more relieved when I hear that you are fine. "

   After finishing speaking, he paused, and asked again: "Is there anything else to do here this time? For example... to apply for some medicines? I have a lot of right to speak here, and I can provide you with more supplies."

   "There is a need for this, some python's kiss and fire potion are enough."

   "Fine, I'll help you prepare."

   Soon, Master Assad returned as soon as he went. He took out thousands of bottles of potions from the space ring that was specially equipped for him in the Cold Current Camp, and placed them in front of Leiter.

  With a thought, Leiter put these medicines into his space ring, and thanked Assad himself.

  Afterwards, he thought for a while and said, "Master Assad, has anyone from other legions approached you to apply for supplies recently?"

  Essad thought for a while, and replied: "People from the Third Legion, Fourth Legion, and Seventh Legion came to me. I happened to be in the alchemy workshop at the time, so I provided it to them."

   "Who did they send to apply for it?" Rhett asked pretending to be nonchalant.

   "Both the commanders of the third and fourth legions came here in person. I really don't know why they are so busy. The seventh legion is just a captain with a formality." Assad muttered.

  Leite nodded, looked left and right a few times, lowered his voice and said to Master Asad:

"I have a piece of news for you. In the next few months, the orcs' offensive will be extremely rapid. My scouts have even discovered that they are targeting some alchemists. You have a special identity, and you are most likely to be attacked. .So, you'd better stay in the alchemy workshop during this time and don't go out."

  Hearing these words, Assad was stunned for a while, and replied in a low voice: "Thank you, I will pay attention to this..."

   "Well, if you have other requests, you can send someone to contact the Sixth Army at any time, and I will respond as soon as possible."

   "Actually... there is really a request."

   "Please tell me if you have any request!" Leiter said seriously.

   "Help me kill more Argonians, especially those with the surname Moody..." When Essard said this, there was an indelible hatred and killing intent in his deep voice.

   No need to guess, Leiter also knew that the Argonian who violated Master Asad's daughter was the surname of Moody. He sighed secretly in his heart, and there was some inexplicable meaning in his eyes. He looked directly at Asad and said:

   "Please leave it to me, I will avenge you. And you...don't go on the field in person because of this incident, I'm worried that you will die because of this, and you won't wait until the day when you can get your revenge."

  Hearing this sentence, Assad shook his shoulders, looked at Leiter with complicated eyes, nodded, turned and walked into the alchemy workshop.

   Watching Assad's back gradually disappear into a fortress, Leiter left alone.

   "Revenge for a friend..."

  In the void, King Milan watched Leiter's back gradually drifting away, and whispered softly. In the end, he didn't choose to follow, but went to another place...


   Two days later.

   Leiter, who returned to the temporary station of the Sixth Army, saw Ledros in the hall in the cave. The other party was frowning in front of the sand table, as if he had encountered some troubles.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he glanced up and saw Lei Te appearing, his eyes lit up, he waved and said, "Leite, you are back. By the way, how is the matter going? What is Locke's answer to you?" ?”

   "Locke said he has other tasks to perform..."

  Rett said this, but he didn't continue.

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  (end of this chapter)