MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1320 Real BOSS, blood female!

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A skin-bearing boss human-type infection with a discolored and temperature-changing function, squatting in the back of the sand dunes, trying to disguise itself by the color and temperature that are the same as the sand.

However, in the next moment, a sniper bullet smashed the covered sand dunes from the sky and hit it on its head.

After the black light, the dark red blood will stain the sand!

Under the perception of the wind and the spirit, even the stealth force is ineffective, let alone this pure physical disguise.


Not far from the side of this quasi-boss-infected body, one hand saw this from the commanding body-like infected body of the shield and the alloy sword from the battlefield.

Pointing at the tumultuous "black cloud" in the sky, the mouth screamed.

However, in the seemingly sultry voice, it is obvious that there is some fear!

Those low-medical zombies who don't have much thought may be able to fight without fear, but after reaching the command level, the IQ of the sensory unit is partially restored, and after reaching the quasi-boss, its consciousness is no less inferior to ordinary people.

Faced with the same level as himself, even the more powerful infections than themselves are continuously shot by the wind in the "black cloud".

Even under the control of parasites, high-level infections began to show fear, the willingness to fight became extremely low, and even some high-level infected bodies secretly hid their bodies.

This undoubtedly seriously affects the combat effectiveness of the infected army.

Especially their opponents are Zerg units without fear at all!


The leading-level animal-infected body was originally led by more than a dozen elites, and the ordinary-level zombies fought against the two-headed swords.

After seeing the quasi-boss being killed, he suddenly abandoned the blade of the battle in front of him and ran towards the farther away from the dark clouds of the sky.

Without the beastly infected body, it is the commanding level in itself, attacking the powerful two-headed knives, and suddenly killing more than a dozen ordinary infected bodies for cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables!


A group of infected bodies that are fighting a group of worms are covered by the poisonous fog that the "flying snake" swept through in the sky, and instantly feel that the perception is confused.


Then, the "bone spurs" shot by several Hydralisks were shot in a row, although several worms were shot and killed.

However, the remaining worms were not at all sluggish, and after quickly throwing these zombies into a pile of attacks, they were full of holes and rushed to the next battlefield.

There are two scenes in many places on the entire battlefield!


"I rely on these infected bodies and I am afraid of death!"

"It seems that these infected bodies can't stop the leaves of the wind. We think it's sneaked off first, and take out the things in the backpack first, otherwise it will be too bad if they die."

"Can't get out, the people who don't sleep in the city are too sinister. Their tm people are actually encircling us from the outside. Unless everyone retreats together... depends on how the top let us play, obviously it is impossible to get it now. It’s good here.”

On the other side of the battlefield, the psychological pressure of the players of the Longyan Guild is relatively reduced because of the wind and the attention placed on attacking the high-level infected body.

However, they are essentially integrated with the infected body.

I have been unable to withstand the power of new aid in the city that never sleeps. Now, if the infected army fails, they will certainly be left behind.

This has caused many people to have dissatisfaction in their hearts.

For some players in the rebel camp, the reason for participating in this battle is to harvest the spoils.

Now continue to fight, if it fails, it may be ruined, which also affects their willingness to fight.

Especially the underground Zerg base, there are still a lot of new bugs coming out.

And because of the detection of the beetle's shielding, I don't know how many bugs are hidden in the ground. People can't help but suspect that a bunch of worms and even a beast will be drilled at the next moment.

This makes them, the will to fight is even more depressed...

The Seven Kills and the Dragon Breeze want to fight, but they have no way to control their own war.

This has also led to the situation on the battlefield, constantly developing towards the perspective of the Longyan Guild.




The fiery red alloy sword sings like a phoenix!

Covering the black faint flame, flying a few tens of meters away, the armor of a heavy armored player who tried to escape was penetrated.

With the white light of death, half of the sword tip is drawn from the gold badge of the heavy armor warrior's chest and dragon guild!

This is the last master player of the Dragon League in the battlefield.


The "annihilation" bullets shrouded in black solitude, completely ignoring the resistance of the air, flying more than 700 meters over the desert ground.

After the first one on the battlefield swallowed a lot of "food", the breakthrough was made, and the sky was shouted and the newly-infected body-infected body was directly killed.

This is also the entire battlefield, the second last remaining boss-level infection!

As for the last one, it is the blood girl who is still fighting the devil's son.


The battle between a red and a black two-person quasi-boss unit has been going on for several minutes.

A large amount of blood fog and black gas entangled together, covering the area of ​​the battlefield with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

The battlefield is accompanied by the death of thousands of players, and there are countless blood fog and black gas added to this area. The two merge together to form a "blood tide" that appears dark red!


And just in the wind, killing the newly recruited boss infected body for a moment.

In the dark red "blood tide", a boss-level breath suddenly broke out.


After a violent tumbling and undulation, the dark red bloodstream was briefly torn by a powerful shock wave.

Let people see the situation inside.

The blood female's figure is still standing, the mask on the face turns into a layer of **** gauze, and the armor of the body becomes a women's dress with a **** luster.

The devil's son has been shredded into many pieces, scattered all over the place!

Obviously, the outcome of this matchup has been decided.

Because, in the oasis town, the number of deaths of the two camp players, as well as the countless creatures in the lake.

After the stimuli of fighting with the devil's son, the blood female's strength has made a breakthrough, and the top quasi-boss advances to become the real boss level!

And just the semi-finished "Devil's Son", obviously can no longer fight her.

"Wow, boss!"

"I am jealous, this may not be able to win!"

"What is going to happen, I can definitely win, a boss is comparable to ten quasi-boss, the leaves of the wind are strong, and it is impossible to say that the real boss is even stronger!"

This made the quasi-boss and the original masters all killed, so that they have fallen into the panic of the Longsheng Guild players, the spirit of the shock.

Not everyone has eyesight, and it is obvious that the fighting power of the wind is already above the existence of ordinary bosses.

In the eyes of most ordinary players, a real boss is representative of the destruction of the dead, enough for a full map to kill the existence!

Let the players of the Dragon Guards Association rise back to the extreme morale.

"What? Not good!"

However, a few kilometers away, in the battle to see their own "breakthrough" in the battle, advance to the top of the regular food chain of the war.

The seven kills themselves because of the battle, and the face of the cold to the extreme did not appear happy, but it was a look of surprise.

Then, closing his eyes seemed to perceive something, and then staring at the blood girl, his look changed.


On the battlefield, after killing the devil's son.

Has been promoted to become a 60-level boss blood girl, and did not rely on the strength of the promotion, Daxie to kill the Zerg units.

Instead, he turned back and looked at the location of the Seven Kills.

Then, unexpectedly, carrying a huge "blood tide" like a sandstorm, moving directly to the position of the seven kills!