MTL - Fast Travel Wanted: Don’t Get Angry with the Blackened System-Chapter 2165 Autistic teenager is too clingy (48)

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  Chapter 2165 Autistic teenagers are too clingy (48)

  Qin He was very dissatisfied with Yao Yue's behavior.

  The two directly scuffled into a ball.

  No one will be outdone.

  An Yang looked at them sarcastically from the side.

  Yao Yue's strength was ultimately inferior to Qin He's, and she quickly fell behind.

   Just at this time, Qin Su hurried over when he heard that something happened here.

   I saw the parents who were fighting at a glance.

  He was stunned for a moment.

  Looking up at An Yang who was sitting quietly on the sofa, he realized something in a daze.

   Xue Guiqing took a step behind, and subconsciously exclaimed when she saw the situation in the office.

  The arrival of the two people affected the two people who were fighting.

  Qin He looked very embarrassed when he saw Xue Guiqing and Qin Su. This kind of thing was bumped into by his own son, and coupled with Xue Guiqing's was extremely embarrassing.

   It was at this moment that he lost his mind.

  Yao Yue has quick eyes and quick hands, and she can go up with a paw.

  Qin He groaned.

   Covering his face with his hands, the smell of blood spread in the air.

   My hands are also sticky.

  His pupils constricted, he glanced at the blood on his hands, and then at Yao Yue with a fierce face.

   Slapped it with a 'slap'!

   beat Yao Yue until her ears were ringing.

   "You//Mom, don't be shameless!"

   It’s better to make a fuss at a time like this, I’m afraid everyone will know about it, and you still have the face to attack him?

  Yao Yue was frightened by his fierce appearance.

   Pale and covering his face, tears streaming down his face.

  Qin Su frowned, took a few steps forward, and pulled Yao Yue up from the ground, "Mom, let's talk about it when we go back."

   On the company side, it might not be easy to deal with such a disturbance.

  Yao Yue staggered.

  From the corner of the eye, I suddenly saw Xue Guiqing walking in front of An Yang.

  She was startled, her body froze fiercely, and she looked at Xue Guiqing's mother and daughter in confusion.

  She has seen a picture of Xue Guiqing. Qin Su told her that this person will be her future daughter-in-law. If she meets one day, she must leave a good impression.

  Can now...

  The so-called future daughter-in-law is standing with Xiao//San who hooked up with her man.

   Not only that, the two are seven points alike.

  Her brain suddenly collapsed, as if something collapsed with a bang.

  Until Xue Guiqing muttered and called An Yang, "Mom."

   That word is like a fuse.

  Yao Yue turned her head to look at Qin Su in disbelief.

   Seeing Qin Su's eyes dodge instead of meeting her eyes, his heart suddenly went cold.

  From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word.

  Even the one who said that Qin He was on a business trip was him.

   Oh, she really raised a good son.

   At this point, what else do you not understand?

She waved Qin Su away, pointed at him, and trembled slightly, "You, you have grown up, your wings have stiffened, and you just watched your father get together with your future mother-in-law. Why don't you help them cover! Qin Su, do you see me as a mother in your eyes?"

   "I was the one who conceived in October and gave birth to you through hard work! I was also the one who raised you up hard and sent you to the Qin family. Is that how you repay me?"

  Tears fell from the bottom of Yao Yue's eyes. If we say, Qin He's betrayal made her feel burning anger.

  At this moment, Qin Su's betrayal made her feel hopeless.

  Deep despair...

  Anyone can betray her, anyone can accuse her.

   Only Qin Su can't!

  In her entire life, all her efforts were for him.

   But in the end, what did he do?

   Is this what he gave her in return?

   No, she would rather believe that he was deceived by Xue Guiqing than accept this fact...

  (end of this chapter)