MTL - Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World (Farming And Learning Martial Arts To Bring Peace)-Chapter 463 Bad Dog Ridge

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The strength of the wronged soul is not strong, and the true fire of Samadhi can repel the wronged soul.

But no matter if it is the slashing of the Shibao Divine Sword or the burning of the Samadhi True Fire, the wronged soul will always re-converge, as if it exists immortally and immortally.

When he released a real fire of samadhi that could burn in the water again, and forced a group of grievances back, watching the grievances re-condensed not far away, Chi Qiaosong had a glimpse of realization in his heart.

"These grievances are afraid that they will be one with the river water, and it is meaningless to kill them in the river water!"

He thought of the large and small Yellow River water essence obtained from the Dragon King Well, which can also be condensed into the real dragon form in the water, and then cut off and continue to recover.

But when he was caught in the purple gourd, he was honest.

So he repeated the old trick, and when a ghostly figure rushed over, he directly stimulated the purple gourd with his true energy, trying to include the ghostly figure in it.

"Bring it to you!"

The thought flashed by, the purple and red gourd did not respond, the figure of the wronged soul crashed directly into his arms, and was burned to ashes by the true samadhi fire of the purple and green gourd.

In the distant river water, it re-converged as a human figure.

"No?" Chi Qiaosong frowned, these ghost figures seemed to have life, so the purple gourd could not be collected, so they were still immortal.

If the plan failed, Chiqiaosong tried another plan.

In the blink of an idea, the Master Treasure Divine Sword in his hand has condensed into the Taobao Pagoda, and then the True Qi envoys the Taobao Pagoda suspended in the water, shining a golden light.





Wherever the golden light shines, the shadows of the ghosts one after another flew into the bottom of the Taobao Pagoda as if they were throwing their arms around. All of a sudden, more than 100 silhouettes of wronged souls were brought into the bottom layer, crowded together, incompetent and furious, but unable to escape the shackles of the Taoist Pagoda.

"Haha!" Chi Qiaosong was overjoyed, "It's really brined to order tofu, one thing is down to another!"

This Treasure God Pagoda is simply a nemesis of the ghosts. If you don't kill them, you just grab them and lock them up. This time, the ghosts can no longer escape, or rely on the river to be reborn.

Mind a move.

At the bottom of the Taobao Pagoda, a raging fire broke out and began to burn these ghosts. However, in the flames, these souls only made painful gestures and were not burned to death.


Chi Qiaosong raised his brows, and the ghost figure was locked into the second floor to be struck by lightning. The lightning strike still did not die, and then he was locked into the third floor for freezing. Seeing that it was frozen into ice cubes, he still did not die.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Chi Qiaosong's thoughts turned, and more than 100 ghosts were imprisoned on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor of the Taobao Pagoda is filled with water of ecstasy.

This time, the ghost figure was finally unable to resist, and after a while, it was melted by the water of ecstasy.

Then the Taobao Pagoda was shaken, and Chi Qiaosong only felt a pure infuriating qi returned to him, which was also mixed with a trace of soul power.

It made him feel like he had eaten a big iced watermelon in dog days, and he was so relieved that he almost cried out.

The perfect golden core is replenished with infuriating energy, and the state is restored to the best; the spiritual consciousness is watered by the power of the soul, and the strength in all aspects has been improved, which is comparable to eating a bitter bamboo shoot.

The divine consciousness could not be released in the river, but he felt that the divine consciousness extended to at least one hundred and eighty meters.

"It's really a good baby, especially the power of the soul can be returned, perfect!" Chi Qiaosong praised in his heart, in addition to bitter bamboo shoots, this is the second way to improve the consciousness.

Destroyed the roadblockers.

Chi Qiaosong continued to drive the purple and green gourd, and walked forward in the dark river. After about 500 meters, he saw that the dark river became narrow, and a large obstacle in front blocked the dark river.

He swam over to take advantage of the light of the night pearl, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be gloomy wood: "How come there are so many gloomy trees, and there are still trees growing in the underworld?"


But it didn't prevent him from putting the gloomy wood into the purple gourd one by one. After these materials were taken back, they were absolutely invaluable, comparable to digging a gold mine.

After cleaning up the gloomy wood, the dark river water flowed a little faster.

He went forward to escape, and in an instant he rushed out of the dark river and came to the top of the river. Immediately shocked by the sight in front of him, a scarlet moon hung in the sky, filling the whole world with a dark red shimmer.

barren mountain.

dead tree.

The endless red mist has become the main theme of this world.

Taking a breath of the air mixed with mist, I suddenly felt an icy aura gushing out from the depths of my soul.

The hot air exhaled from Chi Qiaosong's nose instantly condensed into a cold mist, blending into the endless red mist, and the body temperature also dropped a lot with the loss of heat.

"It's so cold, it's cold in the bones!"

Since he was promoted to the master teacher, he has not felt what it feels like to be cold for a long time. Here, he finally feels what it means to be cold again.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a stone tablet that was broken in two at his feet.

The fonts on the stone tablet are spelled together, and it is three big characters in bird and insect seals - Bad Dog Ridge.

"Evil Dog Ridge?" Chi Qiaosong frowned, thinking of Yanjiangkou, "Is this not the underworld, but a dojo called Bad Dog Ridge?"

The dark river flows out from under a towering mountain wall, and then a small river meanders into the depths of the red mist, about the direction of a mountain in front, and disappears.

Chi Qiaosong's consciousness spread out, indeed expanding to one hundred and eighty meters.

However, the red fog seems to weaken his consciousness, making it impossible for his consciousness to see the surrounding environment.

Confirming that there is no danger around, Chi Qiaosong quickly jumped into the river, and quickly escaped from the entrance of the dark river with the help of Ziqing Gourd's water escape magic.

"Brother Chi."


"The ghosts have been eliminated by me, and the dark river flows into a place called Bad Dog Ridge. Come, I'll take you to the water to escape!" Chi Qiaosong grabbed Lingshouzi with one hand and Xiaoqing with the other.

Ziqing Gourd's water escape supernatural power was stimulated, and instantly appeared on the bank of the Bad Dog Ridge.

The whole process is almost surrounded by the Heluoshen water that comes with the gourd, so Xiaoqing has no contact with the water of the dark river at all—the river water does not know where it flows, but it should be a tributary of weak water, and the water in the river also belongs to weak water.

"The environment here...sigh, it's really cold." Ling Shouzi shrank his tortoise shell.

"Let's go, Xiaoqing, let's continue along this river." Chi Qiaosong jumped on Xiaoqing's back and rode Xiaoqing along the river.

Passing by a dead tree.

Chi Qiaosong motioned Xiaoqing to stop, and then he began to study the dead tree: "Lingshouzi, come and see if this tree is different from the tree in the real world."

"It doesn't seem to be different."

"Yes, I think so too." Chi Qiaosong directly poked a branch and stuffed it into the purple gourd, ready to take it back to the real world for research.

Logically speaking, no trees can grow in the underworld. After all, trees are common things, but dead trees can be seen everywhere in Bad Dog Mountain.

But it's hard to say.

After all, the soil under your feet is also ordinary soil.

He brought soil back from the Yanjiangkou Dojo before, and found that it was no different from the soil in the real world. There was nothing special about using the soil of the Yanjiangkou to grow vegetables.


Chi Qiaosong called to stop Xiaoqing again, then jumped down, walked to a place and bent over to pick up a bone: "It's the bone of some kind of small beast, it's very ordinary."

"There will also be small animals alive in the underworld?" Lingshouzi was puzzled.

"Go on, this Evil Dog Ridge is very strange. I don't know if it's the ancient Da Neng Dojo or the underworld." Chi Qiaosong stuffed the bones into the purple gourd.

One person, one Ao and one Jiao set off again.

Yet at this moment.

Xiaoqing stopped abruptly, and less than five meters ahead, a hunched figure stood. Although they couldn't see the figure's appearance clearly, Chi Qiaosong and the others felt that a sharp gaze locked him and the others.

Ling Shouzi asked cautiously, "Brother Chi?"

Chi Qiaosong took a deep breath: "It's a ghost!"


"It's just a ghost. This feeling makes people shudder... I'm sure I can't beat it, Xiaoqing, take two steps forward, and I'll give you the money."

Chi Qiaosong took out three coins.

When I got to the ghost messenger, I finally saw what the ghost messenger looked like, it was an old woman.

The eyes are empty and numb, and a light blue hairpin is inserted on the silver wire that is tied into a bun. It can be brought into the underworld by ghosts. There is no doubt that this hairpin is a magic weapon.

Moreover, in the hand of the old woman, the ghost is also holding a whisk, which is also a magic weapon.

With two magic weapons in one suit, Chi Qiaosong did not dare to attack her for no other reason. His divine sense scanned the past, and he felt a strong sense of danger from the old woman and ghost.

no doubt.

This old woman and was definitely a great master or a great celestial master during her lifetime.


Chi Qiaosong threw a coin in the past, and deliberately threw it a little crooked, but the old lady and ghost caught the coin accurately, but she did not move away and still blocked the front.

Chi Qiaosong threw another one, but the old woman caught it, still blocking it.

"Is an underage Jiao considered a human head?" Chi Qiaosong reluctantly threw out the third coin, but this time the old woman caught it and finally turned around.

It seems that the pace is old and slow, but in the blink of an eye, there is no trace.


Happy Mid-autumn Festival!

Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)