MTL - Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm-Chapter 1092 Too many cases

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Chapter 1092 Too many cases

The prefect ordered again, "Go and bring Li Si for questioning."

At this time, the government servant who had gone to the medical clinic came back and brought the doctor's signed and inscribed testimony.

The prefect had someone read it out. The doctor's testimony said that Zhang had a broken rib on his back and several whiplash wounds on his body.

Hearing the testimony, the prefect didn't know what to do. Gu Liang raped women, forced them to death, and injured others with his horse. These two together were enough to be exiled.

As for the case of Gu Zhong and his wife using loan sharks to force good people to live low, it would be okay if it was just one case, but if there were multiple cases, they would probably be exiled.

He couldn't help but look at Gu Fei, this is the Queen's uncle and cousin, is the sentence really going to be so severe?

Just as I was thinking about it, the complainer came again.

This time it was a rich man.

The rich man walked with a limp. When he came in, he knelt on the ground and announced his name first, "Chen Yuan, a common man."

The prefect waved his hand and said, "If you have any grievances, tell me."

 Chen Yuandao: "A year ago, Gu Liang and I were having flower wine at Chunxiang Tower."

"He saw that the trickster I called was beautiful and insisted on snatching it away."

"The villain was not angry and argued with him. He only said a few words about first come first served, and then he punched the villain in the chest."

"The villain quickly begged for mercy, but he ordered the evil slave to take a stool and break one of the villain's legs, causing the villain to become lame."

“The singers from Chunxiang Tower and the old madam Turtle are both witnesses.”

 “I beg the queen, the prince, and the magistrate to make the decision for the villain.”

The prefect ordered the yamen to pass the notice to the madam and singer at Chunxiang House, and asked Gu Baoer who the evil slave who beat people was.

 Gu Baoer's two young men also knelt down quickly.

After a while, many people came in to sue the Gu government for loan sharking. When they didn't pay the money, they seized their fields, sold good people into slaves, or robbed their property.

Xing'er and her husband stood in the back sweating. He had heard some rumors in the past that the Gu family was lending money outside, but he didn't know that the Gu family had gone so far.

The crime of ruining so many people's homes is not a light one, but I don't know if the Queen will be lenient.

On second thought, if the Queen had been willing to be more generous, she wouldn't have let the prefect put up that notice.

 This needs to be dealt with ruthlessly.

He wished he could take Xing'er home immediately. He didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing at all.

 The government officials brought people over one after another.

There were domestic slaves of the Gu family, ruffians who put usury money outside for the Gu family, and even the people who sold people and dealt with them.

The hall was full of people, each committing crimes and making confessions. The clerk who recorded the confessions was simply too busy.

 A few of the officials standing nearby finally got the idea and helped record and interrogate, and the progress suddenly sped up a lot.

By the time the sun was about to set, the cases involved had been basically sorted out, and the prisoners had all signed their names.

To Gu Fei's relief, it was only the uncle's family who acted recklessly.

The other uncles, aunts, and the village chief's family generally live an honest life and do business in a well-behaved manner.

 There are basically two types of cases.

 One category is the trouble caused by Gu Baoer, either beating people or robbing women.

 One category is related to loan sharking.

 Most of the money used for loan sharking belongs to Gu Fei’s natal family.

Their family still had more than 2,000 acres of land in Jiangnan, so the rent collection was left to Gu Zhong.

Gu Zhong first collected the rent, converted it into silver, and had someone send it to the capital, or he could go to the capital to deliver the money himself.

 (End of this chapter)