MTL - Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess-Chapter 35 City master

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"Ah, I can't say that," Dalena said, holding her legs and looking at the two sleeping, replied, "Bonnie is always facing Katis, she always spoils her, but important things are not important. It will be chaotic, like this crisis, if it is not for me..." Her words stopped, and she bit her lower lip and measured her face. Suddenly she could not speak.

Zi Ling blinked and stared at her for a while, and she was not asking, just patted her hand, then leaned against the stone, not talking.

The jungle screams, and the dragon poems rest in the eyes and listen to the surrounding environment. There is a personal atmosphere in the west 30 meters, a hot energy has been wrapped around him, needless to say, it is the fire magician Brands, he is alert everywhere.

In addition, there are four people beside her, except for Eger and Chris, the other two are two alchemy men who have been slightly injured. They breathe evenly and apparently have fallen asleep. In the southeast, Ziling Ling and Dalina are always together. The other two people with weak breathing are injured Katis and Bonnie, but this feeling seems to be better.

Even without the eyes, Long Shizhen can still feel the existence of the surrounding, this is the terrible place of spiritual power.

Although her mental strength is only a preliminary model for her, she can only feel it, but she is now a seven-level swordsman, and she can’t be anxious. Then, just slowly improve her own. Spiritual power is fine.

Little by little, the strength will be refined day by day.

Xi Wu is not easy!

The flustered footsteps approached, and Long Shi's eyes closed without moving. It was Eiger and Brands who blinked and watched the flustered people come slowly.

"When everyone wakes up, many adventurers in the southwest are experiencing extreme speed, and they can't tell whether they are enemies or friends, and they are on guard." Brands said with a dignified look.

A few people are also awake, putting their weapons on the side that is most easily hooked around, and pretending that nothing has happened. However, the eyes are screaming from time to time.

However, Long Shiyi is still asleep.

A few people want to wake her up, but they lie in their mouths. After a few seconds, they are brave enough to call, but they still have no openings. Long Shiyu opens his lips and whispers: "Don't worry, it's not a bad person."

A few people are all face to face.

"The head is an eight-level fire magic wizard and an eight-level water magician, and there are twelve seven-level swordsman guards. This breath, if I have not guessed wrong, is Wen Ruo teacher and Hung Hom teacher. "Longshi" answered slowly and unhurriedly.

Sure enough, her words had just fallen, and a dozen people slammed into their territory. The two sides looked at each other for a while before they pulled in and seemed to talk. Long Shiyi also opened his eyes, greeted him, and gave a slightly ritual, knowingly asked: "Wen Ruo teacher, Hung Hom teacher, where are you going?"

"Hey!" A blue woman looked at her in amazement. "How are you here? Here is..." She suddenly turned her eyes to the injured two and looked at the alchemy badge on their shoulders.

Long Shi replied with a sigh: "The mission has been completed. If you happen to meet them, take a break and then you will come."

The woman in the blue sighed with a sigh of relief and raised her hand to signal the Long Poetry not to talk for a while. She took two steps and looked at the injured two people. "You are the alchemy team. Others, are there two of you?"

A boy who hurt his arm choked and replied: "We...we have a few others left, and the others are already..." His eyes were red and intermittent, and he couldn't speak.

Ziling Ling and Dalina also greeted them very quickly, and Da Lina replied: "Teacher, we have been abandoned by the captain, and almost can't live."

"Right right!" The blue woman just turned her eyes to Darena, and she could not move back. She was puzzled and listened to the reports of the male students.

"Teacher, team, Cologne is so hateful, regardless of the danger of us wounded, alone led the team members with combat effectiveness to escape, if not Dalina they fight to protect us, if not the head of the group arrived in time, we... ...we may be really dead." The boys burst into tears, not only suffered a terrible World of Warcraft, not just the excitement of the rest of the robbery, not just the pain of the death of their teammates, the captain suddenly lost them. Next, this has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

"Right right, Wen Ruo teacher, you must be the master of us, and the captain who abandoned the team members to escape independently must be a person who is greedy and fearful of death, selfish, and who is qualified to be the leader of our alchemy team. It must be severely punished." Another injured player is full of resentment. If the captain is really here, then maybe he will really go to work hard.

"Wait!" A woman in a long red dress suddenly stood up and interrupted their conversation. "What are you talking about, how are they different from those said?"

After a while, the two boys said, "What...what is different?" Dalena also stood up and asked: "Teacher, what did he say?"

"Red children don't worry, look at it first." The blue woman pulled the red woman's jade hand, frowned and frowned, and turned her gaze to Long Shizhen, and asked: "Hey, you know what happened?" ”

Long Shi squinted and stared at a pair of innocent big eyes, replied uneasily: "How can the teacher not tell the facts that Colum has fabricated, let us have a good contrast."

The red skirt woman's brow was locked, and she was about to go forward, but she was pulled by the blue woman, and then she said something close to her ear. After a while, she would not be willing to stay aside.

Long Poetry glanced at them, but quickly regained his gaze and did nothing when he did anything.

"Teacher, you can't deliberately favor one side because the Colan guy is a rare genius in the college. We are abandoned by them. They are used as bait. The truth and facts are in front of us. We stayed a dozen. The team members, there are five people left, Katis and Bonnie are still unconscious until now." Long Poetry does not speak, then the other people are not so calm, a boy dressed in ragged clothes said with resentment.

"You wait, is there any misunderstanding!" The blue woman replied, "Cohen was seriously injured when he met us. There were not many others around him. He was very anxious when he met us. , let us go to hurry to save you, how can you abandon your captain’s captain with what you said?"

"Where can that person be the captain of the alchemy group?"

A few people are a glimpse of each other, not to look at each other, and soon turned their attention to Darena. One of the long-haired boys asked: "Dalina, is it that we made a mistake, the captains just led the Warcraft, let us have a group of wounded people to survive."

Everyone's eyes are cast on her.

Under the gaze of everyone, Darena bit her lip and couldn't speak. This trend is like she wants to cause internal contradictions.

The blue woman Wen Ruo said softly: "Cole's horror is certified by our own eyes. His school is also very good. We don't think he will be the kind of person who left the team and left alone. Maybe he is afraid of your fears, so I didn't discuss it with you. Don't worry too much, wait for the team to gather, and slowly discuss this kind of thing, then the truth will be revealed. If you misunderstand others and hurt others' reputation, That is a very sinful thing."

Everyone is silent.

What Dalianna wants to say, but she is also speechless, the real □ □ she certainly understands, but Coron escaped in a heavy state, and then cried to tell the matter, this is really true and false, are ignorant.

"I don't think Coron is white all over." The dragon poem, who has been silent for a moment, suddenly spoke. When she said this, she could **** everyone's eyes on her body, full of inquiry. Waiting for her next topic.

"How do you say this?" The blue woman was a little surprised.

"A group of six-level swordsmen or magicians, even if they want to lead the enemy, they have to leave several powerful swordsmen to protect the wounded. Otherwise, this method is completely impossible. This decision, as long as the stupid captain is not Will use, unless..." Long Poetry suddenly stopped.

"Unless what?" The blue woman frowned.

Long Shiyi looked up and looked at the blue woman Wen Ruo. She said: "Unless he is deliberate, otherwise, there is a problem with IQ." She paused and said: "The teacher should not be preconceived. Losing your original judgment, the people you cherish are not as beautiful as you think."

She said, turned and left, leaving only a group of people completely out of order. Zi Linglong also hesitated for a while, then caught up with her in the system.

After the meeting, Darena stood up and saw her biting her lip and clenching her fist. She said, "Mr. Wen Ruo, Teacher Hong Hong, can you follow me for a while, I will slowly take things through and You said."

Zi Lingling chased behind Long Shizhen, seeing her sitting on a tall branch and sleeping with her eyes closed. This is the customary habit of the Long Poetry. Apart from reading and practicing, it is like this.

Said to be sleeping, in fact, more strictly speaking, it should be a daze, or use her ability to peek at others, in short, she is a big deal, purple Linglong has been fully understood.

I saw her on the top of the system, and leaped to her side, sitting down on the other side of the trunk and learning to lean against the tree.

In this way, the two separated from each other by the big tree.

Ziling Ling took down the system on her head and placed it in her hand. "My sister left, I don't plan to help Dalina them?"

"Linger wants her sister to help them?"

"Is it difficult for my sister to really help them?" Zi Ling asked, "I can remember what my sister once said. We are actually good people. The real bad guys are those who do not do evil. My sister is even more self-sufficient than those who are self-sufficient." It’s a lot better, it shouldn’t be left alone.”

"Sister is the little angel in my heart!"

Long Poetry: "..."