MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1322 Reverse

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These blood mists can even be constructed into armor and weapons!

There is actually no equipment in the blood female body, including nails and clothes are formed by the blood háo.


Seven kills can clearly see that the blood female's nails are broken after being smashed by a quasi-boss body with a pair of sickle-like arms.

It was just a burst of blood mist, and it quickly re-aggregated dark red nails.


"-4039, -4949, -3950..."

Turning hands on the neck of the quasi-boss that screamed and attacked, left a few **** direct wounds!

Seven kills vaguely feel that there is a feeling that this picture seems to have been seen

However, the situation is urgent, he does not have much time to think about it, he must first solve this blood fog.

"You entangle me with her!"

The seven kills screamed the spider-type quasi-boss road underneath.

"Hey, hey..."

Among the blood háo, the remaining four boss-infected bodies, under the influence of the control of solitude, roared and snarled, regardless of their own injuries, rushed to try to grasp the blood female's limbs and even the head, limiting Her actions.


The blood female's speed is naturally faster than the four main defensive quasi-boss.

When the four intentions are clearly perceived, the body turns into a blood shadow and detaches from a gap that has not yet been surrounded.


However, at this time, the seven kills were the black light in the eyes, and they shouted.

A strange wave of volatility from his chest position to the blood girl, sliding into the parasitic flower buds in the blood female body, there is an invisible faint fluctuation, rushing into the head of the "blood girl" in.


The blood female's figure is fierce.

She was promoted to become a boss, and the seven kills could not be completely controlled by her.

But the "parasitic flower buds" in her body still exist.

At close range, whether it is the mother or the stagnation of the seven kills, it is not completely ineffective.

At least, enough to interfere with the action of the blood girl to some extent!


It was because of this moment of interference that the four quasi-boss infected bodies successfully surrounded the blood girl and sealed her all retreat.

"No. 3, poisonous mist spray shè.".


And then, the spider-type quasi-boss infection with the seven-kill order did not have the slightest delay. It directly spit out a large gray toxic fog column that covered the two-meter diameter, which would include blood female and four quasi-blood. All the infected bodies of the boss are covered!


Being forced by four quasi-boss to invade the body regardless of his life, even if it is a blood woman, there is no way to avoid it.

Although, the anger shot killed a seriously injured quasi-boss infected body, but he was also hit by the gray fog.


And because the coverage is a bit large, even some of the quasi-boss have a part of the body contaminated with gray, and those parts that are grayed out are immediately grayed out at a visible rate, and the skin shrinks.


Even the dark red blood mist, mixed with the gray poisonous mist, was quickly dyed with a layer of gray.

Subsequently, it was originally like a life-like "blood háo", and it fell to the ground in a large piece. In the blink of an eye, the blood was emptied a large chunk, and the vision of the seven kills was no longer restricted.

"Sure enough!"

Seven kills a face.

The quasi-boss spider under him, the combat power may not be the top of the boss-level infection, but it has the ability to respond to the powerful recovery characteristics of the infected body.

The venom it sprays has strong cell passivation and neurological interference ability, even if the blood female is a boss, it is impossible to say that it is immune.

After the surface of the skin turns gray, it is obvious that the blood female can no longer return to the blood quickly through the blood mist, and the movement becomes dull.


Instead, several quasi-boss infections have been affected.

However, because they are themselves large defensive infections, plus additional equipment on their bodies, it is not too much affected.

At this point, I have been roaring again and again, attacking the blood girl crazy!

Even the seven kills are not idle, directly took out a large-caliber legendary pistol, and at the moment the time of the blood female shè out a few bullets!

"Boom, bang, bang..."

"-5239, -3940, -4050..."


"-1000, -1203, -1092..."

The situation of the battle could not be reversed. In the case of limited resilience, faced with five quasi-boss plus seven killings, the blood female's hp could not help but fall rapidly.

In particular, the contingency of the seven killings and the infection of the infected female insects made it impossible for her to exert full combat power.



The **** woman's right hand is like electricity. She holds an alloy sword in one hand and the upper body shows the sternum of the human-type quasi-boss infection body.


Then the hand that was recovered, the one is still struggling to incite the "parasitic flower bud", and was smashed by the gray fingers.

The fourth quasi-boss, died in the hands of blood women.



However, the **** female's own other arm was also torn off by the claws of another huge tyrant-type quasi-boss.

The blood female hp has fallen to three-fifths.


The spider's quasi-boss infection immediately seized the opportunity and spit out a gray poison column to her.

Even if the blood woman breaks her arm, she can't replenish it with a fresh wound and absorb the blood around her.

However, under this circumstance, the blood girl finally stopped insisting on not using the weapon, and reached out to catch the legendary sword that had just been killed by the quasi-boss infected body on the ground, and then backhanded a sword toward I walked over behind me.


One of the remaining two defensive type of boss infections, the head directly with a purple-black blood column rises into the sky.


However, the blood girl once again had a meal because of the double impact of the seven kills.

Although the quasi-boss infection body lost his head, the body was still under the control of the flower buds, and the arm of the blood woman holding the sword was broken.



More importantly, the blood female's two legs are also at the same time, and the only remaining pair of arms are like a sickle-like defensive type of boss infection.


The two legs fell on the sand that was already full of blood.

The blood fog around him could not help her recover because she was corroded by gray venom.

Although the blood female's hp is about half left, this battle is obviously in a desperate situation for her.


The attack on the boss infected body has not stopped.

The spider-type quasi-boss infection body, once again with the mouthparts of the poisonous E, spit out a large group of things.

However, this time it was not the kind of graying venom, but a white spider web with a diameter of about five meters, directly covering the whole body of the blood female.

This 65-level quasi-boss infected body spider, in addition to its own speed and venom, there is a bigger killer, this is a kind of "venom spider".

This spider web is not only tough, but also allows any unit that is arrested to quickly get paralyzed!

"Cut off her hand!"

And accompanied by the last order of seven kills.

The quasi-boss infection of the remaining sickle-shaped arm is a complete fall of the arm that the blood girl has broken.

This time, the blood girl obviously has completely lost her fighting power.

"The blood female's combat power is so strong... Is it a pity to kill it?"

Seeing that there is no blood fog support, plus their own interference, "blood girl" actually forced the killing of three quasi-boss.

The face of the seven kills, can not help but change for a while.

"Blood Girl" performed so well that he really had some thoughts of "satisfying".

After all, this is just a breakthrough, both in terms of skill and level, and even when equipment is used.

If you really conquer, it will definitely be stronger than a dozen ordinary quasi-boss infections.

"No, no..."

However, as a person born with an old star, the Seven Kills clearly understand the truth of "following the tiger."

A woman will definitely avenge her hatred. He feels that the blood girl must not kill him.

Even if it is a temporary surrender, there is a possibility of rebellion afterwards.

For your own boss level pets...

"Kill her!"

Seven killing the blood female, his eyes are firm and resolute, and the last remaining one of the melee defensive type of boss infected body to give orders.

However, after the seven-killing speech, it was the movement of the quasi-boss infection of the sickle arm.


Seven kills raised some doubts and suddenly found that the head of the quasi-boss infected body that he could not directly watch because of the height, has disappeared with the position of the neck.

And this kind of injury, no doubt, he is already very familiar with it!