MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 25 Give you small pants

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This lake is not small, the water is turbulent, with the group of white geese, full of farmhouse style, and beautiful. This is an attraction in the farmhouse, but nowadays tourists are afraid that they will not like this broken landscape at all.

"Put them to the shore!"

Although the delay is very strong, it is really too difficult for him to complete the lake. This lake is quite a lot. If he shoots, it is estimated that those big white geese are only being smashed by electricity, and there is no way to cause such a great lethality.

This is like saying that the ant is very good at the person who is holding a basin of water. It is ridiculous to hurry up the volcano. The strength of strength has always been relatively speaking.

Everyone heard the words and worked together to push the white geese to the shore. For a time, fireballs, bows and arrows, metal nails and other attacks have flown out, which is dazzling.

Although these geese are social groups, they do not have the kind of team awareness. In the face of danger, they are busy avoiding themselves and will not manage their own friends.

Yan Yan stared at the big white geese. When he saw a ship coming ashore, he immediately thundered and threw the goose. He slowly adjusted the strength of his abilities. In the end, he did not turn the big white goose into coke, but became euthanasia.

Because some big white geese are busy escaping, some are directly killed, and the number of large white geese that control the water is decreasing. Zhong Rushui has regained control.

Ten minutes later, a fierce battle finally ended.

Ji Anran panted: "I finally got it."

There are dozens of these geese. At the same time of attack, the water column is like a net of flies. Everyone is hiding very hard. Fortunately, the situation is slowly reversed, or else it will be exhausted.

Compared with those big flying chickens that are only thick and thick, the attack power of these geese is not at all a grade.

Gao Xun sat down on the ground, and his face couldn't be loved: "Is there a normal poultry in this farmhouse?"

He just wanted to come out and find something to eat.


After a little rest, the group went on.

Not long after, a small building with a rustic atmosphere appeared in front of everyone, this is the homestay that everyone is looking for.

When there are tens of meters from the B&B, the zombies in the vicinity of the B&B smell the human breath and immediately rushed over.

The crowd shot together, and after half an hour, the ten zombies were all killed.

"Well, it’s a homestay, how is the zombie so little?" Gao Xun did not understand.

Ji Anran thought a little: "It may be because the end of the world is a working day. Many people who go to the farm to play are city people. They work at workdays, and there are fewer tourists here."

"It is also possible that someone killed a zombie in this area. These things are hard to say." Wei Yanhua echoed.

There are traces of fighting in the vicinity, and there are some rotten zombies. However, there was no one here. Who knows that these are the specialists who visited the farmhouse, or did the people who awakened the abilities escape from the farmhouse?

I opened the map and looked at it: "We divided into two groups and looked around the hotel to see if there was any danger."

"Well, I am with Enron. The cooperation between the two of us is high and tacit. It is typical of 11>2." Wei Yanhua stood by Ji Anran and smiled.

The smile on Yan Yan’s face was stiff, and he almost couldn’t resist tearing Wei Yanhua.

What is even more annoying is that Ji Anran and Wei Yanhua are not separated. After all, if there is no Wei Yanhua, Enron has no way to recover the arrow, and the attack power will be greatly reduced.

"Well. I am with Wei Yanhua and Enron, and the other people are in pairs. When there is a danger that cannot be solved, I will signal for help. If there is no problem, we will return to the collection after half an hour."

After the delay, he walked over and pulled up the hand of Ji Anran.

"Let's go here."

Ji Anran laughed and didn't speak.

My brother is a hard-nosed man. Before he clearly tried to pull in the relationship between two people, his brother didn’t take much. It’s good now...

Ji Anran secretly thought, is it because there is no sense of crisis?

"Hey, let's let go. It's dangerous at any time. I'm afraid that I will be slow when I get there. Let's let go of it. I can also bow and shoot arrows."

The delay that was hit hard: "...well, you are right."

Ji Anran smiled and smiled. When he walked, he was closer to Wei Yanhua.

Looking at the side, I was really uncomfortable.

Is it necessary to stick so close?

Enron’s distance from him is much wider than Enron’s distance from Wei Yanhua. At first glance, it seems that Enron is more intimate with the surname Wei, and it is obvious that he only knows for a few days.

"Enron, don't be so close to him, or you will accidentally step on his foot later." Yan Yan said sincerely.

It’s good to step on the flat, huh, huh!

Wei Yanhua smiled and didn't smile: "I am happy. I am thick and thick, and I can hold it."

"Hey brother, I am not so careless." Ji Anran is helpless. "I am partnering with Yanhua. We have to fight back and back together when we are two, and it is convenient to stand close."

Now he is not in the waste team before his brother, he has to make sure that he will not drag his legs. He does not want to bring trouble to his brother because of his own personal feelings.

I hate to gnash my teeth, but I can't refute it. He still had a calm expression on his face, but he had already cut Wei Yanhua many times in his heart.

There was not much danger in the vicinity of the B&B. Everyone cleared up the scattered zombies and some mutant animals and returned to the B&B.

"No problems were found. We should be safe to stay at the hotel tonight."

"Well. Let's go to the hotel to see it now, and after clearing the obstacles inside, we can start cooking and rest." Yan Yan looked back and saw Ji Anran, his eyes were full of smiles.

"There is a bathroom, although the water supply has been broken. But we have water, we can bathe inside. Today everyone worked hard all day, so sweating, and taking a bath is also comfortable."

The eyes that stretched out the hook were almost unavoidable, and Ji Anran’s heartbeat was also disordered.

Ji Anran was shy and his face was red. His butterfly-like eyelashes licked and his eyes were erratic.

Although Wei Yanhua feels that the atmosphere is a bit uncomfortable, but because she does not understand what Ji Anran is shy, she did not speak.

Ji Anran opened the door of a room and the dust on the ground floated.

Everyone cleaned up the dust together, and Gao Xun went to cook.

Ji Enran walked into the clean bathroom and stood beside him.

I took out a large tank of water from the space and placed a plastic scoop on the water.

"Enron, you take a shower, I am guarding outside. If you have any problems, you can call me." Yan Yan said, taking out a set of clothes from the space and stuffed it into Ji'an's arms.

Ji Enran checked it. The little face was red and shy, and the voice was as low as a mosquito. "You forgot to bring me underwear."


I took out a pair of underwear and stuffed it into Ji’an’s arms. “You still like boxer briefs as you used to, and it’s comfortable and pretty.”

Ji Anran’s little blush was dripping blood, and he gently pushed it forward: “I want to take a shower, go out.”

After the play, Ji Anran’s hand raised his hand and licked the face of Enron’s face: “The face is hot.”

"Go out." Ji Anran's voice is weak, and he is ashamed to die. "You must be deliberate!"

Before the Ming Dynasty, his brother gave him clothes, all of which were directly put in his arms. The underwear was placed inside the clothes, and it could not be seen without opening it.

"Your clothes are all arranged by me and set aside for a while. The touch has already been touched. Let's take a shower. You have always loved cleanliness. It is estimated that it is particularly uncomfortable now."

Yan Yan raised his hand and licked the head of Enron, and walked out with a chuckle.

Ji Anran blushes like a word, holding his clothes for a long time and no action.

How can you say that you can be so confident, even if it is the truth... Someone’s face is hotter.


Ji Anran walked out in clean and tidy clothes and saw everyone cooking in the kitchen.

The kitchen of the farmhouse is the kind of earthen stove, and the pot is very heavy.

Yu Yan is adding firewood there, waiting for the food to be cooked.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ji Anran looked curious.

According to the team discipline, everyone spends most of their time eating fast food, and occasionally everyone has time to cook. I am tired today, I will continue to be busy tomorrow. Why do you want to have a big meal?

"I didn't mean to give you a goose to eat? I am doing it now." Yan Yan laughed.

Yan Yan's family is not very good, proficient in all kinds of farm work, cooking is not bad. When I was with the season, I didn’t give Ji Anran a variety of food.

Ji Anran shamefully stunned. He moved a small stool and sat next to Yan.

"Hey, can this geese be cooked?"

Wei Yanhua walked in and asked in confusion: "These mutated geese are not sure if they can eat. You are doing it now... Is there really no problem?"

"This is the normal goose that I took out of the space. There will be no problem." Yan Yan looked at Wei Yanhua provocatively.

You can't cook, how can you fight with me?

Wei Yanhua smiled and looked natural again: "Then we have a good mouth today."

Delay: "..."

Why is there an illusion of eating for a love enemy?

The craftsmanship of Yan Yan is good, everyone is full and ready to go to sleep.

There are four bedrooms in this large room, which is where the owner of the hotel lives. A master bedroom, two children room and one room.

Zhong Rushui is a girl, one sleeps, and the other sleeps two. Everyone took turns out of the living room on the duty table.

Wei Yanhua has stopped to the present, and finally has begun to add some people to block.

"I am a partner with Enron. If there is any danger, we will get together as soon as possible. I am sleeping in a bedroom with Enron."

The face was dark, and the smiling mask was completely cracked.

Gao Xun’s eyes widened and he blurted out: “What do you say? You want to sleep with your brother’s boyfriend?!”