MTL - Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess-Chapter 5 Talent burst table dragon proud day

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The world of Long Aotian does not need too much explanation at all, and the Long Poetry is also known. Let's not say that Long Aotian borrowed a poem to become a child prodigy. What makes her really incomprehensible is that Long Aotian, who has no possession of the original memory, can understand their mainland language.

Long Shizhen’s heart was completely silent. Because the system was not reliable, the information sent to her only had some general plots, which made the plot information in her mind also a big omission. No way, she can only re-hold the physical book and read it carefully. Afterwards, she studied many details in the book.

Now that four months have passed, she has a deep understanding of the story in this book, so it is very strange that Long Aotian understands their language.

This aura... is it a little scary? Do you know that he does not have any memory of the original owner, or does he have an instinct?

In this way, Long Shizhen can only explain this by himself.

The event of Long Aotian's water loss spread quickly, and the poetry incident was also madly distributed. Long Shizhen could not stop it. A little different from the original, the original "North" has been replaced by "Oriental."

After a full sleep, Long Shiyu gets up early and is ready for today's magical property test. As soon as she left the door, a small singer sang. "There are beautiful people in the East, and they are peerless and loyal. Look at the city and care for them..."

"What are you singing?" Long Shizhen walked to his side, saying it was not flat, like a very absent look, so that Xiao Yan could not help but feel a little hairy.

Is it an illusion?

Xiao Yan wiped the sweat, and quickly set the mind, so cute Miss Xiao, how can there be such a feeling of fear.

"Hey, I have seen Miss Xiao," Xiao Xiao quickly set the god, and he took a haha. "This is the poem that Master Aotian is doing to Miss Two. Now the whole capital is spread all over. How nice it is, it is the best for Miss II." Only the second lady is worthy of such a beautiful verse."

"Poetry, ugly." Long Shiyi said faintly, the sound is still not flat, and is completely different from the softness of the family. This north changed to the East, it sounds weird, and it is not sung.

"Yes, it is ugly, ugly, and hard to hear." Xiaoyan’s forehead braved the cold sweat and could only be well-adhered. Speaking of this young lady, it seems to be very soft and cute. But when it comes to talk, it makes people feel scared. What she said is obviously very simple, and the voice is very moving. There are no swearing, but inexplicable. But no one dares to let go.

This feeling is only in front of the owner.

"When I was in the future, I was not allowed to sing." When Long Shiyi’s voice fell, he turned and walked through the corridor and walked toward the family lobby.

"Yes, yes, I know, small, this will be passed down." Xiao Yan sweated his forehead, although he did not know why this little lady would issue such a strange ban, but he can only perform because he knows that now The dragon's family, the most favored is the little lady, and he definitely can't be slow.

After the Long Poetry disappeared, he was relieved and his body seemed to collapse.

In the morning, the Dragon Family Hall was filled with family members readings. In fact, it is said that it is a family member, but only the number of ten fingers. The dragon family's bloodline is too dying. It needs the contribution of this generation of Dragon Aotian.

In the quiet hall, Long Tiantian holds a crystal, eyes closed, and seems to be waiting for something. Long Shi’s grandfather was sitting in the corner silently, and there was no movement. Longbatian’s husband and wife led themselves to sit aside.

After the meeting, the dragon breaks the silence, "Poetry, come over."

The living room is very quiet, there is no sound, the air seems to solidify, and this sound sounds like a silent dark world, the glass is loud and broken, and it is particularly shocking.

Long Poetry has understood that this is a form of this world test talent that is not allowed to speak.

Dragon Broken put the crystal on a forked scepter. The dragon poetry took a small step and walked over, and no one needed to say that he would put a small hand on it.

Suddenly, a breeze suddenly blew up and blew her face. The black and beautiful hair was not naturally floating, and the colorless crystal ball began to dye blue.

The dragon family can not help but secretly nod. The last talent test for a 10-year-old child is to plan the route the child will walk in the future. If nothing else happens, the future talent attributes will not change.

Suddenly, the breeze disappeared.

The whole space was quiet, and a strange atmosphere suddenly spread around the dragon family. Then, the lights suddenly disappeared, and the dragon's body slowly emerged with a strange dark atmosphere, and the blue crystals also appeared. It turned into a dark black.

At this point, the faces of several elders of the Dragon family have changed.

Long Zhentian’s scepter knocked a few times, and the space suddenly lit up. I saw him screaming: "The attribute of 妍妍 is the wind attribute, breaking the sky and continuing the test of the next account."

The dragon broke the frown and looked at his grandfather. He also took it back, then picked up a bead and said kindly to the dragon poetry: "Come on, take this." A small bead.

Long Shi's face was dull and his face looked innocent. He ran to his front and extended a pair of small hands to take over the beads. Suddenly, a sharp pain hit in his mind, but only one would disappear.

Long Broken then let her raise a long sword, and Long Shiyi lifted it up easily and waved it a few times before putting it down.

After a while, Long Tiantian began to declare: "Yu's magical talent is high, belonging to the wind attribute magic, super spirit, and vindictive talent."

Several elders of the Dragon family smiled and greeted the dragon poetry and touched it. Long Shiyi certainly understands that several elders of the Dragon family are worried about themselves, because their body also has a talent that everyone calls for, the dark magic attribute.

It is exactly the same as the original, and it is also practiced recently.

"Next, proud of heaven." As the sound of the dragon breaks down, the atmosphere of the whole space solidifies again, even more than the dark attributes of the dragon poetry.

Long Aotian listened to the sound and ran to the crystal. Hesitated for a while, and put his hand on it. Suddenly, the wind swelled, the earth shook, the tsunami fluctuated, the sky flickered, the volcano erupted, and the sky flashed thunder. Then, the scene changes, the scenes of the shock are no longer, and the crystal in the middle emits a rainbow of light.

The dragon's scepter was broken, the dragon's teacup was broken, the dragon's teeth were trembled, the whole dragon's family was crazy, and the dragon poetry was ruined.

Do you want to be so real?

The dragon poem is silent.

Next continue to test the talent.

In the end, the result of Long Aotian's talent is that the colorful elemental physique that is rare in a million years, super super-spiritual power, and vindictive talent is also super super, in short, how to have a read against the sky;

The whole dragon family was completely crazy. I didn't expect the talent test of the last year. His son of scrap material was separated from the property of waste materials and became a genius.

In the hall, everyone’s face is filled with ecstasy expressions, all filled with joy, and even worse, tears are not coming out from them. Only the dragon poetry, because of his young age, his face is stretched and looks like It’s a little girl who is old.

The appearance of a small adult.

Long Zhentian's old face was red, and he couldn't help but recruit Long Aotian. He touched it and touched it carefully.

"Good boy!" Long Zhentian sighed, suddenly his face was positive, Shen Sheng: "Aotian talent is not allowed to pass out for the time being, we can secretly guide."

"My father said that the family is still in the midst of the storm. If the talent of Aotian is proclaimed, I don't know what will happen." Sapphire grabbed her husband's hand and her face was faintly worried.

"We can use the role of a bard to conceal the talent of Aotian, and then my father and I secretly teach Aotian. I believe that after a few years, Aotian adults will have the ability to protect themselves. At that time, even Shangguan Home, I also want to shake our dragon family to a trace." Longba said coldly.

"Under the blessing of the Dragon God, it is impossible for our Dragon family to fall."

"The tyrants say it is extremely." Long Zhentian nodded with praise.

"I am also fortunate that we have not publicly tested the talent, otherwise it is not so easy to do it!" Sapphire looked like a heart, holding a dragon poem, let Dragon Poetry almost can not breathe.

"I am afraid that the children do not know how to cover up." Long Yuqing suddenly opened his mouth, the beautiful face of the city with a faint sorrow, watching Long Shiyi and Long Pingtian, eyes can not conceal the fear.

"Aunt, I understand, I am 13 years old, and I have been assassinated more than 20 times. Of course I understand the importance of this kind of thing. Even if I die, I will never say the talent of my proud younger brother." The big brother Long Pingtian said with a heavy face.

"This is the son of our dragon family." Long Tiantian went to the front of his eldest son and patted his shoulder. "The smallest generation of our dragon family, you are the biggest, Aotian and poetry are still small." I should protect my younger siblings. Our dragon family is very small, so even if you are dead, you can't do anything to hurt your brother and sister. Do you know?"

"Ping sky understands." Long Pingtian's face is rising red, obviously remembering what his father said, tutoring can be described as strict.

When Long Pingtian solved it, Sapphire cast his gaze on Long Shizhen’s body and asked with a look of concern: “Hey, the talent of Aotian’s brother should be kept secret, do you know?”

"Grandma, what is the talent of Aotian brother?" Long Shi's tight face smiled, and a pair of pure and innocent eyes looked at her. "Is it a poet's talent?"

Sapphire is completely a glimpse.

"Ha ha ha..." Long Zhentian heard her say so, can not help but laugh, is not his descendants, each is smart and superb. However, he made a mistake. In the trio, Long Aotian is not, and only the dragon poems worn by the womb are counted.

Sapphire slightly stunned, comprehended the meaning of the old man, and smiled with her husband, and Long Yuqing and others could not help but raise a smile.

"Then Aotian will retreat with me. Except for the necessity, it will not appear. It is said that it is a closed-end study of verses." Long Zhentian continued.

"But the poetry conference, Aotian must participate." Long Ba Tian suddenly opened.

"Well, it's good." Long Zhentian touched his long beard. "Since the identity is concealed, it has to be bathed." Then, suddenly turned to Long Shi, and asked: "Hey, you. Don't you like the poems made by Aotian? How do you suddenly let people not sing?"